Evaluation of the sensitivity of microflora of the periodontal pocket to antibacterial agents in the conditions of the rural population



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Исанова, Д., & Мукимов, О. (2019). Evaluation of the sensitivity of microflora of the periodontal pocket to antibacterial agents in the conditions of the rural population. in Library, 19(2), 157–159. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/13995
Д Исанова, Ташкентский государственный стоматологический институт

Студентка 4 курса кафедры стоматологии

О Мукимов, Ташкентский государственный стоматологический институт

Научный руководитель: ассистент кафедры оперативной стоматологии и дентальной имплантологии



Relevance of the topic: the use of antibiotics after surgery in the treatment of periodontal  disease  is  aimed  at  eliminating  the  pathogenic  microflora  of  the periodontium,  oral  cavity  and  restoring  the  normal  microbiota,  which  is  inherent  in healthy  periodontal  tissues.  We  know  that  periodontal  diseases  are  caused  by periodontal  pathogens:  Porphyromonas  gingivalis. Actinobacillus  actinomycetemcommitans  ,Bacteroides  forsithus,  Threponema denticola , Prevotella intermedia, Actinomices viscosus. Numerous studies suggest that the  role  of  polymicrobial  synergy  in  the  development  of  dental  diseases.  When prescribing antibacterial drugs, the doctor should remember that most microorganisms of the oral cavity are combined into a microbial biofilm. Microorganisms of the oral cavity  form  a  microbial  biofilm  on  the  surface  of  the  teeth  –  a  special  form  of organization  of  microorganisms,  which  is  surrounded  by  a  protective  matrix  –  a complex of glycosaminoglycans and proteins. It is this protective matrix that does not allow antibacterial drugs from saliva or gingival fluid to penetrate inside the biofilm. Therefore,  microorganisms  in  the  biofilm  are  more  resistant  to  antibiotics, antimicrobials and other active agents. The most effective choice for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes of the oral cavity should be based on the results of  modern  scientific  research,  proving  the  clinical  and  microbiological  efficacy  and safety of any drugs.

Похожие статьи

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"Current Issues in Medical Science in the XXI century"



снизить вероятность рождения ребенка с пороками развития мозга и передней
брюшной стенки.

Список использованных источников


Антонов О.В. Научные, методические и организационные подходы к

профилактике врожденных пороков развития у детей. Автореф. дис. д-ра мед.
наук. – Омск, 2007. – 32 с.


Асадов Д.А., Шарипова М.К. Значимость экономических потерь от

инвалидности с детства и пути оптимизации медицинских мероприятий по их
снижению // Педиатрия (Узб.). – 2003. – Спец. вып. – С. 6-10.


Ляпин В.А., Дедюлина Н.В. Современные тенденции формирования

здоровья детского населения промышленного города // Здоровье населения и
среда обитания. 2005. - № 1. - С. 11-15.


Позднякова М.А. О результатах регионального мониторинга детской

инвалидности // Рос. педиатрический журнал. -2002.-№2.-С. 36-38.


Родина Н.Е., Овсепян Н.Е. Хромосомные нарушения у детей с

множественными пороками развития // Медицинская генетика. 2005. - Т. 4, № 6.
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Ушакова С.А и др. Частота и структура врожденных аномалий развития

сердца у новорожденных // Материалы 1 Всероссийского Конгресса
«Современные технологии в педиатрии и детской хирургии». М., 2002. - С. 111-


Detection of fetal congenital heart disease in low-risk population / E. Hafner et

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Isanova D. R.

Student of the 4 course, department of stomatology

Tashkent State Dental Institute

Supervisor: Assistant the Department of operative dentistry and dental implantology

Mukimov O. A.

