Аспекты совершенствования регионального механизма создания новых рабочих мест в регионах Узбекистана

Муминов, Н., Нурматов, Б., & Эгамбердиева, О. (2023). Аспекты совершенствования регионального механизма создания новых рабочих мест в регионах Узбекистана. in Library, 20(1), 303–307. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/22334


Создание новых рабочих мест – естественный процесс экономического развития. Осуществляется непрерывное совершенствование производства, постоянное внедрение научно-технических новшеств в практику в форме опережающего воспроизводства, создание новых рабочих мест за счет опережающих структурных преобразований. Без создания новых рабочих мест не будет сформирована оптимальная структура занятости и не будет повышаться производительность труда. С переходом Узбекистана к рыночной экономике резко изменились условия создания новых рабочих мест. Появление разнообразных форм собственности, расширение и модернизация действующих предприятий создали рабочие места, отвечающие современным требованиям. Результаты такого развития дают результаты в регионах.

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Fourth - the Cabinet of Ministers will take measures to formalize

relevant agreements with foreign investors for the implementation of

selected promising projects and approve the “roadmap” for control

over its implementation. It is clear from this meeting that the main

directions for 2019 have been set and now it is necessary to solve the

problems and solve tasks quickly and thoroughly.

Nozim Muminov

PhD, Professor, Department of Economic Theory,

National University of Uzbekistan

Botir Nurmatov

Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Oydin Egamberdiyeva

Undergraduate National University of Uzbekistan




Creating new job vacancies is a natural process of economic

development. Continuous improvement of production, the constant

implementation of scientific and technological innovations in practice

in the form of proactive reproduction, the creation of new job vacancies

through advanced structural transformations are being carried out.

Without creating new job vacancies, the optimal employment structure

will not be formed, and labor productivity will not increase.

With the transition of Uzbekistan to a market economy, the

conditions for creating new job vacancies have changed dramatically.

The emergence of diverse forms of ownership, expansion and

modernization of existing enterprises have created jobs that meet

modern requirements. The results of such development give results

in the regions.

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This shows, on the one hand, the real potential for investment in

job creation. As a result, employers are expanding their opportunities

to expand, modernize and reconstruct their production facilities.

In addition, various investment and other programs to create

new and existing jobs in the regions are focused on specific strategic

goals and are based on economic ideas that serve the socio-economic

development of the regions.

Based on the foregoing, improving the regional mechanism for

creating and retaining jobs is one of the main tasks of our time, and

what elements should be included in this mechanism and their resume.

All directions of creating new jobs and maintaining existing

jobs are associated with two investments: 1) indirect and 2) direct.

Maintaining existing jobs, such as creating new job vacancies, is

also an important area of employment. Maintaining existing jobs

is important for the following reasons: 1) creating jobs is more

expensive than maintaining existing jobs; 2) for the economy of

the region it is strategically important to maintain existing jobs;

consequently, maintaining existing jobs has the same effect as

creating new jobs.

An in-depth qualitative analysis of the existing potential in the

regions, key factors and sources of sustainable development, as well

as levels of economic and social development in the regions will

focus on:

Assessment of the demographic situation in the region, the level of

solving the problems of employment of the able-bodied population;

A critical analysis of the level of economic development of regions,

branches and sectors of the economy, an assessment of the complexity

and balance of regional development, the effectiveness of using the

created economic potential;

Assessment of the development of market infrastructure, transport

networks and engineering and communication systems (energy, heat

supply, natural gas and drinking water);

Analysis of living standards, the level of development of social

infrastructure and services.

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Uzbekistan has accumulated sufficient experience in developing a

development strategy for a specific country, which contributes to the

formation of regional development throughout the country.

Achieving the ultimate development goal in the provinces of the

republic implies the achievement of peculiar goals, determined by the

resource potential, capable of further development of the region.

Social goal: creating conditions for sustainable development of

human development and welfare through the use of regional resource

potential, preservation and development of cultural potential.

