ANALYSIS OF THE BENEFITS OF DIGITALIZATION OF THE ECONOMY | European International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Management Studies


  • Graduate Student Of Small Business And Private Entrepreneurship Organization (Business Innovation And Entrepreneurship) At The Higher School Of Business And Entrepreneurship Under The Ministry Of Economic Development And Poverty Alleviation, Uzbekistan
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Egamberdiev Abbosxon Sherali Ugli, . (2022). ANALYSIS OF THE BENEFITS OF DIGITALIZATION OF THE ECONOMY. European International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Management Studies, 2(11), 153–156. Retrieved from


Today, techniques and technologies are developing. This article covers the digitization of the economy and its sectors, the introduction of new techniques and technologies. The digital economy is a business activity in which the main factor of production and service is data in the form of numbers that can be processed by processing large amounts of data and analyzing the results of various processing. is to introduce more effective solutions than the previous system in production, services, technologies, devices, storage, product delivery. The digital economy occupies an important place in the life of society. So this article will be about the digital economy. We will try to find answers to such important questions as "What is the digital economy?", "The tasks and tasks of the digital economy", "Obstacles in the development of the digital economy in Uzbekistan". Before covering this topic, let's look at a situation that can happen in our daily life.


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