Методология профессионального подхода в обучении английскому языку студентов-медиков



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Буранова, Д. (2023). Методология профессионального подхода в обучении английскому языку студентов-медиков . in Library, 1(1), 119–132. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/21022


Подготовка медицинских специалистов со знанием английского языка в вузах Узбекистане требует реализации ряда задач, таких как совершенствование методики изучения языка и принятия эффективных мер по организации деятельности в данном направлении. Студентам-медикам важно овладеть языковыми навыками. В связи с сокращением часов на иностранные языки, в особенности за последние годы, возникла необходимость внедрения действенных и результативных методов преподавания английского языка в сжатые сроки для студентов-медиков. Существует необходимость в создании интегративных моделей преподавания языка в медицинской профессии (ESP). Данное исследование показывает, что создание особой профессиональной среды для изучения языка имеет свои преимущества. Методология интеграции в специальность и взаимосвязь между предметами позволяет студентам усвоить учебный материал наиболее удобным и интересным для них способом.

Похожие статьи

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DOI: 10.36078/1679552556


O‘zbekistonda xorijiy tillar, 2023, № 1 (48), 119-132

International scientific-methodological electronic journal

“Foreign Languages in Uzbekistan”, 2023, No 1 (48), 119-132



2181-8215 (online)



Dilafruz Djamaldinovna BURANOVA

PhD, Associate Professor

Head of Foreign Languages Department

Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute

Tashkent, Uzbekistan



Dilafruz Djamaldinovna BURANOVA

PhD, dotcent

Xorijiy tillar kafedrasi mudiri

Toshkent pediatriya tibbiyot instituti

Toshkent, O‘zbekiston



Дилафруз Джамалдиновна БУРАНОВА

PhD, доцент
Заведующий кафедрой иностранных языков

Ташкентский педиатрический медицинский институт

Ташкент, Узбекистан

UDC (UO‘K, УДК): 81.139

For citation (iqtibos keltirish uchun, для

Buranova D. D. Methodology of professional
approach in English language teaching for
medical students//O‘zbekistonda xorijiy tillar.

— 2023. — № 1 (48). — B. 119-132

https://doi.org/ 10.36078/1679552556


December 28, 2022


February 17, 2023


February 20, 2023

Copyright © 2023 by author(s).
This work is licensed under the Creative
Commons Attribution International License

(CC BY 4.0).



. The training of medical specialists with English language

knowledge in higher education of Uzbekistan requires the
implementation of a number of tasks, such as improving the methods
of learning the language and effective measures for organizing
activities in this direction. It is important for medical students to
master language skills in the field of their profession. In connection
with the reduction of fundamental subjects at medical universities in
Uzbekistan, teaching methods of teaching foreign languages should
be reviewed, especially in recent years, as the modernization of higher
medical education creates the problem of a sharp reduction in
humanities, including foreign languages. For significantly shortened
hours, it is necessary to introduce effective teaching methods of
English for medical students. There is a need to create integrative
models of language teaching in the medical profession (ESP). This
study shows that creating a special professional environment for
language learning has its advantages while teaching English as a
discipline. The methodology of integration into the specialty and the
relationship between the subjects allows students to learn the
educational material in the most convenient and interesting way for


English language; methodology; medical; students; ESP;

specialty; education; profession.


O‘zbekistondagi tibbiy oliy ta’limda ingliz tilini

mukammal o‘zlashtirgan mutaxassislarini tayyorlash, bu boradagi
metodologiyani takomillashtirish va mazkur yo‘nalishdagi faoliyatni
samarali tashkil etish bo‘yicha tegishli chora-tadbirlar majmuini

background image

Linguodidactics and Methods
English for Special Purposes (ESP) Buranova D. D.

