Dialogic rhetoric of english and uzbek

Самигова, Х., Гуо, Т., & Зхао, Ю. (2022). Dialogic rhetoric of english and uzbek. Переводоведение: проблемы, решения и перспективы, (1), 304–307. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/translation_studies/article/view/6101
Хушнуда Самигова, Uzbekistan State World Languages University

Assistant professor of the English LanguageTranslation Theory Department

Тианю Гуо, Uzbekistan State World Languages University

A researcher

Юе Зхао, Uzbekistan State World Languages University, Manager of ООО Stecol Corporation

 A researcher



The comparative study of rhetorical aspects of speech culture in the English and Uzbek languages is critical for improving and developing learners' knowledge, abilities, and experience with linguistic methods pertaining to both languages. It is quite difficult to comprehend and justify professionals, particularly leaders and heads who are unable to communicate their thoughts freely and lack fluency, eloquence, and correctness in speaking in their home tongue. This concept emphasizes the significance of knowing the secrets of speech culture and the art of public speaking in today’s world.

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Samigova Khushnuda Batirovna

Assistant professor of the English LanguageTranslation Theory Department,


Guo Tianyu

(China, Beijing)

A researcher of Uzbekistan State World Languages University

Zhao Yue

(China, Heilongjiang Province, Mudanjiang City) A researcher of Uzbekistan State

World Languages University Manager of ООО Stecol Corporation

The comparative study of rhetorical aspects of speech culture in the English

and Uzbek languages is critical for improving and developing learners' knowledge,
abilities, and experience with linguistic methods pertaining to both languages. It is
quite difficult to comprehend and justify professionals, particularly leaders and heads
who are unable to communicate their thoughts freely and lack fluency, eloquence,
and correctness in speaking in their home tongue. This concept emphasizes the
significance of knowing the secrets of speech culture and the art of public speaking
in today’s world.

There are two interpretations of the term rhetoric. Rhetoric is primarily a topic

that studies the foundations of public speaking. It is also characterized as a feature
that, in theory, discloses any type of expressive and outstanding speech.

This paragraph conceptually analyzes various approaches to the term gender

by local and international researchers. Gend

er, in our opinion, is a reflection of men’s

and women’s world views, culture, and ettequete in their speech and language. The
linguistic strategies that have a big part in diminishing the efficiency of women’s
speaking are examined in this paragraph in both English and Uzbek.

In both languages women achieve a speech efficiency by pleasing, asking

politely (

Please, Geordie,

just for me, Geordie / Ҳамида бону ёшли кўзларини

Ҳумоюнга тикди. Йиғлаб илтижо қилди: “Бу қандай кўргулик?”).

They use

repetition, exclamatory sentences in their speech (

will you enter… will you be there…

Geordiе… please, Geordie


мусулмонлар! Бу қандай кўргулик?

Мен боламни

хавф-хатарга қандай ташлаб кетгаймен, мусулмонлар!; Will you be there,


Наҳотки Ҳиндистонни бутунлай тарк этсак? Please, Geordie!


Илтимос, асалим



Expressiveness is gradually increased in their speech



must win. You must beat that Weber. I shall wish it with all my heart! I want you to
win, Geordie /.

..менинг дилимда қанча орзулар бор эди... Зора ўғлимиз ҳам шу

мамлакатга чин фарзандлик хизматини қилса. Наҳотки бу орзулар бари пуч

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Women of the both nations try to express their speech politely and softly, this

way expressiveness in their speech is increased. In persuading they use terms of
endearment, praising words (




– азизам,

you are very

beautiful tonight

cиз бугун жуда ҳам гўзалсиз каби). While using terms of

endearment English women in major cases use noun phrases, Uzbek women use
verbal phrases additional to noun phrases (such as

my love, sweet, honey / жоним,

айланай, ўргилай


They often use paralinguistic means such as crying, pleasing


“Have a merсy

on me

”, she said cring


Ҳамида бону ёшли кўзларини Ҳумоюнга тикди. Йиғлаб

илтижо қилди…


They also achieve a speech efficiency by giving advice (

You must be very

gentle, David. Now you must try to bring each other happiness. Marrige is full of
difficulties, David /

Болам, укаларингга доим ибрат бўлгин, сен каттасан,

уларни доимо тўғри йўлга бошлагин, жон болам. Мен энди кексайиб қолдим...)


