Важность сохранения и реставрации исторических зданий

  • Ташкентский архитектурно-строительный университет
  • Ташкентский архитектурно-строительный университет
Хотамов, А., & Рахматхожаева, Д. (2023). Важность сохранения и реставрации исторических зданий. Тенденции и перспективы развития городов, 1(1), 167–169. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/prospects-urban-development/article/view/27298
А Хотамов, Ташкентский архитектурно-строительный университет
д.т.н., проф.
Д Рахматхожаева, Ташкентский архитектурно-строительный университет


Исторические здания являются неотъемлемой частью культурного наследия общества. Эти сооружения служат свидетельством истории и развития города или региона. Сохранение и реставрация исторических зданий являются сложными, многогранными и дорогостоящими процессами, но они достойны затрат, так как помогают прославить и восстановить наше наследие и сохранить наши корни. В этой статье мы рассмотрим важность сохранения и реставрации исторических зданий и влияние на местное сообщество.

Похожие статьи

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Toshkent University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Uzbekistan.


Historic buildings are an integral part of a community’s cultural heritage. These structures serve as

a testament to the history and development of a city or region. The preservation and restoration of historic buildings
are complex, multifaceted and expensive processes, but they are worth the cost, as they help to glorify and restore our
heritage and preserve our roots. In this article, we will explore the importance of preserving and restoring historic
buildings and the impact it has on the local community.


Tarixiy binolar jamiyat madaniy merosining ajralmas qismidir. Ushbu tuzilmalar shahar yoki

mintaqaning tarixi va rivojlanishidan dalolat beradi.

Tarixiy binolarni saqlash va tiklash murakkab, ko'p qirrali va

ko’p mablag’ talab etadigan jarayondir, ammo ular bunga arziydi, chunki ular bizning tarixiy merosimizni tiklashga
va ildizlarimizni saqlab qolishga yordam beradi. Ushbu maqolada tarixiy binolarni saqlash va tiklashning ahamiyati
va uning mahalliy hamjamiyatdagi ta'siri yoritilgan.


Исторические здания являются неотъемлемой частью культурного наследия общества.

Эти сооружения служат свидетельством истории и развития города или региона. Сохранение и реставрация
исторических зданий являются сложными, многогранными и дорогостоящими процессами, но они достойны
затрат, так как помогают прославить и восстановить наше наследие и сохранить наши корни. В этой статье
мы рассмотрим важность сохранения и реставрации исторических зданий и влияние на местное сообщество.

Key words:

restoration, preservation, monument,heritage, deterioration, conservation,unrecognizable,


Kalit so`zlar:

qayta tiklash, saqlash, yodgorlik, meros, buzilish, saqlash, tanib bo'lmaydigan, erishib


Ключевые слова:

реставрация, сохранение, памятник, наследие, ухудшение состояния,

консервация,неузнаваемый, недоступный.


Building Restoration describes a particular treatment approach and philosophy within the

field of architectural conservation and historic preservation. It emphasizes the preservation of
structures such as historic sites, houses, monuments, and other significant properties through
careful maintenance and upkeep. Restoration aims to create accurate depictions of these locations
and protect them against deterioration that could make them inaccessible or unrecognizable in the

Preserving historic buildings is essential to maintain a community’s cultural heritage.

Historic buildings provide a tangible link to the past, allowing us to understand and appreciate the
history of our cities and regions. These buildings also serve as landmarks and tourist attractions,
generating revenue for the local economy.

Moreover, historic buildings often have a unique architectural style and design that reflects

the history and culture of a particular era. Preserving these buildings ensures that future generations
can appreciate and learn from the architectural and cultural history of a community.

Main part:

In the field of historic preservation, building restoration is the action or process of accurately

revealing, recovering or representing the state of a historic building, as it appeared at a particular
period in its history, while protecting its heritage value. Restoration work may be performed to
reverse decay, or alterations made to the buildings.

Preserving historic buildings is a complex and challenging process. Many historic buildings

are in a state of disrepair, requiring significant investment to restore them to their former glory.
Moreover, the materials and techniques used in the construction of historic buildings are often
outdated and require specialized knowledge to restore properly.[1]

Another challenge is finding a balance between preservation and modernization. While it is

essential to preserve the historic integrity of a building, it is also important to ensure that it meets
modern building codes and safety standards.

The benefits of restorating historical buildings

Restoring historic buildings provides numerous benefits to the community. The restoration

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process generates jobs and stimulates the local economy. Moreover, restored historic buildings
serve as tourist attractions, bringing in revenue and promoting the local culture and history[4].

Restored historic buildings also provide a sense of pride and identity to the community.

These buildings serve as landmarks and symbols of the community’s history and cultural heritage.
By restoring historic buildings, a community can strengthen its sense of identity and promote a
sense of community pride[3].

