Сравнительный анализ эффективности лечения последствий врожденного преходящего гипотиреоза

Шарипова, Ф., & Шарипова, Ф. (2020). Сравнительный анализ эффективности лечения последствий врожденного преходящего гипотиреоза. in Library, 20(2), 6620–6627. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/20533


Принимая во внимание первостепенную роль тиреоидных гормонов в формировании и росте нервной системы у детей, становится очевидным особое значение транзиторного гипотиреоза среди других эндокринопатий новорожденных и детей, что делает необходимым его дальнейшее изучение. Методы: показания к лечения: нарушения развития психомоторных и перцептивных функций, оценка нервно-психического развития ниже 21 балла. Обследовано 60 детей, больные были разделены на 2 группы: 1 группа - 30 детей, получавших лечение Пирацитамом фирмы «Гедеон Райхтер». Больным 2-й группы (30 детей) в качестве монотерапии назначали l-тироксин. Результаты лечения контролировали по изменению клинико-психологических показателей по шкале MDI. Обследование проводилось в начале лечения и через 3 месяца после него. Результаты: отмечено снижение синдрома гипервозбудимости в 1,5 раза в первой группе и в 1,8 раза во второй группе, вегето висцеральной дисфункции (в 9 раз). и 2 раза соответственно). Отмечено ускорение темпов психического развития почти в 3 раза в первой группе и в 1,3 раза во второй группе, а также достоверное повышение СЛР (21,2±1,3 и 25,6±1,4; р<0,05), а во второй группе было заметное увеличение этого показателя (20,1±0,9 и 22,8±1,1; р>0,05). Это свидетельствует об эффективности применения комплексной терапии с назначением Пирацетама. Заключение: комплексная терапия с применением препарата Пирацетам у детей с врожденным преходящим гипотиреозом способствует своевременной коррекции выявленных психических нарушений и может быть рекомендована для профилактики психических последствий CH

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International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 08, 2020
ISSN: 1475-7192

Received: 27 Feb 2020 | Revised: 20 Mar 2020 | Accepted: 30 Apr 2020


Comparative analysis of the treatment

efficiency of the consequences of congenital

transient hypothyroidism


Farida.K. Sharipova,


Feruza I.Sharipova


Actuality: Taking into account the primary role of thyroid hormones in the formation and growth

of the nervous system in children, the special importance of transient hypothyroidism among other

endocrinopathies of newborns and children becomes evident, which makes it necessary to study it further.Methods:

indications for treatment were: disorders of psychomotor and perceptual functions development, assessment of

neuropsychiatric development below 21 points. 60 children were examined, patients were divided into 2 groups:

Group 1 - 30 children received Piracitam treatment by the firm " Gedeon Reichter ". Patients of the 2nd group (30

children) were prescribed l-thyroxin as monotherapy. The results of treatment were monitored by changing clinical

and psychological indicators with MDI scores. The examination was carried out at the beginning of treatment and

3 months after it.Results: there was a 1. 5 times decrease in hyperexcitability syndrome in the first group and 1. 8

times decrease in the second group and in vegeto-visceral dysfunction (9 times and 2 times respectively).

Acceleration of mental development rates was noted almost 3 times in the first group and 1.3 times in the second

group, as well as a reliable increase of CPR (21.2±1.3 and 25.6±1.4; P<0.05), while in the second group there was

a noticeable increase of this index (20.1±0.9 and 22.8±1.1; P>0.05). It testifies to efficiency of application of

complex therapy with prescription of Piracetam.Conclusion: the complex therapy with the use of the drug

Piracetam for children with congenital transient hypothyroidism helps to timely correct identified mental disorders

and can be recommended for the prevention of the mental consequences of CH.