DOI: 10.36078/1679552556


O‘zbekistonda xorijiy tillar, 2023, № 1 (48),119-132

belgilash kabi qator vazifalarni amalga oshirishni talab etadi. Tibbiyot
talabalari uchun o‘z kasbiy sohasida til ko‘nikmalarini egallash
muhim masalalardandir. Mamlakatimizdagi tibbiy ta’limni
modernizasiya qilish jarayoni ixtisoslashgan fanlar foydasiga ko‘plab
gumanitar fanlarning keskin qisqaruvi, jumladan, xorijiy tillar fanidan
o‘quv soatlarining kamayishiga olib keldi. Mazkur jarayon tibbiyot
talabalari uchun qisqa vaqt ichida ingliz tilini o‘qitishda samarali
usullarni joriy etish zaruriyatini belgilab berdi. Tibbiyot kasbi uchun
ingliz tilini (ESP) o‘qitishning integrativ modellarini yaratish
masalasi kun tartibiga qo‘yildi. Mazkur tadqiqotda ingliz tilini fan
sifatida o‘qitish borasida maxsus kasbiy muhit yaratishning
afzalliklari, tibbiyot sohasi bilan ingliz tili fani o‘rtasidagi
mutanosiblik metodologiyasi va fanlararo munosabatlar uyg‘unligini
ta’minlash, talabalarga o‘quv materialini o‘zlari uchun qulay va
qiziqarli tarzda o‘rganish imkonini berish kabi masalalarning
mazmun va mohiyati, muammolarni bartaraf etish mexanizmlari
talqin etildi.

Kalit so‘zlar:

ingliz tili; tibbiyot; talabalar; ESP; mutaxassislik;

ta’lim; kasb.


Подготовка медицинских специалистов со знанием

английского языка в вузах Узбекистане требует реализации ряда
задач, таких как совершенствование методики изучения языка и
принятия эффективных мер по организации деятельности в
данном направлении. Студентам-медикам важно овладеть
языковыми навыками. В связи с сокращением часов на
иностранные языки, в особенности за последние годы, возникла
необходимость внедрения действенных и результативных
методов преподавания английского языка в сжатые сроки для
студентов-медиков. Существует необходимость в создании
интегративных моделей преподавания языка в медицинской
профессии (ESP). Данное исследование показывает, что создание
особой профессиональной среды для изучения языка имеет свои
преимущества. Методология интеграции в специальность и
взаимосвязь между предметами позволяет студентам усвоить
учебный материал наиболее удобным и интересным для них

Ключевые слова:

английский язык; медицина; студенты; ESP;

специальность; образование; профессия.


The organization of training qualified specialists

at medical higher education institutions puts on the agenda deep
knowledge of not only subjects in the specialty but also English
language proficiency. This theory arises from the necessity of English
language knowledge in all spheres of development, whether it's
economics or management, as well as industry, engineering, and many
others, as everything is connected with modern technologies and the
requirements of present world progress. During the process of
globalization, while English is an important and universal language, it
is natural that many problems are faced with its teaching, in which the
teachers from different countries of the world, having various
educational systems, strive to find a unified and effective system and
methodology in teaching strategy that is appropriate and correct in the
process of solving existing problems.

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Linguodidactics and Methods
English for Special Purposes (ESP) Buranova D. D.

DOI: 10.36078/1679552556


O‘zbekistonda xorijiy tillar, 2023, № 1 (48),119-132

The regulatory and legal documents adopted in Uzbekistan in

recent years aimed at reforming higher education, especially medical
education, have made significant changes. On the way to Uzbekistan's
gradual accession to the Bologna Process, a number of tasks are
brewing aimed at organizing mobility in the higher education system
in the country, improving technical potential, as well as creating
educational and methodological support in accordance with
international standards and demands. During the reform of medical
higher education in Uzbekistan, starting from the 2017–2018
academic year, the 7-year bachelor's degree was reduced, and as a
result, 6-year education was established for professional education
(5). As a result, the block of socio-economic disciplines was
significantly reduced, because the block of professional sciences was
expanded. Of course, these measures were aimed at improving the
quality of disciplines in the specialty and improving the quality of
graduates in the medical field. The teaching of humanities, including
English, has significantly decreased. In this regard, teaching English
at a medical university began to require new approaches to activities:
more efficiently and in a short time. “The current stage of
development of education and science in Uzbekistan requires more
and more effective methods of teaching English within the chosen
specialty. Modern medicine, like other areas of development, requires
specific skills, both professional and linguistic. English is in demand
and very famous, especially in terms of studying specialized scientific
literature and sharing international experience. This is one of the most
relevant areas, as a foreign language, in particular, English is one of
the compulsory subjects in the course of higher education” (3, 902–

General Overview.

