The role of motivation in teaching english

Алламурадова, С. (2022). The role of motivation in teaching english. Анализ актуальных проблем, инноваций, традиций, решений и художественной литературы в преподавании иностранных языков, 1(01), 346–349. извлечено от
Сабохат Алламурадова, Самаркандский государственный университет




This article brings to light the importance of speaking skills. The author adopts a communicative
approach for the enhancement of speaking skills of her students in the class. The researcher focuses on the
processes involved in the conversational interaction of the students, thereby conducting such activities in the
class which enable her students to be ‘able to use the language appropriate to given social context. The
author’s consideration is that the role of the teacher is a technician or an engineer. The teacher's task is to
focus the students' attention, and provide exercises to help them develop language facility; however, to
ensure their self-reliance, the teacher should only help the students as much as is strictly necessary.
All our software development today, the communication facilities available to us through internet, our
access to a variety of websites, are all being carried out in English. Most of the research works are conducted
and compiled in English. Anything written and recorded in this language is read and listened to, in wider
circles. As a result, English is being taught and learned around the world as a second language today

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ta'tilga chiqishlari mumkin bo'lgan vaqtda nishonlanadi.Shahar aholisi to'g'ri dam olishi uchun o'zlarining
quyosh to'shaklari bilan ko'chalarga oqib kelishadi,madaniy tadbirlarda qatnashishni hohlovchilar ishtirok
etishadi.Ammo bu bayramni nishonlashni juda ko'pchilik hohlasharkan,chunki hech narsa qilmaydigan
insonlar soni ko'p ekan.Yaponiyada esa Qor bayrami ham shu kabilardir.Men bu bilan barsha bayramlarning
o'ziga xos tarixi va kelajagi borligi haqida,o'quvchilarimga oz bo'lsada ulashish edi.Bu bayram aynan bolalar
o'rtasida mashhur bo'lib,Yaponiyada qor va muzdan katta hajmli raqamlar,uylar yasalgan.Qizig'i
shundaki,festival nafaqat uyda balki dunyoning boshqa ko'plab mamlakatlarida ham mashhur.Shunga
o'xshash an'ana Rossiyada ham mavjud,faqat yangi yil uchun qordan yasalgan haykalchalar yaratilgan.Mana
shunday qiziqarli bayramlar haqidagi ma'lumotlar bolalar va yoshi kattalar uchun juda ham qiziqarli bo'ladi.

Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar ro’yxati:


A.Smith, “About holidays” Oxford 2008,p-123.


J.Windsow, “Around the world” Cambridge,2014,p-56.


Allamuradova Sabokhat

Lecturer at Samarkand State University


This article brings to light the importance of speaking skills. The author adopts a communicative

approach for the enhancement of speaking skills of her students in the class. The researcher focuses on the
processes involved in the conversational interaction of the students, thereby conducting such activities in the
class which enable her students to be ‘able to use the language appropriate to given social context. The
author’s consideration is that the role of the teacher is a technician or an engineer. The teacher's task is to
focus the students' attention, and provide exercises to help them develop language facility; however, to
ensure their self-reliance, the teacher should only help the students as much as is strictly necessary.

All our software development today, the communication facilities available to us through internet, our

access to a variety of websites, are all being carried out in English. Most of the research works are conducted
and compiled in English. Anything written and recorded in this language is read and listened to, in wider
circles. As a result, English is being taught and learned around the world as a second language today.


Grammar, reading, writing, act, communication, listening, speaking.


Language is a tool for communication. We communicate with others to express our

ideas, and to know others’ ideas as well. Communication takes place where there is a speech available.
Without speech we cannot communicate with each other. The importance of speaking skills hence is
enormous for the learners of any language. Without speech, a language is reduced to a mere script. The use
of language is an activity which takes place within the confines of our community. We use language in a
variety of situations. Researchers working either in a medical laboratory or in a language laboratory, are
supposed to speak correctly and effectively in-order to communicate well with one another.

English language has become an international language. Among nations it serves as a Lingua Franca.

It is spoken, learnt and understood even in those countries where it is not a native’s language. English is
playing a major role in many sectors including medicine, engineering, education, advanced studies, business,
technology, banking, computing, tourism etc. Language learning today is regarded less of an ‘acquisition of
structure’ and more of a learning of items of use. The teaching of language in relation to categories of use is
likely to have methodological implications.

The methodologies for language teaching therefore are to be based on the Linguistic insights as to the

nature of the language and also on the psychological insights as to the processes involved in its use, for the
development of communicative competence in the learners. The researcher adopts the techniques, which
provide an opportunity to the learners to enhance their communicative competence. An important part of this
ability is being able to use the language for self-expression; students should be able to express their thoughts,
feelings, and needs in the target language. In order to help them achieve this, teachers emphasize self-
reliance. Students are encouraged to actively explore the language, and to develop their own 'inner criteria' as
to what is linguistically acceptable.