CT, children, mental development, hyperexcitability, Piracitam, monotherapy



In the literature of recent years there is information about the negative impact of CTH on the postnatal

adaptation of newborns, as well as on the physical and neuro-psychological development of children in the first

1 Associate professor, Department of Psychiatry, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Bagishamal str., 223, Yunusabad distr., Tashkent city,

Uzbekistan, Email:


2 PhD candidate, Department of Foreign Languages, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Bagishamal str., 223, Yunusabad distr., Tashkent

city, Uzbekistan, Email:


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International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 08, 2020
ISSN: 1475-7192

Received: 27 Feb 2020 | Revised: 20 Mar 2020 | Accepted: 30 Apr 2020


year of life. Some contradictory studies characterizing homeostatic consequences of transitor thyroid

dysfunctions have been carried out. The influence of transiting hypothyroidism on psychosomatic development

in comparative age aspect has not been studied. The structure and character of the deficit of cognitive and mental

functions in children of preschool and school age who have undergone CTH remain undiscovered.



Numerous studies have found that children living in iodine deficient areas lag behind their peers in the

acquisition of school skills, they have reduced cognitive activity, there is a different degree of failure in the basic

functions: perception, thinking, fine motor skills [1,2,3].

As it has been established earlier, CTH has an adverse effect on further physical and mental development,

which requires timely correction. CTH can lead to partial brain system failure, impaired adaptive behaviors and

higher mental functions, including speech [4,5]. It is also known that lesions in the early stages of ontogenesis

cause more significant CNS development disorders, especially subcortical lesions, while later (peri- and postnatal)

lesions affect the cerebral cortex to a greater extent [6,7]

The prevention of mental disorders is based on early diagnosis and timely administration of adequate

treatment methods.

According to recent studies, neuropsychiatric disorders due to transient hypothyroidism cannot be

corrected by the postnatal administration of iodine preparations. Plasticity of the brain of a child of early age, high

potential for active response to changing external stimuli explain the need for early initiation of treatment and

correction of mental disorders in both children with marked abnormalities and children in the risk group with regard

to their occurrence [8,9,10].

Early prescription of psychotropic drugs will help to approach the child's future possibilities in a realistic

manner. Psychotropic drugs are used very widely, because if used correctly, they can improve the functional state

of the nervous system, which creates a favorable background for the stimulation of mental development and

development of age-related motor, speech and mental skills. Therapy with psychotropic drugs is applied differently

depending on the leading syndrome taking into account the stimulation of general development of functions




All the aforesaid has defined the further purpose of our research - efficiency of complex therapy of mental

function development disorders in children who have suffered with CH.

Taking into account the primary role of thyroid hormones in the formation and growth of the nervous

system in children, the special importance of transient hypothyroidism among other endocrinopathies of newborns

and children becomes evident, which makes it necessary to study it further.

Methods: indications for treatment

were: disorders of psychomotor and perceptual functions development, assessment of neuropsychiatric

development below 21 points. 60 children were examined, patients were divided into 2 groups: Group 1 - 30

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International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 08, 2020
ISSN: 1475-7192

Received: 27 Feb 2020 | Revised: 20 Mar 2020 | Accepted: 30 Apr 2020


children received Piracitam treatment by the firm " Gedeon Reichter ". Patients of the 2nd group (30 children) were

prescribed l-thyroxin as monotherapy.



There were following indications for treatment disorders of the development of psychomotor and

perceptual functions, assessment of neuro-psychiatric development below 21 points, parental consent for treatment.

At the beginning of treatment the age of the children was from 3 months to 1 year. The results of treatment

were monitored according to the change of clinical and psychic indicators with the MDI score in points.

60 children were surveyed, patients were divided into 2 groups: Group 1 - 30 children received the

Piracitam treatment by Gedeon Richter. The course of treatment included 10 intramuscular injections of the drug

in a dose of 50-70 mg/kg divided into 2 intakes in the morning and daytime hours, inwards, during 6 weeks.

Considering the presence of hypothyroid conditions in children, the drug of sodium levotiroxin-L-tyroxin group

(Berlin-Hemi) was chosen as a substitution therapy. Dose of the drug and duration of treatment were calculated

depending on weight, age, degree of enlargement and functional state of thyroid gland. Dose correction was

performed together with endocrinologists at short courses (usually 3-4 weeks).

