Some problems faced in the process of foreign language teaching and their solutions within institutions

Латипова, Д. (2023). Some problems faced in the process of foreign language teaching and their solutions within institutions. Современные тенденции при обучении иностранному языку в XXI веке, 1(1), 226–230. извлечено от


The importance of owning a foreign language for a modern specialist of any non-linguistic specialty is dictated by time and is reflected in the requirements of program documents, where a foreign language appears as a federal component of the state educational standard. This importance should also be reflected in the result of the training. The article deals with a number of problems of teaching English in the university, related to violations of the integrity and functioning of the methodical system.

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«Современные тенденции при обучении

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Latipova Dilnoza Shorasulovna

Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Foreign Languages

Department. Tashkent, Uzbekistan


The importance of owning a foreign language for a modern

specialist of any non-linguistic specialty is dictated by time and is reflected in the

requirements of program documents, where a foreign language appears as a federal

component of the state educational standard. This importance should also be

reflected in the result of the training. The article deals with a number of problems of

teaching English in the university, related to violations of the integrity and

functioning of the methodical system.

Key words:

methodical system, method, teaching English in the university,

goals and objectives, conditions, selection of content.


Modern requirements for the level of professional training of a specialist in

foreign language skills presuppose not only the ability to understand written and

verbal speech, but also to write and speak, but also the ability to effectively

operate in a language that speaks a language, which implies a much higher level

of language, and extra linguistic training. Nevertheless, the practice of teaching

students to students shows that there are a number of different levels of problems

that affect the organization of the learning process, both its content and the result.

The unsatisfactory quality of the latter has become the reason for writing this

article, whose goal is to identify the problems as much as possible in the area,
which will allow us to outline the ways to solve them in the future. It is important

to note that the problems of teaching IJ in a non-specialized (non-linguistic)

university are not accidental, single in nature, this is a manifestation of systemic

disturbances. The methodological system dictates the choice of the method of

instruction, depending on the objectives of the training and the conditions in

which it is expected that these goals will be achieved. Communication takes place

about the content of educational material organized in a certain way, and by

means of flexible (that is desirable) system of methods and techniques aimed at

mastering this material by students and the ability to use it in various types of

speech activity. Any particular educational process has in its composition all
elements of the methodological system and correlates with it as a real and ideal,

both private and general.

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«Современные тенденции при обучении

иностранному языку в XXI веке»



The starting point of any methodological system is the goals of instruction

and their conformity to the conditions of instruction. When setting goals, the

existing conditions must be taken into account, so that the achievement of goals

is realistic. The goal of the IUE course in the system of students

training is the

practical knowledge of the language as a means of communication in the

professional sphere, which includes reading of literature on the specialty and

related fields of science; translation by profession and a wide range of socially

significant problems; participation in oral communication in the framework of
themes and situations of a general nature determined by state standards;

practical realization of linguistic (system) knowledge, skills and skills in the

conditions of speaking in another language (oral, monologue, dialogue, polylogue,

discussion.) and written speech (Annotation, Annotation, theses, messages,

private letter, business letter, biography, etc. etc.). In addition, the students must

have an idea of the everyday literary, official, scientific styles; style of fiction; to

have knowledge of the culture and traditions of the countries of the studied

language; to know the rules of speech etiquette. The terms of language training

are very far from the requirements put forward. The average undergraduate

student cannot conduct a conversation in English. The greatest difficulty, as
experience shows, is the choice of the verb and its use in the desired temporal

form. This speaks, first of all, of the lack of formation in the minds of students of

first-year students of the concept of the English language system in part of the

grammatical time. Actually, like other simpler grammatical phenomena. The

problem of motivation is very relevant today and requires a separate study that

goes beyond the scope of this article. In quantitative terms, there is often an

unacceptably high number of students in the group. Even in higher education

institutions, where the separation of academic groups into linguistic groups is

practiced, the number of students reaches twenty in one group. But there are

universities in which academic groups of 30-40 students are not divided into

linguistic groups. In such conditions, one can only talk about language, and not

give knowledge, form skills and bring them to automatism. In all this, a significant

discrepancy between the fundamental elements of the methodical system is seen.

In such a situation, we have to talk about the insufficient number of hours of the

teaching load, although today the universities have the opportunity to increase it,

as in the curriculum (electives, special courses, elective courses, etc.), and at the

expense of additional education services (for example, the organization of a

translation course in the field of professional communication), but the latter is

associated with problems of additional funding, which may allow s does not every

student and every institution. It remains to talk about the standard situation in
which a foreign language in a non-specialized university is allocated on average

3-4 hours per week of auditorium classes and about 1 hour of independent work

of students.

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«Современные тенденции при обучении

иностранному языку в XXI веке»



Optimal is the presence of such an educational methodical complex or work

program that in terms of content would differ in different levels of complexity of

the educational material and would suggest a greater variety of techniques for

mastering it and speech skills. The latter comprise an integral part of the

fourthcomponent of the methodological system that includes the material means

providing interaction between the teacher and students, as well as students

among themselves in the process of communication about the educational

material-all this is also about in the educational methodical complex or work
program. This subsystem is most accessible to the teacher in terms of the

possibility of changing it in order to improve and achieve consistency between

the elements of the methodological system. In other words, the teacher can

influence the functioning of the methodical system, using various teaching aids,

methods and techniques, their combinations and possibilities for variation.

