Bilingual memory: lexical processing in simultaneous translation

Муродова, Г. (2022). Bilingual memory: lexical processing in simultaneous translation. Переводоведение: проблемы, решения и перспективы, (1), 213–214. извлечено от
Гуласал Муродова, Uzbekistan State World Languages University

1 st  year Master student, Simultaneous Interpretation



Bilingual memory is to the extreme processing requires of professional simultaneous interpreters. Bilingualisms completed word production, lexical retrieval, and verbal fluency tasks. Interpreters exhibited rose fluency in their both languages, and they were faster to translate words in two directions. But, no significant differences appeared in picture naming or word reading. This suggests that lexical meaning in interpreters are confined to their specifically trained abilities (vocabulary search, reformulation), with no permanent changes in other word-processing mechanisms. Significantly, these differences seem to affect specifically linguistic effects, as two samples were matched for relevant executive abilities. Additionly, only word translation performance correlated with the years of interpreting experience. For that reason, despite their tight cooperation, dissimilar subcomponents within bilingual memory seem characterized by self-supporting, usage-driven flexibility.

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Murodova Gulasal Jumanazar qizi



year Master student, Simultaneous Interpretation, Uzbekistan State World

Languages University

About the work of a translator:

Bilingual memory is to the extreme

processing requires of professional simultaneous interpreters. Bilingualisms
completed word production, lexical retrieval, and verbal fluency tasks. Interpreters
exhibited rose fluency in their both languages, and they were faster to translate words
in two directions. But, no significant differences appeared in picture naming or word
reading. This suggests that lexical meaning in interpreters are confined to their
specifically trained abilities (vocabulary search, reformulation), with no permanent
changes in other word-processing mechanisms. Significantly, these differences
seem to affect specifically linguistic effects, as two samples were matched for
relevant executive abilities. Additionly, only word translation performance correlated
with the years of interpreting experience. For that reason, despite their tight
cooperation, dissimilar subcomponents within bilingual memory seem characterized
by self-supporting, usage-driven flexibility.

Cognitive and Neurocognitive Effects from the Unique Bilingual

Experiences of Interpreters

Translation and interpreting are two special subtypes of bilingual

communication. While translation is changed through written language

– from one

language into another

– interpreting include the immediate verbal communication

from one language to another. Not only do these two differ in what they fulfill, but
each of them also has its own subfields. Literary, technical, scientific, financial, legal,
and medical translation, for example, all have unique, domain-specific differences
with specialized vocabulary linked to each other. In other words, the necessity for
professional translators goes above and beyond simply being highly constituent in
both languages. The same can be said for interpreting: simultaneous, consecutive,
and sight interpreting is provided in different settings (medical, judicial, business,
etc.), and these three modes also require specific knowledge and training because
they each demand different skill sets.

Simultaneous interpreting may be considered to be an extreme case of

bilingual processing, one in which translators concurrently engages in the analysis of
the source language input and the expression of the same meaning in the target
language. Because interpreters often use almost all of their cognitive resources while
interpreting, they have to process language in an efficient manner in order to facilitate
the production of the interpreted speech. To this end, they can use lexical prediction,
through which sentences are analyzed incrementally and potential word matches are
predicted and pre-activated on the basis of the semantic context of the sentence.
This process may result in their producing translation equivalents of the predicted
words in the target language faster. It seems probable that the more often the
interpreter uses this mechanism, the more efficient their interpreting becomes as a

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result of their reorganizing cross-linguistic connections in the bilingual memory. This
presumption was tested in the present study, which focused on the effects of
interpreter training and experience on anticipation. Professional interpreters (with
approximately 10 years of experience) and interpreting trainees were asked to
translate words presented either in isolation or in a semantic context constraint.

Specifically, the objective was to observe the ways in which training and

experience modulate an

translator’s ability to use context to anticipate words by

looking at word-translation latencies and response accuracy. In addition, language
symmetry and the lack of native-language comprehension pros were expected in the
group of professional interpreters. This was in fact the case because, according to
their self-reports, they had been exposed to a similar amount of interpreting practice
in each translation direction. Whenever such terms as

‘interpreting‘ or ‘interpreter’

are mentioned in this article, they refer to oral translation; whenever such terms as
‘translation’ or ‘translator’ are mentioned, they refer to written translation. The only
exception is

‘word translation’, which is used to name the experimental task, which,

in line with the psycholinguistic research tradition, is understood to be the oral
production of a translation equivalent of a given word.

In general, there is no doubt that owing to their specific use of languages,

translators and trainees are interesting populations to learn and they may shed more
light on the way in which lexical processing may be reorganized according to specific
bilingual experience.


1. Alimova K.T.

“The Role of Guide-Translator In The Development Of Tourism

Industry” Electronic International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848 p-ISSN:
2348-795X Volume 07 Issue 10 October 2021.

2., 564-571.
3. Adamowicz, A. (1989 The role of anticipation in discourse: Text processing

in simultaneous interpreting).

Polish Psychological Bulletin

20 (2), 153


4. Chang, C-C. (2005 Directionality in Chinese/English simultaneous

interpreting: Impact on performance and strategy use. PhD dissertation, University of
Texas at Austin.).


Библиографические ссылки

Alimova K.T. “The Role of Guide-Translator In The Development Of Tourism Industry” Electronic International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848 p-ISSN: 2348-795X Volume 07 Issue 10 October 2021., 564-571.

Adamowicz, A. (1989 The role of anticipation in discourse: Text processing in simultaneous interpreting). Polish Psychological Bulletin20 (2), 153-160.

Chang, C-C. (2005 Directionality in Chinese/English simultaneous interpreting: Impact on performance and strategy use. PhD dissertation, University of Texas at Austin.).

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