In the perspective of globalization, when

more and more attention of specialists in the field of education is
drawn to interdisciplinary context, the tradition of narrow-profile
training of specialists no longer meets the requirements of the
realization of the competitiveness of these experts (23, 216–223).
Some studies on intersubjectivity (13, 1–8) emphasize the important
meaning of interaction, where joint attention, theory of mind, and
theory of interaction are included. Besides, intersubjectivity is
considered as a connection with the state of consciousness of each
individual, playing a major role in finding a job (8, 116–125) and in
accordance with the requirements of our time, it is especially
important to qualitative improve the level of higher education in our
country, to expand the participation of the higher education system in
solving issues of providing its economy with highly qualified
personnel, strategically integrated development of all regions and
industries. Improving the level of English language proficiency is an
important component in further development as a specialist in the
modern world. The strategy of modern ELT is not only an important
direction of educational policy but also a reality that many scientists
of the world represented as a significant subject of scientific research.
Professional English, in close connection with scientific research (6,

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Linguodidactics and Methods
English for Special Purposes (ESP) Buranova D. D.

DOI: 10.36078/1679552556


O‘zbekistonda xorijiy tillar, 2023, № 1 (48),119-132

72–78), contributes to career growth, and based on the fact that
English is an important and universal language in the process of
globalization, it is natural that many problems are faced with its
teaching, and therefore teachers around the world are trying to find a
teaching strategy that is appropriate and correct in the process of
solving this problem (26, 210–222). There is a need to create effective
and scientifically based teaching methods with the use of modern
educational standards in non-linguistic higher educational institutions.
Some researchers underline that such methods of teaching English are
based on an inductive approach, which, unlike the deductive approach,
is a different style of teaching in which new grammatical structures or
rules are presented to students in a real language context (12, 808–
810). It is also significant that the increase in the effectiveness of
teaching English is due to a skillful combination of various teaching
methods and techniques, and at the same time, the use of some
techniques from critical thinking technology in the educational
process allows teachers to involve students in interactive activities in
English lessons, develop their creative potential so that they can apply
their knowledge in later life and easily adapt to the outside world (10,
422–427). Some sources also note that when students themselves have
the opportunity to improve their intellectual ability in a foreign
language, interactive teaching methods are becoming increasingly
relevant and become more priority in teaching English (22, 1997–

Higher special education nowadays implies the quality of

graduates of any field with knowledge of a foreign language,
especially English, which really increases the competitiveness of
qualified personnel in the world labor market. The use of English in
various professional fields, such as engineering (8), computer science
(19), and many others, is primarily based on effective language
learning, and this implies compulsory English for all specialties aimed
at effective use of English in their future profession.

Targeted training of personnel who know English, as well as

adaptation of personnel to the level of international standards, arises
from the fact of the dominance of English as a language for
international cooperation in communication and science (1, 3–26).
First of all, it affects the development of employment skills, giving
special importance to specific professional skills and academic
knowledge (25). Based on the needs of students, mainly motivated to
develop professional skills (27), today's teaching of foreign languages
is undoubtedly based on the use of a variety of techniques, taking into
account the creation of a favorable atmosphere for learners and
adaptation to their unique features (11, 43). The professional identity
of a teacher requires constant improvement and professional growth
(9, 143–152), and the need to increase students' self-confidence
involves the creation of a more English-speaking learning
environment (2, 605–616). All these teaching methods work
purposefully to achieve certain goals in the acquisition of language
skills. According to this idea, the definition of goals and objectives
based on negotiations between a teacher and a student, on the basis of

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Linguodidactics and Methods
English for Special Purposes (ESP) Buranova D. D.

