The problem of gender inequality in labor market in the framework of modern economic theory

Sidikova, F. (2022). The problem of gender inequality in labor market in the framework of modern economic theory. Наука 21 века: общество и цифровизация, 1(01), 64–68. извлечено от
F Sidikova, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Tashkent Branch

Dean of Digital Economics and Finance Faculty 



The purpose of this article is an investigation of approaches on the part of modern science to the study of the problem of gender inequality at labor market. Modern theory of economy studies gender disparity in the frames of the theories of discrimination and human capital. The level of gender inequality in practical aspect is annually explored by the experts from UNDP and World Economy Forum. However, this issue remains as scantily researched, as only about 40 years have passed since the time of its having been moved. Methods and methodological machinery are still at a primary stage of formation. Therefore, in theoretical plane in order to solve the problem of gender disparity it is necessary to terminate a formation of methodical and methodological apparatus, and in practices we should ensure a formation of social and economic institutes which would promote reduction of feminine discrimination at labor market

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International Conference

Science of the 21st century: society and digitalization

Conference Proceedings. Scope Academic House, January 30, 2021, Sheffield, UK.




Sidikova F.



Sidikova Feruza, Dean of Digital Economics and Finance Faculty Plekhanov Russian

University of Economics, Tashkent Branch (Uzbekistan)

The purpose of this article is an investigation of approaches on the part of modern
science to the study of the problem of gender inequality at labor market. Modern theory
of economy studies gender disparity in the frames of the theories of discrimination and
human capital. The level of gender inequality in practical aspect is annually explored by
the experts from UNDP and World Economy Forum. However, this issue remains as
scantily researched, as only about 40 years have passed since the time of its having been
moved. Methods and methodological machinery are still at a primary stage of formation.
Therefore, in theoretical plane in order to solve the problem of gender disparity it is
necessary to terminate a formation of methodical and methodological apparatus, and in
practices we should ensure a formation of social and economic institutes which would
promote reduction of feminine discrimination at labor market.

Key words: labor market, discrimination, gender disparity, wages, human capital,
gender gap, employment

The problem of employment in modern science is acquiring new forms every

year. In fact, the problem of employment as one of the main problems of economy and
state economic policy was formulated in the middle of the 20th century, but turned out
to be so multidimensional that at this stage it can reflect all its elements in one research
is not possible.

It should be noted that labor market itself is one of the main elements of modern

economic system and determines the conditions for implementation of the most
important stage of reproduction process - supply and demand for labor. In economic
dictionaries labor market is defined as a set of social relations associated with
recruitment and supply of labor resources [1; 2]. Thus, the problems arising in labor
market, have a significant impact on economic system and society and are the subject of
research by many scientists.

Unfortunately, most scientists devote research to the main problem of

unemployment, which is the most socially significant problem of modern labor market
and society. However, a number of problems, among which, for example, one can single
out such as elimination of a number of specialties under the influence of rapid technical
and technological development, remains outside the scope of attention researchers.

In this regard, we consider it necessary as the subject of this research consider

the problem of gender inequality in labor market, namely: to systematize the existing
theoretical approaches to studying this problem. It is necessary to emphasize that, from
theoretical point of view, the issues of gender inequality are practically not considered
in economic literature. Most scientists aim studies to analyze the situation in any
particular labor market, that is, a large some of the research is purely practical.

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Science of the 21st century: society and digitalization

Conference Proceedings. Scope Academic House, January 30, 2021, Sheffield, UK.


In addition, a number of studies on gender inequality in labor market is relatively

small, since the term itself in economic science arose relatively recently - in 1980 - and
was used to substantiate feminist concept of Jane Scott [3, p. 178].

At the same time, the issue of gender inequality in the world is quite acute today.

Researchers note 56% of losses in social and economic life of women due to their
inequality with men [3, p. 179].

Gender inequality is a multifaceted issue and is closely related with a number of

other problems. Thus, discrimination based on gender is often accompanied by
discrimination based on nationality, age, class, etc. In addition, research requires
separating issues of gender inequality, biological causes and gender inequality resulting
from social opposition of gender.

Gender inequality in labor market is a social phenomenon, and it is due to not

biological differences between women and men, but above all those that economic,
political and social resources are distributed among them unevenly [4].

In economic literature, the following definition of gender inequality is proposed:

gender inequality is one of characteristics of social structure, according to which
differentiated social groups (women and men) have stable differences that have arisen
due to unequal opportunities in society [3, p. 178]. Based on this definition, we propose
gender inequality in labor market to understand such features of social structure,
according to which differentiated social groups (women and men) due to persistent
differences arising from unequal opportunities in society have unequal opportunities
for employment and career growth.

Modern economic theory does not study the problem of gender inequality apart.

It is reflected in two of a number of existing at this moment theories: human capital
theory and discrimination theory. Gender inequality in labor market is accepted to study
inequality in the context of differentiation of influence factors of labor supply and
demand for labor [5, p.43].

