Effect of quercetine on oxygen consumption under hypoxia

Yusupova, U., Djabbarova, G., Tukhtaeva, F., Olimova, S., & Khaydarov, S. (2022). Effect of quercetine on oxygen consumption under hypoxia. Результаты научных исследований в условиях пандемии (COVID-19), 1(06), 36–39. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/scientific-research-covid-19/article/view/8546


Quercetin reduces oxygen consumption in animals, reduces the effects of hypoxia on the body and prolongs life. Thus, quercetin increases the stability of cell and mitochondrial membranes, reduces physiological and biochemical processes in cells, shifts the body from an active metabolic state to a passive metabolic state.

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


Yusupova U.R, Djabbarova G.M, Tukhtaeva F., Olimova Sh.V., Khaydarov Sh.

National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek


Yusupova U.R, Djabbarova G.M, Tukhtaeva F., Olimova Sh.V., Khaydarov Sh.

Abstract: Quercetin reduces oxygen consumption in animals, reduces

the effects of hypoxia on the div and prolongs life. Thus, quercetin
increases the stability of cell and mitochondrial membranes, reduces
physiological and biochemical processes in cells, shifts the div from an
active metabolic state to a passive metabolic state.

Keywords: quercetin, hypoxia, rat, mouse, oxygen consumption, liver,

mitochondria, active form of oxygen.

Introduction: Hypoxia is a common disease and one of the most serious

problems of the whole world health system. The number of people suffering
from this disease is increasing year by year in all corners of the globe. Many
herbal remedies have been developed to treat and prevent this disease.
Recently, in the development of hypoxia and ischemia, much attention has
been paid to the problem of finding physiological ways of transporting
energy, lipids, calcium and correcting the formation and exchange of
reactive oxygen species in tissues and cells.

Nowadays, quercetin is used in the treatment of various diseases.

[Karimova R.I., i dr., 2010;]. Studies have shown that quercetin has anti-
inflammatory properties. [Boots A.W., et al., 2008; Loke W.M., et al. ,, 2008;
Rotelli A.E., et al., 2009; Kleemann R., et al., 2011], which improves
metabolism and prevents obesity [Ahn J., et al., 2008], against
atherosclerosis [Kleemann R., et al., 2011; Rogerio A.P., et al., 2010], has
been widely used in the treatment of diseases such as asthma of allergic
etiology [Rogerio A.P., et al., 2007; Rogerio A.P., et al., 2010].

Quercetin is a natural biochemical substance found in many plants and

is a potent inhibitor of R-glycoprotein. Quercetin reduces oxygen
consumption in animals, prolongs life by reducing the effects of hypoxia and
some toxins on the div. Thus, quercetin increases the stability of cell and
mitochondrial membranes, reduces physiological and biochemical
processes in cells, shifts the div from an active metabolic state to a passive
metabolic state.

The urgency of the problem. In this regard, the study of the effect of

quercetin on the div's oxygen consumption, some physiological and
biochemical processes in mitochondria, as well as the factors that lead to the
destruction of the organism is an urgent problem.

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


Purposes and objectives are, under the influence of quercetin, firstly to

determine the oxygen consumption of animals, and secondly to determine
how changes in the life expectancy of animals under anti-hypoxic conditions.

Items and methods. To prepare the quercetrin solution, 10 ml of ethanol

was added to 10 ml of glycerin and 80 mg of quercetin was added to it. White
male rats weighing 180-200 g and white mice weighing 40-40 g were
selected for the experiment. The animals were divided into 6 groups: the
first was controlled, the second - 16 mg per kg div weight, the third – 32
per kg div weight, the fourth – 48 per kg div weight, the fifth – 64 per kg
div weight, the sixth - 80 mg per kg div weight quercetin was injected
into the abdominal cavity.

Gas oxygen exchange was determined by polyarographic method

[Almatov et al., 2013]. To do this, the animals were placed in hermetic
chambers. A Clark electrode is placed in the chamber, which is sensitive to
the oxygen content in the environment.

Results and their analysis. The changes in oxygen consumption (as the

standard exchange rate) after delivery of quercetin in different
concentrations to the div of rats and mice are given in Table 1.