DOI: 10.36078/1679552556


O‘zbekistonda xorijiy tillar, 2023, № 1 (48),119-132

which language learning manifests itself as a dynamic and interactive
process, determines the importance of forming a student based on his
needs (21). In addition, there are a number of studies that discuss the
expediency of a method of transferring knowledge to a student based
on the integration of linguistic and content goals and the proper
development of a communicative strategy based on a balanced
synthesis of vocabulary, experience, content, and vocabulary (20). In
another type of research, the activity of a foreign language teacher is
manifested as the process of solving a number of methodological
tasks, and the functional link between specific characteristics and
methodological skills and the personality of the teacher is expressed
as a phenomenon of “methodological thinking”. The training of
Foreign Language teachers is offered in a clearly oriented
motivational environment, a coherent and cumulative expression of
specific views (14). Although any specialist in this field is an educated
and skillful master of his activity, the process of globalization and the
rapid development of science and technology makes it a prerequisite
for a representative of the graduate field. There is also a theory that
the successful professionalism of specialists in this field is closely
related to their communicative abilities, and along with writing and
the ability to think logically, communicative competence is very
important, with the help of which the professional ability in marketing
and business communication is significantly increased since the
ability to reach an agreement, and mutual understanding with others
is high here (15). In any case, the theory of the effectiveness of the
method of the teacher's awareness of the student's interests and its
connection with the learning process, as well as using different types
of approaches, provides a real motivational basis for the learning (4).
Thus, it can be noted that modern research focuses on a number of
problems. In particular, some investigations interpret the teachings
related to the postmedotic state (17, 119–139), which summarizes the
most important aspects of foreign language teaching in terms of the
development of language pedagogy in different historical periods.
Some teachings note such points as students' beliefs in the advantage
of a kind of balance between formal-oriented and meaning-oriented
activities, which is important for the formation of communicative
competence in ESL methodology (16, 94–112). A longitudinal study
investigating changes in attitudes about ESL learning (18, 177–195)
asserts the need to eliminate any detrimental trainee beliefs before
they start teaching.

Purpose and Research Questions.

The problem is that

reducing the hours of teaching English requires significantly
improved methodology. This means that for almost half the reduced
class time, it is required to provide material to medical students in such
a way that efficiency is still ensured. Today there is a need to create
an effective and scientifically based teaching methodology at medical
higher education institutions based on the adoption of modern
standards of teaching. The methodology of learning English in
medicine has been developed, taking into account the mechanisms

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Linguodidactics and Methods
English for Special Purposes (ESP) Buranova D. D.

DOI: 10.36078/1679552556


O‘zbekistonda xorijiy tillar, 2023, № 1 (48),119-132

leading to achievements and effectiveness. It is important to consider
many factors here. Due to the accelerated reform of the medical sphere
in the country, the advance of foreign-language competence in the
medical university among students is becoming more and more
relevant. The need for continuous improvement by modern students
in the ability to work with English-language literature and the
acquisition of communication skills with foreign colleagues in the
framework of professional activity requires appropriate skills.
Economic, social, and political indicators also actualize the problem
of research. The process of globalization of the modern world and the
accelerated development of science and technology require an
increase in the knowledge of young people. Principles of professional
training at a medical university according to the requirements of the
modern labor market are shown in Figure 1. These requirements for a
modern medical student are directly related to learning a foreign

language, especially English.

Thus, it is possible to distinguish the following most relevant

aspects in the methodology of teaching English in medical

1. Qualitative improvement of the conditions for mastering

English in medical universities, improvement of educational and
methodological support;

2. Extensive use of pedagogical skills, effective methods, and

tools in the process of improving the literacy of medical students in

3. Creating a strong motivational environment for future

specialists in medicine to study and further progress in foreign
languages as part of their activities;

4. To achieve a responsible approach of medical students

themselves to improve their knowledge of the English language.

Consequently, the implementation of these goals and

objectives requires not only activity and educational qualifications

background image

Linguodidactics and Methods
English for Special Purposes (ESP) Buranova D. D.

DOI: 10.36078/1679552556


O‘zbekistonda xorijiy tillar, 2023, № 1 (48),119-132

but also an integrated approach to the level of all current participants
in the educational process as a whole. The stages and models of
training in such a way demand a special approach taking into account
the modern needs of the medical field.


The beginning of any activity sets the initial

and main goals, management plan, as well as deadlines for
implementation. When determining the methods of performing the
tasks of teaching English to medical students, it is necessary to ensure
the organization of this process, taking into account the variability of
internal and external conditions of higher education. These criteria
are considered the main steps to ensure the implementation of current
and strategic plans. Table 1 summarizes the main goals in learning
the English language for medical students, where the main steps of
action, the methods of their performing, and outcomes are classified.

