Концепция, принципы и международные стандарты избирательного законодательства и процессов



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Исраилова, З. (2024). Концепция, принципы и международные стандарты избирательного законодательства и процессов. in Library, 22(2), 49–56. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/28296
Зарина Исраилова, Университет мировой экономики и дипломатии
Доктор философии в области права (PhD), доцент кафедры «Международное право и публично-правовые науки»


This article is devoted to reforming the electoral system of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The author considers the electoral legislation and identifies the main stages of its development, as well as the factors that contributed to its development.

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TJL - Tematics journal of Law

ISSN 2249-9806

Vol-6-Issue-2- 2022


UIF 2020= 6.882

IFS 2020= 7.882

sjifactor.com 4.8


The concept, principles and international standards of electoral law and


Israilova Zarina Sadriddinovna

Doctor of Philosophy in Law (PhD),

Associate professor of the department

“International law and public legal sciences”

Of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy


This article is devoted to reforming the electoral system of the

Republic of Uzbekistan. The author considers the electoral legislation and identifies

the main stages of its development, as well as the factors that contributed to its


Key words

: international standards


electoral law,

electoral process, electoral

system, reforms, democracy, law, principles.

According to the Constitution (Article 117), all citizens have the right to elect

and be elected to representative bodies of state power. Elections are one of the

fundamental institutions of a democratic state governed by the rule of law. Article 7

of the basic law of the Republic of Uzbekistan enshrines the principle of people's

power, which cannot be realized without elections [1].

The electoral legislation is a set of state-sanctioned norms that regulate

electoral processes in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Over the years of independence,

the electoral legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan has been continuously

improved, which is reflected in the adoption of a modern and in line with

international standards Electoral Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

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TJL - Tematics journal of Law

ISSN 2249-9806

Vol-6-Issue-2- 2022


UIF 2020= 6.882

IFS 2020= 7.882

sjifactor.com 4.8


The formation of state bodies by voting of the people was not always

considered an attribute of democracy in the history of state and law. Thus, Aristotle

already noted that the replacement of positions by lot serves as one of the foundations

of a democratic system, while the replacement of positions by election serves as an

oligarchic system [2]. This conclusion belonged to the historical conditions of Greek

polis (where representatives of the clannish nobility had long enjoyed authority; as a

result they had a serious advantage in elections over less prominent and wealthy

fellow citizens), but even back then the supporters of democracy believed that

persons should be appointed to positions requiring special personal qualities and

special knowledge not by chance, as in a drawing of lots, but by the conscious

expression of the will of citizens, as in elections. It is known that in ancient Athens

strategists were elected, but most positions in the sixth and fifth centuries B.C. were

filled by lot. It is noteworthy that even in many modern Tropical African countries it

is possible to determine in advance what the balance of political power will be after

the election [3]. The vast majority of voters in these countries vote for the leaders of

their ethnic groups, who are usually either representatives of the clan nobility, or

people who were nominated as a result of their own efforts, but are perceived by the

population as being included in the clan nobility because of their special qualities and

merits. No matter how conservative and closed the grouping of the nobility was, at all

times it had to admit the addition to its ranks of aliens from outside with outstanding

abilities. The electability of bodies even under such conditions is obvious, and it

plays a certain role in the existence of a democratic regime.

So, a characteristic feature of democracy is always the use of elections to form

the organs of power. However, for elections to be truly democratic, there must be,

firstly, an electoral law enshrining norms ensuring the full implementation of free and

fair elections; secondly, really autonomous and independent electoral bodies; thirdly,

an electorate sufficiently aware of its rights and obligations; fourthly, administrative

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TJL - Tematics journal of Law

ISSN 2249-9806

Vol-6-Issue-2- 2022


UIF 2020= 6.882

IFS 2020= 7.882

sjifactor.com 4.8


procedures that guarantee all voters the free expression of their will. For

administrative procedures to be effective, it is necessary for the relevant state bodies,

including electoral bodies, to work smoothly.

In democracies, electoral bodies play, in fact, a very significant role in the

formation of institutions of state power and local self-government. As a result of

elections, the power belonging to the people is transferred to its representatives.

Election commissions are in charge of organizing the process of people's expression

of will, counting votes, summarizing and announcing the results of voting. Therefore,

on the one hand, the efficiency of the work of election commissions, the coordinated

functioning of all parts of the system of electoral bodies largely depends on the

normal organization and conduct of elections, and on the other hand, their honesty is

largely determined by the integrity of electoral officials, transparency of the

procedural side of the electoral process, openness of electoral bodies to interaction

with non-governmental and non-municipal organizations and the media[4].

