Учить или не учить английский студентам-медикам



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Буранова, Д. (2021). Учить или не учить английский студентам-медикам. in Library, 21(1), 902–909. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/21011
Дилафруз Буранова, Ташкентский Педиатрический Медицинский Институт




Политика реформирования медицинской сферы образования в Узбекистане оказывает огромное влияние на преподавание иностранного языка как дисциплины в рамках общегуманитарных наук. Преподавание английского языка постепенно начинает отходить на второй план, что в ближайшем будущем грозит «выпасть» из реестра дисциплин медицинских вузов. Иностранный язык, в частности английский как общеобразовательный предмет, опущен почти на последнее место. Слабая методическая база дисциплины «Медицинский английский», сменившая в последние годы «общий английский» в направлении ESP, а также модернизация профессионального медицинского образования в целом, создает ряд проблем в процессе изучения английского языка. преподавание языка. Одним из наиболее актуальных направлений высшего медицинского образования стал процесс преподавания специальных предметов на английском языке, что также ставит ряд актуальных вопросов для решения. Возможности совершенствования механизма обучения иностранному языку и эффективные меры по организации деятельности в этом направлении определяют превосходство за медицинскими высшими учебными заведениями. В связи с этим важным фактором достижения высоких результатов в это направление.

Похожие статьи

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PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(3): 902-909

ISSN: 0033-3077

Article Received: 13th September, 2020; Article Revised: 25th January, 2021; Article Accepted: 12th February, 2021



To Teach or Not to Teach English for Medical Students

Buranova Dilafruz*

Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Uzbekistan


The policy of the reforming of the medical sphere of education in Uzbekistan has a huge impact on teaching of the foreign language as a
discipline within the general humanitarian sciences. English language teaching is gradually beginning to fade into the background, which in the
nearest future threatens to "drop out" from the register of disciplines of medical universities. Foreign language, in particular, English as a general
education subject, is almost lowered to the last place. The weak methodological base of the discipline "Medical English", which has replaced
"general English" in the direction of ESP in recent years, as well as the modernization of professional medical education in general, creates a
number of problems in the process of English language teaching. One of the most relevant areas of higher medical education has become the
process of teaching special subjects in English, which also raises a number of urgent issues to address. The possibilities of improving the
mechanism of learning a foreign language and effective measures for organizing activities in this direction determines the superiority for the
medical higher educational institutions. In this regard, the establishment of a special specific environment for teachers of English in modern non-
linguistic universities on the basis of profile and professional orientation, taking into account modern methods of teaching a foreign language, is
an important factor in achieving high results in this direction.


ELT, students, medical, professional higher education, ESP, methodology, new thinking, foreign languages, modern standards, competitive
personnel, qualifications, professional skills, pedagogy, competence, motivation.


Professional foreign language communication, which
identifies the formation of relevant personnel as competent
mature specialists in any field, dictates its own conditions in
the education of modern trends in English language
teaching. According to contemporary investigations, various
methods of the teaching of foreign language, in particular,
English are offered [1]. The current stage of development of
education and science in Uzbekistan requires more and more
effective methods of the teaching of English within the
chosen specialty. Modern medicine, like other areas of
development, requires specific skills, both professional and
linguistic. English is in demand and very famous, especially
in terms of studying scientific specialized literature and
sharing international experience. This is one of the most
relevant areas, as a foreign language, in particular, English
is one of the compulsory subjects in the course of higher
Medical higher education of the former Soviet period had a
kind of "traditional school", which maybe would have been
effective, but noticeable lag in settled monotonous
methodological approaches, where more attention was paid
to the general theoretical direction and communicative
English are often sidelined. However, this also gave good
results from the point of view of the principles of general
education policy of that time, it was possible to achieve
success in teaching foreign language communication in line
with the communicative methodology [2]. A differentiated
approach to the quality of education, the development of
methods for activating the system-professional presentation
of specialized material revealed such problems as the
presence of a number of unnecessary humanitarian subjects,
which, in fact, complicated the task for both students and

higher medical education in general, as well as caused
general resentment of students. In this regard, the students,
instead of paying more attention to practice and theory in
the professional field, were forced to cram history and other
general humanitarian subjects, such as economics, tax
policy, religion, especially at the initial stage of training.
The current policy of reforming higher medical education in
the Republic of Uzbekistan, along with other countries of
the former Soviet Union, does everything possible, based on
the current situational opportunities. Along with other
achievements of independence, a huge amount of work was
carried out in the country to radically change the state
education system, and as a separate area of this activity, a
new modern system of teaching foreign languages, in
particular English, was developed [3]. Teaching foreign
languages at medical universities in Uzbekistan has set the
task for methodologists to create integrative models of
language teaching in the profession (ESP). There was a
need to create an effective and scientifically based teaching
methodology in non-linguistic higher education institutions
based on the adoption of modern standards of education.
Based on the methods of teaching foreign languages, it is
replaced by the inductive approach, which, in contrast to the
deductive approach, represents a different style of teaching
where the new grammatical structures or rules are presented
to the students in a real language context [4], thereby
providing students with the opportunity to activate
intellectual and mental foreign language activities.
Interactive teaching methods are becoming more and more a
priority in the field of English language teaching [5], and as
a result, the methodology itself is enriched through the
introduction of new methods. The perspectives of
modernization of the system of continuous professional
education, resulting in the effective use of the principles of

