Вопросы использования интерактивных стратегий в учебном процессе

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Нишанова, О. (2023). Вопросы использования интерактивных стратегий в учебном процессе. in Library, 20(2), 2753–2756. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/21959


В статье рассматриваются вопросы эффективности использования интерактивных стратегий в обучении. Инновационная деятельность предполагает творческий подход педагога к освоению существующих форм и средств профессионального развития. Следует также признать, что устойчивые и общепризнанные научные представления и классификации инноваций в образовании и инновационной педагогической деятельности еще не сформировались в полной мере. Интерактивные методы важны еще и потому, что преподаватель никогда не отвергает точку зрения ученика, а лишь вовремя дает правильный вывод. В результате ученик понимает ошибку. Это не дает им впасть в депрессию, затормозить в мышлении. Интерактивные методы основаны на взаимном уважении между учеником и учителем. Учитель в любом случае выслушивает точку зрения ученика и выражает уважение, а также учит учеников слушать друг друга.

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Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, Issue-02, 2020


DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I2/S2020144

*Corresponding Author: NafosatZikirova , Email: zikirova2014@mail.ru

Article History: Received: Mar 05, 2020, Accepted: June 07, 2020

Issues On Using Interactive Strategies In

Teaching Process

NafosatZikirova, Tashkent medical Academy Republic of Uzbekistan

Nasiba Abdullayeva, Tashkent medical Academy Republic of Uzbekistan

Ozoda Nishanova, National University of Uzbekistan Republic of Uzbekistan

Baktior Djalilov,

National University of Uzbekistan Republic of Uzbekistan

Enajon Nishanbayeva,

National University of Uzbekistan Republic of Uzbekistan


The article deals with the issues based on the efficiency of using interactive strategies in teaching.

Innovative activity implies a creative approach of the teacher to the acquisition of existing forms and means of

professional development. It should also be acknowledged that the stable and universally accepted scientific ideas

and classifications of innovations in education and innovative pedagogical activity have not yet been perfectly

formed. Interactive methods are also important because the teacher never rejects the student's point of view, but only

gives the correct conclusion in time. As a result, the student understands the mistake. This prevents them from

becoming depressed, braking in thinking. Interactive methods are based on mutual respect between the student and

the teacher. The teacher listens to the student’s point of view anyway and expresses respect, while also teaching

students to listen to each other.


teaching methods, educational tasks, pedagogical technologies, innovations, interactive methods.


At present, modern teaching methods are widely used in education. This will help students to acquire

knowledge and improve their interest, aspiration and independent research in the classroom. It is advisable to choose

such methods based on the didactic task of each lesson. While maintaining the traditional form of teaching, the

activities of learners also lead to an increase in the level of their mastery.

To solve educational tasks [9], the teacher can use the following interactive methods:

• Round table (discussion, debate)

• Brainstorming (Brainstorm, Brainstorming)

• Business and role-playing games

• Case-study (analysis of specific situations, situational analysis)

It should be noted that during the preparation of a lesson on the basis of interactive forms of training, the

teacher is faced with the question not only of choosing the most effective and suitable form of training for studying a

specific topic, but also with the opportunity to combine several teaching methods to solve the problem, which,

undoubtedly, contributes to a better understanding of students. It seems appropriate to consider the need to use

different interactive forms of learning to solve the problem.

Research Methodology

One of the main principles in the implementation of the national training program is the retraining of

teachers and coaches to reform the structure and content of the education system, the coordination of educational

institutions to train highly qualified, competitive professionals, The introduction of pedagogical technologies,

pedagogical innovations into the educational process. However, advanced pedagogical technologies and innovations

do not automatically enter the education system. This is a process that depends on the teacher's work and his

motivation. It is impossible to take a step forward in education without changing the activity of the teacher, without

increasing his responsibility and activity. Academician A.N.Leontev mentioned as: “The first condition for

understanding the world is activity, the second condition is education. In the process of activity, people's abilities,

knowledge and skills are formed, which means that activity is a social phenomenon and a basic condition of life's


Today, as a result of the emergence of a new scientific direction in the field of pedagogy - the idea of

pedagogical innovation and renewal of the educational process, a new direction in the pedagogical activity of

teachers has emerged - the concept of "innovative activity of the teacher." Analyzing the concept of "innovative

activity": GA Mkritichyan's opinion is noteworthy: - "There are 3 main forms of pedagogical experimental activity:

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Issues On Using Interactive Strategies In Teaching Process


private experience, experimental work, innovative activity of the teacher. The more innovations in pedagogical

activity, the better the teacher understands the private experiment.

