Engineering Calculation And Algorithm Of Adaptation Of Parameters Of A Neuro-Fuzzy Controller | The American Journal of Applied sciences

Engineering Calculation And Algorithm Of Adaptation Of Parameters Of A Neuro-Fuzzy Controller

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  • Tashkent State Technical University, Department Of Information Processing And Control System, Uzbekistan, Tashkent City, University St. 2, 100095.
  • Tashkent Institute Of Irrigation And Agriculture Mechanization Engineers, Department Of Automation And Control Of Technological Processes And Production, Uzbekistan ,Tashkent City, Qori Niyaziy Street, 39
  • Tashkent Institute Of Irrigation And Agriculture Mechanization Engineers, Department Of Automation And Control Of Technological Processes And Production, Uzbekistan ,Tashkent City, Qori Niyaziy Street, 39
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I.H. Siddikov, ., P.I. Kalandarov, ., & D.B., Yadgarova, . (2021). Engineering Calculation And Algorithm Of Adaptation Of Parameters Of A Neuro-Fuzzy Controller. The American Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(09), 41–49.


As part of the study, a control scheme with the adaptation of the coefficients of the neuron-fuzzy regulator implemented. The area difference method used as a training method for the network. It improved by adding a rule base, which allows choosing the optimal learning rate for individual neurons of the neural network. The neural network controller applied as a superstructure of the PID controller in the process control scheme. The dynamic object can function in different modes. This technological process operates in different modes in terms of loading and temperature setpoints. Because of experiments, the power consumption and the amount of time required maintaining the same absorption process, using a conventional PID controller and a neural-network controller evaluated. It concluded that the neuro-fuzzy controller with a superstructure reduced the transient time by 19%.

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