background image

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(3): 902-909

ISSN: 0033-3077

Article Received: 13th September, 2020; Article Revised: 25th January, 2021; Article Accepted: 12th February, 2021



variability, mobility and adaptability in the educational
system of Kazakhstan [6], or the improvement the activities
of foreign language teachers within the framework of the
standpoint of methodological thinking as a purposeful way
of solving some methodological problems, as noted in the
research of some authors from Kazan [7] – these examples
indicate the inevitability of methodology improvement in
accordance with the latest trends in the world educational
policy in the field of ELT all over the post-Soviet space.

Literature Review

Thus, the legislative framework created in recent years in
Uzbekistan has determined a complete revision of the
curriculum in this direction. The adopted laws and
regulations aimed at reforming higher education, especially
medical, have determined the reorganization of the scientific
and methodical activity in non-linguistic universities of the
Republic of Uzbekistan, the development of exchange of
experience with experts of various foreign universities.
It should be noted that along with major changes in the field
of medical higher education in the country, the 7-year
bachelor's degree in higher medical education was reformed,
which did not meet modern requirements Since the
2017/2018 academic year, the following terms of study were
established: 6 years were given for professional education
(therapeutic care), military medical education (medical
work) and pediatrics, for medical and biological study 4
years were separated, as well as for medical and prophylaxis
5 years were taken. It was noted that the seven-year
bachelor's degree in higher medical educational institutions
did not meet modern demands, and it also required too much
financing of such education [8].
The time has come to further improvement of this area,
especially for the training programs, in terms of training
medical personnel. When analyzing the study hours, it was
found that 15 percent or even more of the topics in the
curriculum were repeated. In addition, the large number of
non-specialized subjects in the curricula and undergraduate
and graduate programs also took up too much time and had
a significant impact on the gaining of knowledge in the
specialty. Therefore the state educational standards of the
bachelor's degree were revised. In other words, it was
decided to expand the block of professional sciences, and to
reduce the block of socio-economic sciences to 7%, and
increase the number of hours of preclinical and clinical
sciences to 85%. In the previous state educational standards,
the volume of study hours in the humanities and socio-
economic sciences was 15-20%, in the main specialty - 40-
50%. This reform was aimed at expanding the knowledge of
future doctors in the field of the specialty, starting from the
first stage of higher medical education. Undoubtedly, such
drastic changes in the field of higher medical education
primarily involved improving the quality of training of
medical personnel. However, the reduction in the number of
hours in the humanities generally affected the teaching of
foreign languages. Further reform in the higher education
system poses a number of tasks, the implementation of
which directly depends on the mastery of foreign languages.

Thus, the Decree of the President of the Republic of
Uzbekistan dated July 27, 2017 “On Measures for Further
Increasing the Contribution of Industries and Industries to
Increase the Quality of Higher Education Specialists” sets
the task of cardinal improvement of the content of training
of highly qualified competitive specialists in the higher
education system of the country. As stated in the resolution,
the organization of teaching in English language the
specialties of disciplines in the higher educational
institutions today is one of the main tasks, as well as
targeted training of the teaching staff capable of teaching
special subjects in English is required. The issue of
improving the skills of managerial and pedagogical
personnel in developed foreign countries is noted as one of
the most urgent tasks, as well as the further improvement of
personnel adaptation to the level of international standards,
and their mastery of foreign languages. The decree also says
about sending young teachers and doctoral students with
work experience to leading foreign educational institutions,
establishing special scholarships for them, increase their
scientific and pedagogical potential by organizing an
international exchange of experience of professors; "step-
by-step organization of teaching specialization disciplines in
English in at least 2 groups in all courses", organization of
their training abroad, as well as the involvement of foreign
specialists in training, establishing training on the basis of
modern educational literature used today in higher
educational institutions of developed countries; "due to the
agreements on mutual cooperation, sponsorship and grants
of international organizations for 2-3-month courses in
developed countries, in particular South Korea, Japan and
Germany, teachers of higher educational institutions who
prepare promising scientific and pedagogical personnel,






architectural areas of education, as well as on advanced
training of fellows abroad by the Government of the Russian

