Self-awareness strategy

Mamaradjabova, B. (2022). Self-awareness strategy . Результаты научных исследований в условиях пандемии (COVID-19), 1(03), 145–147. извлечено от
Bogzoda Mamaradjabova, Termez State University




This article describes the content of the strategy of selfawareness, the importance of the strategy of self-awareness in the development of personality. Factors in the formation of self-awareness strategies were analyzed

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


The materials developed by us can be used in the work mathematics

teachers in 5th grades when studying the topic "Decimal fractions", and also
students for independent work at home.

Students observed to have increased interest in classes, it has become

easier to attract and retain the active attention of children, use of new
equipment provides better interaction teacher and each student. Electronic
Resource Helps Engage in the work of all children. You can quickly switch
from one task to another, from visibility to a word and vice versa. The
resource enhances the dynamics of educational process, helps students
better absorb new information.

1. Actual issues of interest in learning / Ed. G.I.Schukina - M .: 1984. -

176 p.

2. Ananiev, B. G. Man as an object of knowledge / B. G. Ananiev -St.

Petersburg: Peter, 2001 .-- 288 p.

3. Kovalev, A. G. Personality educates itself / A. G. Kovalev. - M .:

Politizdat, 1983 .-- 256 p.

4. Kotova S.A. The role of the whiteboard in teaching children preschool

age // Science and prospects. - 2015. - No. 2 [Electronic resource] URL: (accessed: 02.22.2016).

Bogzoda Mamaradjabova, Lecturer at Termez State University



B. Mamaradjabova

Abstract: This article describes the content of the strategy of self-

awareness, the importance of the strategy of self-awareness in the
development of personality. Factors in the formation of self-awareness
strategies were analyzed.

Keywords: self-awareness, self-awareness strategy, personality,

competent personality.

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan

dated June 7, 2019 No 472 "On measures to further improve the system of
training in the field of psychology and prevention of delinquency in society":
"Despite the scale of work in the field of psychology there are still a number

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


of problems. shown. In particular, as a result of insufficient psychological
services to the population, social and psychological problems in society,
including family problems (divorces, family conflicts, parent-child
relationships, incest, premature birth), dependence on the negative effects
of "popular culture", suicide Assassinations continue. ”[1]

In our case, the implementation of all of the above tasks can be achieved

through the perfect formation of self-awareness strategies in young people.
Young people should be seen as an integral part of society and a unique
group. Because without knowing human psychology and its characteristics,
integration and social construction cannot be achieved. Its formation, its
self-awareness, must be analyzed within this society, based on its internal

The strategy of self-awareness is a psychological phenomenon that

expresses the individual himself, those around him, society and the
processes that take place in it, his participation and place in social processes,
and the corresponding moral attitude. Educational and pedagogical
interaction, taking into account the psychological characteristics of the
individual, creates a strategy of self-awareness in a person. Hence, the
formation of an individual’s self-awareness strategy depends in many ways
on social influences.

The earlier a person’s self-awareness strategy is awakened, the sooner

a personal perspective will emerge, feeling their behavior, controlling their
actions, and evaluating their negative and positive traits. However, in the
process of an individual’s development, the occurrence of different
situations in his or her life, getting to know people, different directions and
different levels of relationships with them affect the strategy of self-
awareness. For example, for a person with an internal attitude to events and
happenings in his life, external circumstances can affect his internal self-
awareness strategy and lead him to act according to the situation in the
future. However, a person with a strong self-awareness strategy tends not
to change his point of view even in different situations, but rather to
strengthen his personal views. From this it can be concluded that the
existence of levels of self-awareness strategy, only a high level of self-
awareness can lead to the formation of a person with a strong conscious
attitude to himself, people, events.

Alfred Adler, a representative of psychoanalytic theory in the history of

psychology, argues that "people have the ability to improve themselves and
the world through self-awareness." The strategy of self-awareness is a state
of mind, in which attention is focused on oneself, one's personal position,
which increases one's sensitivity to one's personal attitudes and

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


It is well known that the most important of the characteristics of a well-

rounded person is responsibility. This feature is directly related to the level
of self-awareness strategy of the individual. Responsibility is rounded up in
the true mental activity of a person’s social behavior. The psychological level
of the analysis of the concept of responsibility encompasses the spiritual
origin of the individual, who is considered the internal manager of human
social behavior.[3]

Spiritual values, direction of control, self-assessment, feedback,

assessment of emotional state, social order, etc. can be included as
components of the strategy of self-awareness. They complement each other,
radically change a person’s view of social activism, and ensure the formation
of self-awareness strategy functions.


O’zbekiston Respublikasi Vazirkar Mahkamasining 2019 yil 7

iyundagi 472- sonli qarori.


Gadjiyev A.M. Alfavit soznaniya.-T.: Izd-vo medisinskoy References:, 1999.-



Amirova G.B. Zamonaviy ta’lim jurnal. 2016 y. 2 son.

Dildora Nasoyidinova, a student of the, Termez branch of Tashkent State ,

Pedagogical University named after Nizami



D. Nasoyidinova

Abstract: Children, who are the foundation of our future development,

their education and upbringing are important to us. In this article, I tried to
highlight the role of the family, the teacher, the external environment in the
upbringing of children, and the views of Eastern and Western thinkers on
this issue, how parents should pay attention to the child.

Keywords: parent, child, teacher, moral education, ability,

incompetence, pedagogical views, society.

As the First President said in his book “High Spirituality is an Invincible

Force”: “Everything we do today is determined not only by the wealth and
property of our children. A polite, knowledgeable, and intelligent, hard-
working, faithful child is the wealth not only of the parents, but also of the

Библиографические ссылки

O’zbekiston Respublikasi Vazirkar Mahkamasining 2019 yil 7 iyundagi 472- sonli qarori.

Gadjiyev A.M. Alfavit soznaniya.-T.: Izd-vo medisinskoy References:, 1999.-C.87.

Amirova G.B. Zamonaviy ta’lim jurnal. 2016 y. 2 son.

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