Digitalization of logistics processes | Наука 21 века: общество и цифровизация

Digitalization of logistics processes

Shermukhamedov , A. ., & Abdullaeva , D. . (2022). Digitalization of logistics processes. Наука 21 века: общество и цифровизация, 1(01), 143–145. извлечено от
Abbas Shermukhamedov , Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Tashkent Branch

DSc, professor Kholboev

Dilora Abdullaeva , Tashkent State Economic Universit

associate professor



Information technology (IT) that uses digital platform of the transport complex will ensure the rapid development of digitalization in the fields of transport and logistics

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International Conference

Science of the 21st century: society and digitalization

Conference Proceedings. Scope Academic House, January 30, 2021, Sheffield, UK.



Shermukhamedov A. T.


Abdullaeva D.K.



Shermukhamedov Abbas Tairovich. DSc, professor Kholboev B.M. PhD, associate

professor Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Tashkent Branch, Uzbekistan,


Abdullaeva Dilora Kuysunovna Tashkent State Economic University, associate


Information technology (IT) that uses digital platform of the transport complex will
ensure the rapid development of digitalization in the fields of transport and logistics.

Keywords: logistic process, warehouse complexes, intelligent transport, Distributed
Ledger Technology.

The electronic trading platform for freight transportation and its integration with

the automotive complex will accelerate the provision of multimodal services to terminal
and warehouse complexes, financial services and insurance, which will become the basis of
the country's transport and logistics platform. The government will take on a unifying role
to create a single secure digital space for the transport complex.

Uzbekistan is developing standards for digital interaction of transport market

participants. Under the new conditions, the economic competitiveness of the country will
be largely determined by the presence of intelligent transport and logistics systems, since,
according to experts, the logistics component in each final product of the economy of
Uzbekistan is no more than 20% but depending on the specific type of logistics costs vary
from negligible shares for purely digital products sent over the Internet, up to 60% for
energy. Infrastructure of projects for digital transformation of transport will have a huge
impact on logistics in the coming years. The digital railway will become the basis of digital
transport in the world: innovative technologies will increase the capacity of existing and
new railways by at least 50% and halve the cost of transportation.

According to foreign experts, the digital railroad will become the basis of digital

transport in the world: innovative technologies will increase the capacity of existing and
new railways by at least 50% and halve the cost of transportation. As stated by the digital
economy, companies will have to develop new cost-effective logistics solutions in advance.
From this point of view, DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) technology or block-chain
may be of interest to domestic entrepreneurs, which are increasingly being used in
countries such as the USA, Australia, Great Britain, and New Zealand. One of the main
advantages of this technology is the ability to track shipment in real time, view the stages
of cargo movement on a single electronic map, etc. Currently, the US Postal Service is
experimenting with block-chain which is the country's main logistics company for small
and medium-sized companies, coordinating with a wide range of clients, contractors and
other stakeholders including customs, delivery partners, long-distance truck drivers, postal
shippers, recipients, etc. Using the block-chain to manage interactions between these
subjects allows for faster delivery, especially international side. The US Postal Service is
testing the automatic payment of invoices at arrival of the goods; in the future it is assumed
that each postal item (parcel or letter) will be equipped with a built-in sensor, which the

background image

International Conference

Science of the 21st century: society and digitalization

Conference Proceedings. Scope Academic House, January 30, 2021, Sheffield, UK.


block-chain will be track the entire delivery chain including payment and customs

In the USA according to the strategic plan for the development of the transport

industry for the period 2018-2022, four components have been delivered: transport
logistics-safety, infrastructure, innovation and manageability. In terms of innovation at the
US Plan Transportation Strategic it is focused on guiding the development and
implementation of innovative practices and technologies that improve the safety and
efficiency of the transportation system.

In Singapore on the project of Smart Mobility it is clearly seen that options for solving

the problem of transport digitalization on the agenda. In particular, the document spelled
out the need for analytics in three basic areas, which relate to operational planning,
resource optimization, and the availability of relevant information in real time. In
particularly, it is proposed to use ground sensors, demand management, simulations,
predictive and multimodal analytics. The basis of the digital transport system in Singapore
according to the strategy will be unmanned trains, robotic loaders, autonomous convoys of
trucks, autonomous taxis, car and bicycle sharing, devices for personal mobility, and
autonomous buses. The anticipated challenges in the Smart Mobility project include
security, as well as anonymization and re-identification and aggregation.