This linguistic phenomenon is mostly used

in Uzbek women’s speech. They make

very long sentences while giving advice and express their speech in whole texts.
They remind the patterns taken from narrated stories and the religious book Hadis
(such as

Ҳадисда шундай дейилган..., Қуръонда бундай деб ёзилган...


Meanwhile the English women make shorter sentences, they just speak to the point.

In dialogic rhetoric praying for the sake of a listener is mostly used by Uzbek

women (such as

Худо хайрларингизни берсин,

умринг узоқ бўлгур, барака топ


This linguistic phenomenon is mostly used in older women’s speech. English women
rarely use these kind of phrases (such as

God bless you


English women try to make an impact on men by being angry and irritable.

They can use

Black English

and foul language (

Hell with it. The hell with them


Meanwhile Uzbek women mostly use cursing in their speech (

Қирон келсин илоё,

ўша немисларга! Тур ўрнингдан-е. Э, башаранг қурсин


Moreover the Uzbek women make their speech more efficient by using phrases

such as

“одамлар, қўшнилар нима дейди?”

(What do other people, neighbours say

about it?). This linguistic phenomenon is not used by English women, in these cases
they can use the phrase

shame on you.

The men of both nations possess speech efficiency by bequesting and

promising (

that is my last will


бу менинг сенга қилган васиятим, ёдингда


I promise… / ваъда бераман...

). They avoid of being sly, try to speak

honestly, give real facts in their speech, they remind about financial support to a
listener. This way they have an impact on their listeners (

I will pay for it…, I will

support you financially…, I will loan the money


you needn’t worry about taking it, I

will help you / Мен турибман буёғига..., мен тўлайман..., шу ишни қилсанг минг

сўм бераман


In the relations between men and women the English men become too

romantic; they can produce effect on women by singing a song or reading a poem

“Oh my love is like a red red rose, That is newly sprung in June: O my love is like

the melody, That is sweetly played in tune!

). English men use a very wide range of

their lexics while making women believe in their love (such as

you are my love,

darling, I love you

). Though there are so many endearing words in Uzbek, Uzbek

men are a little bit timid in making their lover believe in the love.

They don’t speak

openly about their love.

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When speaking to ladies, English males frequently utilize pleasant language.

In this case, Uzbek males tend to appear a little haughty, and they avoid using
language units with pleasant meanings.

In persuading English men, they frequently remind their listeners to behave like

an English gentleman (It is not the way of a gentletman; you should never offer your
dirty money to a Highland gentleman), whereas Uzbek men persuade and reassure
a listener by reminding them of Uzbek characteristics such as confidence, courage,
and speaking only once (

Эркак киши битта гапиради, йигитлик сўзим…,


эркаксан, эркакка ўхшаб гапир


Uzbek men carefully regard the thoughts and interests of their neighbors and

remind them of their importance in their speech (

Одамлар, эшитганлар нима


). English guys do not employ this linguistic phenomena.

Religious terms and phrases, offering well wishes, praying for the benefit of a

listener, and advising are used in both languages (

God bless you…, be healthy…/

умрингдан барака топ..., Аллоҳим ўз паноҳида асрасин..., доимо иноқ
бўлинглар, бир-бирингизни қўллаб-қувватланглар...)

However, this linguistic

anomaly is mostly heard in Uzbek men's speech.

Different lifestyle, religion, culture, and other aspects associated with these two

nations indicate the existence of national gender differences in dialogic rhetoric.