We dare to assume that the methods of implementation and

achievement of results must be systematically defined by such stages



reason, activity





. Along with

understanding the essence of learning a foreign language, it is
necessary to determine the main goals and objectives when creating
a reserve of new-generation personnel that will meet the requirements
of the modern labor market. In teaching students, it is also important
to find their answer to the question: “Why is it necessary to master
the English language?”. It is also important to find out what is the
connection between achieving professional maturity and mastering
English. The use of effective methods in teaching is the main tool in
learning and mastering English. The terms of study may vary
depending on the internal settings of each medical university, while
evaluation and effectiveness are the same in higher medical

Methods and Discussions.

The methodology of learning

English in medicine has been developed, taking into account the

background image

Linguodidactics and Methods
English for Special Purposes (ESP) Buranova D. D.

DOI: 10.36078/1679552556


O‘zbekistonda xorijiy tillar, 2023, № 1 (48),119-132

mechanisms leading to achievements and success. It is important to
consider many factors here. For example, no matter how high the
indicators of mastering such competencies as reading, writing, and
listening in English, a specialist will not be able to show his
knowledge and capability if communication is not developed. In
addition, the process of English language teaching today should cover
the wide application of modern innovations and pedagogical
technologies, which may be of interest to future doctors. The teacher
tries to present the material in such a way that students can feel
comfortable in the world of modern technologies around them.
Regarding the future profession, it is important to add that it is
important for a student to feel the professional environment, and here
the relationship with the specialty gives the best results. This is
necessary for specific professional areas (7, 158–163) where a new
approach to the curriculum is required in order to increase motivation
to learn a language. Developing the language competence of medical
students through involvement in professional practice is an effective
method where students know professional facts and can answer
questions on the specialty. They also strive to develop their
vocabulary to learn about certain professional information. Thus, the
methodology of integration into the specialty and the relationship
between disciplines makes it possible to study the material in a
convenient and interesting way. Here is an example of an
experimental lesson with a group of second-year students at Tashkent
Pediatric Medical Institute. As observers, there were teachers of the
Foreign Languages Department, and they kept their detailed notes
with subsequent conclusions during the lesson. The following study
analyzes the professional approach to English language teaching to
medical students. The lesson was held within the framework of the
approved calendar and thematic plan, and the topic was “Nervous
System”. The teacher brought a handout and presented power point
presentation on the electronic whiteboard. At the initial stage, in order
to warm up the group, the teacher asked a question: “

Look at the

pictures and describe. What is the main internal organ of the nervous

Answering the questions about the nervous system, students

showed their knowledge not only in English but also in the specialty.
The teacher engaged them in English through the specialty, and this
technique, which implies knowledge of anatomy and physiology,
allowed students to analyze and learn the topic from the point of view
of a medical profile. It was noted that such a comprehensive
application of knowledge in the specialty helped to increase the
assimilation. Through discussion in small groups, such topics as
“Neurons work”, “Conditioned reflexes”, and “Pulse rate” were
discussed more freely in discussions where the teacher had a passive
role as a listener. Students were allowed to express their points of view
on topics using free vocabulary, going beyond the vocabulary set by
the program. Then the students answered the following questions:
“What is special about nervous cells?”; “When does the process of
inhibition begin?”; “How can we provide smooth work of the brain?”;

background image

Linguodidactics and Methods
English for Special Purposes (ESP) Buranova D. D.

DOI: 10.36078/1679552556


O‘zbekistonda xorijiy tillar, 2023, № 1 (48),119-132

“Why is sleep so important for the human organism?”; “What happens
to the div during a sound sleep?” At the same time, the teacher said
that he wanted to test the student’s knowledge of physiology. That is,
the teacher did not remind about their English knowledge, although
the dialogue was conducted in the English language. Then he said that
he wanted to test the student’s knowledge of anatomy and asked the
following questions: “Where is the brain located?”; “How many cells
are there in the human brain?”; “What is the volume of the brain?”;
“How are the neurons connected to each other?”; “Where do stimuli
come to the brain from?”; “What does the nervous system control?”;
“What is the scientific name of a nervous cell?”; “Where do nerve
cells carry the message to?”; “What is the smallest part of the nervous
system?”; “Where is the spinal cord located?”, etc. The students were
given the opportunity to learn terminology through integration into
theory and practice, which was so familiar to them in special
disciplines. The role-playing games called “Doctor and Patient”
became especially fascinating, where students were given the
opportunity to realize their desires and interests within their future
profession. All tasks were formulated in this form and were based on
the implementation of all types of language competencies, such as
reading, speaking, writing, and listening skills while teaching English.


