Problems with standardised tests

Таджибаева, С. (2022). Problems with standardised tests. Анализ актуальных проблем, инноваций, традиций, решений и художественной литературы в преподавании иностранных языков, 1(01), 296–298. извлечено от
Саодат Таджибаева, Вебстерский университет

Адъюнкт-профессор Тренер тренеров Инструктор IELTS, EAP, ESP Генеральный директор/основатель TESOL MASTERS Международный спик



Standardized testare intended to determine if the student graduates or not if the teachers are doing well and if the schools are improving. They are administered, qualified and interpreted in the same way to be able to compare the results of large groups of students.With standardized tests, the teacher role changes, especially when dealing with institutional tasks in addition to their regular class work and activities. Several of the teachers’ responsibilities include collecting, organizing and analyzing data, grouping and regrouping students, developing the curriculum and coordinating student tasks. These tasks and institutional tests take between 60 and 110 hours in a year. To prepare students, teachers usually use predesigned curriculums that they did not develop and cannot modify to fit the needs of their students in their courses.

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CD-ROMda, lekin bosma qo‘shimcha bilan yoki bo‘lmagan holda ba’zi internet saytlariga


Nega multimedia (elektron) darsliklar o‘qituvchilar va talabalar uchun juda jozibali? Gap shundaki,

yuqori darajadagi kasbiy malakani ta’minlaydigan bilimlar doimo tez o‘zgarib turadi. Elektron darsliklar
ushbu o‘zgarishlarni o‘zida osonlik bilan kiritib borish va shu tariqa mutaxassislarni yuqori darajada
tayyorlash imkonini beradi.

Elektron darsliklarning afzalliklari shundan iboratki, materialning vizual taqdimoti (rang, rasmlar,

ovoz, video, animatsiya va boshqalardan foydalanish), tez qayta aloqa (o‘rnatilgan test tizimlari materialning
o‘zlashtirilishi ustidan tezkor nazoratni ta’minlaydi, interfaol rejim talabalarga o‘quv materialining tezligini
nazorat qilish imkonini beradi), yangi ma’lumotlar paydo bo‘lishi bilan darslikni muntazam yangilab turish
imkoniyati (elektron darslik virtual makonning ma’lum bir joyida joylashgan bo‘lib, unga millionlab odamlar
kirish huquqiga ega; biror narsani qo‘shish yoki tuzatish uchun bittasiga o‘zgartirish kiritish kifoya va qisqa
muddatda millionlab odamlar eski darslikning tahrirlangan versiyasiga ega bo‘lishadi). Bundan tashqari
foydalanish qulayligi, istalgan joyda, istalgan vaqtda qo‘llash mumkinligi. Albatta elektron darsliklarning
ayrim kamchiliklari, ya’ni noqulayliklari ham mavjud. Jumladan, talabalarning yosh xususiyatlarini hisobga
olinmasligi, talaba shug‘ullanayotgan dasturning o‘ziga xos leksik va grammatik materialiga
bog‘lanmaganligi, har bir darslikda faqat 1-2 ta leksik mavzuni o‘rganish va leksik va grammatik
materialning uzluksizligini ta’minlaydigan darsliklar seriyasining yo‘qligi hamda guruh va jamoaviy ish
uchun imkoniyatlar cheklanganligi kabilar yoki onlayn rejimda foydalanishga mo‘ljallangan variantlarda
texnik jihatdan interaktiv holatda uzluksiz aloqadagi ta’minot muammosi ham shular jumlasidandir.
Ushbu sanab o‘tilgan kamchiliklar elektron darsliklarni, ayniqsa, maktablarda asosiy ta’lim vositasi sifatida
foydalanish imkonini bermayapti.

Xulosa tariqasida ta’kidlash mumkinki bugungi kun o‘qituvchisi doimiy ravishda bilimlarini

mustahkamlab borishi, zamonaviy ta’lim uslublaridan yaxshi foydalana olishi, innovatsion hamda axborot-
kommunikatsion texnologiyalar bilan ishlay olishi hamda eng so‘nggi ta’lim tushunchalarini o‘qitish
amaliyotida qo‘llay olishni bilishi muhim hisoblanad. O‘qituvchining zamon bilan hamnafas bo‘lishi,
murakkab innovatsion texnologiyalardan foydalanishi talabaga motivatsiya berish xorijiy til bo‘yicha
qobiliyatini oshirish bilan birgalikda talabaning aqliy qobiliyatini rivojlantirish va til ko‘nikmalarini intensiv
oshirishiga sabab bo‘ladi.

Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar:


Ашуров Ш. Хорижий тилларни ўрганишда маданиятнинг таъсири //Иностранная филология:
язык, литература, образование. – 2018. – Т. 3. – №. 2 (67). – С. 10-14.


