Важность изучения английского языка в подготовке конкурентоспособных кадров высшего медицинского образования



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Буранова, Д., & Давлетярова, Н. (2023). Важность изучения английского языка в подготовке конкурентоспособных кадров высшего медицинского образования . in Library, 21(1), 264–266. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/21009


Поскольку английский язык является одним из важных теоретических предметов во всех высших учебных заведениях Узбекистана, подготовка высококвалифицированных медицинских специалистов также подразу-
мевает важность этого предмета. Это, в свою очередь, означает возможность коммуникативной компетенции на иностранном языке по специальности, особенно с учетом глобализации и стандартов современного мира. В статье рассмотрены основные направления деятельности и задачи повышения эффективности овладения иностранными языками в системе медицинского высшего образования, динамика освоения иностранных языков, современные требования, а также новый взгляд на навыки и умения студенты медицинских вузов.

Похожие статьи

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eliminate the shortcomings on the basis of the

plan. Conducting lessons with an emphasis on the

strong potentials of the individual in the process

of learning English will ensure higher results. It

is advisable to use teaching methods developed

in accordance with these strengths. There are

many specific shortcomings and problems in

learning English, and there are opportunities to

achieve high results with the help of an expert in

overcoming them.


1. Lingvomania.info/2013/uzbekistan-krepit-prepodavanie-anglijskogo-yazyka.html

2. Easyspeak.ru/blog/sovety-i-sekrety/top-5-problem-pri-izuchenii-anglijskogo-yazyka

3. Engmatrix.com/staty/problemy-i-oshibki-v-izuchenii-angliyskogo-jazyka.php

4. Akbarova S.N. The role of individual psychologist traits in learning a foreign language. School

and life, no. 5, 2012, p.23.

5. Buranova D.D., Akbarova S.N. Language abilities as the most important element of the prospects

for the study of foreign languages in the public education system of Uzbekistan. Scientific journal

«Social education». Belarus, No. 2 (6), 2015, 42-46-p.

Латипова Д.Ш., Толипова Ш.Ш.



Калит сўзлар:

Муаммоларни олиб бориш, ўтказиш, фарқлаш, тушуниш, ўтказиш.

Бугунги кунда инглиз тилини ўрганиш жа-

раёни нафақат ўзига хос, балки қийин ҳамдир.

Бу луғавий, фонетик, грамматик хатоларга,

шунингдек, коммуникатив алоқа жараёнида

муаммоларга олиб келади. Ушбу тадқиқотда

инглиз тилини ўрганишнинг ўзига хос жиҳат-

лари ва мавжуд қийинчиликларни ҳал қилиш

мисоллар ва мунозараларда содда ва тушунар-

ли тарзда келтирилган. У ўқувчи аудитория-

сига мослашиш, адабиётлардан тўғри фойда-

ланиш ва хотирани такомиллаштириш каби

жиҳатларни шарҳлайди.

Латипова Д.Ш., Толипова Ш.Ш.



Ключевые слова:

ведение, процесс, различение, понимание, проблемы, важное.

Сегодня процесс изучения английского

языка не только уникален, но и сложен. Это

приводит к лексическим, фонетическим, грам-

матическим ошибкам, а также проблемам в

процессе коммуникативного общения. В этом

исследовании конкретные аспекты изучения

английского языка и решение существующих

трудностей представлены в примерах и обсуж-

дениях в простой и понятной форме. Он ин-

терпретирует такие аспекты, как адаптация к

аудитории учащихся, правильное использова-

ние литературы и импровизация памяти.

Buranova D.D., Davletyarova N.I.



Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute;

Department of Foreign Languages

In connection with the adoption of the «Law

on Education» in the country on September 24,

2020, comprehensive reforms in the education

system put on the agenda the goals and objectives

of any higher education institution to train

specialists who can operate in accordance with

modern requirements. This process requires the

development of innovative, literate and competitive

personnel who have thoroughly mastered foreign

languages, the quality of the system of learning

foreign languages, especially English, in non-

foreign language higher education institutions.

