Phraseological units with a colorative component as a fragment of the linguistic picture of the world (based on the material of russian, english and karakalpak languages)

Джумамуратов , К. (2023). Phraseological units with a colorative component as a fragment of the linguistic picture of the world (based on the material of russian, english and karakalpak languages) . Ренессанс в парадигме новаций образования и технологий в XXI веке, 1(1), 135–138.
К Джумамуратов , Каракалпакский государственный университет имени Бердаха




The study examines phraseologisms in the English, Karakalpak, and Russian languages that have a colorative component. The comparative study of languages from various language families and the analysis of phraseologisms – which are the aspects that most vividly express the cultural peculiarity of ethnic groups – are prerequisites for the work’s relevance. The comprehensive examination of phraseological units demonstrates the scientific novelty. The study’s theoretical significance stems from its examination of the phraseological equivalence issue. The comparative approach and the lexicographic analysis method are the main research techniques.

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Djumamuratov K.

Nukus, Uzbekistan

PhD Student, Berdakh Karakalpak State University


The study examines phraseologisms in the English, Karakalpak, and Russian

languages that have a colorative component. The comparative study of languages from
various language families and the analysis of phraseologisms – which are the aspects
that most vividly express the cultural peculiarity of ethnic groups – are prerequisites for
the work’s relevance. The comprehensive examination of phraseological units
demonstrates the scientific novelty. The study’s theoretical significance stems from its
examination of the phraseological equivalence issue. The comparative approach and the
lexicographic analysis method are the main research techniques.


equivalence, symbol, evaluativeness, phraseology, phraseologism and

colorative component


The choice of the topic is due to the fact that the Russian, English and Karakalpak

language cultures have a large number of phraseological units containing a deep inner
meaning. Color is one of the environmental factors affecting a person. Color
characteristics are the most important component of the visual perception process. Color
designations are a way of self–expression. Scientists have formulated 9 main functions of
color, among which, in our opinion, the most important are the following: aesthetic,
expressive, communicative and identification. The object of the study was phraseological
units with a colorative component in the Russian, English and Karakalpak languages.

The results of a person’s cognition of the objective world in the course of his life

are recorded in the so-called picture of the world. The term was introduced in the XIX-
XX centuries by G. Hertz and M. The Planck concerning the physical picture of the
world, a in the field of linguistics arose thanks to the scientific works of researcher L.
Weisgerber. This phenomenon is interpreted by anthropologist Robert Redfield as a
worldview characteristic of a certain ethnic group; it is a certain, subjective vision of
oneself, one’s actions, life and the world. A picture of the world is «a certain image of the
world that is never its mirror image» [5, p. 60].

A person’s perception of the world and himself is reflected in language, which is

the most important way of forming and storing knowledge, since ethnic realities have a
direct impact on language and its semantics. That is why the linguistic reflection of
reality differs from reality as such. The totality of ideas about the world received by
mankind as a result of not only cognition of reality, but also of life activity as a whole,
captured in a linguistic form, is defined as a linguistic picture of the world. For the first
time this term was introduced by V. von Humboldt, whose doctrine of a special
worldview arose within the framework of classical German philosophy in the early
nineteenth century.

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The study of the linguistic picture of the world was carried out by such linguists as

F. Schlegel, A.A. Potebnya, E. Sepir, B.L. Wharf. Among the Russian researchers, one
can single out F.F. Fortunatov, N.D. Arutyunova, Yu.N. Karaulov.

This linguistic phenomenon causes linguists a large number of questions due to the

variety of interpretations. Due to the fact that scientists, tracing the linguistic picture of
the world, focus on certain aspects of the concept, definitions cannot become generally
accepted, however, the whole variety of interpretations is reduced to a narrow and broad
understanding of the phenomenon:

1. The linguistic picture of the world is understood as a subjective perception of

the objective world through the prism of linguistic activity.

2. The linguistic picture of the world is understood as a kind of scheme of

perception of reality, fixed in the language.

Thus, according to the assumption of linguist V.A.Maslova, the linguistic picture

of the world is a formative link of human self- and world perception, setting the norms of
behavior in society and reflecting the perception of the surrounding world: «it is the
linguistic picture of the world that determines communicative behavior, understanding of
the external world and the inner world of a person. It reflects the way of speech-thinking
activity characteristic of a particular epoch, with its spiritual, cultural and national
values» [3, p.65].

The phraseological picture of the world is an integral part of the linguistic picture

of the world, since phraseological units often reflect the national character.
Phraseological units are reproducible phrases that have a holistic meaning. «The
phraseological fund of the language is a valuable source of information about the culture
and mentality of the people, in which the people’s ideas about myths, customs, rituals,
habits, morals, behavior are preserved» [3, p.43]. Thus, phraseological units secondary
reflect the vision of the world not of individuals or social groups, but of the whole
people, his social system, ideology.

Phraseology as an independent branch of lexicology arose under the influence of

Sh . Bali, and the beginning of the development of Russian phraseology was founded by
V.V. Vinogradov. The linguist classifies phraseological units from the point of view of
semantic fusion of components into three categories: merges, unities and combinations.
Researcher N.M.Shansky expanded the classification by adding a new category –
phraseological expressions. Recently, many scientific papers have appeared (A.V.Kunin,
V.N.Telia, D.N.Shmelev), which highlight phraseological problems from the point of
view of semantics, morphology and syntax. However, the field of phraseology raises a
large number of questions due to the fact that different concepts of this field are
interpreted differently by different researchers, and the terms are not interpreted

In our study, we consider such linguistic units that, by their adjacency with words

and free combinations of words, have a certain, only for them characteristic set of
differential features:

1. reproducibility;
2. sustainability;
3. integrity of the value;
4. impermeability;

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5. the presence of two or more percussion components.
The phraseological system most fully reflects the national mentality and

peculiarities of any ethnic group. Thus, phraseological units often serve as a means of
nominating objects, signs, properties and processes. In our scientific work, we investigate
phraseological units with a colorative component. In the cultural tradition of each ethnic
group, correspondences have been established between color meanings specific to it, in
the presence of universality of color perception by all members of society.

