Практические задачи повышения грамотности и развития речи учащихся при изучении русского языка



Данные скачивания пока недоступны.
Расулова, З., Давлятова, М., & Турсоатов, А. (2023). Практические задачи повышения грамотности и развития речи учащихся при изучении русского языка. in Library, 20(1), 2–5. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/24224
Зулфия Расулова, Денауский институт предпринимательства и педагогики


Мадина Давлятова, Денауский институт предпринимательства и педагогики


Азиз Турсоатов, Денауский институт предпринимательства и педагогики




This article discusses the need for the interconnection of general education and training of future teachers. A necessary requirement of the modern process of teaching the Russian language at a university is the formation of sustainable motivation among students, which allows them to master the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities.

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SJIF Impact Factor: 6.260| ISI I.F.Value:1.241






ISSN: 2455-7838(Online)

EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD)

Volume: 5 | Issue: 3 | March 2020

- Peer Reviewed Journal



Journal DOI: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2016 | www.eprajournals.com


176 |




Rasulova Zulfiya Kholmurotovna


Denau branch of Termez State University

Davlyatova Madina Farhodovna

Student, Denau branch of Termez State University

Tursoatov Aziz Ravshanovich

Student,Denau branch of Termez State University


This article discusses the need for the interconnection of general education and training of future teachers. A
necessary requirement of the modern process of teaching the Russian language at a university is the formation of
sustainable motivation among students, which allows them to master the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities.


methodology, motivation, cognitive activity, formation, linguistic cycle, competencies.


The main thing in the study of the Russian

language for both the teacher and the student is a joint

search, an attempt to realize the inner meaning, which,
of course, exists in any language phenomenon. The

desire to realize why and why in the language there
are such laws that represent the necessary step
towards the meaningful management and possession

of one’s speech is highlighted in order not only to

listen, but to hear and feel the language of another

person. It is clear that the implementation of the
practical tasks of improving literacy and the
development of students' speech is possible only if the

Russian language lessons, on the one hand, serve the
purpose of forming spelling, punctuation and speech

skills, on the other hand, they provide mastery of
special terminology and skill building competently
your speech. In other words, we are talking about the

need for a relationship between general education and
training of future teachers.

A necessary requirement of the modern

process of teaching the Russian language at a
university is the formation of sustainable motivation

among students, which allows them to master the
necessary knowledge, skills and abilities. This can be

achieved by fully activating the cognitive activity of
students - both in class and in extracurricular times,

and by developing their ability to independently
acquire knowledge. At each lesson, the teacher should
strive to organize students' creative activities in such a
way as to update the previously studied in new
relationships, to strengthen the creative nature of the

application of acquired knowledge. At the same time,
when conducting classes, it should be based on the
principle of scientificness, which consists in the fact

that the content of the lesson should correspond to the
level of modern science of linguistics, and the

methods, forms of organization of educational
activities of students should be consistent with the
laws of the educational process.

The analysis of linguistic phenomena in the

classroom disciplines of the linguistic cycle must be

carried out from the standpoint of the achievements of
modern linguistics and taking into account the latest









orientation in teaching Russian to students of national

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SJIF Impact Factor: 6.260| ISI I.F.Value:1.241






ISSN: 2455-7838(Online)

EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD)

Volume: 5 | Issue: 3 | March 2020

- Peer Reviewed Journal



Journal DOI: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2016 | www.eprajournals.com


177 |

groups is manifested, first of all, in the fact that
maximum time is devoted to organizing the speech

(oral and written) activities of students.

Another principle - the principle of

systematization - in the Russian language classes is

manifested in the integrated assimilation of
vocabulary, grammar - morphology and syntax (for

example, the assimilation of case endings of nouns
and the use of cases, the assimilation of
morphological characters of verb forms and their use
in dialogical and monological speech), in the solution
speech development tasks (through communicative-

situational exercises, drawing up business papers,
abstracting, annotating, etc.).