Ашуров Ш. С., Атауллаева Д. А. Интернационализация системы преподавания иностранных
языков в узбекистане: этапы эволюции и перспективы //Научные школы. Молодёжь в науке и
культуре XXI века. – 2018. – С. 200-204.


Каримов. И.А Она юртимиз бахту иқболи ва буюк келажаги йўлида хизмат қилиш - энг олий
саодатдир. -Т.: Ўзбекистон. 2015. - 304 бет


Казаков В. Г. Новое время - новые технологии профессиональной подготовки //
Профессиональное образование. 2006. № 1. С. 12.


Ишмуҳамедов Р. Инновацион технологиялар ѐрдамида таълим самарадорлигини ошириш
йўллари. -Т. ТДПУ. 2004.


Мельникова Е. Ю. Высшему образованию столицы - инновационный режим развития //
Профессиональное образование. 2006. № 9. С. 12-14.


Сувонова Н. Н., Пулатова Н. А. Новая перспектива-личностно-деятельный подход и его
дидактическая сторона //Научные школы. Молодёжь в науке и культуре XXI века. – 2018. – С.


Saodat Tadjibayeva

Adjunct professor Webster University Trainer of Trainers

IELTS, EAP, ESP instructor CEO/Founder of TESOL MASTERS

International speaker


Standardized testare intended to determine if the student graduates or not if the teachers

are doing well and if the schools are improving. They are administered, qualified and interpreted in the same
way to be able to compare the results of large groups of students.

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With standardized tests, the teacher role changes, especially when dealing with institutional tasks in addition
to their regular class work and activities. Several of the teachers’ responsibilities include collecting,
organizing and analyzing data, grouping and regrouping students, developing the curriculum and
coordinating student tasks. These tasks and institutional tests take between 60 and 110 hours in a year. To
prepare students, teachers usually use predesigned curriculums that they did not develop and cannot modify
to fit the needs of their students in their courses.

Key words:

Standardized test, scandal, SAT, ACT, personalized guidance.

Standardized testing is a key component of college applications. A student’s SAT or ACT score

carries a fair amount of weight in admissions offices, but are these tests providing colleges with valuable
information? Or are they just one more hoop studenthas to jump through?

The SAT and ACT are practically synonymous with college admissions to many families. Near-

perfect scores are presumed to be a prerequisite for attending highly selective schools, and, in a worst-case
scenario, competitive students and parents compare stats as a way to one-up each other. But the SAT and
ACT have more than a few problems. By shedding light on the issues of standardized testing, we hope to
offer families perspective around test scores and college admissions. These tests are not the end-all be-all of
college admissions, and they certainly don’t define a student.

The stated purpose of standardized testing is to level the playing field for students. Not every school

is the same, and while the government dictates grade-level curriculum to some extent, programs still vary
widely from school to school. Some schools are generally more rigorous than others, some may offer a broad
range of classes, including honors, AP, or IB courses (note that often, the rigorous schools are also the ones
that offer students a lot of options). Standardized tests act as a singular scale on which to judge the academic
abilities of all students. Since the test is the same everywhere, students are all held against one standard.

In theory, standardized testing seems like a sensible way to evaluate all students equally! That’s part

of the reason why approximately 2/3 of US colleges require applicants to submit an SAT or ACT score.
However, the system is definitely imperfect.

One of the concerns about standardized testing is that it advantages students who take tests well. To

some extent, the SAT and ACT even measure one’s ability to perform well on the exam as opposed to
measuring their understanding of specific concepts. Some students are not strong test-takers. Other students
may perform well with unlimited time but struggle to work within the timed limits of the tests. The tests are
long and require significant stamina; students who have challenges with focus and attention may also have
difficulty with these tests. In all these instances, a student’s circumstances may result in a score that is an
inaccurate reflection of their knowledge and capabilities.

Students from less privileged socioeconomic backgrounds may also face challenges with the

SAT/ACT. The tests have been criticized as having implicit cultural, racial, and gender bias; students who
come from other demographic background may have difficulties. Poorer students are also more likely to
attend schools with less rigorous curriculum and fewer high-quality teachers, so they may not be as prepared
for the content of the tests as their peers in other schools. Taking the test in English (if it is not a student’s
first language) adds another layer of complexity.

Finally, there are the test companies themselves. These are private companies whose for-profit

operations may not align with students’ best interests. Test companies would like to sell as many exams as
possible, but too much testing can fatigue students (possibly before they’ve taken the tests in junior/senior
year that may really count). The recent college admissions scandal has raised important questions about test
And testing companies sell students’ personal data to colleges—which many families see as an
invasion of privacy. Although students elect to have their data shared by filling out specific sections on the
SAT or ACT, most students don’t realize what they are opting into.
This article provides more information on concerns about standardized testing.
Does the good outweigh the bad when it comes to the SAT and ACT?
Here’s our take: Standardized testing is far from perfect. If college admissions shifted to putting less
emphasis on these tests, that would be okay with us. Despite being a company that offers test prep services,
what we are committed to most is helping students have a meaningful experience through education. The
SAT and ACT don’t do a whole lot in that regard.