Examples of higher education institutions in the

Republic of Uzbekistan, which train specialists in

the field of medicine, are the Tashkent Medical

Academy, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute,

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Tashkent Dental Institute, Bukhara State Medical

Institute and others. In all of them, English,

German and French are taught comprehensively

from foreign languages. Because the role of

foreign languages in the development of medicine

and the training of specialists is invaluable.

The medical sector is highly developed in

developed countries, including the United States,

the United Kingdom, Germany, France, and

Australia, and these countries are exploring more

and more opportunities in the field of medical

services. Even the latest medical devices and

diagnostic equipment are manufactured in these


Methods. There are also many pedagogical

and psychological aspects of learning foreign

languages [2,3], and taking them into account and

relying on them in the learning process increases

the effectiveness of education. In particular,

according to psychological laws, new information

that is important for a person in his later life

leaves a strong mark on a person’s memory. An

important step in teaching foreign languages is

the formation of appropriate institutions, first

explaining to students the scope of the importance

of foreign languages for medical professionals.

In addition, there are many articles on

improving the effectiveness of foreign language

lessons in medical higher education institutions

[3,4], which place great emphasis on the use

of pedagogical technologies. At the same

time, the effective use of advanced innovative

technologies, the expansion of theoretical and

practical knowledge and outlook, the potential

for independent thinking require a broad study of

foreign practice.

At present, all opportunities are created in

our country for students, masters and young

researchers who have mastered foreign languages,

including English, to study in the world’s leading

higher education institutions on the basis of

targeted programs, conduct research on PhD

programs and enjoy leading world standards [5].

Today, the English for Specific Purpose (ESP)

is an English language program that requires the

use of special areas [6], in which the English

language used in various disciplines, specialties,

directions is of particular importance. In the field

of education, the ESP program is designed for non-

foreign language teachers, whose focus is not on

the grammatical aspects of the language structure,

but on the language itself, from a professional and

professional point of view.

Therefore, in medical universities, students

should pay more attention to English, which

comes from a specialization in the study of

foreign languages. Medical university students

have to work with complex scientific terms, such

as the human div, its organs, various diseases,

in foreign language classes, to memorize them, to

use them correctly in conversation. The study and

perfect mastery of medical terms in the process

of learning English by students studying in

medical universities, the problems encountered in

the educational process and their solutions were


At this point, the structure and meaning of

medical terms were found to be of particular

importance. It is also advisable to study the

vocabulary of the specialty in English within the

professional direction. There are also different

directions in medicine, and each specialty has its

own terminology. For example, for cardiologists

it is appropriate to master the lexical base of the

field on the example of the cardiovascular system,

to master the terms in the field of neurology for

neurological diseases.

The use of established methods and tools for

the implementation of tasks related to a particular

area of science, including the use of literature,

electronic resources, didactic materials, is

aimed at solving a large task that generalizes the

scientific problem related to these issues. Thus,

the study and solution of scientific problems in

the process of language learning requires the right

approach to both scientific activity and language

acquisition. Another peculiarity of the study of

English in medical universities is that most of the

naming of human organs is derived from Latin.

It should also be noted that when translating

information about the human div from Uzbek to

English, it is necessary to pay attention to some

aspects. In particular, there are terms related to

dermatoglyphics in anatomy classes that cannot

be blindly translated from Uzbek into English. For

example, the word “pillow” in the word “pillows”

cannot be translated as “pillow” because the word

“pillow” in English only means a pillow that a

person puts on their head while sleeping.

English in a particular direction and field

differs from ordinary everyday English in that

it uses certain formal words specific to it. The

easiest way to get acquainted with information

about formal and informal words at the moment

is to access special pages on the Internet. For

example, these pages [7] cover a wide range of

different academic words and how they are used in

the speech-making process, as well as synonyms

for them.