Within the framework of this subsystem, the teacher can most fully reveal his

creative potential, realize the individual-personality component of the learning

process. The teacher is looking for new forms of work with the teaching material,

the ways of its development and presentation. It is supposed that the training of

professional communication in English is carried out on the basis of sufficiently
formed linguistic and speech skills and skills with which the graduate of


s school comes to the university. Since professional communication

(discourse) is understood in modern linguistics as a complex three-component

phenomenon consisting of participants in discursive communication (the author

and the recipient), the text about which communication is carried out, and the

situation in which this communication takes place, then its participants need not

only basic knowledge of a foreign language, but also the ability to apply special

grammatical structures and knowledge of special rules for the use of vocabulary.

The three-sided essence of discourse presupposes, on the one hand, birth, which

means that the first stage of his reflection and planning, then his presentation in

oral or written form. On the other hand, it is expected that the discourse recipient

will perceive, analyze and interpret it through listening or reading, taking into

account the whole situation of communication.


The generation and perception of professional discourse in a foreign

language is complicated by the abundance of complete syntactic structures used

because of the need to preserve the logical integrity and unambiguity of the

discourse, which is manifested, for example, in the frequent use of causal logical

structures, and this requires the use of special linguistic means. In addition,

professional foreign-language discourse is a system of special terms reflecting the
professional characteristics of university specialization, which, as a rule, is the

basis of professional foreign language texts. In this regard, the teacher faces the

task of full or partial adaptation of such texts, depending on the level of

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«Современные тенденции при обучении

иностранному языку в XXI веке»


preparedness of students. Thus, taking into account all of the above, and also that

the correct professional foreign-language discourse pursues information,

analytical, predictive, evaluative and impacting goal, you can draw the following

conclusion. A student who comprehends a foreign language at a level and in

conditions of professional foreign-language discourse should have good basic

(school) language and speech training; have an understanding of speech

strategies and speech etiquette; have sufficiently developed Annotation (logical)

thinking; possess broad background knowledge about the world around us; know

the culture of the country (countries) of the studied language-all this in a measure
necessary and sufficient for discursive foreign-language instruction the student

does not have a university. This does not mean that such training is impossible to

implement, it is quite real.



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important stage in higher medical education. Педиатрия.


Buranova, D.D. (2021). To Teach or Not to Teach English for Medical

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Davletyarova N.I. (2016). The specificities of teaching English language

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“Экономика и социум”, Россия №11(42), 2017. 1054



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Students of Non-linguistic Universities. Scientific journal of the Fergana State

University. Fergana. 2022, 229-233.


Djalilova N.D. Formation of Communicative Competence in ELT.

Педиатрия. Научно


практический журнал. Ташкентский Педиатрический

Медицинский Институт. № 2. выпуск 4. 2022. 188



Importance of the English language in medicine // Modern scientific

researches and innovations. 2017. № 2 [electronic journal]. URL:


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практическая конференция

«Современные тенденции при обучении

иностранному языку в XXI веке»



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languages in Uzbekistan, No. 2 (31), 205



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Шарипова, Феруза Ибрагимовна. "НОВЫЕ ТЕНДЕНЦИИ В ОБЛАСТИ














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Библиографические ссылки

Buranova, D.D. (2022). Teaching special subjects in English as an important stage in higher medical education. Педиатрия.

Buranova, D.D. (2021). To Teach or Not to Teach English for Medical Students. Psychology and Education 58(3): 990-996.

Buranova, D.D. (2021). Motivational support for the study of English language by medical students. Chin J Ind Hyg Occup Dis, Vol.39, No.13.

Buranova, D.D. (2021). English Language assessment for medical teachers "Cutting-Edge science" Snawnee, USA. 31-33.

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

Davletyarova N.I. (2016). The specificities of teaching English language for children on early stages in the present year "Healthy mother-healthy child. Педиатрия. 2016. 25-26.

Davletyarova N.I. (2017). Society modernization as an important part in Teaching of foreign languages. Электронное периодическое издание "Экономика и социум”, Россия №11(42), 2017.1054-1057.

Djalilova N.D. Teaching Foreign Language Communicative Competence to Students of Non-linguistic Universities. Scientific journal of the Fergana State University. Fergana. 2022, 229-233.

Djalilova N.D. Formation of Communicative Competence in ELT. Педиатрия. Научно-практический журнал. Ташкентский Педиатрический Медицинский Институт. № 2. выпуск 4. 2022.188-190.

Importance of the English language in medicine // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2017. № 2 [electronic journal], URL:

Latipova D. (2016). Surprising health benefits of iodine. "Соглом она ва бола” йилига батишланган талабалар илмий жамиятининг44-илмий-амалий анжумани. Тошкент, 2016.160-161.

Lutfullaeva, Kh.A. (2020), "Self-education as an important component in the professional study of the English language at a medical university", Foreign languages in Uzbekistan, No. 2 (31), 205-215.

Nabiyeva D.R., "Approaches in Teaching a second language"., Научно-Практический журнал «Педиатрия», Ташкент, 2022 (1), 335-338.

Sharipova F.I. (2023) Teaching undergraduate students clinical vocabulary. Scientific journal of the Fergana State University. Fergana. №2.149-153.

Zahidova M.F. "Songs can improve the listening and speaking skills." Гармонично-развитое поколение - условия стабильного развития благополучия и процветания общества, Узбекский научно исследовательский институт педагогических наук им. Т.Н. Кары- Ниязи, сборник научно-методических статей, Ташкент, 2013,104-106.

Maxametova D.B. Development of students foreign language skills by e-learning technology at the non-academic hours FarDU Ilmiy xabarlar.F., 2019 2/3 Б-139-144.


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Искандарова, Ш., Гулямов, С., & Мирсаидова, X. (2023). Факторы, вызывающие проблемы с ускорением обучения у учащихся школьного возраста. Современные проблемы охраны окружающей среды и общественного здоровья, 1(1), 70-73.

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