Electoral legislation

is a complex of legal norms regulating social relations

related to the organization and execution of elections to state and local authorities: the

principles of electoral law, the requirements for voters and candidates for elected

office, the formation and activities of bodies responsible for organizing and holding

elections, the formation of electoral districts, voter registration, ways of nominating

candidates, election campaign and voting procedures [5].

In many countries the legislative regulation of elections is specially stipulated

(Article 31 of the Danish Constitution, Article 26 of the Austrian Constitution,

Article 10 of the Bulgarian Constitution).

In a number of countries (France, Belgium, Argentina, Costa Rica) there are

electoral codes - complex acts that contain the majority of norms of electoral law[6].

The main actors in elections are the voters, who directly determine the outcome

of the vote, and the candidates for elected office, whose further fate depends on the

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TJL - Tematics journal of Law

ISSN 2249-9806

Vol-6-Issue-2- 2022


UIF 2020= 6.882

IFS 2020= 7.882

sjifactor.com 4.8


support of the electorate. The legislation of all countries regulates in detail the

requirements necessary for the exercise of active and passive suffrage (electoral

qualifications). In most countries legal requirements for voting are age, mental

capacity, citizenship and inclusion in voter lists.

The norms of electoral legislation define, regulate, and establish:

the basic principles of the state's electoral system;

the conditions for granting citizens electoral rights;

the procedure of elections:

nomination of candidates,

election campaigning,

financing of election campaigns,

voting procedures,

the procedure for determining the results of voting;

norms of representation;

status and powers of election commissions

The following sources of electoral law can be distinguished:


Special laws:

Electoral Codes.

Laws on elections and voting procedures

Acts of heads of state on matters of electoral law

Rules of Procedure of the Houses of Parliament

Resolutions of executive bodies

Including acts of electoral commissions

Resolutions of judicial bodies

Acts of local self-government bodies [7].

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TJL - Tematics journal of Law

ISSN 2249-9806

Vol-6-Issue-2- 2022


UIF 2020= 6.882

IFS 2020= 7.882

sjifactor.com 4.8


It should also be noted that peculiarities of holding elections in the subjects of

federation (for federations) and municipal formations are determined, besides the

general regulations, by the provisions of regulatory legal acts of the corresponding

subjects of federation and municipal formations. In addition, in a number of countries

with the Anglo-Saxon system of law, certain electoral relations are regulated by


Principles of electoral law are generally recognized, basic, universal principles

(standards) reflecting the democratic nature of elections as the constitutional basis of

democracy, determining the foundation of legal regulation of electoral rights, a

coordinated system of guarantees, procedures ensuring imperative, fair conduct of

various types of elections, implementation and protection of electoral rights of


Thus, the principles of electoral law are the fundamental conditions of

regulation of electoral legal relations.

It should be noted that the diversity of political systems in the world implies a

difference in the legal regulation of the institution of elections. As a consequence,

from this follows the fixation of different principles of electoral law.

For example, for the Soviet electoral law it was typical to "identify the

principles of electoral law in relation to the conditions of implementation by the

citizens of the subjective right to elect and to be elected to the bodies of state power.

Only participation of citizens in elections on the basis of general direct equal

suffrage by secret ballot was considered as principles. Such a narrow approach is

predominantly retained in our time. A.G. Orlov points out the existence of the

following basic principles:



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TJL - Tematics journal of Law

ISSN 2249-9806

Vol-6-Issue-2- 2022


UIF 2020= 6.882

IFS 2020= 7.882

sjifactor.com 4.8


Direct Voting,

Confidential Voting[9].

However, such a concept artificially narrows the system of electoral law principles,

reducing them essentially to the principles of active suffrage.

When studying the subject of legal regulation of electoral norms, it is necessary

to reveal its essential side, which is characterized by functions. These functions can

be considered as methods of impact on public relations arising during elections.

The functions of electoral norms include: regulatory; preventive; protective;

educational. The regulatory function is the impact of electoral norms on social

relations by enshrining certain rules of elections in the law. The preventive function

of electoral norms is manifested in the fact that it is primarily aimed at preventing

violations of election rules enshrined in the Electoral Code of the Republic of

Uzbekistan. The protective function of electoral norms is a type of legal impact that

provides protection of social relations regulated by these norms[9]. The educational

function of electoral norms is manifested primarily in the fact that it is aimed at

convincing the population in the fairness of election rules enshrined in the Electoral

Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The educational function is aimed at forming the

legal culture of the population and implementation of the electoral system.