Patients of the 2nd group (30 children) were prescribed L-tyroxin as monotherapy in the daily dose.

The treatment of mental disorders in children with VTH in outpatient settings was carried out in a

comprehensive manner. Along with the use of Piracitam, vitamins for metabolism in the CNS were also prescribed,

assuming their indispensable participation in carbohydrate metabolism and oxidation processes; (B1-6% 1.0 ml,

B6-1% 1.0 ml intramuscularly, 10 injections a day; vitamin C-0.1g - 3 times a day) Dehydration therapy was also

prescribed. Diacarb 0,02g\kg\day was used for this purpose according to the scheme: - 3 days admission - 1 day

break, course up to 2 weeks, with the addition of potassium medication. At obvious neurotic symptoms (fear, acute

emotional excitability, fussiness, etc.) small-scale tranquilizers were recommended; the initial dose of elenium 5-

10 mg per day was increased to 30 mg if necessary. Doses of seduxenes ranged from 2.5 to 20 mg.

In addition to drug treatment in both groups a complex of physiotherapeutic procedures was used

according to indications.

The results of treatment were monitored according to changes in clinical and psychological indicators with

MDI scores. The examination was performed at the beginning of treatment and in 3 months after it.



Research results: In connection with the above, we studied the effect of Piracetam on the neuro-psychiatric

development of children who have undergone congenital transient hypothyroidism. The choice of this drug is

associated with its complex nootropic effect on higher nervous activity and has a positive effect on behavior, motor

skills, attention and memory. It provides a distinct clinical improvement in the condition of children and adolescents

with mental development delays. The mechanism of action of Piracetam aims at increasing the metabolism of

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International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 08, 2020
ISSN: 1475-7192

Received: 27 Feb 2020 | Revised: 20 Mar 2020 | Accepted: 30 Apr 2020


glucose in brain tissues, increasing the level of ATP in nerve cells and increasing metabolism, improves

neuropsychic functions.

Studying the structure of mental disorders in children in both groups in most cases revealed a delay in

psychomotor development (71.1% and 66.6% respectively). Hypovoexcitability syndrome was less observed in

both groups (6.8% and 9.3%, respectively) (Table 1).

Table 1

Structure of mental disorders in examined children with CH


Groups of children

First group

Second group





Hyperexcitability syndrome












Delay in psychomotor development





Hypoexcitability syndrome





Note: *- Disorders occurred in the same patient, so the absolute sum of results does not match the number

of patients.

Thus, both groups were practically similar in structure of mental development disorders. It makes it

possible to estimate the efficiency of the chosen complex treatment of the consequences of congenital transient

hypothyroidic conditions.

It is necessary to note the reduction of mental development disorders intensity in comparison with

the period before treatment in both groups (Table 2).

Table 2

Structure of mental disorders in examined children with CH after treatment


Groups of children

First group

Second group





Hyperexcitability syndrome












Delay in psychomotor development





Hypoexcitability syndrome





background image

International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 08, 2020
ISSN: 1475-7192

Received: 27 Feb 2020 | Revised: 20 Mar 2020 | Accepted: 30 Apr 2020


Note: *- Disorders occurred in the same patient, so the absolute sum of results does not match the number

of patients.

As can be seen from Table 2, there was a 1. 5 times decrease in hyperexcitability syndrome in the first

group and 1. 8 times decrease in the second group and in vegan-vegeto-visceral dysfunctions (9 times and 2 times

respectively). Acceleration of mental development rates was noted almost 3 times in the first group and 1.3 times

in the second group.

Positive dynamics in the condition of children undergoing complex therapy (the 1st group) was revealed

rather quickly, and these changes intensified during 6 weeks of treatment.

The advantage of Piracetam treatment in comparison with the second group was also

demonstrated by the dynamics of mental development coefficient (MDI) indicators. Treatment outcomes were

monitored for changes in clinical and neurological indicators with MDI scores.