General overview

In this regard, the issue of radical improvement of higher
education according to the requirements of reforming and
modernizing modern education, and full compliance of
personnel with the requirements of the world labor market,
is on the agenda. For this reason, the issue of knowledge of
foreign languages by specialists in all spheres of economic,
social and political development of the country is of
particular relevance. Reducing the duration of training of
medical students and revising the programs of medical
universities by optimizing it at the expense of humanities,
undoubtedly, implies the quality of medical graduates as
highly qualified specialists. However, it turned out that it is
not so easy to destroy completely the old stereotypes. It
should be noted that further optimization of subjects in the
specialty is not an easy task. Let's give at least one
example: not all universities are fully equipped with all the
necessary equipment, laboratories, there is also a need to
create educational and methodological literature, etc., and
there are many such examples, but this is a completely
different topic for discussion and research. As for the

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PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(3): 902-909

ISSN: 0033-3077

Article Received: 13th September, 2020; Article Revised: 25th January, 2021; Article Accepted: 12th February, 2021



teaching of special subjects in English, I believe that this
problem should be taken very seriously.
On the basis of a modern approach to higher medical
education and in order to improve the language skills of
students, relevant English groups are organized with the
involvement of teachers in medical disciplines, where
majority classes in the specialty are conducted in English.
The issue of language skills of the teachers of special
departments themselves was on the agenda, where all the
data is taken into account: the presence of an international
standard certificate (ILTS, TOEFL, etc.), internships abroad,
diplomas and certificates of completion of English language
courses, personnel training, as well as training and retraining
of medical teachers on the basis of Foreign Languages
Departments of medical universities. The organization of
students for such special English groups was conducted
under the guidance of the Deans Office, with the
involvement of teachers of the English from Foreign
Languages Department, and on the basis of high
performance results in the English discipline and mandatory
interview and examination with students.
It turned out that the educational system is not quite ready
for such changes and innovations, which is revealed
primarily in the lack of training of professional specialists,
that is, teachers of special departments to teach the subject
in English.
Therefore, the implementation of these goals and objectives
requires not only the educational qualifications, but also a
comprehensive approach to the level of all current
participants in the educational process as a whole. A range
of studies related to the development of a new approach to
professional-methodical training of English teachers ask in
medical schools, provides teachers, ready to work in the new
paradigm of education, with a gradual increase in training
specialists with the necessary level of foreign language
skills tailored to their professional needs. This, in turn, is a
flexible but mobile study of a foreign language, with the
definition of the characteristics of different levels of
professional competence and the development of theoretical
and practical foundations for the formation of professional
and methodological competence based on integration into
medical science and education. The stages and models of
training such a specialist require a special approach, taking
into account the current needs of the medical field. The
current teaching of foreign languages, according to scientific
and theoretical research in this direction, has a specific
fundamental basis. Using a variety of techniques, enriching
the professional skills of the teacher and the learning process
play a crucial role in stimulating the student: "Diversity in
the classroom is important as a reason that students learn to
value and use diversity to the greater good. Having a diverse
group of students indicates that in recognizing that all of the
people are unique in their own way. Teachers can do to
create an environment where each student feels valued and
respected» [9].Thus, it can be noted that modern research
focuses on a number of problems. In particular, some
investigations interpret the teachings related to the post-
methodic condition [10], which summarizes the most
important aspects of foreign language teaching in terms of
the development of language pedagogy in different

historical periods. Some teachings note such points as
students' beliefs in the advantage of a kind of balance
between formal-oriented and meaning-oriented activities,
which is important for the formation of communicative
competence in ESL methodology [11]. A longitudinal study
which investigates changes in attitudes about ESL learning
[12] asserts the need to eliminate any detrimental trainee
beliefs before they start teaching.
Improving training courses for English language teachers
and increasing the number of hours of English lessons [13]
remains an urgent and promising topic, strengthening the
importance of the English language in a global way. Also,
the relationship between the participation and experience of
native English teachers, the experience of teaching English
in Asia, and the experience of transnational English teachers
in government-funded, English-language teaching programs
[14] calls for deeper approaches to teaching English.
Higher special education in our time implies the quality of
graduates of any field with knowledge of a foreign
language, especially English, which really increases the
competitiveness of qualified personnel in the world labor
market. The use of English in various professional fields,
such as engineering [15], computer science [16] and many
others, is primarily based on effective language learning,
and this implies compulsory English for all specialties
aimed at effective use of English in their future profession.
In connection with the accelerated reform of the medical
sphere in the country, the development of foreign language
competence of medical students is becoming more and more
relevant. The need for continuous improvement of modern
students' ability to work with English-language literature,
the acquisition of skills of communication with foreign
colleagues in the framework of professional activities
requires appropriate skills and knowledge. With the
accelerated development and rapid pace of computer skills,
with the increasing ability of young people to effectively
and quickly process English-language information, as well
as the processes of globalization of the modern world as a
whole – all this ensures the rapid development of active
skills in terms of mastering foreign languages. Students are
also motivated by the fact that the reform in the field of
higher medical education contributes to paying more
attention to specialized subjects, the educational process
increases the emphasis on the specialty. Foreign language as
a discipline is almost relegated to the last place along with
other general humanitarian subjects. Teachers of Foreign
Languages Departments, due to the prevailing psychological
and pedagogical conditions, need a more organized and
responsible approach on the part of students to their subject.
More or less reassuring is the fact that the discipline of
“General English” is being replaced by "Medical English",
but this side also suffers from weak methodological support.
Undoubtedly, a number of studies have been carried out in
terms of learning English in the profession, where the
problems of the lack of a new methodology of educational
work and psychological and pedagogical attitudes for
medical students are touched upon [17]. Various modern
methods of forming the language literacy of students of non-
linguistic universities based on the development of

