The Necessity Of Introducing Innovations In The Agricultural Sector Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan | The American Journal of Agriculture and Biomedical Engineering

The Necessity Of Introducing Innovations In The Agricultural Sector Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan

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Ilimdorjon Jakhongirov, . (2020). The Necessity Of Introducing Innovations In The Agricultural Sector Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan. The American Journal of Agriculture and Biomedical Engineering, 2(08), 67–72.


Agriculture is one of the first and most significant sectors in Uzbekistan, contributing to the national
economy. Its diverse topography reveals the most favorable regions for growing various agricultural
as well as industrial crops. The paper considers the features of innovation processes in agriculture, as
well as the role of innovation processes in the development of agriculture in Uzbekistan. The author
examines the innovative development of agriculture and highlights the main features of innovation
processes; he identifies the types of innovations in the agricultural sector.


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