Table 1

Effect of quercetin on oxygen consumption in animals (M ± m; n = 6-8).
Quercetin, mg/kg
div weight



Oxygen consumption, mM О


/min kg









































Note: here the reliability level is defined as follows: * R <0.05; ** R

<0.02; *** R <0.01; **** R <0.001.

The results showed that the standard metabolism in animals decreased

under the influence of quercetin, and this process increased in proportion to
the increase in the amount of quercetin. If quercetin was administered to
rats at 16, 32, 48, 64, and 80 mg per kg div weight, and 60 minutes later
the standard exchange rate was measured at 15.1; 24.2; 33.3; Decreased by
41.6 and 60.6%, respectively. Changes in this description were also
observed in the mouse. The standard exchange rate in mice was 20.6
compared to the control value; 30.0; 41.5; 52.7 and decreased by
64.4%.When changes in rats and mice were compared, quercetin
significantly reduced the standard exchange in mice compared to rats.

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


Consequently, quercetin significantly reduces the transport of oxygen to the
div, which depends on the heart rate, minute volume of blood, and blood
oxygen capacity. It transforms from active metabolic state to passive
metabolic state. Hence, the effect of quercetin at the organism level is
manifested by a reduction in energy and nutrient expenditure, i.e., the
transfer of oxygen and substrates to an economical expenditure system.

In our opinion, warm-blooded animals can be transferred from the

active metabolic state to the passive metabolic state through quercetin
isolated from plants. Thus, quercetin regulates the processes of assimilation
and dissimilation in the div, regulates metabolic processes, that is, the
activity of the central nervous system, like other organs, and slows down
during the transition from an active metabolic state to a more passive
metabolic state. Therefore, quercetin helps to restore various pathological
processes in the div.

1. Каримова Р.И., Балтина Л.А., Куковинец О.С., Абдуллаев М.И.

Синтетические трансформации кверцетина./ “Химия и медицина”
Тезисы докладов VIII всероссийской конференции с международным
участием (6-8 апреля 2010 г. Уфа, Россия. Уфа:Гилем. 2010. С.53-53.

2. Boots A.W., Wilms L.C., Sweneen E.L., Kleinjans J.S., Bast A., Haenen

G.R. In vitro and ex vivo anti-inflammatory activity of quersetin in healthy
volinteers. Nutrition. // 2008. V. 24. P. 703-710.

3. Loke W.M., Proudfoot J.M., Stewart S., McKinley A.J., Needs P.W.,

Kroon P.A., Hodgson J.M., Croft K.D. Metabolic transformation has a
profound effect on anti-inflammatory activity of flavonoids such as
quersetin: Lack of association between anthioxidant and lipoxygenase
ingibitory activity. // Biochem. Pharmacol., 2008. V. 75. P. 1045-1053.

4. Rotelli A.E., Aguilar C.F., Pelzer L.E. Structural basis of the anti-

inflamatory activity of quersetin: inhibition of the 5-hidroxytriptamine type
2 receptor. // Eur. Biophys. J., 2009. V. 38. P. 865-871.

5. Kleemann R., Verschuren L., Morison M., Zadelaar S., van Erk M.J.,

Wielinga P.Y., Koostra T. Anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative and anti-
atherosclerotic effects of quersetin in human in vitro and in vivo models/ //
Atherosclerosis. 2011. V. 218. P. 44-52.

6. Ahn J., Kee H., Rim S., Park J., Ha T. The anti-obesity effect of quersetin

is mediated by the AMPK and MARK signaling pathways. // Biochem.
Biophys. Res. Commun., 2008. V.373. P. 545-549.

7. Kleemann R., Verschuren L., Morison M., Zadelaar S., van Erk M.J.,

Wielinga P.Y., Koostra T. Anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative and anti-
atherosclerotic effects of quersetin in human in vitro and in vivo models/ //
Atherosclerosis. 2011. V. 218. P. 44-52.

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


8. Rogerio A.P., Kanaschiro A., Fontaneri C., da Silva E.V., Lucisano-Valim

Y.M., Soares E.G., Faccioli L.H., Anti-inflammatory activity of quersetin and
isoquersetin in experimental murine allergic asthma. Inflamm. Res., 2007. V.
56. P. 402-408.

9. Rogerio A.P., Dora C.L., Andrade E.L., Chaves J.S., Silva L.F., Ltmos-

Senna E., Calixto J.B. Anti-inflammatory effect of quersetin-loaded
microemilsion in the airways allergic inflammatory model in mice.
Farmacol. Res., 2010. V. 61. P. 288-297.