The principle of stimulating a positive attitude

towards learning, the formation of students' cognitive
interests, knowledge needs is manifested primarily in

the creation of sustainable learning motives. Forming
y students of the necessary level of professional





competence requires solving a number of tasks:
acquainting students with the basic language and

speech concepts, deepening their understanding of the
text and its genre-stylistic varieties, the formation of
basic communicative skills to conduct a business

conversation, while characterizing it from the point of





effectiveness, identifying typical communication
deficiencies and simultaneously identifying Special to
overcome them in the spoken language, the formation

of the students' ability to outline the written and
spoken language, prepare papers, presentations, create

some texts professionally significant genres, develop
the ability to analyze their own and other people's
speech, the desire to find the style and methods of

communication. to develop their own system of
speech self-improvement, which in the complex

would contribute to the formation of an open for
communication (communicative) personality, which
has a high rating in the system of modern social


Among the primary tasks of the formation of

linguistic and professional competence of spelling,
punctuation and grammatical skills. In the process of
studying the modern Russian language (all its tiers, as

well as the history of its formation, style and cultural
Russian speech) and general linguistics, students

should gain knowledge, first of all, about the essence
of language as a universal sign system, which is an
instrument for expressing thoughts, feelings, wills and

serving as the most important means of
communication of people, their interaction, on the

connection of language and society, on the role of
language in the development of culture and the
formation of personality, on forms of speech (oral and

written), on its dialogical and monological different

visions, about the differentiation of the Russian
language and its subsystems, about the features of the

phonetic, lexical, word-formation system, about its
grammatical categories (morphological and syntactic),
about speech activity, its structure and varieties

(speaking - listening, writing - reading), about the
main communicative speech qualities (wealth,

accuracy, expressiveness, etc.), about speech etiquette,
etc. Based on this knowledge, students form a number
of necessary skills - such as, for example, the ability

to navigate various s speech situations adequately
realize their communicative intentions, possess such

genres of speech and writing, which are necessary to
communicate effectively in the course of employment
and the creation of official and business documents to

conduct individual interviews and organize the
discussion, follow the rules of speech etiquette and so

on. n.

Among the most important skills necessary for

the formation of linguistic competency (lx) of

communicative competence (QC) of students of
future teachers and translators, are the skills of

research work. These skills are manifested in the
ability to build a text, edit it, stylistically correct,
distinguish between speech genres, own a

professional language, distinguish between literary
options, etc. For example, working with a scientific

article helps students to replenish knowledge and
develop the skills of scientific written speech, to
master its genres: annotation, review, abstract,

abstract [3, 66]. The ability to draw up an annotation,
a review of the text read is an indicator of a high level

of understanding of its content. To achieve this level,
you must first teach students: harmonious logical

1) to express their thoughts using synonymous

sequences, skillfully using the capabilities of the

Russian language; 2) choose an active position and
express your personal attitude to what has been read,
seen or said.

For example, work on annotation and review is

“a complex creative process, which is based on the

ability to extract the main information from the source

text” [1,414]. This is a whole system of logic


operations that students must learn by mastering the

methods of induction and deduction.

Teaching annotation and peer review, the

teacher gradually builds critical, independent thinking
for students: from the ability to summarize, select

essential and important facts from the text as a result
of a deep understanding of the reading to the ability to
give a certain assessment of the content and draw the

necessary conclusions from the reading.

It should not be forgotten that, while working

on the abstract and review, students create a new text
in Russian that has a special language form and

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SJIF Impact Factor: 6.260| ISI I.F.Value:1.241






ISSN: 2455-7838(Online)

EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD)

Volume: 5 | Issue: 3 | March 2020

- Peer Reviewed Journal



Journal DOI: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2016 | www.eprajournals.com


178 |

composition, i.e. solve a communicative problem. At
the same time, they should have a clear idea of

exactly what linguistic means

lexical and syntactic


will operate in order for the abstract to come

out from their pen, and not any other written text.

An important point at the stage of compiling

the text of the annotation is the abstract rephrasing

and generalization of the original material. This
implies the development of students' ability to
transform complex sentences into simple ones and,
conversely, transform groups of simple sentences into
one complex, subordinate parts

- in participial and participial turns, i.e. Ability

to use synonymous constructions. It is necessary to

introduce students to supporting words and
expressions, and speech cliches, with the help of

which they can begin to draw up the annotation: “the

article is devoted to (topic, question, problem) ...”;
“An article is a (generalization, rev

iew, analysis,

description, attempt to describe (systematize) ...”;

"In the article, the author touches upon

(highlights, poses the following problems, considers,

analyzes ..."; "the author comes to the conclusion
(makes a number of generalizations and conclusions,

sums up) ...", etc.

We should also mention the means of

communication that ensure the consistency and

consistency of presentation: “first of all”, “first of all”,
“further”, “then”, “finally”, “in addition”, “in this

way”, “in this communications

”,“ therefore ”,“ in

other words, ”“ in other words, ”“ as we have
said, ”“ relying on the foregoing, ”etc.