Innovative activity implies a creative approach of the teacher to the acquisition of existing forms and means

of professional development. It should also be acknowledged that the stable and universally accepted scientific ideas

and classifications of innovations in education and innovative pedagogical activity have not yet been perfectly

formed. One of the main reasons for this is the difficult gaps between education-oriented scientific knowledge

systems. An even bigger reason is the gap between educational knowledge and practical pedagogical activity. The

teacher, as a subject and organizer of innovative activities, participates in the creation, application and dissemination

of innovations. He must be able to analyze the content and essence of knowledge in science, changes in traditions.

The concept of innovative activity is closely related to such concepts as innovation, innovation process. It is

therefore impossible to understand the content of innovative activity without elaborating on the content of these

concepts. Innovation is an important part of practice and theory, a system of action of social actors aimed at

improving the quality of the socio-cultural object. There are different approaches and opinions on the creation of the

essence of this theory of ideas, and there is no single opinion in science about its essence. Innovations are relevant,

important, new approaches formed in one system. They are born on the basis of initiatives and innovations, are

promising for the development of educational content, as well as have a positive impact on the development of the

education system as a whole. Innovation is the end result of a technology, form, or method in a particular field of

activity or production, a new approach to solving a problem, or the application of a new technological process that is

known to lead to greater success than ever before. Today, the classification of innovations in the education system is

approved as follows:


Depending on the direction of activity (pedagogical process, management).


According to the description of the changes (radical, modified, combined).


According to the scale of changes (local, modular, systemic).


Depending on the source (taken internally or externally for this community).

The goal of innovation is to get the most out of the money or effort expended. Unlike many other

spontaneous innovations, innovation is a mechanism of controlled and controlled change.

Any innovation in the education system cannot be an innovation. Therefore, it is necessary to point out the

main differences between the concepts of "innovation" and "innovation". The basis for this is a clear form, content

and scope of reform activities. If the activity is short-lived and does not have the character of a holistic system, if the

task is to change only some elements of a particular system, then we are communicating with innovation. We can

call innovation only if the activity is carried out on the basis of a certain conceptual approach and the result leads to

the development of the system or its fundamental change. The criteria for both concepts are as follows: innovation is

carried out within the existing theory, limited in scope and time, methods are updated, and the result is an

improvement of the previous system. Innovation will be systematic, integrated and sustainable, will design a new

system of activities in a particular practice, will completely update the positions of the subjects of practice. At the

same time, new areas of activity will be opened, new technologies will be created, new qualitative results of

activities will be achieved, and as a result, the practice itself will be updated.

The implementation of innovation takes place in innovative processes. The innovation process is the

process of preparing for and implementing innovative change. The author also notes that innovative changes in the

educational process, the introduction of any innovations in the education system is carried out directly by updating

and changing the activities of teachers [8]. There is an opportunity to define the concept of innovative activity

through the analysis of innovations in the education system, their implementation, management of innovation

processes. Innovative activity is a driving force, motivating and developing the pedagogical team. "Innovative

activity is an activity aimed at solving complex problems that have arisen as a result of incompatibility of traditional

norms with new social requirements, or the collision of a newly formed norm of practice with an existing norm,"

said V.I. Slobadchikov. Innovative activity is an important part of practice and theory, a system of action of social

actors aimed at improving the quality of the socio-cultural object, which is based not only on the ability to solve

certain problems, but also on motivational training to solve problems in any situation. to have. The central issue of

innovative activity of teachers is the effective organization of the educational process.