The tide is changing, and more schools than ever are not requiring test scores in the college

admissions process. However, for many students, the SAT and ACT are still a required part of their college
admissions process. And for as long as that’s the case, we plan to help students do as well as possible on
these exams. At the very least, that means having a clear study plan and sitting for your test of choice twice.
If you want more personalized guidance, we’re here to provide that as well.

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Remember that an SAT or ACT score is just a number. It doesn’t describe a student’s abilities, nor

does it define what they’re capable of. Study hard, do as well as you can, and then let testing go. We promise
there is a lot more life left after college admissions.

List of used literature


Abeles, V. (2015). Beyond measure: Rescuing an overscheduled, overtested, underestimated
generation. NewYork, NY: Simon&Schuster.


Chasmar, J. (2013, November 25). Common core testing makes children vomit, wet their pants: N.Y.







Dounay, J. (2000). High-stakes testing is high-stress, too. Education Digest, 65(9),9.Retrievedfrom


Dutro, E., &Selland, M. (2012). “I like to read, but I know I'm not good at it”: Children's
perspectives on high-stakes testing in a high-poverty school. CurriculumInquiry, 42(3), 340- 367.


Walker, T. (2014). NEA Survey: Nearly half of teachers consider leaving profession due to
standardized testing. Retrieved from



Рузиева Мавлюда Давроновна –доцент кафедры теории и методики дошкольного

воспитания, факултета Психологии и дошкольного образования Государственного

Худжанского университета имени Бабаджана Гафурова

Рузиева Шахноза Саиджановна –предподователь гимназии № 13, имени М.Горького города

Худжанда, Республика Таджикистан

Планируя уроки английского языка, нужно думать не только о том, чтобы ученики запомнили

новые слова, ту или иную структуру, но и стремиться создать все возможности для развития
индивидуальности каждого ребёнка. Чтобы поддержать интерес детей к предмету, нужно понять,
какие приёмы работы могут увлечь ребят. Учителя иностранного языка, постоянно ищут резервы
повышения качества и эффективности обучения иностранному языку. Главная задача - добиваться
того, чтобы не пропадал интерес к изучению иностранного языка. [3].

«Интерактивное обучение (от англ. Interaction - взаимодействие) - обучение, построенное на

взаимодействии учащегося с учебным окружением, учебной средой, которая служит областью
осваиваемого опыта» [2].

С.С. Кашлев дает следующее определение интерактивному обучению - «это специальная форма

организации познавательной деятельности, в которую вовлечены все участники учебного процесса,
созданы комфортные условия для обучения» [5].

В.С. Кукушкин дает следующее определение «интерактивному подходу» - определенный тип

деятельности учащихся, связанный с изучением учебного материала в ходе интерактивного занятия
(урока) [7].

«Интерактивный метод» в свою очередь также означает взаимодействие, когда учащиеся

находятся в ситуации беседы или диалога с кем-либо [1]. «Интерактивные методы» подразумевают
под собой такие способы обучения, при которых учащиеся взаимодействуют друг с другом в равных
условиях. Эти методы ориентированы на более широкое взаимодействие учеников, как с
преподавателем, так и друг с другом, на доминирование активности детей в процессе обучения [8]

Большую помощь в решении данных вопросов оказывают игры. Их использование даёт

хорошие результаты, повышает интерес ребят к уроку, позволяет сконцентрировать их внимание на
главном - овладении речевыми навыками в процессе естественной ситуации, общения во время игры.
Об обучающих возможностях игр известно давно. Многие выдающиеся педагоги справедливо
обращали внимание на эффективность использования игр в процессе обучения. В настоящее время
проблема применения речевой игры в обучении иностранному языку широко освещается в
отечественной и зарубежной методической литературе.

Игра - особо организованное занятие, требующее напряжения эмоциональных и умственных

сил. Понять природу игры, её поразительный воспитательный потенциал - значит понять своего

Библиографические ссылки

Abeles, V. (2015). Beyond measure: Rescuing an overscheduled, overtested, underestimated generation. New York, NY: Simon&Schuster.

Chasmar, J. (2013, November 25). Common core testing makes children vomit, wet their pants: N.Y.

principals. The Washington Times. Retrieved from

Dounay, J. (2000). High-stakes testing is high-stress, too. Education Digest, 65(9),9.Retrievedfrom 1 11311

Dutro, E., &Selland, M. (2012). “I like to read, but I know I’m not good at it”: Children's perspectives on high-stakes testing in a high-poverty school. Curriculuminquiry, 42(3), 340- 367. doi:10.111 l/j.l467-873X.2012.00597.x

Walker, T. (2014). NEA Survey: Nearly half of teachers consider leaving profession due to standardized testing. Retrieved from

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