Dynamics of MDI in children under the influence of treatment

As can be seen from the chart, Group 1 shows a significant increase in the MDI (21.2±1.3 and 25.6±1.4;

P<0.05), while Group 2 shows a significant increase in this indicator (20.1±0.9 and 22.8±1.1; P>0.05). It testifies

to efficiency of application of complex therapy with prescription of Piracetam.

The transferability of Piracetam was assessed as "good". Hyperexcitability and irritability were reported

in two cases (6.7 per cent) during treatment, which were observed at the beginning of treatment and were of a

transient nature.

Comparative analysis of neuropsychiatric functions in both groups shows that with slight differences in

the results of some indicators before treatment, only children receiving Piracetam were scored higher. Its influence

on the improvement of speech functions, as well as motor and behavior was noted to a greater extent, but no direct

influence on the increase of muscle strength in the extremities, reduction of hyperexcitability syndrome and timely

reduction of physiological reflexes in newborns, reduction of the intensity of vegeto-visceral dysfunction syndrome

was revealed.












2 nd group

1st group



, б




before treatment

after treatment

background image

International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 08, 2020
ISSN: 1475-7192

Received: 27 Feb 2020 | Revised: 20 Mar 2020 | Accepted: 30 Apr 2020




The complex treatment, including Piracetam, helped to increase the total MDI more significantly in

comparison with the same indicator in children who received only L-tyroxine.

According to some authors, insufficient intake of iodine into the div leads to congenital disturbance of

higher mental functions, formation of mental retardation in severe cases, and in the mild - borderline or partial

intellectual impairments [14,15].

In assessing the neuro-psychiatric development of children who have undergone transient congenital

hypothyroidism, lower rates of behavior and cognition were noted in comparison with healthy peers. The revealed

features of neurological status in the form of speech disorders turned out to be, in general, the leading ones in the

main group. The noted partial cognitive deficit of various degrees in children of the main group was the motive for

search and administration of nootropic drugs that improve metabolic and cognitive functions of the central nervous

system [16,17,18].

Analysis of treatment results showed that in children with CRC below 21 scores receiving Piracetam

complex treatment contributed to more evident positive changes in mental status, manifested by improved speech

and statomotor functions, than in children receiving only hormone replacement therapy.

In children undergoing comprehensive treatment, there was a significant improvement in motor and

behavioural function and an increase of almost 4 points in MDI. It should be noted that the effect of Piracetam was

observed on the 14th day of its intake and reached its maximum on the 42nd. Piracetam practically did not cause

side effects.


Thus, observation of children who have suffered with congenital transient hypothyroidism testifies to

insufficiency of neuropsychic activity and necessity of prescription of nootropic drugs. The optimal effect is

observed when using the drug Piracetam for 6-8 weeks.

As the assessment of neuropsychiatric functions in children receiving L-tyroxin shows, hormone

replacement therapy has a positive effect on the general condition. However, a more evident impact on the partial

functions of the intellect has Piracetam.

Complex therapy with the drug Piracetam children with congenital transient hypothyroidism

supports the timely correction of identified mental disorders and may be recommended for the prevention of the

mental consequences of CH.



Iodine deficiency disorders in Europe / Vitti P., Rago T., Aghini-Lombardi F., Pinchera A. //

Public Health


– 2001. – vol. 4. – pp. 529-35.

background image

International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 08, 2020
ISSN: 1475-7192

Received: 27 Feb 2020 | Revised: 20 Mar 2020 | Accepted: 30 Apr 2020



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Sandra Dial MG., F.K.Sharipova Msc Comparative analysis of treatment efficiency consequences from
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Buyukgebiz A. Newborn screening for congenital hypothyroidism //

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– 1997. - № 48. - pp.51-16.


Domenech Martinez E., Barroso Guerrero F. Utility of congenital hypothyroidism screening in neonates for
monitoring iodine deficit disorders in the Canary Islands (Spain) //

An Pediatr.

– 2003. – vol. 58. – N4. – pp.