The analysis of the lesson showed that it was easy for

students to master technical vocabulary, phrases, and sentences that
affected their interests in medicine. As a result, students have mastered
the translation, meaning, and pronunciation of new words related to
the topic. They learned a new vocabulary independently using their
own resources, so the number of learned words was more than was
provided in the program. It was also noted, according to the
established assessment criteria, that the best results were achieved in
all types of language learning skills – reading, speaking, writing, and
listening. The lesson helped students to learn easily the technical
vocabulary, phrases, and sentences which related to their interests in
medicine. Such ensuring the integrity of the competence approach in
teaching, mobility, and adaptability in practice, which determines the
professionalism of a university teacher (24, 103–111), allowed
students to learn English through a specialty, which generally
increased their interest in the topic of the lesson and the subject as a
whole. It can be concluded that the creation of a professional
environment, along with educational, significantly improves
interdisciplinary methodological support in working with medical
students. Together with the standards and related programs, the
training program should be improved in favor of a professional
approach with elements of interdisciplinarity. It is also a guarantee of
the development of science and integration into the global trend of
education (23). The organization of the introduction of a medical
motivational environment gives high results, therefore, when creating
educational and methodological foundations, it is important to take
into account the nature of the educational institution. At the same time,
the widespread use of pedagogical skills and effective methods and

background image

Linguodidactics and Methods
English for Special Purposes (ESP) Buranova D. D.

DOI: 10.36078/1679552556


O‘zbekistonda xorijiy tillar, 2023, № 1 (48),119-132

tools to increase the student's interest is, in most cases of a creative
nature. A set of studies related to the development of a new approach
to the professional and methodological training of English language
teachers in medical universities provides teachers who are ready to
work in a new paradigm of education with a gradual professional
development of a specialist with the necessary level of knowledge of
the language, taking into account professional needs. This, in turn, is
a flexible but mobile study of a foreign language, with the definition
of the characteristics of various levels of professional competence and
the development of theoretical and practical foundations for the
formation of professional and methodological competence based on
integration into medical science and education.


Thus, in this article, teaching English and

professional performance are considered as one: how it is possible and
desirable to teach English to students of a medical university and to
what extent the relationship with the profession is identified by
methodology. The methodology of the professional approach in
English lessons at medical universities should reach a new level.
Practical medical awareness of students, their skills and knowledge
combined, and the creation of a professional learning environment -
all this should be integrated into the English learning process.
Therefore, teaching English in medicine is of a kind applied nature
and is mainly aimed at preparing for cognitive activity in professional
practice, research, and scientific work, helps as a tool for solving
professional problems in the context of international cooperation. On
a national scale, this is the growth of social mobility and the
implementation of strategic goals in the political and economic
development of the country.

Mobile learning and improvement of the

English language for future doctors, with a short time of studying
foreign languages during their higher education, requires a special
methodology. As a result, specialists must meet their professional
requirements, as well as the demands of the modern world with its
rapid pace of development. Summing up, it is important to note that
the ability to participate in the socio-economic life of the country and
the development of specific skills of language competence in the
specialty is a significant factor in being prepared for the requirements
of the modern labor market.


The author expresses great gratitude to all

teachers of the Foreign Languages Department of Tashkent Pediatric
Medical Institute, as well as the Educational Section of the Institute,
for their support in conducting research and achieving results.

The list of used literature


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Communities. Mouton de Gruyter, New York, 3-26.

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Foreign-Language Learning: Secondary School Students in
Kazakhstan. International Journal of Instruction. 13(3), pp. 605-616.