Motivating activities for students in learning English

When we use the word approach we mean that an idea or theory is being applied: that whatever the

teacher does certain theoretical principles are always born in mind. When we talk about a technique we mean

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a procedure used in the classroom. Finally a method is a set of procedures or a collection of a techniques
used in a systematic way which it is hoped will result in efficient learning. A technique then is the narrowest
term, meaning one single procedure. A method will consist of a number of techniques, probably arranged in
a specific order.


is largely dependent upon the interest. We know that the main psychological factor

naturally conditioning interest is relatedness to self. In order to awaken or stimulate the pupils’ interest in
English language the teacher will tell them at the very first lesson about the manifold possibilities that open
out before each of them at the result of studying that language. The learner should feel a need to learn the
subject and have necessary prerequisites created for satisfaction of this need; The main sources of activity
are motivation, desire and interest in reading the original interesting and useful books written in English;
corresponding with English schoolchildren; conversing with foreign guests to our republic, perhaps visiting
or being sent on a mission to one of the countries of the English- speaking nations and converting with the
residents in their own language. Exchange of pupils’ freedom support, like


and others. Young

people in our republic want to know foreign languages to illustrate this we may refer to the entrance
examinations of language departments of higher schools where the competition is great. To the growing
number of people who wish to study at various foreign language courses to the desire of parents to send their
children to specialized schools and etc. The great desire to study foreign language is observed among pupil
of the 5th and 6th grades. In other grades there is a tendency to the loss of interest in language learning. This
shows that there is something wrong in teaching this subject. The teachers fall to sustain and develop the
desire to learn which pupils have when they start the course. If the teacher wants to stimulate pupil’s interest
in the subject he should make them use their knowledge for practical needs while talking, reading, doing
various exercises of a communicative character which are creative by nature.

Here are some methods to implement in the EFL classroom…


is a skill which requires a great deal of concentration so it is a good idea to limit the time

spent on continuous listening. A very motivating activity for students is to let them write and record
dialogues. You could also record students' telling a story. Positioning the tape-recorder is also an important
matter. Try to use a speaker which directs the sound at the students; after all, you're teaching the ceiling.
Some criteria for choosing tuned material should be taken into consideration.

There are several methods of teaching English to students who are learning the language for the first

time, each with their own unique pros and cons. Depending on the teaching situation, setting, and resources
available, any one of these English teaching methods could be right for you and your students. In this guide,
we’ll go over the basics of each method and determine what kind of English language student it would work
best on. If you or someone you know are trying to learn English for the first time, or improve a current
English speaking skill level, check out this elementary English language course for starters.

A Grammatical Approach

A focus on grammar rules is one of the most popular English teaching methods in traditional academic

settings, perhaps due to the focus on grammar in native language courses. Teaching English as a second
language, according to this approach, should not stray from the model.

This approach can only work if the instructor speaks the first language of the students in addition to

English, because much of it is based on the teacher’s ability to translate. English grammar rules should be
taught conceptually in the student’s native language, with examples provided in simple English sentences
that the teacher can translate back to the native tongue so that a solid parallel can be drawn. These grammar
rules should be strictly enforced, and students should be allowed to practice proper structure and syntax
through the use of examples and quizzes.

Also important to this method is vocabulary, as students need a large knowledge bank of English

words in order to interpret and form their own English grammar examples. Grammar and vocabulary quizzes
fuel this approach, and should be at the forefront of instruction. The English language is examined in terms
of grammar rules. Get a firm grasp on this side of the English language with this advanced English grammar

Who is this best for?

This approach is best for students who natively speak a language with a dramatically different set of

grammar rules from English. The instructor must have a strong grasp of the English language themselves,
and the grammar rules of their classroom’s native tongue, meaning it’s best if all students are coming at
English from the same first language.


Classroom instructions are conducted exclusively in the target language. Only everyday vocabulary

and sentences are taught during the initial phase; grammar, reading and writing are introduced in

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intermediate phase. Oral communication skills are built up in a carefully graded progression organized
around question-and-answer exchanges between teachers and students in small, intensive classes. Grammar
is taught inductively. New teaching points are introduced orally. Concrete vocabulary is taught through
demonstration, objects, and pictures; abstract vocabulary is taught by association of ideas. Both speech and
listening comprehensions are taught. Correct pronunciation and grammar are emphasized. Student should be
speaking at least 80% of the time during the lesson.

The key Aspects of this method are:


Introduction of new word, number, alphabet character, sentence or concept (referred to as an


SHOW...Point to Visual Aid or Gestures (for verbs), to ensure student clearly understands what is

being taught.

