American Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Development
ISSN Online: 2771-8948
Volume 09, Oct., 2022
25 |
P a g e
Jalilov is the son of Ahmadbek Ikramjon
Andijan Machine Building Institute
Assistant of the "Safety of Life Activity" Department
In the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the State
System of Prevention of Emergency Situations and Actions in Such Situations (FVDT)
of the Republic of Uzbekistan is entrusted with the tasks of organizing management.
There are day-to-day management bodies of FVDT to control the operation of
subsystems and links of FVDT, as well as to implement operational management
within the existing powers.
The Republic of Uzbekistan On protection of population and territories from natural
and man-made emergency situations” and “On civil protection", the laws of the
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the strategy of Actions for the further
development of the Republic of Uzbekistan" No. PF-4947 of February 7, 2017 and "On
measures to fundamentally increase the efficiency of the system of prevention and
elimination of emergency situations” Implementation of Decree No. PF-5066 of June
1, 2017,The state system of prevention of emergency situations and action in such
situations of the Republic of Uzbekistanin order to increase the readiness of forces
and means to act, as well as to inform the population about the danger or occurrence
of emergency situations in time and to deliver information (information)
the following
are defined as the main tasks of XMAT:
To ensure the automation of the set of technological processes of collecting,
processing, storing and delivering information about the danger or occurrence of
emergency situations, methods of protection in the event of emergency situations
and the actions of the population, informing the population about the situation that
has arisen and real-time monitoring of all processes in data delivery;
To notify the population of the republic about the threat or occurrence of emergency
situations and deliver information (information);
American Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Development
ISSN Online: 2771-8948
Volume 09, Oct., 2022
26 |
P a g e
Management bodies, the state system of prevention of emergency situations and
actions in such situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan, day-to-day management
bodies, specially prepared forces and means designed and allocated (involved) for
the elimination of emergency situations in the territory of the republic, the risk of
emergency situations or their occurrence to notify and deliver information
Identification and analysis of problematic issues in the activities of officials of the
National Center for Action and Management of Emergency Situations of the Ministry
of Emergency Situations is achieved by developing an appropriate model that includes
3 main components (Table 3) [1].
Table 3 - The main sections of the development of the model for identifying and
analyzing problematic issues in the activities of officials of the National Center for
Action and Management in Emergency Situations.
Components of the model
Decomposition of components
1. Analysis of the subject area
1.1. Determination of the field of study and analysis of the FVDT
system of the Ministry of Emergency Situations
1.2. Determining the status of existing cases on this issue.
Assessing the activities of officials of the Central Control Center
of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
1.3. Determining the existing organizational, auxiliary and
functional levels of activity of FVHQ and BMM officials
2. Structural synthesis of the system of
identification and analysis of problematic
issues in the activities of officials
2.1 Statement of the problem
2.2. Determination of the structure of the developed system
2.3. Identifying the functional subsystems of the problem-
solving system
3. Formulation of suggestions for applying the
developed methodology
3.1. Creating a user base and database content
3.2 Creation of data collection and processing technology
3.3. Determining the principles of formulating queries to the
3.4. Identify the adopted data analysis technology and present
relevant results to the leadership of the National Center for
Action and Management of Emergency Situations
Identification and analysis of problematic situations in the activities of the National
Center for Action and Management of Emergency Situations of the Ministry of
American Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Development
ISSN Online: 2771-8948
Volume 09, Oct., 2022
27 |
P a g e
Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan is carried out at three levels
corresponding to the daily management bodies of the unified state system for
prevention and elimination of emergency situations (FVDT) [2] .
These levels have similar technical, information and software, which makes it possible
to develop a unified approach and develop a universal system for different levels of
The concept of the FVHQ and BMM system is introduced for the analysis of the subject
area in order to determine the properties specific to the sections, as well as to
determine the laws of operation of the FVHQ and BMM units [1].
The FVHQ and BMM system is a complex organized technical system with a number
of interconnected subsystems (Fig. 9), homomorphic and different levels of FVHQ and
BMM units related to the daily FVDT management bodies used as an auxiliary tool for
evaluating the performance of officials. If management, department, unit, group,
operational duty shift, etc. are structural divisions of FVHQ and BMM, then in the
system of FVHQ and BMM, the level of units and the level of officials are separated.
The operation of the FVHQ and BMM system is related to the performance of the
functional tasks of the officials [1].
