Human’s psychology and its study

Qurbonova, D., & Nomanov, S. (2022). Human’s psychology and its study. Результаты научных исследований в условиях пандемии (COVID-19), 1(01), 110–113. извлечено от
Dilnura Qurbonova, Termez branch of Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami




This article discusses the person and his structure, psychological characteristics of the person, age-related changes in consciousness, goals, worldviews, needs, interests, skills and habits, the importance of psychological methods in the study of personality, factors influencing personality formation

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


Dilnura Qurbonova, Student of Termez branch of Tashkent State

Pedagogical University named after Nizami

Saydullo Nomanov, Namangan region Chortok District Student of Social-

Economical college


D. Qurbonova, S. Nomanov

Abstract: This article discusses the person and his structure,

psychological characteristics of the person, age-related changes in
consciousness, goals, worldviews, needs, interests, skills and habits, the
importance of psychological methods in the study of personality, factors
influencing personality formation .

Keywords: Person, individual, individuality, orientation of the person,

knowledge, skills and abilities, typological features of the person, motive,
need, worldview, interest, mental processes

Well-known psychologist KK Platonov called a person "a concrete

person or a subject that creates the world." A person is a multifaceted,
complex link in the system of social relations, social life.

It is, on the one hand, a product of socio-historical development and, on

the other hand, a provider of social development. The concept of person has
existed since ancient times, first meaning the actor’s mask and then the

Because with the change of appearance on the stage, the actor's mask

has also changed. It is also possible for a person to change his appearance
and present himself differently in different situations. It is also true that a
person plays different roles like an artist.

The psychological structure of a person, the combination of

psychological characteristics, forms a stable unit in each individual person,
which can be considered as a relative permanence of the psychological
structure of the person. There are many theories about the structure of the
individual, one of which is based on two factors in foreign psychology:
biological and social factors.

It contains a theory that separates the two main parts of the human

personality, which is composed of the interaction of biological and social
factors. They are divided into “endopsychic” (internal psychic) and
“exopsychic” (external psychic) members of the human personality.

The inaccuracy of this theory is that it contrasts the social factor with

the biological factor, the biological structure with the environment, the
"endopsychics" and the "exopsychics".

A.V. Petrovsky argues that the natural, organic aspects and conditions in

the structure of a person are elements that depend on his social conditions.

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Well-known Russian scientist S. L. Rubenstein defines the structure of
personality as 3 factors:

1. Orientation of a person - his needs, interests, ideals, beliefs, motives,

characteristics that are reflected in the worldview.

2. Knowledge, skills and abilities - features acquired in the process of

life, as a result of learning activities.

3. Individual and typological features - features that are manifested in

temperament, character and abilities.

In psychology, many concepts are used to describe a person. Including

"person", "individual",

the concepts of “individuality” are also used. A person’s belonging to the

human sex is characterized by the concept of the individual. Adults, infants,
and the mentally ill who cannot master language and simple skills are also
individuals. The concept of the individual reflects the biological affiliation of
man. The concept of "individual" also includes the lineage of people.

A newborn, an adult, and a highly educated person living in a civilized

country can be considered individuals. As an individual, a person discovers
a special social quality, becomes a person.

One of the characteristic features of a human personality is his

individuality. Individuality is the irreversibility of a combination of
psychological, social and physiological features of a person. A person's
individuality depends on the sum of his character, temperament, dynamics
of mental processes, emotions, abilities, and so on. It is clear from the ideas
about the structure of the individual that his structure is determined by
biological and social factors.

The higher the social system in the transformation of human

consciousness, the greater the influence of the social environment on the
consciousness of the rising generation. The role of education in influencing
the minds of children is great.

Because from an early age, children acquire knowledge, skills and

abilities by interacting with those around them. The social environment,
work and language that surround a child become not only a condition of
human personal development, but also a subject of learning in school for
children.The sign of a person and the essence of self-awareness is that he
has a goal and strives for it. An important characteristic of a person is that
he pursues a goal, strives for it, and the real areas of events become such an
object. But things that come from a fantasy that doesn't really exist can be
such an object.