Based on the research findings, we have reached the following conclusions:
The art of speaking originated in the West with the speeches of sophists

(teachers), while it began in the East with the speeches of preachers (those who read
a king’s verdict to the audience). Rhetoric has historical phases and is seen to alter

There are different and common sides in the speech of men and women in

English and Uzbek. The influence of western and eastern culture on the formation of
these languages is also apparent in dialogic rhetoric.

The most frequently used topics in dialogic rhetoric are praying for the sake of

a listener, bequeathing, advising, swearing, promising, pleasing, reminding about
financial support and names of dishes, endorsing, reminding the laws, rules, and

’s opinion, making people feel sorry, telling lies, caressing, respecting,

praising, and speaking on religious topics. The frequency of use of the linguistic
methods referring to these themes in the research languages varies.

Living conditions, geographic location, history, religious beliefs, culture,

customs and traditions, national values, national character, national food, educational
and upbringing basic principles, internal rules and laws of the area they live in, and
other factors are regarded as the primary reasons for the existence of national
peculiarities of dialogic rhetoric in both languages. It also relies on how these two
countries perceive the term of culture. This phenomena confirms the existence of a
link between language and culture.



Каримов И.А. Баркамол авлод – Ўзбекистон тараққиётининг пойдевори.

Баркамол авлод орзуси. – Т.: Шарқ, 1997. – Б. 15.

2. Walker D. Geordie.

– UK: Nelson, 1992. – Р. 63.


Ахманова О.С. Словарь лингвистических терминов. – М.: Советская

энциклопедия, 1969. – С. 389.

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Габуниа З., Башиева С. Риторика как часть традиционной культуры. –

Нальчик, ЭЛЬФА, 1993. – С. 3-77.


Ўзбек тилининг изоҳли луғати. 5 жилдли. – Т.: «Ўзбекистон миллий

энциклопедияси» Давлат илмий нашриёти, 2008. Ж. 5. – Б. 185; Шомақсудов А.,
Расулов И., Қўнғуров Р. Рустамов Ҳ. Ўзбек тили стилистикаси. – T.: Ўқитувчи,

– Б. 239.

6. Stevenson R.L. Kidnapped.

– England: Longman, 1993. – P. 84.


Аббос Саид. Беш кунлик дунё. – Т.: Шарқ, 1996. – Б. 26.

8. Rowling J.K. Harry Potter.

– New York: Scholastic inc., 2005. – P. 24.


Ибодинов А. «Латофат» дўконидаги қатл. – Т.: Шарқ, 2001. – Б. 106.

Библиографические ссылки

Каримов И.А. Баркамол авлод-Узбекистан тарацциётининг пойдевори. Баркамол авлод орзуси. -Т.: Шарк;, 1997. - Б. 15.

Walker D. Geordie. - UK: Nelson, 1992. - P. 63.

Ахманова О.С. Словарь лингвистических терминов. - М.: Советская энциклопедия, 1969. - С. 389.

I абуниа 3., Ьашиева С. Риторика как часть традиционном культуры. -Нальчик, ЭЛЬФА, 1993. - С. 3-77.

Узбек тилининг изошли лугати. 5 жилдли. - Т.: «Узбекистан миллим энциклопедияси» Давлат илмий нашриёти, 2008. Ж. 5. - Б. 185; Шомацсудов А., Расулов И., Кунгуров Р. Рустамов X,. Узбек тили стилистикаси. - Т.: Уцитувчи, 1983.-Б. 239.

Stevenson R.L. Kidnapped. - England: Longman, 1993. - P. 84.

Аббос Саид. Беш кунлик дунё. - Т.: Шарк, 1996. - Б. 26.

Rowling J.K. Harry Potter. - New York: Scholastic inc., 2005. - P. 24.

Ибодинов А. «Латофат» дуконидаги катл. -T.: Шарц, 2001. - Б. 106.

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