Analysis of translation of english advertising texts into uzbek

Халилова, Г. (2022). Analysis of translation of english advertising texts into uzbek. Переводоведение: проблемы, решения и перспективы, (1), 52–53. извлечено от
Гузаль Халилова, Uzbekistan State World Languages University

Senior Lecturer



Advertising is a special form of communication, which justifies the use of the term “advertising communications”. Advertising information can be considered: as mass information, as an economic tool, as a psychological impact, as a culture or even art.

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Хalilova Guzal Abdupattaxovna

Senior Lecturer, Uzbekistan State World Languages University

Advertising is a special form of communication, which justifies the use of the term

“advertising communications”. Advertising information can be considered: as mass
information, as an economic tool, as a psychological impact, as a culture or even art.

Translation of advertising texts is considered one of the most difficult types of

interlingual communication, since it requires from the translator not only excellent
knowledge of languages, but also a creative campaign, knowledge of the culture of
the target audience. In other words, when translating advertising texts, it is necessary
that the translation means have the same effect on the native speakers of the target
language as the author's means for native speakers.

Translation of an advertising slogan is a difficult task, requiring compulsory

adaptation of the text to the socio-cultural characteristics of the audience. Adapting
an advertising slogan is not only a translation of words, but also a translation of ideas.
In order not to lose the marketing content of the slogan, and also to preserve
originality, one should not translate, but retell the slogan that speaks another

It is necessary to interpret the content of the slogan, and not to copy it. At the

same time, some of the advertising slogans can be successfully transferred to Uzbek
with the help of traditional methods of translation, in particular, lexical and
grammatical translation transformations.

The lexical transformations include: Transcription and transliteration; calquing;

lexical and semantic substitutions; specification; generalization; modulation or
semantic development. In order to translate correctly, translator should take into
account such stylistic features of advertising texts as the creation of imagery and
impressiveness for the formation of a more memorable image. The choice of method
or method of transfer depends on many factors. This is the nature of the translated
text, and the audience of the consumer of promotional products, and the peculiarities
of the psychology of the translator, his\her adherence to a certain literary tradition.
Everything depends on each case, in this case on the context.

For all five main symptoms from colds

and flu nothing is more effective.

Covoniaaaaa. Feel it working.

Shamollash va grippning besh asosiy

belgilariga qarshi faqatgina bir chora

mavjud. Covoniaaaaa. Amalda buni k



Advertisement of the drug against the flu and colds. The main feature

of this advertising text is the name of the product itself, more precisely as it is
presented. Phonetic repetition

– lengthening the vowel “a” in the word “Covoniaaaaa”

attracts attention. The translation fully conveys this feature in lengthening this same
vowel sound. Also we see the reception of modulation in the slogan

– the reason is

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replaced by a consequence. The effectiveness of advertising is achieved through the
expressive reception of a phonetic reception, which gives the advertised product
strength, power and the ability to conquer everything, which is the main task of the

The responsive touch-screen on a new

Blackberry Storm vodafone. An incredible

power is in your hands. Vodafone. Make the

most of now.

Yangi Vodafone Blackberry Storm telefonining

nozik sensorli ekrani. Mislsiz kuch sizning


o‘lingizda. Vodafone. Bugungi imkoniyatni


o‘ldan boy berma.

Translation plays one of the most important roles in management of different

spheres. For instance the effectiveness of advertising depends on the correct
translation of terminology, the correct choice of words.

Translation of advertising texts is considered one of the most difficult types of

interlingual communication, since it requires from the translator not only excellent
knowledge of languages, but also a creative campaign, knowledge of the culture of
the target audience. In other words, when translating advertising texts, it is necessary
that the translation means have the same effect on the native speakers of the target
language as the author

’s means for native speakers.

Special terminology requires factual and procedural knowledge. Factual

knowledge is the knowledge of special fields related to special terminology.
Procedural knowledge relates to methods or procedures to help the translator seize
the meaning of the source text and re-express that meaning in the target text.


1. Bowker L., Pearson J. Working with Specialized Language. A practical guide

to using corpora.

– London, New York: Routledge, 2002. – P. 53–55.

2. Catford J. Linguistic Aspects of Translation.

– London, 1965. – PР. 19–24.

3. Crompton, Samuel Willard., The Printing Press. Transforming Power of

Technology, Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers: 2004.

– PP. 15–23.

Библиографические ссылки

Bowker L., Pearson J. Working with Specialized Language. A practical guide to using corpora. - London, New York: Routledge, 2002. - P. 53-55.

Catford J. Linguistic Aspects of Translation. - London, 1965. - PP. 19-24.

Crompton, Samuel Willard., The Printing Press. Transforming Power of Technology, Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers: 2004. - PP. 15-23.

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