Evolving hypopituitarism as a consequence of traumatic drain injury (TBI) in childhood – call for attention /
S. Pekic, N. Curic et al. //


– 2007. – vol.31. – N3. – pp. 268-71.


Hypothyroidism and major depression: a common executive dysfunction / E.L. Constant , S. Adam et al. //


Clin Exp Neuropsychol.

– 2006. – vol.28. – N5. – pp. 790-807.


Joubest Martin. Retard de langage et difficulties ac separation cher le jeune enfant: Implications theoriques et
teehuiques //


– 1998. - Vol.4. - № 2. – pp.475-510

background image

International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 08, 2020
ISSN: 1475-7192

Received: 27 Feb 2020 | Revised: 20 Mar 2020 | Accepted: 30 Apr 2020



LaFranchi S.H., Austin J. How should we be treating children with congenital hypothyroidism? //

J. Pediatr

Endocrinol Metab.

– 2007. – vol.20. – N5. – pp. 559-78.


Macchia P.E. Recent advances in understanding the molecular basis of primary congenital hypothyroidism //

Mol Med Today

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Moreno J.C., Visser T.J. New phenotypes in thyroid dyshormonogenesis: hypothyroidism due to DUOX2
mutations //

Endocr Dev.

– 2007. – vol.10. – pp. 99-117


Neonatal transient hypothyroidism /Arisaka O., Nitta A., Suzumura H., Kuribavashi T. //

Nippon Rinsho

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1999. – vol.57. – pp. 1784-7


Pasquier S., Torresani T. Transitory neonatal hypothyroidism caused by transplacentar transfer of anti-
receptor antibodies of hypophyseal thyroid simulation. Case report and estimated incidence //

Schweiz Med


– 1997. – vol.127. – N 44. – pp. 1824-8


Peiris A.N., Oh E., Diaz S. Psychiatric manifestations of thyroid disease //

J. South Med.

– 2007. – vol.100. –

N8. – pp. 773-4.


Recombinant human TSH testing is a valuable tool for differential diagnosis of congenital hypothyroidism
during L-thyroxine replacement / L. Fugazzola, L. Persani et al. //

Clin Endocrinol.

– 2003. – vol. 59. – N2.

– pp. 230-6


Rosso C., Cecere G., Concolino D., Baserga M. Diabete, potiroidismo e celiachanella sindrome di
Down:Descrizione di un caso clinico // Mineroa pediat.- 1997. - Vol. 49. - № 10. – pp.483-485.

Библиографические ссылки

Iodine deficiency disorders in Europe / Vitti P., Rago T., Aghini-Lombardi F., Pinchera A. // Public Health Nutr. – 2001. – vol. 4. – pp. 529-35.

Carranza D., Van Vliet G., Polak M. Congenital hypothyroidism // Ann Endocrinol. – Peris, 2006. – vol. 67. – N4. – pp. 295-302

Chakrabarti K., Singh P.M., Joshi S.P. Thyroid function in depression // J. Nepal Med Coll. – 2006. – vol.8. – N1. – pp.47-8.

Efficacy and safety of iodine prophylaxis / Vitti P., Rago T., Aghini-Lombardi F., Pinchera A. // Ann Ist Super Sanita. – 1998. – vol. 34. – N 3. – pp. 357-61

Garfinkel B.D., Carson G.A., Weller E.B. Psychiatic disorders in children and addescents // Philadelphia et al., WB “Saunders company”. – 1990 – 569 p.

WHO, UNICEF and ICCIDD, Assessment of the Iodine deficiency Disorders and monitoring their elimination Geneva: WHO, WHO, Euro, NUT. - 2000. – pp. 1-107.

Accuracy of ultrasonography to establish the diagnosis and aetiology of permanent primary congenital hypothyroidism / Kreisner E., Camargo-Neto E., Maia C.R., Gross J.L. // Clin Endocrinol. – 2003. – vol. 59. – N3. – pp. 361-5

Nattaglia A., Bianchini E., Carey J.C. Diagnostic yield of the comrehensive assessment of developmental delay/mental retardation in an institute of child neuropsychiatry // Amer.J. Med. Genet. – 1999. - vol.82. - № 1. – pp.60-66.