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

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"Current Issues in Medical Science in the XXI century"



Relevance of the topic

: the use of antibiotics after surgery in the treatment of

periodontal disease is aimed at eliminating the pathogenic microflora of the
periodontium, oral cavity and restoring the normal microbiota, which is inherent in
healthy periodontal tissues. We know that periodontal diseases are caused by
periodontal pathogens: Porphyromonas


Actinobacillus actinomycetemcommitans ,Bacteroides forsithus, Threponema

denticola , Prevotella intermedia, Actinomices viscosus. Numerous studies suggest that
the role of polymicrobial synergy in the development of dental diseases. When
prescribing antibacterial drugs, the doctor should remember that most microorganisms
of the oral cavity are combined into a microbial biofilm. Microorganisms of the oral
cavity form a microbial biofilm on the surface of the teeth – a special form of
organization of microorganisms, which is surrounded by a protective matrix – a
complex of glycosaminoglycans and proteins. It is this protective matrix that does not
allow antibacterial drugs from saliva or gingival fluid to penetrate inside the biofilm.
Therefore, microorganisms in the biofilm are more resistant to antibiotics,
antimicrobials and other active agents. The most effective choice for the treatment of
infectious and inflammatory processes of the oral cavity should be based on the results
of modern scientific research, proving the clinical and microbiological efficacy and
safety of any drugs.

The aim of our study was to find the best option of antibiotics for use after

surgical treatment of periodontal diseases.

Materials and methods


1.Clinical examination of patients.

2.Statistical methods of processing the results of the study.

3. Laboratory research methods.

The results

of the study showed that the sensitivity of the stamp of bacteria in vitro

made it possible to determine the group of antibiotics by the degree of its killing:

The first group - macrolide (clarithromycin), beta-lactam(Ceftriaxone)plus

chloramphenicol, the antibiotic with the highest sensitivity to strains account for

The second group, tsefalosporiny, doxycycline and fluoroquinolones drugs sensitivity
which ranges from 80-90%

The third group lincosamide, levofloxacin,amoxicillin drugs and increased from 59-

The fourth group - metronidazole, ampicillin, Cefotaxime, ciprofloxacin, drugs with an
indicator of 30-58%

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"Current Issues in Medical Science in the XXI century"



The last Group -compounds with an index of below 30 %: penicillin, aminoglycosides,
fluoroquinolones — ofloxacin, clotrimazole.


: Antibacterial drugs act on periodontal pathogens, staphylococci

and streptococci and other pathogens, significantly reduce microbial contamination of
periodontal pockets, which reduces the intensity of inflammatory phenomena in
periodontal tissues. Antibacterial drugs should be used in patients at risk of infectious
endocarditis or for the prevention of exacerbation of systemic diseases, as a result of
injuries or various manipulations (professional hygiene, primary periodontal treatment)
in the bloodstream get a variety of microorganisms from the periodontal pocket –
bacteria, Mycoplasma, fungi, chlamydia. The effectiveness of the use of these
antibacterial drugs has been proven in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory
diseases of the maxillofacial region and periodontal diseases. Numerous studies have
also proven their dosing regimen, duration of administration.

List of sources used

1.Barel.M. Therapeutic dentistry part 2. Periodontal disease (2008)

2. Mavlyanov "Clinics Pharmacology»

3. Musienko A. I, Zolotova L. Yu, "complex treatment of periodontal diseases and
odontogenic sinusitis using the technology of directed tissue regeneration" (2017)

4. Danilevsky N. F., Borisenko A.V. periodontal Disease (2000)

5.Mazur I. p., Slodivanik M. V., author's abstract of Systemic antibiotics in

UDK: 616.314-083-371.7-053.5



Aralov M. B., Isanova D. R.,

Students of the 4 course, department of stomatology

Tashkent State Dental Institute


Nurmamatova K. H

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

The health of younger generations is an important factor and a precondition for

the well-being of society and its progressive development. It has long been known how
health affects the quality of human life. Korczak Janusz (outstanding Polish teacher,

Библиографические ссылки

Barel.M. Therapeutic dentistry part 2. Periodontal disease (2008)

Mavlyanov "Clinics Pharmacology»

Musienko A. I, Zolotova L. Yu, "complex treatment of periodontal diseases and odontogenic sinusitis using the technology of directed tissue regeneration" (2017)

Danilevsky N. F., Borisenko A.V. periodontal Disease (2000)

Mazur I. p., Slobodyanik M. V., author's abstract of Systemic antibiotics in periodontics

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