Activity Of Enteral Lactase And Lactobacilli In Maternal And Hereditary Toxic Anemia

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G.T., K. ., & L.S., K. . (2021). Activity Of Enteral Lactase And Lactobacilli In Maternal And Hereditary Toxic Anemia. The American Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(06), 51–57.


In this paper, the activity of lactobacilli in the small intestine and lactobacilli in the colon, which are involved in the digestion of milk sugar during lactotrophy using phenylhydrazine hydrochloride, studied the effects of toxic anemia on mother and child.

Erythrocyte counts, hemoglobin levels, lactase enzyme activity in the small intestine, and lactobacilli activity in the colon were determined in 12- and 24-day-old rats born to mother anemic rats with toxic anemia under the influence of phenylhydrazine hydrochloride, and in growing rats after mother and offspring toxic anemia.

Experiments in white rats have shown that in rats growing in experimental toxic anemia of mother and offspring, there is an increase in lactase activity in the small intestine and a decrease in lactobacilli activity depending on the degree of intoxication in the colon.

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