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PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(3): 902-909

ISSN: 0033-3077

Article Received: 13th September, 2020; Article Revised: 25th January, 2021; Article Accepted: 12th February, 2021



innovative technologies [18], along with other studies, are
becoming increasingly relevant in the direction of ESP.

Purpose and research questions

So, English language teachers are replaced by specialists
who are armed with knowledge both in their specialty and in
English, which, in turn, is a living example of a high-level
competence. Moreover, the teacher of English language
specialist becomes the second-rate person in medical
university, which completely sidelines the Department of
Foreign Languages in a medical university. In some cases,
the subject of English is treated as an unnecessary subject.
Students are often not interested in attending English
classes, because special subjects are more necessary and
more important for them. It is observed that among the four
declared “listening”, “writing”, “speaking” and “reading”
competences the advantage remains at last for the
All this raises a lot of questions. How serious are the
consequences of the gradually forming opinion that English
classes are the second-rate ones? In this case, what is the
knowledge of a medical specialist who conducts classes in
English? Do they meet all the methodological standards and
how classes in special subjects are conducted in English?
Often grammatical mistakes completely change the meaning
of the sentence. Only a linguist can correct and interpret
such moments to a student, while a medical teacher may not
pay attention to it. Some Latin terms are used in English
according to the rules of grammar or word formation from
Latin. For example, the term “vertebra” has its unusual rule
for changing into a plural form as “vertebrae”. Another
example is with the term “coccus” in singular and ‘cocci” in
plural, and the students make the mistake not only in this,
but also in the pronunciation between English - /kɒkɪ/ and
Latin - /kɒksaɪ/. It is easy to make mistakes when
pronouncing medical terms due to their Latin and Greek
origin, and here only a linguist teacher can clearly explain
how these plurals are formed and pronounced. The same
thing happens when using a medical dictionary, because in
learning of medical terminology the student will learn to
decipher definitions based on commonly used word parts,
however, some terms cannot be “translated” in this manner.
Even those terms with definitions that seem obvious based
on their word parts may have more than one meaning. For
example, look at the term “lithotomy” – based on word
parts, lithotomy means a surgical incision for the removal of
a stone (the combining form LITH/O means stone and the
suffix – OTOMY means a surgical incision). Lithotomy is
also the name of an examination position in which the
patient is lying on the back with the feet and legs raised and
supported in stirrups. And only the teacher of English is able
to explain, why such a potential mix-up happens and how to
use a medical dictionary as an important medical
terminology tool [19].
In contrast to the medical teacher, the language teacher will
definitely pays attention to this, corrects the mistake,
explains the difference and tries to develop mechanisms for
distinguishing English and Latin terms in the student. This is
the exact technique that a linguist has, or a so called true
teacher of English... Undoubtedly, a clear monitoring of the

level and quality of knowledge of a specialist in any field is
required when it comes to teaching a special subject in
English. And certificate availability of language courses
with a certain level of knowledge in English here may not
quite reflect its quality of knowledge. Of course, to follow
the principles of the current reform, it may be for the best,
but it is still worth paying attention to the fact that the
healthcare sector needs highly qualified personnel who meet
the principles of the international standard, with perfect
knowledge of both the profession and language skills.
Based on the above, there are clear issues on the agenda:
What is the specifics of language education in medical
universities? What kind of resources can be used to
implement the requirements of the educational policy in
medicine without compromising language education? Where
is the line between the opportunities and the realities that
provide each graduate of a medical university with high-
quality professional training at the international level, with a
good knowledge of the foreign language in specialty?