A person strives for a certain ideal in his life, for a perfect image of the

future that he thinks should be realized in his life, and makes it his highest
goal.A worldview is a system of imagination, concepts and views of a person
about reality and his attitude to it, a set of philosophical, scientific, legal,

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moral, aesthetic ideals and beliefs. Worldview is a system that determines
the general direction of human activity and behavior.Having a worldview is
also an important sign of a person. A worldview is a system of perceptions
and perceptions of a person’s views on the phenomena of nature and social

Human activity is done to meet their needs. Need is a protest, a feeling

of lack of something that is necessary for normal life. For a person to act, it
is necessary to understand and understand its essence.The American
psychologist Abraham Maslov divided needs into those that are congenital
or congenital and those that are secondary or acquired. They, in turn,
include: physiological, existential, social, influential, spiritual, cognitive,
aesthetic. Needs excite a person, encourage all kinds of activities.

Curiosity is a clear reason to understand movement. While all people

have the same needs, different social groups have their own interests.
Everyone has personal interests, which are based on individual
pReferences:, sympathy. The activism of the human person is also evident in
his interests. Curiosity is an attitude associated with a person's desire to
know and understand things and events in higher nervous activity. Interests
can be material and spiritual, negative, positive, lasting, short-lived.
Interests are based on a person's worldview, beliefs.

Interests can be stable or unstable depending on the level of stability.

Sustained interests are interests that last for a long time, even to the end of
a person’s life. Interests, which have become an important feature of a
person’s psychological image, are considered stable.

Everyone acquires skills and habits along with knowing, hearing. Skills

come in several forms. Doing something for a purpose depends on skill.
Qualification refers to automated behavior that is first performed
consciously and then.

Any skill can be developed through repetition. Skills can be simple or

complex. A person also has habits in addition to qualifications. Habit is an
action that has become deeply ingrained in a person's heart and has become
his need. For example, washing in the morning, being clean, eating, and so
on. Habits are negative and positive. The neuro-physiological basis of skills
and habits is the mechanism of formation of conditioned reflexes.

For example, children suffer until they get used to kindergarten, because

they have a dynamic stereotype of the conditions at home. Newly acquired
skills depend on previously acquired skills. For example, a person who has
learned one of the foreign languages will have no difficulty in learning one
of the other foreign languages.

All methods of psychology can be used in the study of personality, ie

methods of observation, experiment, test, interview, questionnaire, analysis

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


of performance. Among them, the use of more survey and test methods is

At the disposal of child psychodiagnostics can be used only special

projective methods, ie methods of studying the child's success, export
methods in assessing the existing personality traits.

At the same time, adults, parents and educators who know the child well

will be involved in the export. Only in this way will we be able to evaluate
the personality traits of the child. Human personality has its own motives.
Motive is a propensity for certain situations related to the satisfaction of
certain needs. If needs constitute the essence of a person's personal activity,
then motives are a manifestation of that essence.

A person's needs are related to motives. Therefore, motives differ

depending on the type of need. For example, there may be motives related
to the satisfaction of material needs or motives related to the satisfaction of
spiritual needs.

Demak motivlar inson shaxsi xulq-atvorini va turli faoliyatlarni yuzaga

keltiruvchi sabablardir. Psixik jarayonlar ,holatlar va xususiyatlarning òzaro
boģliqligi, aloqadorligi esa odamdagi barcha sifatlarning bir butunligini
ta'min etadi.

It is possible to cite the idea of two currents about the formation of a

person. Biogenetic direction and sociogenetic direction. According to
proponents of the biogenetic direction, human personality and personality
traits occur under the influence of only one factor, hereditary traits. They do
not recognize the external environment and education. Proponents of the
sociogenetic direction are concerned with the development of experiments.

In short, the relative changes inherent in each person, the relatively

stable and unchanging properties, form a complex unit, ie a dynamic
structure, consisting of the integrity and interdependence of personality

1.Mavlonova "General Pedagogy"
2.Petrovsky "General Psychology"
3.Ivanov, Zufarova "Psychology"
4."Fundamentals of Spirituality" 11th grade

Библиографические ссылки

Mavlonova "General Pedagogy"

Petrovsky "General Psychology"

Ivanov, Zufarova "Psychology”

"Fundamentals of Spirituality" 11th grade


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