The article examines the experience of Uzbekistan in preventing corruption in the private sector. It is determined that the negative factors of the spread of corruption among companies leads to a decrease in the competitiveness of the national economy, the quality of public administration, undermines the foundations of free competition, creates threats to the political stability and security of the country.
With the spread of corruption, the business climate and the quality of corporate governance deteriorate, the reputation of companies is undermined, and their investment attractiveness decreases.
In the markets of goods, works, services, negative selection is taking place, monopoly and protectionism are increasing. It was revealed that corruption in the private sector devalues democratic values, contributes to the spread of legal nihilism, permissiveness, money-grubbing, impunity, etc., causing significant harm to the interests of both society and the state, and the rights of citizens.
The thesis is substantiated that the most effective means of preventing corruption in the private sector is the introduction of anti-corruption compliance systems and the corresponding methods of their certification into its subjects. Based on the methods of a comparative study, measures have been identified to introduce anti-corruption compliance in business structures, as well as business entities with state participation.
It is determined that international universal, regional and special standards (UN, OECD, GRECO, ISO, etc.) have a significant impact on the development of national legislation and practice of law enforcement in this area. The thesis about the need to improve the legal foundations of the anti-corruption compliance system, the need to introduce institutions of responsibility of legal entities in Uzbekistan, prevent illegal lobbying activities, etc.
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