The reasons that we should restore historical buildings

The reasons to restore a building most frequently fall into five main categories:

1. Historical value

Older buildings are one of the only tangible throwbacks that we have to the past and forgotten

bygone eras. They have an intrinsic historical and educational value as we can learn so much from
them, in terms of architecture, interior design and decoration, as well as past standards of living
and the way of life of people from years gone by.

In addition, buildings of a certain era are usually built with different or better quality

materials than those more modern constructions which we build today. Usually found in pre-World
War II buildings, at that time structures were built to last.

As a general rule, these types of buildings are sturdy, dependable and a much safer bet than

their cheap, flimsy modern counterparts. Once properly restored, an older building is most likely
going to be a better bet than a new build, especially if the renovation process is focused on
sustainability for the future.

2. Architectural importance

Most older buildings are jam-packed full of interesting and unique architecture and design

ideas and styles. From the quirky charm of an uneven ceiling to the rustic appeal of exposed beams
and an open fire, it is undeniable that old buildings have a character and personality all of their
very own.

3. Sustainability

Restoring a building for another purpose than its original intent is called adaptive reuse.

Financially, businesses are better off restoring a building and adapting it for modern use than
constructing a new site. The buildings are often built to better standards and as mentioned above
have unique architectural elements that can increase business.

4. Cultural significance

Old buildings are there to serve as a reminder of a town’s culture and interesting past. The

very act of seeing a historic building is a visual reminder to the viewer of the area’s cultural

People can immediately witness history first-hand through the aesthetics and architecture of

a particular building. The renovation of heritage buildings is essential to the permanent residence
of history and culture in the nation’s psyche.

5. One Chance Rule

When a building is demolished what is lost cannot be measured. The site could hold a one

of a kind design element or a historically significant past currently unknown. The One Chance
Rule is guided by the idea that there is only one chance to restore a site and missing that opportunity
could destroy a site of unknown significance.

Although rare, there are times when a site would be demolished or reconstruction is chosen

over restoration. This decision is made primarily when the resources to restore the site are
unavailable. The challenge to reconstruction is that there is an element of conjecture in the process
that can easily alter the site unintentionally. Another reason not to restore a building is the value
and knowledge that can be gained from the material remaining within the building.

As we all know, choosing the right method of restoration is absolutely essential to the

eventual success of the renovation project further down the line.

There are many different building restoration techniques for experienced professionals to

choose from, ranging from standard repairs to structure preservation to full restoration. Each has

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their benefits and drawbacks both in the long term and short term, and each will suit different
buildings in varying ways depending on factors including usage, function, and physical condition.

Historical buildings are vital to the upkeep of the cultural significance of our country. It is,

therefore, essential that we continue to devote time, money and resources to the restoration and
renovation of these heritage buildings and structures. That will ensure that we can keep enjoying
and learning from these buildings for many more years to come[2].


In conclusion, historic buildings play an essential role in a community’s cultural heritage.

Preserving and restoring these structures is vital to maintaining a community’s identity and
promoting its history and culture. The restoration of historic buildings provides numerous benefits
to the community, including job creation, economic stimulation, and community pride.

By embracing new technologies and techniques, experts can restore historic buildings to

their former glory while ensuring they meet modern building codes and safety standards. The
preservation and restoration of historic buildings are essential to ensure that future generations can
appreciate and learn from the architectural and cultural history of a community.


1. SDOS 04-2009 "A technique of carrying out construction control at construction, reconstruction, capital repairs of

capital construction projects".

2. G. Croci, “General methodology for the structural restoration of historic buildings: the cases of the Tower of Pisa and

the Basilica of Assisi,”

Journal of Cultural Heritage

, vol. 1, pp. 7–18, 2000.View at:

Publisher Site


Google Scholar

3. 2013 Sustainable restoration of traditional building systems in the historical centre of Sevilla Energy and Buildings

(Spain) Volume 62 July pp 648–659

4. Kaganova I O 2014 Reconstruction of residential buildings in cultural and historical centers of the cities: experience

and problems Gumanitarnye nauchnye issledovania 12-2(40) pp103106

Библиографические ссылки

SDOS 04-2009 "A technique of carrying out construction control at construction, reconstruction, capital repairs of capital construction projects".

G. Croci, “General methodology for the structural restoration of historic buildings: the cases of the Tower of Pisa and the Basilica of Assisi,” Journal of Cultural Heritage, vol. 1, pp. 7–18, 2000.View at: Publisher Site | Google Scholar

2013 Sustainable restoration of traditional building systems in the historical centre of Sevilla Energy and Buildings (Spain) Volume 62 July pp 648–659

Kaganova I O 2014 Reconstruction of residential buildings in cultural and historical centers of the cities: experience and problems Gumanitarnye nauchnye issledovania 12-2(40) pp103106

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