Results & Discussions

Innovative activity is a continuous work on the basis of innovations, which is formed and improved over a

long period of time. Based on the views of pedagogical scientists who have studied the characteristics of the

innovative activity of the teacher, the following can be considered the main features of innovative activity:


striving to master the philosophy of creative activity;


mastering pedagogical research methods;

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Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, Issue-02, 2020


DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I2/S2020144

*Corresponding Author: NafosatZikirova , Email: zikirova2014@mail.ru

Article History: Received: Mar 05, 2020, Accepted: June 07, 2020


ability to create authoring concepts;


be able to plan and carry out experimental work;


be able to apply the experience of other researchers and teachers;


cooperation with colleagues;


ability to exchange ideas and provide methodological assistance;


prevention and elimination of conflicts;


search for innovations and adapt them to their conditions.

The approach to the problem of preparing teachers for innovative activities has emerged as a result of

understanding the growing dynamics of innovation processes in society. Its analysis includes not only the use of

modern advances in science and technology, but also the search, creation, adaptation, implementation and re-

examination of the results obtained [3].

Interactive cognitive strategies are complex, integrated and aimed at mastering the methods and techniques

of educational activity in the process of communication of primary school students in a foreign language. In the

process of interaction in a foreign language, students learn to apply their knowledge to solve communicative

cognitive tasks in a specially created educational environment that stimulates communication [6]. The cognitive

strategies of students are interactive and aimed at solving educational problems by students using the nomenclature

of techniques (receiving an analytical study of a problem situation, accepting role-based communication, accepting

concretization, accepting generalizations, accepting simplifications, accepting a Mind-Map, accepting compilation

of recommendations, etc. .) and a set of resources selected by students in accordance with the features of the planned

communicative-cognitive activity.

The leading interactive cognitive strategies for teaching younger students foreign language communication

are the following: comparing and correlating a communicative cognitive task with those previously studied in order

to select communicative tools and information sources; differentiation of a communicative cognitive task;

identification of a communicative cognitive task [9]; planning the results of communicative cognitive activity; the

selection of supporting facts that determine the specifics of a communicative cognitive task; analysis and selection

of facts reflecting the specifics of a communicative cognitive task; concretization of supporting facts in a particular

sociocultural situation; sociocultural interpretation of facts in a certain cognitive context; the use of information and

telecommunication sources to detail the communicative cognitive task; analysis, evaluation and selection of

communicative tools and forms of presentation of information necessary for solving a communicative cognitive

task; correlation of a communicative cognitive task with communicative means and information sources in a certain

sociocultural context; cooperation with subjects of communicative cognitive activity; coordination of activities of

subjects of the educational process; adjustment of the results of communicative cognitive activity, etc.

V. Slastenin, one of the scientists who studied the structure of innovative activity, points out that it has the

following structure: “The structure of innovative activity is a creative approach, creative activity, technological and

methodological preparation for innovation, innovative thinking, culture of communication.

Levels of innovative activity can be: reproductive, heuristic, creative.

During the period of innovative activity, innovations, innovations, literally enter the educational process.

Therefore, the introduction of innovations in the education system in the pedagogical process is carried out in 4



Identify the problem based on the analysis.


Design of the planned education system.


Planning changes and innovations.


Make changes.

The purpose of preparation for innovative activities is to develop the teacher's desire for innovation, the

ability and skills to work independently, to improve the skills of teaching and extracurricular activities using new

pedagogical technologies, interactive methods [5].

“Innovative activity stems from the teacher's dissatisfaction with his work. It is formed on the basis of the

teacher's desire to solve a pedagogical task in the face of any obstacle. Innovative activity begins with the search for

a new idea. Pedagogical innovation requires a new approach from the teacher, as it is focused on solving important

and complex problems in the educational process.

There are different approaches to the analysis of the structure of innovative teacher activity. For example,

according to A. Nikolskaya, the renewal of activities is carried out in 3 stages, namely, the stages of preparation,

planning and implementation. There are a number of psychological barriers to preparing teachers for innovative

activities. The first is that it is very difficult for a teacher to go beyond the scope of his or her usual activities, i.e. the

lack of creativity in teachers, and another reason is that new and unknown things always cause people to be scared

and anxious. .