SAY...Teacher verbally introduces Element, with care and enunciation.

TRY...Student makes various attempts to pronounce new Element.

MOLD...Teacher corrects student if necessary, pointing to mouth to show proper shaping of lips,

tongue and relationship to teeth.

REPEAT...Student repeats each Element 5-20 times.

NOTE: Teacher should be aware of "high frequency words and verbs" and prioritize teaching for this.

(I.e. teach key verbs such as "To Go" and "To Be" before unusual verbs like "To Trim" or "To Sail";
likewise, teach Apple and Orange before Prune and Cranberry.)


Syntax, the correct location of new Element in sentence:

SAY & REPEAT...Teacher states a phrase or sentence to student; Student repeats such 5-20 times.

ASK & REPLY IN NEGATIVE...Teacher uses Element in negative situations (e.g. "Are you the

President of the United States?" or "Are you the teacher?"); Students says "No". If more advanced, may use
the negative with "Not".

INTERROGATIVES Teacher provides intuitive examples using 5 "w"s (Who, What, Where, Why,

When) or How". Use random variations to practice.

PRONOUNS WITH VERBS Using visuals (such as photos or illustrations) or gestures, Teacher

covers all pronouns. Use many random variations such as "Is Ana a woman?" or "Are they from France?" to

USE AND QUESTIONS...Student must choose and utilize the correct Element, as well as posing

appropriate questions as Teacher did.


Methods of foreign language teaching are closely related (connected) to other sciences such as

pedagogy, psychology, physiology, linguistics, and some others. Pedagogy is a science connected with the
teaching and education of the younger generation. Since methods also deal with the problems of teaching and
education, it is most closely related to pedagogy. To study foreign language teaching one must know
pedagogy. One branch of pedagogy is called didactics. Didactics studies general ways of teaching in schools.
Methods as compared to didactics, study the specific ways of teaching a definite subject. Thus it may be
considered special didactics. Pedagogy is the science or general theory, of the bringing up and teaching of
children and the young, in other terms, the science of education in the narrower sense and instruction or of
education in the wider sense.

As Gattegno says, "The teacher works with the student; the student works on the language." For

example, teachers will often give students time to correct their own mistakes before giving them the answer
to a question. Teachers also avoid praise or criticism, as it can discourage students from developing self-
reliance. I am convinced that learning English plays a significant role in the development of cross-cultural
understanding. Getting to know another group of people through the study of their language and culture is a
good way to help them to understand and accept differences which exist in our beautiful but pretty anxious
world. Galileo said, “You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself.” I think
language is the most powerful tool we have for reaching out to others. We can use it to express our feelings,
spread our ideas and even to establish peace. I’m sure English must be taught with pleasure, because it opens
the door into another world: the one of travelling, learning and working. It makes our life less difficult in any
country. It’s easier to listen to songs, watch films or surf the Net. English can help us everywhere. Learners
shouldn’t treat English as a foreign language. It’s an international language, so it can be ours as well. As a
field of study that involves the interaction of both language and society, sociolinguistics has contributed to
help foreign language teaching achieve a greater understanding of the nature of language, along with the
understanding of the nature of society.

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Freeman D.L (2010) (Techniques And Principles In Language Teaching, Psycholinguistics And

Language Teaching Methodology).


Brown G. And Yule G. (2009) Teaching the Spoken English, Cambridge University Press


Frost Robert. (2010) Conversation and Dialogue in International


Johnson Keith (2011) Communicative Approaches and Communicative Processes,

Psycholinguistics and Language Teaching Methodology).


Johnson and Morrow (2012) Cohesion in English


Lynos (2011), Johnson Keith Communicative Approaches and Communicative Processes, Pg. 426.


Littlewood D.A (Communicative Language Teaching, Psycholinguistics and Language Teaching



Smith, J. A., Meyers, C. M., Burkhalter, A. J. (2007). Communicate: Strategies For International

Teaching Assistants. Long Grove, IL: Waveland, Press, Inc.Wilcox, C. (2018). Quotes. Retrieved From,
9.Https://Www.Pinterest.Com/Pin/129408189270311857/ on August 21, 2018.

10. Reconceptualizing Language Teaching: An In-Service Teacher Education Course in Uzbekistan.

Phd, David L. Chiesa, (Ed.) Phd, Ulugbek Azizov, Svetlana Khan, Klara Nazmutdinova, Komila Tangirova



Мамаякубова Шахло Облокуловна

SamDCHTI o’qituvchisi,


Ushbu tadqiqotning asosiy maqsad va vazifasi zamonaviy o'qituvchilaning vakolatlarini ko'rib

chiqishdan iboratdir. 21-asrning ta'lim ko'nikmalarini tushunish uchun biz quyidagi masalalarni o'rgandik:
talabalarning ko'nikmalari; o'qituvchilarning kasbiy o'sish darajasi; o'qituvchilarning pedagogik madaniyati;
pedagogik innovatsiyalar va 21-asr oʻqituvchilik kompetensiyalari.

