Legal translation issues in teaching process

Сирожиддинова, Ш. (2022). Legal translation issues in teaching process. Анализ актуальных проблем, инноваций, традиций, решений и художественной литературы в преподавании иностранных языков, 1(01), 335–337. извлечено от
Ш Сирожиддинова, Самаркандский государственный институт иностранных языков

старший преподаватель



This article is devoted to the features of the translation of legal terminology from English into Uzbek. The need for professional translation today manifests itself in all spheres of life. Including these legal services are necessary in professional activities. A high-quality written translation on legal topics will be useful, for example, both for the owner of a judicial organizations who has concluded a lucrative contract  abroad and for an ordinary foreman who wants to read a competent translation of instructions for legal

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senior teacher, SamSFL


This article is devoted to the features of the translation of legal terminology from English

into Uzbek. The need for professional translation today manifests itself in all spheres of life. Including these
legal services are necessary in professional activities. A high-quality written translation on legal topics will
be useful, for example, both for the owner of a judicial organizations who has concluded a lucrative contract
abroad and for an ordinary foreman who wants to read a competent translation of instructions for legal

Key words:

Law, international law, legal terms, lexical units, translation, terminology, legalization,

contract, documents, dictionary, proficiency, comparison.

Legal interpreting

- legal translation, translation in the field of law. Legal translation is a special type

of translation activity. Skilled performance of this type of translation requires substantial knowledge of the
skills of the translator [1;7]:


Knowledge of source language and translation language;


knowledge of two legal systems;


knowledge of the relevant branches of law;


Special knowledge of the industries in which litigation is conducted (e.g. steel production if the

claim is related to the steel industry).


Training in the art of translation and acquiring individual skills, and combining them is not a quick


The uniqueness of the nature of legal discourse is noted in the fundamental work of D. Crystal [2].
With the scientific language, the legal language is related to the desire for coherence and precision,

and with religious language - respect for the ritual and historical tradition. Of particular importance in the
language of law is common and private - legal propisations should be both universal application (general
applicability) and apply to specific circumstances. They should be both stable and applicable to changing

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new circumstances and situations. There are significant requirements for legal requirements to express
respect for rights and duties, to the law. No other social language has such a responsibility.

D. Crystal points to the existence of several subspecies of legal language, reflecting their respective

roles. The language of legal documents - contracts, deals, insurance policies, wills - is known. The language
of the works on jurisprudence with a complex indexing apparatus and page-by-page footnotes is known. The
language of individual cases consisting of oral and written decisions made by judges is indicative. A special
kind is the conversational discourse of the court - with ritual cliches of judges, hundred- ron of defense and
prosecution (counsel), witnesses, with limitations of what is a testimony. In the legal discourse in court, we
note such a unique characteristic as the presence of invectiveness, insult to the court, which may be followed
by sanctions (linguistic contempt of court). A fundamental distinction can be made by the language of
legislation (texts establishing the law) and the language of law enforcement (interpreting and applying these
texts). A set of constitutional statutes (acts) and other legislative instruments play a serious role. In these
cases, the words are directly the law. The distinction between the Romanogerman (continental) and the
Anglo-Saxon system of law must be taken into account with the characteristic phenomenon of precedent for
the latter.

Court interpreting

- judicial translation - is a type of legal translation when working as an interpreter

in court. Unlike translations at conferences, translation in court is not carried out in a special booth. In front
of an interpreter is a special client who is not as experienced a rhetorical as, for example, a speaker at a
conference, and he may be overwhelmed by fear and uncertainty, which makes his speech even less
coherent. However, the need to be understood during the course of the case is a powerful incentive to speak
clearly. Rarely is a forensic interpreter a member of the translator team.

However, it can be a loner, with fatigue of which no one is considered, who is asked to work for hours.

The load on the vocal cords is not taken into account, the translator is tired (fatigue, lack of concentration).
The judicial interpreter works at different stages of the trial, including the hearing of the arrest case in court,
which often takes place during non-standard working hours. At the same time for a very fast period of time
the translator is asked to appear in court and be collected and able-bodied. The need to be neutral and
impartial is met with the defendant's natural psychological desire to consider the interpreter who speaks his
native language as his ally [3].

Much attention is paid to the impartiality of the interpreter. During the trial, he must not communicate

with the parties, witnesses, jurors, friends and relatives of the parties, lawyers, unless it is about the
administration of official functions. If there is a conflict of interest (personal interest in the case) the
translator must disclose it and refuse to work. The translator receives a reward only from the court. With
regard to professional deontology, the interpreter must show respect for the court and be as unobtrusive as
possible. The translator is involved in the protection of confidential information. The interpreter is prohibited
from discussing and expressing his opinion publicly on the case, even if it is not related to the secret trial.
The translator does not give advice to the parties and does not provide services other than translation
services. If the translation difficulties are found, the interpreter reports it to the court.

There are three modes of work of legal interpreter

the translation from the sheet. The translator orally reads the document from source language to

translation language. The translator must read the information, process it and pass it on exactly in the
language of translation, usually in open court, orally.


Consistent translation during cross-examination of witnesses in the courts if the defendant does not

speak the language of the court. In this case, the translator translates everything into a second language,
without additions. In this case, it is important to know the formal, legal, and informal language.


