The role of synonyms in translation theory

Уралова, Н., Суюнова , Г., & Делеверханова, Л. (2023). The role of synonyms in translation theory. СМИ. Язык и культура. Перевод., 1(1), 236–239. извлечено от
Нодира Уралова, Термезский государственный университет
Гульнара Суюнова , Термезский государственный университет
Л Делеверханова, Термезский государственный университет
помошник преподавателя


The demand for teaching and learning a foreign language is increasing year by year in our country. Language teaching is carried out by qualified teachers not only in higher educational institutions, but also in preschool education, schools, colleges and vocational schools. At the same time, research is being conducted to improve the skills of speaking in foreign languages more perfectly and fluently. In this regard, the semantic appearance of words, especially synonyms, is very important in conversation. Through synonyms, ideas are expressed more meaningfully and beautifully. This article also discusses the use of synonyms in the field of translation.

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“Media. Til va madaniyat. Tarjima” talabalar ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi - 2023




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The demand for teaching and learning a foreign language is increasing

year by year in our country. Language teaching is carried out by qualified teachers
not only in higher educational institutions, but also in preschool education, schools,
colleges and vocational schools. At the same time, research is being conducted to
improve the skills of speaking in foreign languages more perfectly and fluently. In
this regard, the semantic appearance of words, especially synonyms, is very
important in conversation. Through synonyms, ideas are expressed more
meaningfully and beautifully. This article also discusses the use of synonyms in the
field of translation.

Key words:

synonyms, pronunciation, meaning, the translation norm.

Words are the basis of all languages in the world. Also, people's speech depends

on the use of these words. It is no exaggeration to say that it depends on having a

large vocabulary and using synonyms in order for our speech to be fluent and not to

repeat our spoken words, and language units with the same meaning the phenomenon

of having is called synonymy. The unit of synonymy is words that have one common

meaning, that is, they are synonyms. synonyms are not just a luxury, but a real asset

of the language. Synonyms are one of the meaningful forms of the word, with a

number of features such as the pronunciation and spelling are different, the unifying

meaning is the same, the additional meaning is subtle, and the emotional meaning is

used. are called mutually distinguishable words. Speaking of synonyms, we divide

synonyms into ideographic and stylistic types in linguistics. Ideographic synonyms,

for example: to understand-to realize, have the same meaning and belong to the same

neutral stylistic type. Stylistic synonyms sometimes call them emotionally

expressive. Stylistic synonyms have different meanings according to their stylistic

features. For example: to help - to aid - to assist means to help. According to the

above definitions, synonymy is mainly a semantic view, in any case, definition of

synonyms is carried out on the basis of stylistic criteria, other criteria and combined

purely semantic criteria. Synonyms

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“Media. Til va madaniyat. Tarjima” talabalar ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi - 2023

always provide unexpected units or logical meanings, so synonymous repetition

decorates the work from a stylistic point of view. An ideographic synonym is used

by the translator to avoid the lack of color and lack of expression caused by the

repetition of language units. Regardless of the fact that a line of synonyms consists

of several words, one word is the main word defining the character of this line of

synonyms. This word is called dominant. The correct definition of the main word in

this line plays an important role in determining the limit of the synonymy line, as

well as in revealing the specific characteristics of each word in it. In the synonymous

line, the word whose meaning is wider than the others is considered the main word.

When determining the boundary of a synonymy line, the main word is taken into

account, other words are not compared to each other, but to the main word. For

example: accomplish, attain, gain, the word achiwe is the main word. In this sentence,

naked is used as a synonym quantifier. We study synonyms in three types from the

morphological point of view. The task of translation is not only to be able to give the

meaning of words and sentences, but also to reveal the most subtle and elegant

features arising from the inner energy of the author's style. the peculiarity of creating

humor, his innovation in choosing words and connecting words was the most

important feature of the artistic work. Many such synonyms and combinations are

best used interchangeably, but if used inappropriately, a gross error may occur. To

ensure the high quality of the translation, the translator must be able to compare the

translated text with the original, assess and classify possible errors, and make

necessary corrections. If the translator has to fulfill some requirements, then the

evaluation of the results of his work is determined by how completely and

successfully he fulfills these requirements. The set of requirements for translation

quality is called the translation norm. The quality of the translation is determined by

the degree of compliance with the translation norm and the character of unintentional

or conscious deviation from this norm. Normative requirements are formulated in the

form of principles or translation rules. Normative rules can be general or specific,

cover specific cases, or refer to a specific type of translation or to translation in

general. They can be formulated as a single rule or accompanied by conditions under

which this rule can be applied or more or less cases (exceptions to the rules) in which

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it cannot be applied. The results of the translation process (translation quality) are

determined by the level of semantic closeness of the translation to the original, the

genre and style of the original and translated texts, and pragmatic factors that affect

the choice of the translation option. All these aspects of translation have a direct

normative character, they determine the strategy of the translator and the criteria for

evaluating his work. In the explanatory dictionary of the Uzbek language, synonyms

and the phenomenon of synonymy are defined as follows: "The word synonym is

taken from the Greek language, the form and pronunciation are different, but the

meaning is very close to each other said to words with mutual


meaning. The

phenomenon of synonymy is that words that are close to each other in terms of

meaning are different in form. Synonymy (from the Greek synonymia - the meaning

is the same, similar) is the phenomenon of linguistic units with different

pronunciation and spelling, the meaning of which is completely or partially similar.