As noted above, professors and teachers of medical subjects
regularly improve their knowledge and skills in a foreign
language. This activity is carried out within the framework
of fulfilling the goals and objectives specified in the relevant
laws [20]. As indicated in the regulatory documents, the
CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) course
by the Common European Framework of Reference for
Languages (CEFR) have been organized for teachers of all
non-linguistic universities. This activity was carried out
regularly in accordance with the "Program for the formation
of knowledge, skills and abilities of professors and teachers
of non-linguistic higher educational institutions" and other
subsequent regulatory documents in Uzbekistan State World
Languages University. There were organized training
seminars for teachers of the Foreign Departments of non-
linguistic universities of the Republic, at the end of the
which they were awarded certificates of trainers in CLIL.
12 teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages of
Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute (TashPMI), who
received these certificates, were involved in the activities of
courses for the teaching staff of Specialized Departments of
the Institute. Some supplements and changes were
introduced to English curriculum for CLIL by the author of
the given article, and a new program and curriculum that is
based on the specifics of the given higher medical education
have been developed. Accordingly, since 2013-2014, the
Department of Foreign Languages of TashPMI regularly
conducts classes in English for the teaching staff of the
Institute. The process of organization and training was
carried out with the taking into account such characteristics
as the level of English language proficiency, the direction of
specialization, the qualification level and the professional
needs of the trainees. The training continued on a regular
basis, and eventually it was expected to achieve the
knowledge and level of all professors and teachers of the
levels from B2 to C1 of the CEFR system. The tasks of the
study included the formation of communicative competency

background image

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(3): 902-909

ISSN: 0033-3077

Article Received: 13th September, 2020; Article Revised: 25th January, 2021; Article Accepted: 12th February, 2021



on ordinary, scientific and professional themes in learning
foreign languages as well as enhancement of self-study
skills in pedagogical sphere.


Three-module training was developed for the levels of
English proficiency. Descriptive indicators for dividing total
hours by training modules are indicated in the Table 1,
where the number of hours for practical classes and self-
study are distributed. Accordingly, the plan consists of 90
hours (Module 1), 120 hours (Module 2) and 144 hours
(Module 3) of practical training and independent work (20,
30, 34), the goal of each module is an example of raising the
knowledge, skills and qualifications of professors in foreign
languages to the next level.

Table 1.

Descriptive indicators for dividing total hours by

training modules:




Total hours –

Total hours – 120

Total hours –


Among them:

Practical classes

- 70

Self-study - 20

Among them:

Practical classes -


Self-study - 30

Among them:

Practical classes -


Self-study - 34

The purpose of the modules is to increase the level of
language skills to the next level. At the beginning of each
course, the trainees are identified by level and divided into
relevant groups. At the end of each module, the learners of
the course should pass the exam and transfer to the next
module. The main aim of the course of enhancement
qualification is development of skills and abilities speech
activity. The basic tasks of the course consist of:

fixation of knowledge, skills and abilities in

studying foreign language at the listeners of the course

reading and understanding of texts with specific


formation of skills and abilities in studying foreign

language such as understanding, speaking, reading ,writing
and translating

self-study skills in studying foreign language.

Form and contents on organization of self-study consists of
work with portfolio, completing tests on recommendations
of Internet web-sites, collection of scientific materials on
specialty, self-reading , etc. Figure 1 shows the main points
of the educational and methodological activities of the
training, which covers the different sides of interactive
teaching of the English language.

Figure 1

. Educational and methodological activities of the


Data Analysis

The schedule is drawn up in accordance with the
curriculum. Each teacher conducts 2 hours of practical
training 3 times a week. The training course covers a wide
use of a textbooks, tutorials, guidebooks, lection books,
video and audio materials, and electron recourses.
Interactive methods of ELT, working with special tests,
performing portfolio tasks, developing professional skills
and abilities by presentation in English language, changing
with experience and knowledge with colleagues, developing
pedagogical speech in English are taught. Language learners
explain their abilities in listening, speaking, reading and
writing with further progress to the next module.
For those who have reached a high level, monthly groups of
independent fluency in a foreign language are organized (1
time per month), which provide for conversations, round
tables, discussions, mini-conferences and other forms of
communication in English for further improvement of the
language and self-education. It should be noted here that the
specifics of the university determine the teachers to choose
the necessary linguistic directions, depending on their
professional goals and objectives. Table 2 shows the level of
knowledge of students who were rated "satisfactory",
"good" and "excellent" according to the results of the

Table 2:

Indicators of levels according to CEFR standards

taking into account internal TashPMI assessment criteria:






А 2

Basic user

3 (satisfactory)

B 1


Independent user

4 (good)