The practice of teaching the Russian language

in an Uzbek audience convinces students that they

experience significant difficulties in writing coherent
texts. This is explained by a number of educational
and methodological reasons, which include the

following: 1) insufficient development of the theory
of text in linguistics, and hence the lack of its

methodology; 2) the absence in the school course of
the Russian language of sections on the problems of
constructing parts of the text, as well as the whole text.

The ability to correctly design a unit of connected
speech, larger than the sentence, is a special and

complex skill that must be specially formed.

The coherent speech of Uzbek students, as a

rule, does not meet the requirements for a coherent

monological text, both orally and in writing. The
ability to build a coherent text presents great

difficulties for Uzbek students and is based mainly on
intuition, not supported by clear theoretical
knowledge and practical skills of its construction. The

texts constructed by Uzbek students, as a rule, are
characterized by the following disadvantages: 1)

insufficient text with a large number of unnecessary

repetitions; 2) a low percentage of the use of complex
sentences of various types; 3) lack of synonymous

syntactic constructions; 4) errors in the use of
pronouns and other means of interphrase
communication; 5) the wrong word order in a

sentence that does not correspond to a specific
communicative task; 6) undifferentiated thoughts,

manifested in the absence of paragraphs; 7) violation
of the sequence, logic of expressed thoughts. These
shortcomings can be eliminated only through a

focused system of teaching students the rules of
building a coherent text, focusing on the complex

syntactic whole (SCC) as the minimum unit of a
coherent text and how to combine them, based on
modern achievements of linguistics in the field of text

learning. The communicative orientation of teaching
the Russian language at the stage determined the

interest of methodologists in modern theoretical
research in the field of text syntax. There were many
methodological works related to the study of SSC.

Defining tasks for the development of coherent
speech of students of national groups, researchers

express the idea of the need to study a complex
syntactic whole, its structure, methods of interphrase
communication, etc. The problem of the development

of Russian speech in a national audience is now
inextricably linked with the ways of creating texts of
different types. Unfortunately, one often has to deal

with cases when a student uses the correct
grammatical and lexical forms in monologic speech

(when retelling the text) or even in building a
dialogue, but his speech sounds unnatural, unnatural
from the point of view of a natural native speaker.

This sometimes cuts the ear, because the student
speaks like a robot, like a living machine. Often

students themselves feel this “shift” and try

to at least

intonationally make their speech more lively, more
natural. However, intonation alone is clearly not

enough. Fortunately, there is an opportunity to teach
students some techniques that allow them to design
their statements so that they sound as close as possible
to "natural" speech. In order to make oral speech more
natural using a whole range of tools - lexical,

syntactic, intonational.

When expressing expression by intonational

means, the speaker emphasizes the components of the
monologue that are important for introducing the
situation. So, for example, when transferring a

predicate to the position of the absolute beginning of a
sentence, the first semantic stress falls on the verb.

The naturalness of speech also depends on the correct
phonetic design, primarily on the pace of speech, the
correct alternation of different syllables and, of course,

on the accuracy of intonation.

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SJIF Impact Factor: 6.260| ISI I.F.Value:1.241






ISSN: 2455-7838(Online)

EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD)

Volume: 5 | Issue: 3 | March 2020

- Peer Reviewed Journal



Journal DOI: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2016 | www.eprajournals.com


179 |



Ippolitova N.A., Knyazeva O. Yu., Savova M.R.
Russian language and culture of speech: textbook
/ edited by Ippolitova. - M.: Prospect, 2017 .--


Ladyzhenskaya TD, Zepalova TS. Guidelines for
the optional course "Theory and practice of works
of different genres." - M .: Education, 1982. -189s.
3. Mishina O. Yu. Russian language and culture
of speech. Tutorial. Veliky Novgorod, 2009 .-- 283


Peshkovsky A.M. Russian syntax in scientific
coverage. - M.: Languages of Slavic culture, 2001.
- 368 p. music

Библиографические ссылки

Ippolitova N.A., Knyazeva O. Yu., Savova M.R. Russian language and culture of speech: textbook / edited by Ippolitova. - M.: Prospect, 2017 .-- 440s.

Ladyzhenskaya TD, Zepalova TS. Guidelines for the optional course "Theory and practice of works of different genres." - M .: Education, 1982. -189s.

Mishina O. Yu. Russian language and culture of speech. Tutorial. Veliky Novgorod, 2009 .-- 283 p.

Peshkovsky A.M. Russian syntax in scientific coverage. - M.: Languages of Slavic culture, 2001. - 368 p. music

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