The French framework of the profile strategy are presented plans for the

development of transport infrastructure, which include investment programs for the future
(IAP). Two of them involve significant financial investments (in the form of redeemable
advances) in new aircraft designs of the Airbus Group. IAPs include support for R&D
projects. In particular, in the space sector, investment programs have contributed to the
funding of research related to the development of next-generation launchers as well as new
telecommunications satellites.

The Program of “Vehicle of the Future”, in turn, mobilized automobiles, sea and rail

transport with the aim of technological structuring of the relevant industries are related, in
particular, to the production of starting mechanisms (thermal, hybrid or electric), as well
as weight reduction and the development of autonomous Vehicle.

In addition, the program of "Vehicle of the Future" in the context of the IAP made a

significant financial contribution to the creation of an electric fueling system for cars and
modernization of the ferry fleet in France.

In addition of the program should receive road, rail and sea modes of transports, as

part of the implementation of the concept of smart mobility and logistics, assistance in
research and joint testing facilities; support for joint development projects; supporting
intelligence research through research organizations; aids related to the production
process as part of the industrial production modernization program towards the "Factory
of the Future".

The technology roadmaps for the above sectors are part of the New Industrial

France: Environmental Mobility and Transport of Tomorrow program, which promotes
R&D projects and includes the following points: Continuation of research and development
work in the field of research and development programs for key players (large automakers
and suppliers, shipbuilders and railroad workers) to manufacture vehicles in the context of
increased technical requirements, including smart vehicles (autonomous and connected);
continued targeted support for innovation by SMEs; continued support for vehicle testing
and deployment of infrastructure for autonomous vehicles.

background image

International Conference

Science of the 21st century: society and digitalization

Conference Proceedings. Scope Academic House, January 30, 2021, Sheffield, UK.


Significant research is devoted to trends in the development of the transport system

in Australia. In particular, technological innovations in the transport sector will help
increase the efficiency, productivity and safety of transport, and reduce its negative impact
on the environment. Expanding access to big data is already enabling more sophisticated
analysis for public and private collaboration.

For example, traffic cameras and sensors provide efficient infrastructure

management by detecting congestion and road works, sending warnings to motorists, and
re-routing. This helps to reduce travel times, reduce fuel and energy consumption, and
make better use of existing infrastructure. By the way, Rio Tinto's self-driving trucks have
already transported over 100 million tons of land in Pilbara. One of the main tasks in the
strategy for the development of transport infrastructure in the UK is to increase the level of
WI-FI coverage of passenger transport. It is assumed that by 2018 about 90% of passenger
vehicles in Foggy Albion will have WI-FI access.

In addition, there is significant cellular coverage on highways in the UK, which

accounts for about 97% of voice coverage provided by incumbent operators. However, in
the long term, it is necessary to carry out appropriate work to improve the quality of the
connection, in particular, so that consumers can quickly receive messages about problems
on the road, as well as for the proper functioning of new technologies, such as connected
and autonomous vehicles, and intelligent motorways.

Abroad at the level of strategic plans, sufficient attention is paid to the development

of the transport sector in the context of the digital transformation of the economy.
Therefore, it is necessary to carefully study international experience and use the best
practices with us. The new requirements that the digital economy makes to the transport
industry in the Russian Federation are expressed in the strengthening of personalized,
distributed (in accordance with geographic specificity) consumption. Thus, in order to
meet the new realities, logistics must become digital and, as a result, predictive [1, 2].

Moreover, digital logistics must develop simultaneously and in conjunction with

other industries. One of the drivers of the rapid development of digital logistics is e-
commerce. In the past few years, its volume has been growing very rapidly, both in Russia
and around the world, which poses new challenges that the transport infrastructure must
solve as soon as possible.

It is important for our specialists in Uzbekistan to choose for the digital development

of the country precisely those technologies that can be effectively and economically
implemented in the conditions of the domestic economy. The main question that will arise
in connection with the new format of socio-economic development for our companies is
how quickly they can adapt to the uncertainty created by new technologies and business
models. Uzbekistan is at the very beginning of industrial transformation, and as a result of
the development of the digital economy, global scientific and technical solutions in logistics
will appear.


Dimitrov I.D. The impact of the digital economy on the development of the

transport industry in Russia journal of «Transport of the Russian Federation », 50

-55 pp.

№ 6. 2017.


International Forum on Digital Logistics and Blockchain Systems on the

International Transport Corridors Network, Moscow, March 15, 2018.

Библиографические ссылки

Dimitrov l.D. The impact of the digital economy on the development of the transport industry in Russia journal of «Transport of the Russian Federation », 50-55 pp. № 6.2017.

International Forum on Digital Logistics and Blockchain Systems on the International Transport Corridors Network, Moscow, March 15, 2018.

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