Economic goal: the formation of the reproductive potential of the

regional economy, ensuring sustainable economic growth, sustainable

employment and the growth of its income, the creation of new job

vacancies in accordance with the growth of labor resources.

Institutional goal: creating favorable conditions for the sustainable

development of the region, the formation of the necessary state and

market structures.

The environmental goal is to maintain the ecological balance in the

region, creating conditions for the deployment of productive forces.

In the process of developing this strategy, a thorough and

comprehensive analysis of international experience in the development

and regulation of territories was carried out. The experience of

many countries shows that the existing interregional differentiation

intensifies in the context of economic growth and vice versa. The

success of a regional development strategy directly depends on

the choice of regional policy measures at the national level. The

employment program is implemented as part of a comprehensive

program based on regional policy objectives.

The section “The mechanism of organizational and economic

management of the implementation of the employment program”

includes: firstly, the program management system at various levels;

secondly, a set of measures to improve and coordinate economic

norms; thirdly, methods and forms of resource allocation and problem

management; Fourth, the forms and methods of monitoring the

implementation of program tasks.

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The main stages of the organization of program development and

management are based on the sequential distribution of units: the

definition of goals and key tasks; Development of methodological

and model tools for analysis and forecasting; collection and analysis

of statistical, marketing and sociological data; creating software

packages; finalize and approve the program; Creation of organizational,

economic and legal mechanisms for the implementation of the



In our opinion, the above indicates that further improvement of the

methodology of employment programs in the regions of the country

should be devoted to the development and analysis of one of the main

components of these programs - prognosis and forecasting the natural

rate of population growth. It is advisable to evaluate the effectiveness

of the program based on the dynamics of the difference between

supply and demand for labor, employment and unemployment. In this

regard, it is important to use both regional employment programs and

social partnership mechanisms at the regional and local levels.

The job creation program is the result of indicators reflecting the

general needs of the population for a given period of time, the structure

of jobs available in the economy, as well as the quantity and quality

of additional jobs needed to meet the needs of effective employment.

This program is an instrument for implementing state policy in the

field of employment and aims to coordinate the quantitative and

qualitative efforts of state bodies to create job vacancies.

To create new job vacancies and improve living standards in the

Republic of Uzbekistan, it is necessary to do the following:

1. To expand the measures to stimulate self-employment and the

development of private enterprise.

2. To implement the measures aimed at the development of

entrepreneurship of citizens in the labor market, including programs

aimed at training, training and retraining of employed labor resources.


Е.А. Петрова, А.А. Денисова. Развитие системы управления регионом в услови-

ях становления «экономики знаний». ISSN 1998-992X. Вестн. Волгогр. гос. ун-та. Сер.

3, Экон. Экол. 2012. № 1 (20).С.66-74.

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3. To definition the objects for organizing public works and

involving the unemployed in them.

4. To determine the main indicators of the socio-economic

development of the republic and regularly review demographic


5. To develop measures to address specific issues of job creation in

every large enterprise and in every region of the country.

6. To provide each district with material and financial resources

for the implementation of program activities.

7. To monitor the implementation of program goals at each

enterprise in the regions.


Ёджу техника институти Ҳалқаро ҳамкорлик бўлим бошлиғи,

мустақил тадқиқотчи




Маълумки, маҳаллий бюджетлар давлат бюджетида муҳим

таркибий қисмни ташкил этади ҳамда маҳаллий ҳокимият ор-

ганларининг фаолият кўрсатишларида асосий молиявий манба

бўлиб хизмат қилади. Бугунги кунда мамлакат иқтисодиётида

рўй бераётган туб ўзгаришлар ижтимоий-иктисодий яратувчи-

лик руҳида маҳаллий бюджетларни бошқариш, маҳаллий бюд-

жетларнинг хукуқ ва мажбуриятларининг бажарилишини кайта

кўриб чиқишга алоҳида эътибор берилмоқда.

Жумладан, Ўзбекистон Республикаси Конститутциясининг

100-моддасига кўра маҳаллий ҳокимият органлари қонуний-

ликни, ҳуқуқий-тартиботни ва фуқароларнинг хавфсизлигини

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