Возможности снижения негативного влияния фактора сезонности на развитие туризма

Муминов, Н., Халматжонов, Ф., & Кадиров, А. (2023). Возможности снижения негативного влияния фактора сезонности на развитие туризма. in Library, 22(2), 92–99. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/21801


Есть много факторов, которые оказывают положительное или отрицательное влияние на развитие туризма. Одной из ярких иллюстраций факторов является сезонность. Этот фактор можно признать основной причиной неравномерного распределения туристов в определенный период (год, полгода). С экономической точки зрения он представляет собой повторяющиеся колебания спроса с чередованием пиков и спадов. Меньшая сезонная неравномерность спроса характерна также для медицинского и делового туризма; Для разных туристических регионов характерны специфические формы сезонной неравномерности спроса. Поэтому можно говорить о специфике туристского спроса в конкретной местности, регионе, стране, в глобальном масштабе. На сезонность спроса влияют и психологические факторы (традиции, подражание, мода). Пики и спады туристической активности во многом объясняются консерватизмом большинства туристов, например, укоренившимся мнением, что лето – самое благоприятное время для отдыха. Сезонные колебания туристского спроса могут привести к вынужденным простоям материально-технической базы, породить социальные проблемы. Кроме того, этот фактор сильно влияет, когда речь идет о крупных туристических центрах. Основной целью данной работы является исследование возможностей смягчения негативного влияния фактора сезонности на развитие туризма в Самарканде.

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Prof. Dr. Nozim MUMINOV

Alfraganus University, the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo


Lecturer Farhod KHALMATJONOV

The National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek

Student Azamat KADIROV

The National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek


There are many factors which have impact whether positive or negative

on the development of tourism. One clear illustration of the factors is

seasonality. This factor can be recognized as the primary reason for the

uneven distribution of tourists in a certain period (a year, half a year).

From an economic point of view, it represents recurring fluctuations

in demand with alternating peaks and valleys. Lower seasonal demand

unevenness is also characteristic of medical and business tourism;

different tourist regions have specific forms of seasonal demand

unevenness. Therefore, we can talk about the specifics of tourist demand

in a particular locality, region, country, on a global scale. The seasonality

of demand is also influenced by psychological factors (traditions,

imitation, fashion). Peaks and declines in tourist activity can be largely

explained by the conservatism of most tourists such as the ingrained

opinion that summer is the most favorable time for holidays. Seasonal

fluctuations in tourist demand can lead to forced downtime of the

material and technical base, give rise to social problems. Furthermore,

this factor heavily influences when it comes to major tourist centers. The

main aim of this paper is to research the possibilities of alleviating the

negative impact of the seasonality factor in the development of tourism

in Samarkand.


Tourism, Uzbekistan, Semarkand

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Turizmni rivojlanishiga ijobiy yoki salbiy ta’sir ko‘rsatuvchi ko‘pgina

omillar mavjud. Shulardan biri mavsumiylikdir. Ushbu omil ma’lum

bir davr ichida turizm industriyasi xizmatlaridan foydalanuvchilarni

notekis taqsimlanishining asosiy sababchisi hisoblanadi. Iqtisodiy

nuqtai nazardan ushbu omil talabning cho‘qqi va tushkunlik bilan o‘rin

almashib turuvchi tebranuvchi holatini aks ettiradi. Past darajadagi

mavsumiy nomutanosiblik davolanish va biznes turizmga ham hosdir,

turli turistik mintaqalar talabning mavsumiy nomutanosibligining o‘ziga

xos shakllariga ega. Shu sababdan, alohida bir aholi yashash joyi, tuman,

mamlakat, dunyo miqyosida turistik talabning xususiyatlari haqida

gapirish mumkin. Mavsumiylikka psixologik xarakterdagi omillar

(an’analar, taqlid, moda)ham o‘z ta’sirini ko‘rsatadi. Turistik faollikdagi

o‘sish va pasayishlarni ko‘p jihatdan turistlarning konservatizmi

bilan, ya’ni yoz ta’til uchun eng qulay davr degan dogma bilan bog‘liq.