Synchronic translation elements are simultaneous translation for everyone in court.

There are significant requirements for an interpreter to be familiar with the court protocol and the

requirements of the professional code of legal interpreters. It is significant to take an oath by an interpreter
and to be punished for perjury. Translators translate fully, impartially and accurately, and do not disclose the
confidentiality of the cyan nature that they became known during the trial. A system for certifying ship
interpreters is being developed. In the United States, for example, the following organizations certify

Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts (Certification of Judicial Translators with Spanish and


Administrative office of a state court

Consortium for State Court Interpreter Certification

National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators (NAJIT). Spanish only.

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It turns out necessary to have translation experience, not to have criminal records or fines, to attend

translation seminars in court, to demonstrate knowledge of both legal terminology, court procedures and the
code of professional translators, to pass tests for professional language proficiency, to pass an oral exam on
three types of translation in court. The certification procedure is complex and expensive. In preparation for
the certification procedure, the need to learn languages at the college level, openness to different cultural
influences, familiarity with the press and the Internet, legal television, allowing to get acquainted with court
protocol, talk shows, glossary, preparation for exams is emphasized.

Translators work in criminal ranges (murder, rape, robbery), civil (divorce, family law, domestic

violence, contracts), juvenile law, family law in relation to children in need of protection, termination of
parental rights, etc. the interpreter works at different stages of the process, sometimes in an out-of-court
setting (office of lawyers, prison, law enforcement agencies, medical institutions, during administrative
hearings, polygraph tests, psychiatric examination in court, parole hearings), etc. Legal procedures may
include preliminary hearings (initial appearances), bail applications, pretrial conferences, pleas, witness
hearings, trials, sentencings, post-sentencing hearings.

Due to the rapid development of technology, the need for a qualitative translation of scientific and

technical terminology is becoming more and more tangible. Companies need specialist translators in various
fields of expertise. The first chapter examines the basic concepts related to the translation of scientific and
technical terminology, the peculiarities of scientific texts and the difficulties that can arise in translation.
Many linguists and scholars cannot come to a single definition of the term, which proves its versatility and
complexity in terms of translation. Particular attention is paid to the classifications and models of scientific
terms, in which multi-component combinations are the most interesting for research.

Used literature:


National Center for State Courts, Court Interpretation: Model Guides for Policy and Practice in the
State Courts Access Mode:


Crystal, D. The Cambridge encyclopedia of English. Cambridge, 1994.


Liese Katschinka. What is court interpreting? Access mode: http://www. aiic. net/ViewPage.




Ilmiy rahbar: Sirojiddinova Sh.S.

Magistratura talabasi: Boboqulova Sh.


Ushbu maqola boshlang`ich sinflarda ingliz tilida lug`at boyligini boyitishning

ahamiyati va uning takomillashtirish chora tadbirlari borasida olib borilishi kerak bo`lgan ishlar va vazifalar
haqida bo`lib,bunda har bir chet tili o`qituvchisining vazifalari ko`rsatilgan.

Kalit so`zlar:

chet tillari, lug`at, muloqot, kompetensiya, leksik mahorat

Chet tilini o‘qitishning tarbiyaviy maqsadi deganda o‘quvchilarning aqliy qobiliyatlarini

rivojlantirish, ularning shaxsiy xarakterini shakllantirish va dunyoqarashini kengaytirish tushuniladi. Chet
tilini o'qitishning umumiy ta'lim maqsadi o'quvchilarning dunyo haqidagi bilimlarini to'plashni o'z ichiga
oladi. O‘qituvchilar chet tilini o‘qitishning yuqoridagi maqsadlaridan tashqari, o‘quvchilarda chet tilida
so‘zlashish va muloqot qilish ko‘nikmalarini shakllantirish, muloqot jarayonida o‘z fikrini chet tilida
ifodalash ko‘nikmasini shakllantirish zarurligi haqida ham gapiradi. chet tilini o'rganishning dastlabki
bosqichida leksik mahoratni egallash eng muhimi bo'lib tuyuladi.

Bugungi kunda chet tilini o‘rganish ham mahalliy, ham xorijiy umumta’lim maktablarida

boshlang‘ich ta’limning ajralmas qismi hisoblanadi. Ko'pgina tadqiqotchilarning ta'kidlashicha, chet tilini
erta o'rganish tilni kuchli va ravon bilishga yordam beradi. Bundan tashqari, erta til o'rganish katta ta'lim,
intellektual va axloqiy salohiyatga ega. Shu munosabat bilan zamonaviy maktabda chet tilini o'rganish quyi
sinflardan boshlanadi, garchi nisbatan yaqinda til o'rganishning boshlang'ich bosqichi umumiy ta'lim
maktabining 5-sinfida bo'lgan.

Библиографические ссылки

National Center for State Courts, Court Interpretation: Model Guides for Policy and Practice in the State Courts Access Mode: Ctlnte ModelGuideChapter2Pub.pdf)

Crystal, D. The Cambridge encyclopedia of English. Cambridge, 1994.

Liese Katschinka. What is court interpreting? Access mode: http://www. aiic. net/ViewPage.


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