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Issues On Using Interactive Strategies In Teaching Process


Such a conclusion can be drawn based on the above considerations. Although most of the studied works

define the concept of "innovative activity", in this area there is no single definition that is acceptable to all and

reveals the full content of innovative activity, as well as a single definition of the process of formation of this



To sum up, innovative activity is the creation of a new technological process or a new improved product

using scientific research, development, experiments or other scientific and technical achievements, the pragmatic

feature of which is that in the field of ideas.

The essence of innovative activity is the formation of new technology in practice, the result of which is the

activity aimed at transforming the invention into a project, a project into a technology. In innovative activity,

scientific ideas are not born of the logic of academic science, but arise from the reflection of the developing practice

as a result of the support of modifications of the development process.



Ilyin B.C. The problems of the formation of motivation for learning among students: textbook.

allowance. - M .: MGLU, 2005 .-- 124 p.


Kitaygorodskaya G.A. Intensive teaching of foreign languages. Theory and practice. - Ed. 2nd,

rev. and add. - M .: Higher. school :Kitaigorodskaya School, 2009. - 280 p.Saidakhmedov N. "The

essence of new pedagogical technologies." "People's education" magazine. 1999.1-son


Farberman. B.L. Advanced pedagogical technologies. T., 2001


Ochilov M. New pedagogical technologies. Nasaf Publishing House. 1999.


Zikirova N., Abdullayeva N., Nishanova O., Djalilov B., Nishanbayeva E. Interactive Strategies

and Methods of Education. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)









D5360118419/2019©BEIESP DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D5360.118419


SultanovaKh., Akhrarova Z., Dekhkanova M., Isanova G., Musaev K. Modular Teaching

Technology Based on Scientific Activity. International Journal of Recent Technology and

Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019 Retrieval Number:

D5370118419/2019©BEIESP DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D5370.118419


Komilova M., Iskanjanova F., Melibaeva R., Hashimova M., Raupova Sh. The Essence and

Content of Problem Based Learning. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering

(IJRTE). ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019 Retrieval Number:

D5361118419/2019©BEIESP. DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D5361.118419


DjumayevaNargizIrkinovna.Practical aspects of forming a communicative Approach in the

development of a language Personality in teaching a russian language. Word Art



Tashmetova G., Bobojonova Sh., Abrayeva Sh., Saydjanova K., Alibekov D. The Role of Task

Based Learning in Teaching English. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering

(IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019, Retrieval Number:

D5348118419/2019©BEIESP, DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D5348.118419

Библиографические ссылки

Ilyin B.C.The problems of the formation of motivation for learning among students: textbook. allowance. - M .: MGLU, 2005 .-- 124 p.

Kitaygorodskaya G.A. Intensive teaching of foreign languages. Theory and practice. - Ed. 2nd, rev. and add. - M .: Higher. school :Kitaigorodskaya School, 2009. - 280 p.Saidakhmedov N. "The essence of new pedagogical technologies." "People's education" magazine. 1999.1-son

Farberman. B.L. Advanced pedagogical technologies. T., 2001

Ochilov M. New pedagogical technologies. Nasaf Publishing House. 1999.

Zikirova N., Abdullayeva N., Nishanova O., Djalilov B., Nishanbayeva E. Interactive Strategies and Methods of Education. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019 Retrieval Number: D5360118419/2019©BEIESP DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D5360.118419

SultanovaKh., Akhrarova Z., Dekhkanova M., Isanova G., Musaev K. Modular Teaching Technology Based on Scientific Activity. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019 Retrieval Number: D5370118419/2019©BEIESP DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D5370.118419

Komilova M., Iskanjanova F., Melibaeva R., Hashimova M., Raupova Sh. The Essence and Content of Problem Based Learning. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE). ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019 Retrieval Number: D5361118419/2019©BEIESP. DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D5361.118419

DjumayevaNargizIrkinovna.Practical aspects of forming a communicative Approach in the development of a language Personality in teaching a russian language. Word Art №6.2019.P.119-123http://dx.doi.org/10.26739/2181-9297-2019-6-17

Tashmetova G., Bobojonova Sh., Abrayeva Sh., Saydjanova K., Alibekov D. The Role of Task Based Learning in Teaching English. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019, Retrieval Number: D5348118419/2019©BEIESP, DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D5348.118419

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