Turistik talabning mavsumiy tebranishlari moddiy-texnika bazani

faoliyatsiz turib qolishiga olib keladi, ijtimoiy jihatdan muammolarni

keltirib chiqaradi. Shuningdek, ushbu omil yirik turistik markazlarni

rivojlantirish jarayoniga ham kuchli ta’sir kuchiga ega. Ushbu tadqiqotda

mavsumiylik omilining Samarqandda turizmni rivojlantirishga salbiy

ta’sirini pasaytirish imkoniyatlari o‘rganilgan.

Kalit so’zlar:

Turizm, O‘zbekiston, Semarkand




Turizmin gelişimini olumlu veya olumsuz yönde etkileyen birçok

faktör bulunmaktadır. Bu faktörlerden biri mevsimselliktir. Bu faktör,

turizm endüstrisi hizmetlerinin kullanıcılarının belirli bir süre içinde

(bir yıl, yarım yıl) eşit olmayan dağılımının nedenidir. Ekonomik

açıdan bakıldığında, değişen zirveler ve vadiler ile talepte tekrarlayan

dalgalanmaları temsil eder. Düşük mevsimsel talep eşitsizliği, tıp ve iş

turizminin de özelliğidir; farklı turizm bölgelerinin belirli mevsimsel

talep eşitsizliği biçimleri vardır. Bu nedenle, belirli bir yerellik, bölge,

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ülke, küresel ölçekte turist talebinin özelliklerinden bahsedebiliriz.

Talebin mevsimselliği de psikolojik faktörlerden (gelenekler, taklit,

moda) etkilenir. Turist faaliyetlerindeki zirveler ve düşüşler, büyük

ölçüde turistlerin çoğunluğunun muhafazakarlığıyla açıklanabilir. Yaz

tatilleri için en uygun zaman olduğuna dair kökleşmiş görüş. Turist

talebindeki mevsimsel dalgalanmalar, maddi ve teknik tabanın zorunlu

olarak durmasına yol açmakta, sosyal sorunlara yol açmaktadır. Bu

faktör aynı zamanda önemli turizm merkezleri söz konusu olduğunda da

güçlü bir etkiye sahiptir. Bu çalışma, Semerkant’ta turizmin gelişmesinde

mevsimsellik faktörünün olumsuz etkisini azaltma olanaklarını


Anahtar Kelimeler:

Turizm, Özbekistan, Semerkant


The accelerated development of the tourism and increasing its role in

the economy is considered one of the important tasks in the Development

Strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In recent years, tourism has

become one of the “focal points” of the national economy, which, being

a driver for the development of other related industries, stimulates

income growth, having a high multiplier effect. Tourism development

is influenced by many factors. A special place among them is occupied

by seasonality, which acts as the most important specific problem.

Seasonality is the property of tourist flows to concentrate in certain

places over a short period of time. From an economic point of view, it

represents recurring fluctuations in demand with alternating peaks

and valleys. The “high” tourist seasons are summer (July-August) and

winter (January-March). In addition, there are “off-seasons” (April-June,

September-December), during which tourist flows fade and demand is

reduced to a minimum.


Studies of Turaev B.Kh. (2008), Safarov B.Sh. (2015), Muminov N.G.

(2022), describe the theoretical and methodological foundations of

tourism development and the factors which influence it. Features of the

development of ecological tourism are studied in the works of Andrew

Holden (2016), Hoshimov M. (2009), Tukhliev N. and Abdullaeva T.

(2006), Kholmatjanov B.M. and others (2020). The following scientists

have dealt with the problems of formation and sale of tourism products

in foreign countries and in Uzbekistan: Durovich A.P. (2008), Hristov

T.T. (2007), Fedtsov V.G. (2008), V.V. Ludnikova (2013), Voloshinova

M.V. and Zagorskaya V.V. (2021), Usmonova D.K. (2009), Egamberdiev

F. (2022). These works describe the features of development in various

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countries of the world during the pandemic. The analyzed material on

tourism encourages a deeper study of tourism policy in our country, as

well as in foreign countries.


When solving the tasks set, a structural-system approach, a

classification method, comparative and statistical analysis, induction and

deduction, extrapolation, generalization, economic and mathematical

modeling, as well as empirical and logical methods have been applied.


Features of the seasonality of demand in tourism are as follows: it

varies significantly by type of tourism. Thus, educational tourism is

characterized by less significant seasonal fluctuations than recreational

tourism. Lower seasonal demand unevenness is also characteristic of

medical and business tourism; different tourist regions have specific

forms of seasonal demand unevenness. Therefore, we can talk about the

specifics of tourist demand in a particular locality, region, country or on

a global scale.