Kalit so'zlar:

o'qitish kompetentsiyalari, madaniy kompetentsiya, iste'dod, innovatsiya, ijodkorlik,

tanqidiy fikrlash, muammolarni hal qilish

Ilg'or usullarni joriy etish, faol o'qitish shakllari va yangi o'qitish texnologiyalaridan foydalanish

innovatsiyalarning muntazam sohasidir. Haqiqiy innovatsiyalar inson taraqqiyoti jarayonlari haqidagi yangi
bilimlardan kelib chiqadi, optimal natijalarga erishish uchun yangi nazariy yondashuvlar va amaliy
texnologiyalarni taqdim etadi. Pedagogik innovatsiyalar ta'lim paradigmalarini almashtirishni talab qiladi.
Barkamol o'qituvchi uchun yana bir muhim komponent - bu pedagogik tajriba. Ilg'or pedagogik tajribani
boshqalarga o'tkazish va o'tkazish, shuningdek, o'qituvchilar tomonidan qo'llanilishi uchun qo'shimcha vaqt
sarflamasdan yuqori natijalarni ta'minlash uchun o'qitish uslublari va usullarida takrorlanishi mumkin (Kan-
Kalik, Nikandrov, 1990).

21-asr kompetensiyalari XXI asr ishchi kuchida raqobatbardosh boʻlish uchun zarur boʻlgan bilim,

koʻnikma va munosabatlar sifatida belgilangan. O'qituvchilarni tayyorlash va ularning malakasini oshirish
jarayoni asosiy kompetensiyalarni o'qitishda treningni o'z ichiga olishi uchun qayta ishlanishi kerak. 21-asr
o'qituvchisi talabalar uchun texnologik jihatdan qo'llab-quvvatlanadigan ta'lim imkoniyatlarini qanday
ta'minlashni bilishi va texnologiya talabalarning o'rganishini qanday qo'llab-quvvatlashini bilishi kerak.

21-asr o'qituvchilik kompetensiyalari

O'qituvchilar etakchilikni namoyish etadilar


O'qituvchilar sinfda quyidagilarga rahbarlik qiladilar:


turli baholash-ma'lumotlarini o'lchash maqsadlaridan foydalangan holda talabalar taraqqiyotini



sinf va o'quv rejalarini ishlab chiqish uchun tegishli ma'lumotlarga asoslanish;


talabalarning bilim olishini osonlashtiradigan xavfsiz va tartibli sinf xonasini saqlash; va


talaba xatti-harakatlarini ijobiy boshqarish, buzg'unchi yoki xavfli xatti-harakatni bartaraf etish va

kamaytirish uchun samarali muloqot, shuningdek xavfsiz va tegishli izolyatsiya va cheklash usullari.


O'qituvchilar maktabda etakchilikni quyidagicha namoyish etadilar:


hamkorlikdagi va kollegial kasbiy ta'lim faoliyati bilan shug'ullanish;


maktabni takomillashtirish rejasining xususiyatlarini yoki muhim elementlarini aniqlash; va

Библиографические ссылки

Freeman D.L (2010) (Techniques And Principles In Language Teaching, Psycholinguistics And Language Teaching Methodology).

Brown G. And Yule G. (2009) Teaching the Spoken English, Cambridge University Press

Frost Robert. (2010) Conversation and Dialogue in International

Johnson Keith (2011) Communicative Approaches and Communicative Processes, Psycholinguistics and Language Teaching Methodology).

Johnson and Morrow (2012) Cohesion in English

Lynos (2011), Johnson Keith Communicative Approaches and Communicative Processes, Pg. 426.

Littlewood D.A (Communicative Language Teaching, Psycholinguistics and Language Teaching Methodology)

Smith, J. A., Meyers, С. M., Burkhalter, A. J. (2007). Communicate: Strategies For International Teaching Assistants. Long Grove, IL: Waveland, Press, Inc.Wilcox, C. (2018). Quotes. Retrieved From,

Https://Www.Pinterest.Com/Pin/129408189270311857/ on August 21, 2018.

Reconceptualizing Language Teaching: An In-Service Teacher Education Course in Uzbekistan. Phd, David L. Chiesa, (Ed.) Phd, Ulugbek Azizov, Svetlana Khan, Klara Nazmutdinova, Komi la Tangirova (2018)

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