Figure 9 is the structure of the FVHQ and BMM system.
It is proposed to analyze the FVHQ and BMM system as a management system in order
to determine the features corresponding to the FVHQ and BMM system and the
quality indicators of the performance of the functional tasks of the officials of the
Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan. When evaluating the
quality of control systems, it is appropriate to include several levels of characteristics,
arranged in order of increasing complexity [3-4]. Among the empirical levels of
characteristics such as control, resistance to noise, stability, ability, self-organization,
American Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Development
ISSN Online: 2771-8948
Volume 09, Oct., 2022
28 |
P a g e
the "ability" characteristic, which reflects the specific characteristics of the research
presented in the model, is considered (Fig. 10). FVHQ and BMM system can be
evaluated on this feature, it reflects the purpose and characteristic features of the
activities of the officials. Capacity is a property of a system that determines the degree
to which a desired result can be achieved based on available resources in a given time
period. This characteristic is characterized by sub-characteristics of different levels,
such as resource intensity (timeliness, speed) and efficiency (work productivity,
power) [1].
Sub-property tree of the "capability" property for the FVHQ AND BMM system.
According to the proposed methodology, 3 sub-characteristics of the 3rd level of the
characteristic tree are selected to determine the quality indicators of the performance
of official duties by the officials of the FVHQ and BMM (Fig. 10). The essence of quality
indicators and level 3 sub-characteristics is presented in Table 4.
FVHQ and BMM system performance for level 3 subfeatures
Feature essence
Quality index
It's on time
Performance of functional tasks
by officials of FVHQ and BMM in
accordance with normative
Time t to complete the task
does not exceed the acceptable
value of the quality indicator
The maximum number of tasks
that an official can perform in one
The maximum number of
tasks performed by an official
in a shift
The volume of tasks performed by
an official in one shift
The number of tasks
performed by an official in a
American Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Development
ISSN Online: 2771-8948
Volume 09, Oct., 2022
29 |
P a g e
Determining the inconsistency between the existing and required values of the
selected quality indicators of the FVHQ and BMM system allows to determine the
existence of a problem [1].
Analysis of the consequences of the existence of problems (Table 5) shows the
feasibility of introducing automated techniques for identifying and analyzing
problematic issues in the activities of officials of the National Center for Action and
Management of Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations [1].
Figure 11. An example of delineating a degree and defining a field of study.
Achieving the goal is achieved through a systematic methodology that allows you to
clearly define problematic issues by identifying three levels of systematic presentation:
Level of daily management bodies of FVDT (organizational level);
Level of tasks (level of activity) solved for the benefit of management functions
and tasks;
Level of types of support for the activities of officials (level of support).
The reviewed view of the FVHQ and BMM system allows to determine the position of
the problem in the model of identification and analysis of problematic issues and to
determine the area of study of problematic issues (Fig. 11).
The presented research is mainly carried out at the following sub-levels:
- Republican, interregional and regional levels of organization;
- Control, planning and operational management tasks;
– Mathematical, programming and scientific support for support level.
As a result of the analysis of the subject area for the problem identification and analysis
model, the following preliminary data were obtained:
- Structure of FVHQ and BMM system (Fig. 9);
- Relevant quality indicators of FVHQ and BMM system;
- Intuitively determined possible problems in the activity of FVHQ and BMM, the
causes of these problems and the consequences of the existence of problems (Table
American Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Development
ISSN Online: 2771-8948
Volume 09, Oct., 2022
30 |
P a g e
- The current state of work on identifying and analyzing problematic issues in the
activities of officials of the National Center for Action and Management in
Emergency Situations;
- existing functional, organizational and auxiliary levels.
Required: Development of a model for identification and analysis of problematic
issues in the activities of officials of the National Center for Action and Management
of Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
It is possible to increase the efficiency of the daily management of FVDT by automating
the process of identifying and analyzing problematic issues in the activities of the
officials of the National Center for Action and Management of Emergency Situations
of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, by providing information and analytical
support to their activities, including the use of management tools [1-4] .
In the activities of officials of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, an abstract system
of identifying and analyzing problematic issues, which includes subsystems, is used to
analyze problematic issues:
- Evaluation of the performance of the duties of the officials of the FVHQ and BMM;
- Identifying the problem;
- Problem analysis.