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second language learning: A longitudinal study. System, 29(2), 177-
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Peralta Castro, F.E., Acosta Dias, R. (2011). Towards a

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on Multimedia Computer Technology. International Journal of
Emerging Technologies in Learning, 15(8), 210-222.

Zhang, L., Han, J., Huifang, W. (2020, November 25). A

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Creative Education 11(11).



Ammon, U. (2001). The Dominance of English as a Language of








Communities. Mouton de Gruyter, New York, pp. 3-26.

Beisenbayeva, L. (2020, July). Using the Mother Tongue in

Foreign-Language Learning: Secondary School Students in
Kazakhstan. International Journal of Instruction. 13(3), pp. 605-616.

Buranova, D. (2020)

Psychology and Education,

58(3), pp. 902-



Buranova, D. (2021). Motivational support for the study of English

language by medical students. Chin J Ind Hyg Occup Dis, 39(13).

background image

Linguodidactics and Methods
English for Special Purposes (ESP) Buranova D. D.

DOI: 10.36078/1679552556


O‘zbekistonda xorijiy tillar, 2023, № 1 (48),119-132


Ukaz prezidenta Respubliki Uzbekistan "O merah po

obespecheniyu povysheniya effektivnosti organizacii medicinskogo
vysshego obrazovaniya" № 2956 (5 maya 2017 goda), available at:



Cameron, C., Chang, S., Pagel, W. (2011, March).

Journal of

Cancer Education

, 26(1), 72-78.


Catana S.E. (2014).

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences


128, 158 – 163.

Clement, A., Murugavel, T. (2015).

English Language Teaching,

8(2), 116-125.

Delgado, L. D. F., Moreno, I. O., Ballesteros, A. C. V. (2020, May).

Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics

, 10 (1), 143-152.


Djalilova, N., Akhmedova, A., (2020).

Bulletin of Science and


, No. 4, pp. 422-427


Firman, F., Friscilla W. T., Cicyn, R., Fellicia, A. S. (2020).

Humanities & Social sciences Reviews

, 8 (2e), pp. 43, available at:



Gulyamova, M. H. Young scientist, 2016, № 3 (107), pp. 808-

810, available at:




Harrison, A. Tronik, E. (2015).

Frontiers in Psychology

. Volume

12, 2021. pp. 1-8.

Khakimzianova A., Ilyasova A., Fakhrutdinov B. (2019).













(2019, January), available at:

Teaching English for

Specific Purposes




McBride, K., (2009).

Universum Revista de Humanidades y










http://dx.doi.org/10.4067/S0718-23762009000200 006


Nagy, I.K., (2019).

Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Philologica

, 11

(3), 119–139, available at:



Peacock, M. (2001). Pre-service ESL teachers' beliefs about

second language learning: A longitudinal study. System, 29(2), 177-



Peralta Castro, F.E., Acosta Dias, R. (2011). Towards a

methodology to deliver English language lessons that foster different
competencies in computer science students (Conference Paper).
Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON 20112011,
# 5773238, 826-830.

Richards, J. C., & Rodgers, T. S. (2001). Approaches and

methods in language teaching (2nd ed.), New York, NY: Cambridge
University Press.

Scarcella, R. C., Oxford, R. L. (1992). The tapestry of language

learning: The individual in the communicative classroom. Boston,
MA: Heinle & Heinle.

Sharipova F., Akhmedova A., Jalilova N. (2020). Interactive

Learning in the Medical English Classroom. Universal Journal of






10.13189/ujer.2020.080537, available at:


background image

Linguodidactics and Methods
English for Special Purposes (ESP) Buranova D. D.

DOI: 10.36078/1679552556


O‘zbekistonda xorijiy tillar, 2023, № 1 (48),119-132


Shvets I.M., Mal'ceva A.A. (2014).

Vestnik Nizhegorodskogo

universiteta im.N.I. Lobachevskogo. Seriya: Social'nye nauki


No. 4 (44), pp. 216-223.

Sinel'nikova L.N.

Gumanitarnye nauki

, 2016 (3), 103-111,

available at:



UKCES. (2009). The employability challenge. London: UK










Zhao, Y., (2020).

International Journal of Emerging

Technologies in Learning

, 15(8), 210-222.