Discrimination theory, as a part of its study of factors affecting demand, notes

unequal opportunities for men and women in hiring and promotion, and also the desire of
majority of employers to hire just men. A theory of human capital considers this issue, in
our opinion, deeper, highlighting the reasons why supply of labor by women is limited to
certain areas, and great demands are made on quality and level of their education.

We believe that such division of the problem into two parts objectively hinders

further development of this theory. Our position is that reasons restrictions on supply of
labor by women is a consequence of discriminated demand for their labor. Thus, studying
gender of inequality in labor market should assume that it is a defining the problem of
formation of demand for labor, while supply turns out to be derivative and should be
considered as a consequence of influence of factors that determine the demand.

In this case, several main factors should be distinguished that affect demand for labor

and determining the degree and characteristics of manifestation of gender inequality. First,
manifestation of inequality directly depends on traditions and customs of separate regions.
For example, if in Uzbekistan a woman is traditionally considered as a housewife and a
teacher of children, then the possibilities for her admission to positions, those requiring
more impact and mobility are very limited.

Secondly, the level of demographic, social economic and technological development

of the country. Related to this are aspects such as opportunity for a woman to pay less

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Science of the 21st century: society and digitalization

Conference Proceedings. Scope Academic House, January 30, 2021, Sheffield, UK.


attention to housework and childcare due to advances in technology and development of
social benefits, excess or deficiency jobs, which is associated with characteristics of
demographic situation in the region. In modern conditions, mechanization of production is
also of great importance, since how, due to biological differences, women previously did
not have the opportunity to work for production that requires great physical effort. In
modern society, giving robotization of production, a woman, along with a man, has the
opportunity to serve the operator for maintenance of equipment, and truly closed to
women are there are only a few separate professions that involve mining in difficult and
unhealthy conditions (for example, working in mines).

And, finally, thirdly, an important factor in spread of gender inequality in labor

market is behavior of individual managers who do not want to attract women to certain
positions most often due to the fact that a woman spends a lot of time giving birth and
raising children.

Some researchers note a decrease in the value of biological, then there is an objective

component in determining the position of women in labor market. Thus, T. Petersen, V.
Snartland and E. Milgrom note that in the developed countries of the world the gap in labor
productivity of men and women in blue-collar occupations is insignificant - 3% in Norway,
2% - in the USA, 1% - in Sweden [5, p. 244]. It follows that women today physically able to
work on equal basis with men, as it was noted above.

As the Russian researcher A.M. Panov noted, urgency of the problem of gender

inequality in labor market “is due to the fact that inequality in so

cial and labor relations,

and above all in the sphere of wages, is basis of economic and social inequality, since wages

are one of the main income components of population” [6, p. 236].

Taking into account social and economic significance of this issue, the United Nations

Organization created the UN-Women in 2010, the goal of which is empowering women.

Today, the position of women workers in the world has significantly improved, as

evidenced by the fact that indicator of the level of women's participation in labor market
demonstrates that, on average, women make up about 40% of all employed people in the
world [5, p. 42].

However, in the Republic of Uzbekistan, there is still a significant imbalance. This is

despite the fact that officially in Uzbekistan an active gender policy, within the framework
of which real measures are taken to support women workers and to attract women to labor

However, in the works of domestic researchers, a contradiction is noted between

gender policy proclaimed by the state and real processes in social and economic relations

between men and women. In particular, the following problem is highlighted: “The growing

poverty of families, a sharp reduction in the network of children's institutions, an increase
in prices for household services, and sometimes their complete absence in rural areas, led
to an increase in the workload of women with household work to serve family and

upbringing of children, alienation from paid work and social life ”[7, p. 3].

In our opinion, this situation on the labor market in Uzbekistan can be explained by

two factors:

- labor surplus, which leads to ousting workers from labor market, which for one

reason or another do not suit employers. In this context women who have to spend a lot of
time giving birth and raising children, are less attractive to employers and cannot fully
compete with men;

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Science of the 21st century: society and digitalization

Conference Proceedings. Scope Academic House, January 30, 2021, Sheffield, UK.


- traditional patriarchal way of life in the country, that is, a set of customs and

traditions, according to which a woman should first of all devote yourself to your family. As
a result, many women, especially young women, are involved in households and do not
offer their own labor force in labor market.

Returning to the issue of gender inequality in labor market, we consider it necessary

to dwell on one of aspects of this problem, namely, on inequality in wages. In our opinion,
this phenomenon should become the object of the closest attention of scientists and
statesmen, as it causes the greatest emotional resonance and becomes the cause of conflict

According to the results of recent studies, the world average in performing women

get at least 2% less work for the same job than men [8].

In addition, the wage gap for women is decreasing extremely slowly - by 2% per the

last 25 years. According to calculations of specialists, at such rate of decreasing the gap
equalization of remuneration for men and women will occur only after 187 years [5, p. 42].

This situation leads, among other things, to decrease in women's motivation, which,

in as a result, it further increases gender inequality, as the situation can change only active
position of women, and refusal to fight for their capabilities leads to deterioration of their
social and economic situation.

In conclusion, we think it necessary to consider one more methodological issue on

assessment of the level of gender inequality in the countries of the world.