Neonatal exposure to propylhiouracil induces a shift in lymphoid cell sub-populations in the developing postnatal male ret spleen and thymus / Rooney A.A., Fournier M., Bernier J., Cyr D.G. // Cell Immunol. – 2003. – vol.223. – N2. – pp. 91-102.

Neonatal screening for congenital hypothyroidism in Germany. The development of concerned children in retrospect analysis using the federal state “Hessen” /Hopfner S., Koehler N., Hopfner B., Rauterberg E.W. // Klin Pediatr. – 2007. – vol. 219. – N4. – p. 206.

Children’s turn-arounds in psychotherapy: the doctor’s gesture / L.C. Terr, G. Fox et al. // Psychoanal Study Child. – 2006. – vol.61. – pp. 56-81.

Kaplan H., Sadock B. Synopsis of Psychiatry 9th edition // Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins. - 2005. – pp.112-115

Hetzel B.S. Iodine and neuropsycholoqical development // J.Nutr. – 2000. – vol. 30. - Suppl 28. – pp. 493-495

Bone mineral metabolism and thyroid replacement therapy in congenital hypothyroid infants and young children / G. Weber, S. Mora et al. // J. Endocrinol Invest. – 1995. – vol.18. – N4. – pp. 277-82.

Sandra Dial MG., F.K.Sharipova Msc Comparative analysis of treatment efficiency consequences from congenital transitory hypothyroidism//Canadian Medical Association its Licensors.-2008,- vol. 179(8).- pp.767-770

Buyukgebiz A. Newborn screening for congenital hypothyroidism // J. Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. – 2006. – vol.19. – N11. – pp. 1291-8.

Delange F. Neonatal Screening for congenital Hypothyroidism Results and Perspectives // Hormone Research. – 1997. - № 48. - pp.51-16.

Domenech Martinez E., Barroso Guerrero F. Utility of congenital hypothyroidism screening in neonates for monitoring iodine deficit disorders in the Canary Islands (Spain) // An Pediatr. – 2003. – vol. 58. – N4. – pp. 357-63.

Evolving hypopituitarism as a consequence of traumatic drain injury (TBI) in childhood – call for attention / S. Pekic, N. Curic et al. // Endocrine. – 2007. – vol.31. – N3. – pp. 268-71.

Hypothyroidism and major depression: a common executive dysfunction / E.L. Constant , S. Adam et al. // J. Clin Exp Neuropsychol. – 2006. – vol.28. – N5. – pp. 790-807.

Joubest Martin. Retard de langage et difficulties ac separation cher le jeune enfant: Implications theoriques et teehuiques // Psychiat.enfant. – 1998. - Vol.4. - № 2. – pp.475-510

LaFranchi S.H., Austin J. How should we be treating children with congenital hypothyroidism? // J. Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. – 2007. – vol.20. – N5. – pp. 559-78.

Macchia P.E. Recent advances in understanding the molecular basis of primary congenital hypothyroidism // Mol Med Today. – 2000. – vol.6. – N1. – pp. 36-42.

Moreno J.C., Visser T.J. New phenotypes in thyroid dyshormonogenesis: hypothyroidism due to DUOX2 mutations // Endocr Dev. – 2007. – vol.10. – pp. 99-117

Neonatal transient hypothyroidism /Arisaka O., Nitta A., Suzumura H., Kuribavashi T. // Nippon Rinsho. – 1999. – vol.57. – pp. 1784-7

Pasquier S., Torresani T. Transitory neonatal hypothyroidism caused by transplacentar transfer of anti-receptor antibodies of hypophyseal thyroid simulation. Case report and estimated incidence // Schweiz Med Wochenschr. – 1997. – vol.127. – N 44. – pp. 1824-8

Peiris A.N., Oh E., Diaz S. Psychiatric manifestations of thyroid disease // J. South Med. – 2007. – vol.100. – N8. – pp. 773-4.

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