Zhang, L., Han, J., Huifang, W. (2020, November 25). A

Research of the Need Analysis of the English Majors of Baoding
Creative Education 11(11).

Библиографические ссылки

Ammon, U. (2001). The Dominance of English as a Language of Science: Effects on Other Languages and Language Communities. Mouton de Gruyter, New York, pp. 3-26.

Beisenbayeva, L. (2020, July). Using the Mother Tongue in Foreign-Language Learning: Secondary School Students in Kazakhstan. International Journal of Instruction. 13(3), pp. 605-616.

Buranova, D. (2020) Psychology and Education, 58(3), pp. 902-903.

Buranova, D. (2021). Motivational support for the study of English language by medical students. Chin J Ind Hyg Occup Dis, 39(13). 5. Ukaz prezidenta Respubliki Uzbekistan "O merah po obespecheniyu povysheniya effektivnosti organizacii medicinskogo vysshego obrazovaniya" № 2956 (5 maya 2017 goda), available at: https://lex.uz/ru/docs/4931187

Cameron, C., Chang, S., Pagel, W. (2011, March). Journal of Cancer Education, 26(1), 72-78.

Catana S.E. (2014). Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 128, 158 – 163.

Clement, A., Murugavel, T. (2015). English Language Teaching, 8(2), 116-125.

Delgado, L. D. F., Moreno, I. O., Ballesteros, A. C. V. (2020, May). Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 10 (1), 143-152.

Djalilova, N., Akhmedova, A., (2020). Bulletin of Science and Practice, No. 4, pp. 422-427

Firman, F., Friscilla W. T., Cicyn, R., Fellicia, A. S. (2020). Humanities & Social sciences Reviews, 8 (2e), pp. 43, available at: https://doi.org/10.18510/hssr.2020.82e03

Gulyamova, M. H. Young scientist, 2016, № 3 (107), pp. 808-810, available at: https://moluch.ru/archiv/107/25240.

Harrison, A. Tronik, E. (2015). Frontiers in Psychology. Volume 12, 2021. pp. 1-8.

Khakimzianova A., Ilyasova A., Fakhrutdinov B. (2019). Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 7 (6), 11-13. https://doi.org/10.18510/hssr.2019.763

Manivan G. (2019, January), available at: Teaching English for Specific Purposes. https://www.usingenglish.com.

McBride, K., (2009). Universum Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, 2 (24), pp. 94-112, available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.4067/S0718-23762009000200 006

Nagy, I.K., (2019). Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Philologica, 11 (3), 119–139, available at: https://doi.org/10.2478/ausp-2019-0030

Peacock, M. (2001). Pre-service ESL teachers' beliefs about second language learning: A longitudinal study. System, 29(2), 177-195. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0346-251X(01)00010-0

Peralta Castro, F.E., Acosta Dias, R. (2011). Towards a methodology to deliver English language lessons that foster different competencies in computer science students (Conference Paper). Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON 20112011, # 5773238, 826-830.

Richards, J. C., & Rodgers, T. S. (2001). Approaches and methods in language teaching (2nd ed.), New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Scarcella, R. C., Oxford, R. L. (1992). The tapestry of language learning: The individual in the communicative classroom. Boston, MA: Heinle & Heinle.

Sharipova F., Akhmedova A., Jalilova N. (2020). Interactive Learning in the Medical English Classroom. Universal Journal of Educational Research 8(5): 1997-2004, 2020. DOI:

13189/ujer.2020.080537, available at: http://www.hrpub.org 23. Shvets I.M., Mal'ceva A.A. (2014). Vestnik Nizhegorodskogo universiteta im.N.I. Lobachevskogo. Seriya: Social'nye nauki, No. 4 (44), pp. 216-223.

Sinel'nikova L.N. Gumanitarnye nauki, 2016 (3), 103-111, available at: https://cyberleninka.ru/arti

UKCES. (2009). The employability challenge. London: UK Commission for Employment and Skills, available at: http://www.ukces.org.uk/upload/pdf/EmployabilityChallengeFullReport.pdf

Zhao, Y., (2020). International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 15(8), 210-222.

Zhang, L., Han, J., Huifang, W. (2020, November 25). A Research of the Need Analysis of the English Majors of Baoding University. Creative Education 11(11).

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