10. Алматов К.Т., Юсупова У.Р., Абдуллав Г.Р. ва б. Организмнинг

нафас олиши ва энергия хосил қилишини аниқлаш. - Тошкент. - 2013. -
103 б.

Sohiba Mullaeva, Journalist



S. Mullaeva

Abstract: The coronavirus pandemic has affected the education system

as well as all sectors: kindergartens, schools and higher education
institutions have been closed en masse. According to UNESCO, 1.7 billion
students worldwide today are deprived of offline education due to the
suspension of classes. The closure of universities in more than 100 countries
has left 90 percent of the world’s students sitting at home.

This is not the first time humanity has been exposed to the virus. Since

the creation of the world, mankind has faced various similar trials. Mankind
will fight against various calamities, overcome them, and start his life anew.
Life goes on like this. However, this time the catastrophe - the spread of the
coronal infection - has surpassed previous epidemics in terms of coverage,
reaching the level of a pandemic and claiming many lives, requiring serious

Sixty percent of states all around the world has switched to an online

education system.

The People's Republic of China, a hotbed of the pandemic, closed all

schools and universities on March 26 and established online education from
February 17 to handle the situation. Teachers mainly communicate with
their students through the software Wechat. Then the Iranian government
has suspended the teaching process in kindergartens, schools and
universities in several regions.

Библиографические ссылки

Каримова Р.И., Балтина Л.А., Куковинец О.С., Абдуллаев М.И. Синтетические трансформации кверцетина./ "Химия и медицина" Тезисы докладов VIII всероссийской конференции с международным участием (6-8 апреля 2010 г. Уфа, Россия. УфаТилем. 2010. С.53-53.

Boots A.W., Wilms L.C., Sweneen E.L., Kleinjans J.S., Bast A., Haenen G.R. In vitro and ex vivo anti-inflammatory activity of quersetin in healthy volinteers. Nutrition. // 2008. V. 24. P. 703-710.

Loke W.M., Proudfoot J.M., Stewart S., McKinley A.J., Needs P.W., Kroon P.A., Hodgson J.M., Croft K.D. Metabolic transformation has a profound effect on anti-inflammatory activity of flavonoids such as quersetin: Lack of association between anthioxidant and lipoxygenase ingibitory activity. // Biochem. Pharmacol., 2008. V. 75. P. 1045-1053.

Rotelli A.E., Aguilar C.F., Pelzer L.E. Structural basis of the anti-inflamatory activity of quersetin: inhibition of the 5-hidroxytriptamine type 2 receptor. // Eur. Biophys. J., 2009. V. 38. P. 865-871.

Kleemann R., Verschuren L., Morison M., Zadelaar S., van Erk M.J., Wielinga P.Y., Koostra T. Anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative and anti-atherosclerotic effects of quersetin in human in vitro and in vivo models/ // Atherosclerosis. 2011. V. 218. P. 44-52.

Ahn ]., Кее H., Rim S., Park ]., Ha T. The anti-obesity effect of quersetin is mediated by the AMPK and MARK signaling pathways. // Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 2008. V.373. P. 545-549.

Kleemann R., Verschuren L., Morison M., Zadelaar S., van Erk M.J., Wielinga P.Y., Koostra T. Anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative and anti-atherosclerotic effects of quersetin in human in vitro and in vivo models/ // Atherosclerosis. 2011. V. 218. P. 44-52.

Rogério А.Р., Kanaschiro A., Fontaneri C., da Silva E.V., Lucisano-Valim Y.M., Soares E.G., Faccioli L.H., Anti-inflammatory activity of quersetin and isoquersetin in experimental murine allergic asthma. Inflamm. Res., 2007. V. 56. P. 402-408.

Rogério A.P., Dora C.L., Andrade E.L., Chaves J.S., Silva L.F., Ltmos-Senna E., Calixto J.B. Anti-inflammatory effect of quersetin-loaded microemilsion in the airways allergic inflammatory model in mice. Farmacol. Res., 2010. V. 61. P. 288-297.

Алматов K.T., Юсупова У.Р., Абдуллав Г.Р. ва б. Организмнинг нафас олиши ва энергия хосил к;илишини аникдаш. - Тошкент. - 2013. -103 6.

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