Proficient user

5 (excellent)

background image

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(3): 902-909

ISSN: 0033-3077

Article Received: 13th September, 2020; Article Revised: 25th January, 2021; Article Accepted: 12th February, 2021



To assess the effectiveness of three-module training, as well
as the assimilation of the English language by medical
teachers, the analysis of three academic years of study was


During 2016-2017, 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 academic
years approximately 500 teachers of TashPMI employees of
the Institute were trained in 3 Modules groups. The analysis
of the conducted classes with the teaching staff of TashPMI
for three academic years showed some dynamics of
increasing language assimilation. Therefore, in November-
January of the 2016-2017 academic year, 154 people from
the recommended 160 professors and teachers have attended
the classes. They have studied in 9 groups: in 4 groups on
Module 1 and in 5 groups on Module 2. During October-
December 2017-2018 academic year, 170 people studied in
5 groups of Module 1, 2 and 3.In January 2019, 150 people
also studied in three Modules in 6 groups. The dynamics of
the assessment for academic years is reproduced in Figure 2,
which also reflects the results of the 3-level assessment

Figure 2.

Dynamics of the assessment for three academic


According to the monitoring of the assessment, the main
difficulties in mastering English language were observed in
the gaining of listening and speaking competencies, which is
noted in Figure 2. It also has to be noted that by the age
category, language assimilation among young teachers was
higher than that of older ones.

Figure 3.

Monitoring the assimilation of language



From the point of view of the medical sphere, the methods
of teaching medical subjects in English and the sequence of
the educational process are determined by achieving
harmony with medical science and the exact system of
knowledge At the same time, this conciseness is not the only
technique for perfect mastering. Analysis of “English in
specialty” is a rather complex process, the degree of
mastering of lexical units and grammar constructions also
occupies a special place. The perfect sides to the knowledge
of languages are a full supply of the definition of a clear
style, richness of words, compliance with pedagogical and
didactic requirements and laws. And the science
methodology is interpreted from the point of view of the
relationship to a particular field. Also, for the medical field,
forms of teaching English language science as a certain unit
of higher education are manifested due to the requirements
of pedagogy and didactics.

Limitations and Future Studies

The question of linking scientific knowledge with
educational and educational tasks in accordance with the
requirements of teaching methods to the English language,
the exact definition of the degree of sequence of teaching
methods in it, expresses the unity of Science and education,
determines the set of goals and tasks in the similarity and
dependence of methodological equivalents. Thus will
display the following set of tasks:

To understand the features of educational

technology and to interpret them from the point of view of
medical education.

Formation of the concept of "English for medicine"

on the basis of the objectives, content and principles of
higher education in this field.

Effective implementation of the stages of

improvement of medical science, proceeding from the
requirements of modern higher education policy.

At the same time, due to the peculiarities of

medical sphere, it is desirable to pay special attention to the
following aspects:
* Organize the educational process in accordance with the






psycholinguistics and pedagogy.
* Efficient use of methodological base on World linguistics,
linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching Methodology in
the creation and improvement of software.
The potential of the language capabilities of the teaching
staff of medical universities is growing every day. In
particular, it is important to note the fact that the percentage
of English language acquisition among young staff is high,
which to some extent determines the future prospects of
medical universities. As for the activities of Foreign
Language Departments and the process of teaching English
in general, a clear organization of this process is necessary,
taking into account the variability of internal and external
conditions. These criteria is considered one of the main
steps to ensure the implementation of current and strategic

background image

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(3): 902-909

ISSN: 0033-3077

Article Received: 13th September, 2020; Article Revised: 25th January, 2021; Article Accepted: 12th February, 2021



plans. Here it is important to find an answer to the question
of why it is necessary to master English language, and to
find out whether achieving professional maturity and
language acquisition is an important task at the current level.


The main essence of teaching future medical personnel
English is an indicator of their professional orientation from
improving their knowledge in accordance with modern
requirements. It is desirable that the organization of
activities in this direction should be carried out in the
following order:
1. The basis of the regulatory framework. This refers to the
initial content of the activity based on the requirements,
standards and relevant programs.
2. Creating educational resources. It is based on the
approved educational and methodological base, and also
provides a set of complexes aimed at ensuring the quality of
teaching, taking into account the characteristics of the higher
educational institution.
3. The level of awareness of modern technologies.
Mastering and regularly improving the world's best practices
introducing new types of practical classes and independent
Teaching English in higher medical schools requires the
introduction of innovative methods based on the global
educational process and international standards. The
organization of the activity is a specific type of
methodological management system that uses modern
technologies and methods based on modern educational
rules. According to this principle, the development of
foreign languages is determined in certain areas of
educational, methodological and scientific activities.
The creation and improvement of a highly professional
background in the specialty is the same as ensuring the
productive use of international principles and further
professional development. Of particular importance is the
formation of professional and communicative skills of the
teacher, his training in the education system. The formation
of professional and methodological competence occurs
because of the creation of a multi-level system of scientific
and methodological support, training in a specific





specialization. The presence of contradictions between the
current state of development of continuing teacher education
and the analysis of trends is determined by the level of
readiness to solve new professional tasks in accordance with
the real needs of the system of continuing education and the
qualification requirements in the system of teacher
Moreover, the question of "teaching English as a discipline"
is still remains open...