The classification of B. Berlin and P. Kay is well known, who, having studied 78

languages, came to the conclusion that 11 basic colors began to be encoded in the history
of any language in a fixed order, and the stages of the appearance of terms represent the
stages of linguistic evolution of languages [7, p. 11].

Phraseological units with color meanings have been studied in separate languages,

such as Japanese, German, and French, but there is not enough research in several
languages. In the study, we consider English, Russian and Karakalpak phraseological
units with such color components that, according to the classification of R.M. Frumkina,
belong to the main colors, that is, for which the following feature is characteristic: their
interpretation is associated with an object for which the possession of this color is typical:
black (black), red (red), blue (blue), green (blue), yellow (yellow) and white (white). We
also highlight the blue color separately. In the English and Karakalpak languages, one
nomination is used to designate blue and blue colors (blue) [6]. We would like to note
that in the Karakalpak language the word “kók» sometimes means both blue and green.

In order to identify differences in the meaning of color in the Russian, English and

Karakalpak language pictures of the world, it is necessary, using the method of
conceptual modeling, to compare phraseological units with the color component of these

In this paper, we will be based on the classification of Y. Solodub [2], which

establishes the following types of interlanguage equivalents and analogues that present
difficulties in interlanguage and intercultural communication:

1. Absolute equivalents having the same structure, imagery and semantics in

Russian and English.

2. Partial equivalents with identical semantics and internal form, different structure

or components.

3. Non-equivalent phraseological units that have no analogues in another

language. These are idioms belonging to a certain ethnic group, most strongly tied to a
certain language.

4. Calcified phraseological units obtained by literal translation from one language

to another. The most common are literal translations of phraseological units from ancient
mythology and biblical studies.

Comparing Russian, English and Karakalpak phraseological units with the

colorative component, we found the following features:

1. phraseological units with full equivalence:

black as night

черный как ночь


red as a beet

красный как свекла


yellow rag

желтая пресса


a black day – qara kún, черный народ – qara xalıq, qara ter – black

sweat, as black as a coal – kómir qara, white as milk - sútten aq.

2. phraseological units with partial equivalence:

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white as milk

белый как снег


disappear into the blue – в воду кануть


Aqtı aq,

qaranı qara -

black and white (it is easy to understand what is right and wrong)


letter day (a day on which a great incident of misfortune happened or has happened) -
qara xat (kelgen kún) red in the face – júzi qızarıw.

3. non-equivalent phraseological units:
the boys in blue – моряки; be in the red - быть в долгу; the red, white and blue –

английский флот и армия; mańlayi black-unlucky person, QIP-gold aqsha-a lot of
money, júzi sarúayiw-to miss someone / to feel sad.

4. calcified phraseological units:
whited sepulchers –

окрашенные гробы

(метафорически используется для

лицемеров); whitеr than ѕnоw –

белее снега

(высшая степень нравственной чистоты).

Thus, we have considered phraseological units with a colorative component in the

Russian, English and Karakalpak language pictures of the world. Our analysis allowed us
to conclude that the most frequent phraseological units in the compared languages are
those belonging to the black, white, red and blue color scheme.

Within the framework of the color meanings included in the phraseological units,

there is a similarity between the Russian, English and Karakalpak languages in the
number of coloratives. The analyzed phraseological units coincide in structural and
grammatical models and types of meaning, which indicates the kinship of the
linguocreative thinking of native speakers of these languages. The subject of special
attention was non-equivalent phraseological units with a colorative component.



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Библиографические ссылки

Кунин, A.B. Англо-русский фразеологический словарь. Mосква: Русский язык, 1999. – 512 с. ISBN 5-87-905-042-4.

Леонтьев, A.A. Языковое сознание и образ мира. Язык и сознание: пара-доксальная рациональность. B: Сборник научных статей. Mосква: Институт языкознания РAН, 1993. – С. 16-21.

Maсловa, B.A. Лингвокультурология. Учебное пособие для студентов высших учебных заведений. Mосква: Aкадемия, 2001. – 208 с. ISBN5-76-95-0745-4

Mолотков, A.И. Фразеологический словарь русского языка. Москва: Советская энциклопедия, 1968. – 543 с.

Серебренников, Б.A. Роль человеческого фактора в языке. Язык и картина мира. Mосква: Наука, 1988. – 212 с. ISBN 5-02 010878-2.

Фрумкинa, Р.M. Психолингвистика. Учебное пособие для студентов высших учебных заведений. Mосква: Aкадемия, 2001. – 25 с. ISBN 978-5-4468-0305-7

Berlin, B., Kayp. Basic Color Terms. Berkley: University of California Press, 1969. – P. 390. ISBN 3-89706-159-7

Francis, B., parkinson, D. Oxford Idioms Dictionary for Learners of English. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. – 509 p. ISBN 2-31478-739-7.

Paxratdinov Q., Bekniyazov Q., Qaraqalpaq tilindegi frazeologizmler.

Eshbaev J., Qaraqalpaq tiliniń qısqasha frazeologiyalıq sózligi. Nókis, 1985.

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