Taking into account the way traversed during the years of independence and

the experience accumulated, as well as proceeding from the requirements of modern

times the electoral legislation was also reformed.

One of the important conditions for building a democratic state governed by

the rule of law and a free civil society is the active participation of citizens in political

processes, including in the management of the affairs of the state and society. The

efficiency of this activity directly depends on democratic elections.

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TJL - Tematics journal of Law

ISSN 2249-9806

Vol-6-Issue-2- 2022


UIF 2020= 6.882

IFS 2020= 7.882

sjifactor.com 4.8


Since the first years of independence in the Republic of Uzbekistan serious

attention was paid to the issues of formation of the main institutions of state power -

the President, the Oliy Majlis and representative bodies of power - through elections.

In the past period a great practical experience in the sphere of creating and

developing the legislative basis of free and fair elections was accumulated. About ten

legal documents regulating the electoral process were adopted - the Constitution of

the Republic of Uzbekistan, the laws "On guarantees of electoral rights of citizens",

"On elections to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan", "On elections to the

Oliy Majlis", "On elections to regional, district and city Councils of deputies", "On

the Central Electoral Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan", "On political

parties", subsequently in 2019 Electoral Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan

substituted 5 main laws regulating elections of the Republic of Uzbekistan. This

Electoral Code defines norms on legal regulation of such issues as the structure of the

electoral system, its essence, the right to elect and be elected, organization and

conduct of elections, openness and publicity in elections, rights and powers of

electoral commissions, the voting procedure and determination of its results,

participation of citizens in elections, guarantee of electoral rights, financing of


During the years of independence our country has carried out large-scale

reforms and implemented comprehensive measures aimed at building a democratic

state governed by the rule of law and a strong civil society.

Thus, a solid foundation of the rule of law, human rights and freedoms has

been laid. The national electoral legislation is gradually being improved on the basis

of rich practical experience accumulated during some ten elections, as well as in

accordance with international standards, growth of political consciousness and legal

culture of citizens and ongoing democratic reforms.

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TJL - Tematics journal of Law

ISSN 2249-9806

Vol-6-Issue-2- 2022


UIF 2020= 6.882

IFS 2020= 7.882

sjifactor.com 4.8


Literature List

1."The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan". LexUZ-online. 8 December
2.Vedeneev Y. A. Electoral power: historical context, political and legal essence and
implementation mechanism // Bulletin of the Central Election Commission of the
Russian Federation. 1995. № 2 (28).
3.Foreign Electoral Law: Textbook. - NORMA Publishers, 2003, p. 8.
4. Veshnyakov A. A. Electoral standards in international law and their
implementation. М., 1997.
5. The Electoral Law // Big Law Dictionary / Edited by Prof. A.Y. Sukharev. - 3rd
ed., updated and revised. - M.: INFRA-M, 2007. - VI, 858 p.
6. Avdeenkova M., Dmitriev Yu. Modern electoral systems // Elections. Legislation
and technologies. 2000. № 7-8. 54-59 р.
7. Avtonomov A. S. Main categories and institutions of electoral law // Electoral
campaign. М., 1995.
8. Vedeneev Y. A. Political democracy and electoral-legal culture of citizens // State
and law. 1997. №2.


. Nolem D. Electoral systems // Technology and organization of election campaigns:

Foreign and domestic experience / Ed. V. S. Komarovsky and G. I. Ivanov. М., 1993.

Библиографические ссылки

"The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan". LexUZ-online. 8 December 1992.

Vedeneev Y. A. Electoral power: historical context, political and legal essence and implementation mechanism // Bulletin of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation. 1995. № 2 (28).

Foreign Electoral Law: Textbook. - NORMA Publishers, 2003, p. 8.

Veshnyakov A. A. Electoral standards in international law and their implementation. М., 1997.

The Electoral Law // Big Law Dictionary / Edited by Prof. A.Y. Sukharev. - 3rd ed., updated and revised. - M.: INFRA M, 2007. - VI, 858 p.

Avdeenkova M., Dmitriev Yu. Modern electoral systems // Elections. Legislation and technologies. 2000. № 7-8. 54-59 р.

Avtonomov A. S. Main categories and institutions of electoral law // Electoral campaign. М., 1995.

Vedeneev Y. A. Political democracy and electoral-legal culture of citizens // State and law. 1997. №2.

Nolem D. Electoral systems // Technology and organization of election campaigns: Foreign and domestic experience / Ed. V. S. Komarovsky and G. I. Ivanov. М., 1993.

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