Currently, two world organizations - UNDP and the World economic forum assess

the level of gender inequality. For these purposes, UNDP uses Gender inequality, which is
based on estimate for three parameters:

- protection of reproductive health; civil rights and opportunities for women;

opportunities for women in labor market [3, p. 179].

The World Economic Forum uses the Gender Gap Index for the same purpose that

takes into account: economic participation and career opportunities; education; health and
survival; political rights and opportunities [9].

The foregoing indicates the need to change the assessment methodology of gender

inequality. In particular, in our opinion, for purposeful implementation of studies on the
problem of gender inequality in labor market, and, most importantly, to develop effective
recommendations, it is necessary to introduce the following changes in approach of

1. To systematize theories of gender inequality within the framework of the theory

of discrimination, taking into account the fact that not only causes of this phenomenon, but
also its consequences, since the latter tend to affect the first, leading to their transformation.

2. To develop a unified methodical and methodological apparatus that allows

adequately identify forms of discrimination based on gender and study them.

3. To develop a system for assessing gender inequality based on quantifiable and

correlated social and economic indicators.

Solving the problem of gender inequality in general, and in labor market in

particular, at our opinion is impossible without taking the following measures:

1. Creation of social and economic institutions focused on elimination of gender

stereotypes that allow raising a new generation of the world's population without prejudice
against women and their position in family and society.

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International Conference

Science of the 21st century: society and digitalization

Conference Proceedings. Scope Academic House, January 30, 2021, Sheffield, UK.


2. Providing support for the parent who is forced to refuse high-paying work and

career growth due to birth and upbringing children, which can be carried out through the
state budget through social payments due to introduction of additional social charges from
persons not engaged in caring for children.

3. Introduction of quotas for recruitment of men and women in all spheres of

economy, as far as possible, taking into account specifics of production.

4. Conducting stricter control over internal gender policy at the enterprises and

organizations and the introduction of sanctions in cases of discrimination.


1. The Notion of «Labor Market» and its Basic Elements. URL: (Date of
request: 06. 12. 2018)

2. Labor Market and its Features. URL:

osobennosti (Date of request: 06. 12. 2018)

3. Keyzik A. S. Gender Disparity at Contemporary Stage of Society Development

// Symbol of Science. 2015, N7.

pp. 178-179

4. Vaykok E. G. Gender Aspect of Labor Culture // Bulletin of Adygheyan State

University. Series 1: Regional Knowledge: Philosophy, History, Sociology, Jurisprudence,
Politology, Culturology.

2008, N8.

pp. 290-295

5. Yermakova M. G. Discrimination of Women at Labour Market // Russian


2010, N10 (1).

pp. 42


6. Panov A. M. Gender Analysis of Russian Labour Market // Economics and Social

Changes: Facts, Tendencies, Prognostication.

2014, N3 (33).

pp. 235-247

7. Kositova U. O. Feminine Unemployment and its Social-Economic Aftermath.

Synopsis of candidate dissertation in economics: 08. 00. 05 // Kositova Umeda


28 pp.

8. Investigation: Divergence in Wages Payed to Men and Women Enhanced for the

first Time since 2006 and it won’t Disappear until 217 Years Pass.



zhenshchin-uvelichilas-vpervye-s-2006-godai-ne-ischeznet-eshche-217-let (Date of
request: 14. 11. 2018)

9.Index of Gender Gap according to the Version of World Economy Forum. URL: (Date of request: 14. 11.

Библиографические ссылки

The Notion of «Labor Market» and its Basic Elements. URL: (Date of request: 06.12. 2018)

Labor Market and its Features. URL: (Date of request: 06.12. 2018)

Keyzik A. S. Gender Disparity at Contemporary Stage of Society Development // Symbol of Science. 2015, N7. - pp. 178-179

Vaykok E. G. Gender Aspect of Labor Culture // Bulletin of Adygheyan State University. Series 1: Regional Knowledge: Philosophy, History, Sociologyjurisprudence, Politology, Culturology. - 2008, N8. - pp. 290-295

Yermakova M. G. Discrimination of Women at Labour Market // Russian Entrepreneurship. - 2010, N10 (1). - pp. 42 - 46

Panov A. M. Gender Analysis of Russian Labour Market // Economics and Social Changes: Facts, Tendencies, Prognostication. - 2014, N3 (33). -pp. 235-247

Kositova U. 0. Feminine Unemployment and its Social-Economic Aftermath. Synopsis of candidate dissertation in economics: 08. 00. 05 // Kositova Umeda Odilboyevna. - 2006. - 28 pp.

Investigation: Divergence in Wages Payed to Men and Women Enhanced for the

first Time since 2006 and it won’t Disappear until 217 Years Pass. URL: ca-v-oplate-truda-muzhchin-i-

zhenshchin-uvelichilas-vpervye-s-2006-godai-ne-ischeznet-eshche-217-let (Date of request: 14.11. 2018)

1ndex of Gender Gap according to the Version of World Economy Forum. URL: (Date of request: 14. 11. 2018)

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