Zien Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities ISSN NO: 2769-996X
Date of Publication: 28-04-2023
Peer Reviewed International Journal [94]
Volume 19
Speaking With the Way of P.R.E.S. Formula
Zahidova Muhlisa Faxritdinovna
Tashpmi Foreign Languages Department
P.R.E.S. formula is revealed as a modern interactive approach to the educational process. It is
highlighted that the use of the PRES formula by educators contributes to the fact that students learn to
briefly express their opinion and quickly show knowledge of the studied topic.
Key words:
P.R.E.S. formula, speech, interactive technique, skills, important.
Nowadays there are many kinds of techniques that can organize an interesting lesson. And all
techniques serve for different skills. One of these techniques is called P.R.E.S. formula.
Martials and methods.
The usage of interactive techniques is very important because many students have
difficulties with enlarging of their vocabulary and they do not try to use familiar vocabulary in their speech.
P.R.E.S. formula is such a technique that can help to explain the expressions in the mind. As P.R.E.S formula
stands for Point, Reason, Example and Summary. Point is a position which you will state, it is a point of view,
it will be a beginning of your speech and you may use the entrance words like "I think...", "in my opinion..."
and so on. Reason is a cause which you want to explain why it is that, it is the reason for your point of view
and here you may begin your words with "because", "because of", "that's why" and others. Example is the
way of your expressing how it can be, it is an example to support your point of view and you may use the
words like "for instance", "for example", and in the Summary you can sum up all mentioned above, it should
be the summary of your point of view and you should use the words which could conclude all ideas, and you
may use the words like "in a nutshell", "in conclusion", "to sum up", "all in all" and so on.
Sometimes it is easier to trigger ourselves with questions. P.R.E.S. can also be substituted with What
(point), Why (reason), How (example/explanation) and What if (summary/suggestion). For example, what -
you may write or say what you like; why - the reason of your choice, why you like (do) it. How - you may
write or say with examples, how you could do it. What if - here you may conclude and say or write the last
sentence. For a simple speech, you can use one set of P.R.E.S. for your opening, one set for the closing, and
two-three sets for the div of your speech. You can experiment with any combination of P.R.E.S. and see how
it works. You can point or what or why for your opening, and use summary for your closing. That is why it is
very important for teachers in their every day practice.
It is the easiest way to organize the speech for students too. Because you may use this technique as a
post reading, for reading material students may make a P.R.E.S. formula in order to make easier to retell the
text and they may also write them in right order. So, with this it can be said without any hesitation that this
technique can serve not just for developing speaking skills but also for reading and writing ones.
According to modern educational standards of teaching a foreign language, it is necessary for students
to develop the ability to speak prepared and spontaneously in the language being studied, as well as to enter
into communication with each other. In recent decades, special attention has been paid to the issues of effective
teaching of untrained speech in modern methodological literature.
The use of knowledge from various fields gives the student the opportunity to study the essence
of the problem from different sides, to study the cause-and-effect relationships more deeply. In this case,
interdisciplinarity manifests itself in full, the already familiar material is updated and a holistic perception of
information is formed. In the process of learning a foreign language, the discussion is always creative. It is
creativity in teaching that develops the abilities of students, gives them a basis for reflection and analysis of
information and arguments. During the discussion, the participant needs to build his statement logically
correctly, to state his position in a reasoned manner, which contributes to the inner education of the individual.
Also, the student’s personal formation during the discussion is due to the focus on values. This is due to the
Zien Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities ISSN NO: 2769-996X
Date of Publication: 28-04-2023
Peer Reviewed International Journal [95]
Volume 19
fact that the organization of the discussion will not be effective without creating certain conditions that help
students to show their individuality and express their own point of view on the problem posed.
It is important to emphasize that the role of the teacher in the discussion process is extremely important
and extremely complex, since he must not only monitor the literacy of his student’s speech, but also help him
listen to the opinion of his opponent during the discussion and teach him to defend his point of view. In other
words, not every teacher can cope with such a task. It is necessary to have a sufficient level of qualification,
to have experience in teaching discussion and speaking, to know the characteristics of their students: their
strengths and weaknesses, and, of course, the availability of high-quality educational literature is of great
importance, which helps the teacher to achieve success in this field.
In the methodology of teaching English as a foreign language for the formation of discussion skills,
sufficient attention is paid to the preparation of dialogues and monologues (reproductive, productive and
productive-reproductive oral statements), retelling of texts. A high school student must be able to carry out
verbal communication on certain topics (biography, family, study and work, etc.) Such communication
involves the pronunciation of a prepared monologue by students and a number of questions from the teachers.
However, as practice shows, such conversations are not interesting both to the students themselves and to their
teachers because of the irrelevance of the topics touched upon. The speech activity of students during such
conversations does not have proper motivation. In addition, communication in this case is not two-way, since
students do not ask appropriate questions to teachers. Communication in such cases has the character of
«inquiry», where all information is requested and received by teachers. Monologues prepared and delivered
by students do not show their true level of language proficiency. However, students even with excellent results
in English find themselves in a quandary. It reveals the need to correct the requirements for the level of
knowledge and skills that senior students must possess.
The complexity of the situation forces us to look for ways out of the current situation, to solve
methodological problems with new, more effective methods, to practice forms of work that are relevant today
and allow you to achieve goals in the best way.
An important aspect of communication is the ability to listen and correctly understand the interlocutor,
express your judgment logically, build a definite conclusion in evidence, find the right solution to a problem
or a way out of a conflict situation.
Such skills are necessary in almost all spheres of communication: in everyday, socio-cultural, socio-
political, scientific, etc. In this regard, the formation of students’ skills in discussion communication becomes
an important task in teaching a foreign language.
To sum up, it should be noted that there is a simple but powerful tool that will make your students
speech easy to organize. Using P.R.E.S. formula you can keep your ideas logically and your audience
interested till the end.
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