Lexical synonyms are words that are pronounced and written differently, but are close

to each other or have the same meaning. The problem of synonyms is one of the

important lexicological problems.


As early as the end of the 18th century, the issue

of the possibility of several words denoting the same concept was discussed. In the

1st half of the 19th century, philologists believed that "synonyms", i.e. words that

correspond to each other in terms of content, cannot exist in the language, and

synonyms were defined as "having a similar sign", "meaningful".


It also occurs within all word groups. A group of words with a common meaning

is called a synonymous line. A synonymous line consists of two or more words with

the same meaning. Each synonym line contains one word, the main word. This word

is used in all styles and can be called neutral word, neutral word and dominant word.

For example, in words such as

beautiful, beautiful, unique,

the main word is the

word beautiful, or look at, look at, look at




at is the dominant word. There

are several scholars' opinions about synonyms, and R. A. Budagov says: "Synonyms

are words that are close in meaning but have different pronunciations and express the

same meaning. All synonyms are different words and although they mean the same


Tursunov U., Muxtorov J. Hozirgi o'zbek adabiy tili. - T., 1975.


Alexina A. I Semanticheskiy gruppi v frazeologiy sovremennego angliyskogo yazika. - М., 1977.


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thing, they always mean the same thing. Synonyms are evidence that people convey

the same meaning through different words."


. The rule of synonyms in English is

as follows:

-a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or

phrase in the same language.

For example,

bad-awful, terrible, horrible; afraid - scared child - kid difficult

- hard gift - present house - home leap - jump pull - tug quick - fast sick - ill simple

- easy sniff - smell sprint - run street - road tiny - small rich-wealthy; help-assist;

end-finish; danger-harm; mistake-error; aim-goal;

In conclusion, it can be said that types and methods of translation are very

important tools for the translation process. It is very important to use translation

methods in the translation process. Translation methods help to improve the quality

of translation and preserve the original meaning of the translation from the original

language. It is very important for every translator working in the field of translation

to be aware of the types of translation and translation methods.



Alexina A. I. Semanticheskiy gruppi v frazeologiy sovremennego

angliyskogo yazika. - М., 1977.


Budagov, R. A. 1967. Literaturnye iazyki i iazykovye stili. [Literary

languages and language styles] Moscow: Vysshaia Shkola.


Бакиева, Г. Х., and Д. М. Тешабаева. "Медиамаконда матн." Тошкент:

Турон-Икбол (2019).


Тешабаева, Нодира Джураевна, and Зухриддин Ахтамжонович





почвообразования." Проблемы современной науки и образования 1 (146)
(2020): 22-24.


Бакиева, Х. В., Караева, Б. Х., Коршунова, Е. Н., Краева, И. А.,

Тешабаева, Д. М., & Фролова, Г. М. (2012). Узбекский язык для стран СНГ.


Tursunov U., Muxtorov J. Hozirgi o'zbek adabiy tili. - T., 1975.


Smirinskiy A. I. Sintaksis angliskogo yazika. - М., 1957.


Solijonov J. K.“Tarjimonlarga tavsiyalar 1-5-qismlar”.



Budagov, R. A. 1967. Literaturnye iazyki i iazykovye stili. [Literary languages and language styles] Moscow:

Vysshaia Shkola.

Библиографические ссылки

Alexina A. I. Semanticheskiy gruppi v frazeologiy sovremennego angliyskogo yazika. - М., 1977.

Budagov, R. A. 1967. Literaturnye iazyki i iazykovye stili. [Literary languages and language styles] Moscow: Vysshaia Shkola.

Бакиева, Г. Х., and Д. М. Тешабаева. "Медиамаконда матн." Тошкент: Турон-Икбол (2019).

Тешабаева, Нодира Джураевна, and Зухриддин Ахтамжонович Умирзаков. "Значение физиологических свойств почвообразования." Проблемы современной науки и образования 1 (146) (2020): 22-24.

Бакиева, Х. В., Караева, Б. Х., Коршунова, Е. Н., Краева, И. А., Тешабаева, Д. М., & Фролова, Г. М. (2012). Узбекский язык для стран СНГ. Учебник.

Tursunov U., Muxtorov J. Hozirgi o'zbek adabiy tili. - T., 1975.

Smirinskiy A. I. Sintaksis angliskogo yazika. - М., 1957.

Solijonov J. K.“Tarjimonlarga tavsiyalar 1-5-qismlar”.

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