The author is grateful to the staff of Foreign Languages
Department of Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute for their
activities related to trainings, monitoring and assessment of

professors and teachers of Specialized Medical Departments
of the Institute.



Zhao, Y., (2020). A Personalized English Teaching
Design Based on Multimedia Computer Technology.
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in





А.Ш. (2016). Современные методики преподавания
английского языка в высших учебных заведениях.





Пассов, Е.И. Основы коммуникативной методики
обучения иноязычному общению. М.: Русский язык,
1989. — 276 с.; Zvereva L.S. English for Medical
Students. Москва: Медицина, 1964. – 203 с.;
Маслова, А.М., Вайнштейн, З.И., Плебейская Л.С.
Учебник английского языка для медицинских вузов.
Москва: Лист Нью, 2003. – 320 с.


Azizova G. (2014). Government policy towards
teaching English language. The advanced science
journal. Volume 2014 Issue 5 25 English Education




Гулямова, М. Х. Inductive vs deductive approach in
teaching foreign languages / М. Х. Гулямова.
Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 3 (107). — С. 808-
810. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/107/25240


Sharipova F., Akhmedova A., Jalilova N. (2020).
Interactive Learning in the Medical English Classroom.
Universal Journal of Educational Research 8(5): 1997-






Beisenbayeva, L., (2020). Using the Mother Tongue in




Students in Kazakhstan. International Journal of
Instruction, 13(3): 605-616. www.e-iji.net


Khakimzianova A., Mirgasimovna A., Fakhrutdinov B.
(2019). Characteristics and structure of methodical
thinking of a foreign language teacher. Kazan Federal
University, Institute of International Relations, Russia.
Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews eISSN: 2395-









Decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan
“On measures to ensure more effective organization of
medical higher education” № 2956 (May 5, 2017);


Firman, F., Friscilla Wulan Tersta, Cicyn Riantoni,
Fellicia Ayu Sekonda (2020). Teachers’ attitudes to
special needs students in English language teaching.

background image

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(3): 902-909

ISSN: 0033-3077

Article Received: 13th September, 2020; Article Revised: 25th January, 2021; Article Accepted: 12th February, 2021



Humanities & social sciences Reviews, 8(2e): p. 43.


Nagy, I.K., (2019). In between Language Teaching
Methods: Do We Need (to Know About) Methods at
All? Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Philologica, 11(3):
119–139. https://doi.org/10.2478/ausp-2019-0030


McBride, K., (2009). Percepciones estudiantiles sobre
las técnicas utilizadas en la enseñanza del inglés como
lengua extranjera. Universum. Revista de Humanidades







Peacock, M. (2001). Pre-service ESL teachers' beliefs
about second language learning: A longitudinal study.
System, 29(2):177-195. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0346-


Chen, H.-J., Cheng, Y.-S., Kuo, T.-Y., Lin, H.-Y
(2020). Comparison of English education policies in
east Asian countries. Journal of Research in Education
Sciences. 65(1):1-26.


Jeon.M. (2020). Native-English speaking teachers’
experiences in East-Asian language programs. System,
88, February 2020, # 102178.


Clement, A., (2015). English for employability: A case
study of the english language training need analysis for
engineering students in India. English Language





Peralta Castro, F.E., Acosta Dias, R. (2011). Towards a
methodology to deliver English language lessons that
foster different competencies in computer science
students (Conference Paper). Global Engineering





5773238, 826-830.


Макарова, О.Ю. (2014). Педагогическая система



медицинских вузов (doctoral dissertation materials).
Казань, ВАК РФ. https://www.dissercat.com


Bakiyeva, G.Kh., Kushieva N.Kh.(2016). English
language teaching based on the cluster model in the
higher education system. Teaching Foreign Languages
and Applied Linguistics. International Conference,
USWLU, Tashkent. Kushieva, N.Kh. (2019). Cluster
approach in enhancing intercultural competence of
students in teaching foreign languages. Europian
Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational
Sciences. 7(10). http://www.idpublications.org/ejress-


Ann Ehrlich. Medical Terminology for Health
Professions (2016), Delmar Publishers Inc. Part I, pp. 5-
7. https://www.amazon.com/s


Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
“On Measures to Further Improve Foreign Language
Learning System” № 1875 (December 10, 2012);
Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic

of Uzbekistan “On Measures to Further Improve the
System of Retraining and Advanced Training of
Teaching Staff of Higher Educational Institutions” №
278 (September 26, 2012) and “On the Approval of the
State Educational Standard for Foreign Languages of
the System of Continuing Education” № 124 (May 8,
2013). https://lex.uz/docs

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Пассов, Е.И. Основы коммуникативной методики обучения иноязычному общению. М.: Русский язык, 1989. — 276 с.; Zvereva L.S. English for Medical Students. Москва: Медицина, 1964. – 203 с.; Маслова, А.М., Вайнштейн, З.И., Плебейская Л.С. Учебник английского языка для медицинских вузов. Москва: Лист Нью, 2003. – 320 с.

Azizova G. (2014). Government policy towards teaching English language. The advanced science journal. Volume 2014 Issue 5 25 English Education Received 10.03.2014. http://advancedscience.org/2014/5/025-028.pdf

Гулямова, М. Х. Inductive vs deductive approach in teaching foreign languages / М. Х. Гулямова. Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 3 (107). — С. 808-810. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/107/25240

Sharipova F., Akhmedova A., Jalilova N. (2020). Interactive Learning in the Medical English Classroom. Universal Journal of Educational Research 8(5): 1997-2004, 2020. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.080537. http://www.hrpub.org

Beisenbayeva, L., (2020). Using the Mother Tongue in Foreign-Language Learning: Secondary School Students in Kazakhstan. International Journal of Instruction, 13(3): 605-616. www.e-iji.net

Khakimzianova A., Mirgasimovna A., Fakhrutdinov B. (2019). Characteristics and structure of methodical thinking of a foreign language teacher. Kazan Federal University, Institute of International Relations, Russia. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews eISSN: 2395-6518, Vol 7, No 6, pp 11-13 https://doi.org/10.18510/hssr.

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Firman, F., Friscilla Wulan Tersta, Cicyn Riantoni, Fellicia Ayu Sekonda (2020). Teachers’ attitudes to special needs students in English language teaching. Humanities & social sciences Reviews, 8(2e): p. 43. https://doi.org/10.18510/hssr.2020.82e03

Nagy, I.K., (2019). In between Language Teaching Methods: Do We Need (to Know About) Methods at All? Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Philologica, 11(3): 119–139. https://doi.org/10.2478/ausp-2019-0030

McBride, K., (2009). Percepciones estudiantiles sobre las técnicas utilizadas en la enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera. Universum. Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, 2(24): 94-112. http://dx.doi.or/10.4067/S0718-23762009000200006

Peacock, M. (2001). Pre-service ESL teachers' beliefs about second language learning: A longitudinal study. System, 29(2):177-195. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0346-251X(01)00010-0

Chen, H.-J., Cheng, Y.-S., Kuo, T.-Y., Lin, H.-Y (2020). Comparison of English education policies in east Asian countries. Journal of Research in Education Sciences. 65(1):1-26.

Jeon.M. (2020). Native-English speaking teachers’ experiences in East-Asian language programs. System, 88, February 2020, # 102178.

Clement, A., (2015). English for employability: A case study of the english language training need analysis for engineering students in India. English Language Teaching 8(2): 116-125. http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/elt.v8n2p116

Peralta Castro, F.E., Acosta Dias, R. (2011). Towards a methodology to deliver English language lessons that foster different competencies in computer science students (Conference Paper). Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON 20112011, # 5773238, 826-830.

Макарова, О.Ю. (2014). Педагогическая система профессионального воспитания студентов медицинских вузов (doctoral dissertation materials). Казань, ВАК РФ. https://www.dissercat.com

Bakiyeva, G.Kh., Kushieva N.Kh.(2016). English language teaching based on the cluster model in the higher education system. Teaching Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics. International Conference, USWLU, Tashkent. Kushieva, N.Kh. (2019). Cluster approach in enhancing intercultural competence of students in teaching foreign languages. Europian Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences. 7(10). http://www.idpublications.org/ejress-vol-7-№-10-29

Ann Ehrlich. Medical Terminology for Health Professions (2016), Delmar Publishers Inc. Part I, pp. 5-7. https://www.amazon.com/s

Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan: “On Measures to Further Improve Foreign Language Learning System” № 1875 (December 10, 2012); Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Measures to Further Improve the System of Retraining and Advanced Training of Teaching Staff of Higher Educational Institutions” № 278 (September 26, 2012) and “On the Approval of the State Educational Standard for Foreign Languages of the System of Continuing Education” № 124 (May 8, 2013). https://lex.uz/docs

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