Hence, according to statistics, in Europe two summer months account

for up to half of all tourist trips. In countries where annual fluctuations in

temperature and other climate elements are insignificant, the seasonality

of tourism is less pronounced (for example, Morocco has a year-round

tourist season); seasonality in tourism is determined mainly by factors

such as climatic, social and psychological.

The seasonality of demand is also influenced by psychological factors

(traditions, fashion). Peaks and declines in tourist activity can be

largely explained by the conservatism of many tourists, for instance the

ingrained opinion that summer is the most favorable time for holidays.

Seasonal fluctuations in tourist demand have a negative impact on

the national economy. They lead to forced downtime of the material

and technical base, give rise to social problems. The fact that most of

the enterprises of the tourism industry and its personnel are used only

a few months a year is the reason for the increase in the share of semi-

fixed costs in the cost of tourism services. This reduces the possibility of

a flexible pricing policy, complicates the activities of tourism enterprises

in the market and reduces their competitiveness.

The negative consequences of seasonal uneven demand require the

study of this phenomenon and the adoption of organizational, economic

and social measures to smooth out seasonal peaks and recessions in

tourism. To this end, tourist organizations and enterprises practice

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seasonal price differentiation (increased prices in the high season,

moderate or reduce prices in the “off-season”; the difference in hotel

rates depending on the season can reach 50 percent), stimulation

development of types of tourism that are not subject to seasonal

fluctuations (for example, business, congress, etc.).

The smoothing of seasonality in tourism gives a great economic

effect, allowing economic agents to increase the life of the material and

technical base, increase the degree of use of personnel labor throughout

the year, and increase tourism revenue.

A special place in the tourism industry is occupied by accommodation

and catering enterprises. The attractiveness of the region for tourists

largely depends on the level of hotel and restaurant service. But the

tourism industry, especially accommodation and catering enterprises,

is subject to fluctuations in demand for tourist services during the year

(seasonality), which leads to an increase in the cost of maintaining

accommodation and catering enterprises and an increase in the cost of

their services.

The main tasks of tourism are (Karpova G.A., 2013, p. 138):

establishment of harmonious relations between the economy,

nature and society;

creation of as many tourist organizations as possible, whose

activities would be aimed at increasing, reproducing and preserving the

already existing consumer value of the natural environment. It is also

important that a part of the funds received from tourism revenues be

directed to the solution of these problems; preference should be given to

long-term projects, but at the same time, short-term interests should be

taken into account;

longer-term ones should be directed to the preservation of nature,

historical monuments and other attractions for future generations.

multiple increase of the country’s recreational and tourist resources,

development of local communities in socio-economic terms;

constant, purposeful and systematic cultivation of the criteria

responsible for the balance of the environment.

Tourism development is hampered by several key points (Pisarevsky

E.L., 2011, p. 35).

Firstly, the lack of high-quality hotel infrastructure and professional

staff. Many hotel managers prefer hiring people “off the street” and teach

them on their own.

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The second important factor is the problem of transport. In many

regions there are no decent roads, and air travel is too expensive.

The third factor is few well-maintained facilities. There are several

territories in which any economic activity is prohibited by law. As a

result, such places simply fall into disrepair.

Undoubtedly, inbound tourism significantly limits the visa issue, but

it’s not just about visas.

Tourism around the world is developing quite quickly, but in

Uzbekistan there are some problems that need to be solved for tourism

to develop better in our country.

Figure 1.

Number of tourists visiting Uzbekistan in 2016-2021 (million people)


Center for Economic Research data

For the period 2016-2020, the Government of Uzbekistan adopted

more than 60 regulatory legal acts related to the tourism sector. A visa-

free regime has been introduced for citizens of 90 countries of the world.

During this period, the number of tour operators increased by around

2.7 times (from 484 to 1346), the export of tourism services by 2.4 times

(from $547 million to $1.3 billion), tourist accommodation facilities

increased by 1.7 times (from 750 to 1308), the number of places in

accommodation facilities increased 1.8 times (from 34.1 thousand to

61.5 thousand), the number of countries with which a visa-free regime

was introduced increased 10 times (from 9 to 90).