Each subsystem contains functional subsystem elements. The elements of functional
subsystems correspond to the step-by-step process of identifying and analyzing
problematic issues in the activities of the National Center for Action and Management
of Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations [1-3].
The practical application of the developed model is carried out using relational
databases. Databases are relational and created to store information about officials of
the FVHQ and BMM, as well as information about tasks that officials solve in the
course of performing their functional duties. contains information. Identification and
analysis of problematic issues is the evaluation of the database on the formation of
queries to the database and the performance of tasks related to the solution of certain
tasks by the officials of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The direction of further
research is also
To improve the created relationship, it is suggested to take the following steps:
Determining the scope of users from the database;
Determining the content of subject objects to be collected and processed in the
database (infographic design).
The range of users of relational databases is limited only to the heads of structural
divisions of FVHQ and BMM, as well as the head of the studied FVHQ and BMM.
The structure of the database, the technology of information interaction between the
users of the database and the selection of the tuple are given as an example [1-2].
Each relational relationship in the database corresponds to one object, in which the
attributes of the object are entered. For each relationship, the main features are
American Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Development
ISSN Online: 2771-8948
Volume 09, Oct., 2022
31 |
P a g e
identified that are directly relevant for identifying and analyzing problematic issues in
the activities of officials of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
With the help of relational algebra operations, database queries are made in α-
language depending on the requirements of the requesting persons.
The main features of identifying and analyzing problematic issues in the activities of
officials of the Ministry of Emergency Situations will be the required values of the
system quality indicators related to the "task", for which the request is presented in
the following form:
v1[SKTQQ≠] / v1
L≠) ^
MSh)^v1[TN≠] = v2 [TN≠] ^ (v2[L≠] = VN≠)
The results of the received surveys are comparatively analyzed. When identifying and
analyzing problematic issues, the existing values of the task quality indicator are
evaluated and compared with the values of the required indicators (Table 7).
Table 7 – Comparison of required and actual values of indicators
Comparison option
𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒂𝒃 𝒒𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒈𝒂𝒏
There is a problem and it needs to be
𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒂𝒃 𝒒𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒈𝒂𝒏
There may be a problem
𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒂𝒃 𝒒𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒈𝒂𝒏
The task is carried out qualitatively.
There is no problem
𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒂𝒃 𝒒𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒈𝒂𝒏
- the required value of the quality indicator;
- the actual value of the quality indicator.
Identifying and analyzing problematic issues in the activities of officials of the Ministry
of Emergency Situations in order to effectively evaluate the activities of the units of the
Ministry of Emergency Situations, analyzing the above-mentioned proposals for
applying the analysis model and identifying problematic issues in the activities of
FVHQ and BMM officials The model should include the following main steps:
Selection of an official to be audited;
Analysis of tasks assigned to an official;
Selection of the task to be evaluated;
Selection of the property to be evaluated;
Selection of the indicator to be evaluated;
Formulating requests to the database;
American Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Development
ISSN Online: 2771-8948
Volume 09, Oct., 2022
32 |
P a g e
Analysis of received data;
Presentation of the results to the management of fvhq and bmm.
The practical application of the proposed model was carried out on the example of the
official ARM-5 (specialist for the analysis and preparation of rapid data on regional
passports). The characteristics of "timeliness" and "performance" were evaluated. The
"power" attribute is not taken into account, since it is directly related to the
"performance" attribute. Based on the results of applying the methodology, the
following conclusions were drawn:
Time feature.
The value of deviation from the required value of the current average
value of the "Document execution time" index is ___ min. (or ___%).
Performance feature.
The cost of rejecting the current average value of the index
"number of documents spent per unit of time" from the required value of the indicator
is equal to ___ documents (or ___%).
Deviations in the identified characteristics have negative consequences, therefore, it is
necessary to eliminate inconsistencies between the existing and required values of the
quality indicators that affect the reasons, in particular: routine work of officials,
problems of validity of the decisions made, automation and the lack of officials who
know the basics of programming, the lack of staffing of the National Center for Action
and Management of Emergency Situations.
The target criterion function for improving the efficiency of officials of the National
Center for Action and Management in Emergency Situations provides for changing the
indicators corresponding to the characteristics "Time" and "Productivity" (1). The
increase in efficiency is achieved by reducing the indicator of "the number of developed
documents" (with a decrease in the execution time) and "the time of the tasks" (with
an increase in the quality of the decision).
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