Conclusion. In conclusion, the peculiarities of

the study of English in medical higher education

institutions are characterized by its practical

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significance, mainly the greater use of academic

English, the inclusion of words about the structure

of the human div, organisms, diseases and

methods of treatment. Today, students of medical

higher education institutions strive to gain a

wide range of opportunities for the medical field

while learning English. The issues of ensuring

full integration into the new higher education

standards need to be implemented in parallel with

the new development strategy of medical higher



1. Buranova D.D., Akhmedova M.M. Psychological aspects of memorizing new words in the English

language. International scientific journal “Theoretical and applied sciences”, №10 (30), Kazakhstan,

Taraz, 2015, pages 4-6.

2. Buranova D.D., Akbarova S.N. Language abilities as the most important element of the prospects

for the study of foreign languages in the public education system of Uzbekistan. Social education ”,

No. 2 (6), 2015, pp. 42-46.

3. Akbarova S.N. The role of individual-psychological features in learning a foreign language.

School and Life, №5, 2012, p.23.

4. Nabieva J.R. Features of the organization of training in the English language in adult auditors.

Scientific journal «New University», №2, Russia, Mary El, 2015, pages 21-24.

5. Buranova D.D. A new methodological approach to the teaching of English to students of medical

higher education. Tashkent -2020.7-15 pages.

6. http://www.usingenglish.com

7. http://unilearning.uow.edu.au/academic/2b_example.html

Буранова Д.Д., Давлетярова Н.И.



Калит сўзлар:

назарий, мақола, такомиллаштириш, тил, коммуникатив, муассасалар

Инглиз тили Ўзбекистоннинг барча олий

ўқув юртларида муҳим назарий фанлардан

хисобланар экан, юқори малакали тиббиёт му-

тахассисларини тайёрлаш ҳам ушбу фаннинг

муҳимлигини англатади. Бу, ўз навбатида,

глобаллашув ва замонавий дунё стандартла-

рига мослашув шароитида ихтисослик бўйича

инглиз тили бўйича коммуникатив компетен-

цияси имкониятларини билдиради. Мазкур

изланишда тиббиёт олий таълим тизимида та-

лабалар учун инглиз тиллини ўрганиш самара-

дорлигини оширишнинг асосий йўналишлари

ва вазифалари, хорижий тилларни ўзлашти-

риш динамикаси, замонавий талаблар, шу-

нингдек, уларнинг малакалари ва қобилиятла-

рига янгича қарашлар тилларни ўзлаштириш

методикаси нуқтаи назаридан мумкин қадар

талқин қилинади.

Буранова Д.Д., Давлетярова Н.И.



Ключевые слова:

теоретическая, статья, оздоровительная, языковая, коммуникативная, ин-


Поскольку английский язык является од-

ним из важных теоретических предметов во

всех высших учебных заведениях Узбекиста-

на, подготовка высококвалифицированных

медицинских специалистов также подразу-

мевает важность этого предмета. Это, в свою

очередь, означает возможность коммуника-

тивной компетенции на иностранном языке по

специальности, особенно с учетом глобализа-

ции и стандартов современного мира. В статье

рассмотрены основные направления деятель-

ности и задачи повышения эффективности

овладения иностранными языками в системе

медицинского высшего образования, динами-

ка освоения иностранных языков, современ-

ные требования, а также новый взгляд на на-

выки и умения студенты медицинских вузов.

Библиографические ссылки

Buranova D.D., Akhmedova M.M. Psychological aspects of memorizing new words in the English language. International scientific journal “Theoretical and applied sciences”, №10 (30), Kazakhstan, Taraz, 2015, pages 4-6.

Buranova D.D., Akbarova S.N. Language abilities as the most important element of the prospects for the study of foreign languages in the public education system of Uzbekistan. Social education ”, No. 2 (6), 2015, pp. 42-46.

Akbarova S.N. The role of individual-psychological features in learning a foreign language. School and Life, №5, 2012, p.23.

Nabieva J.R. Features of the organization of training in the English language in adult auditors. Scientific journal «New University», №2, Russia, Mary El, 2015, pages 21-24.

Buranova D.D. A new methodological approach to the teaching of English to students of medical higher education. Tashkent -2020.7-15 pages.



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