A very simple and effective method of minimizing the negative impact

of seasonality on tourism development is the organization of short-term

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tours to major tourist centers. For example, organizing a short tour to

Samarkand has the following advantages:

duration of the tour - 12-16 hours.

tour costs are minimal (transport Tashkent-Samarkand-Tashkent).

good highway Tashkent - Samarkand meeting international


existence of roadside communications for rest and short-term stop.

services of a guide introducing the tourist destinations of Samarkand.

transport in Samarkand to visit tourist destinations (perhaps the

same transport as from Tashkent).

lunch (possibly + dinner) with the maximum combination of national


visiting the famous Samarkand Siyab market and country bread

market (Samarkand Patir).

purchase of souvenirs for memory and for gifts.

However, there are also negative aspects of short-term tourism:

lack of time to visit all tourist destinations.

Long periods of sitting on the road (7-8 hours round trip) and on

your feet visiting tourist destinations (approximately 5-8 hours) can be

exhausting for some tourists.


Based on the above analytical and research materials, the following

conclusions can be drawn: to some extent each factor impacting the

development of tourism is the main one but in its own way, there are no

secondary factors; each factor affecting the development of tourism can

be a reason to both positive and negative consequences; the seasonality

factor has a dogmatic character, and it can be gradually transferred to a

wave of positivism that is to say any season can be used for various types

of tourism; short-term tourism such as Tashkent-Samarkand-Tashkent,

which was aforementioned as an example, will not give time and

opportunity to tourists to forget their comfort along with the changes in

weather patterns which will not greatly affect tourism plans.

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Сафаров Б.Ш. Совершенствование методологическо-методических основ инновационного развития национального рынка туристических услуг. Докторская диссертация. СамИСИ, 2015. – 254 с.Muminov N. Systematization of Factors Affecting the Development of Tourism. “Учинчи ренессансни шакллантиришнинг ижтимоий-иқтисодий муаммолари” мавзусидаги халқаро илмий-амалий конференция материаллари. - Т.: «Ilm- Ziyo-Zakovat» нашриёти, 2022. – Б.393-395.;

Муминов Н.Г. Перспективы развития государственного управления в сфере туризма в Узбекистане // Экономика и финансы (Узбекистан), 2022 г, №5, С.2-10.Andrew Holden. «Environment and Tourism», 3-d edition published 2016, 271 p.

Ҳошимов М. Ўзбекистон экологик туризми. Монография. Самарқанд, “Зарафшон” нашриёти ДК, 2009. – 220 б.

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Kholmatjanov B.M., Petrov Yu.V., Abdikulov F.I., Abdikulova M.R., Saypiddinov Z.F., Makhmudov M.M., Khalmatjanov F.M., Safarov F.B. Bioclimatic Resources and Their Consideration for Tourism Development in Selected Destinations of Uzbekistan Indonesian Journal of Law and Economics Review IJLER 7 (0). doi: 10.21070/ijler.2020.V7.481

Дурович А.П. Маркетинговые исследования в туризме: учебное пособие. - СПБ.: Питер, 2008. – 384 с.

Христов Т.Т. Религиозный туризм: учеб. пособ. - 3-е изд., испр. - М.:

Издательский центр «Академия», 2007. – 288 с.

Федцов В.Г. Культура гостинично-туристического сервиса: учебное пособие. - Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2008. – 503 с.

В.В. Лудникова. Проблемы обеспечения устойчивого развития туристских предпринимательских структур (на примере Санкт-Петербурга)// Научно-технические ведомости СПбГПУ. Экономические науки № 2 (168) 2013. С.55-58

Волошинова М.В., Загорская В.В.. Перспективы внедрения digital-технологий в индустрию туризма Ростовской области // Современные технологии управления. ISSN 2226-9339. -№4 (96/1). Номер статьи: 96101. Дата публикации: 30.12.2021. Режим доступа: https://sovman.ru/article/96101/

Усмонова Д.К. Особенности формирования туристского продукта и перспективные направления его развития. иқтисод фан. ном. дис. Автореферати. –Самарқанд, СамИСИ, 2009. – 25 б.

Эгамбердиев Ф.Т. Современное состояние развития туристской политики в мире // Экономика и финансы (Узбекистан), 2022 г, №6, С.16-24.

Карпова Г.А. Туристские ресурсы: проблемы и перспективы. - СПб.: Нева, 2013 138с

Писаревский Е.Л. Туризм. Особенности и проблемы. - М.: Инфра, 2011. – 35 с.

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