Speaking and writing as productive skills

Акромова, З., & Зупарова, С. (2024). Speaking and writing as productive skills . Вопросы совершенствования базовых языковых навыков на основе коммуникативного подхода: теория и практика, 1(1), 7–11. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/communicative-language-skills/article/view/30098
Зукхра Акромова, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков
Студент группы 2230
Сайёра Зупарова, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков
Надзиратель: Иностранные языки и литература, факультет английского языка-1


This article deals with problems and their solutions of teaching productive skills in English

Похожие статьи

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Akromova Zukhra,

Student of the group 2230


: Zuparova Sayyora

UzSWLU, Foreign language and

literature, English faculty-1


This article deals with problems and their solutions of teaching productive

skills in English


Key words

: teacher, learner, speaking, writing, English, skill, framework,

communicative aspects.

The process of learning English is slow and progressive and it could be interpreted

as a series of challenges to face. This process consists of the development of certain skills.

According to the common framework, these are divided into productive and receptive.

Receptive skills comprise reading and listening. They are important because they allow

learners to understand contents, textbooks, works or documents. Productive skills consist

of speaking and writing and they are significant because they permit learners to perform

in communicative aspects such as oral presentations, written studies and reports among

others. Therefore, these skills need to be developed and learnt properly.

When it comes to the differences between speaking and writing, there are some

characteristics of them. Speaking and writing differ mostly in that speaking is time bound,

that is, words and phrases are selected as they are spoken, and once they are they cannot

be unspoken. Writing, on the other hand, can be, and most often is, revised and edited. It

results in shorter, simpler sentences in speech, accompanied by false starts or repetition

of ideas which facilitate fluency in speech. Much more than is the case in writing

(although online chat is now a major form of communication), speech is often reciprocal

and conversation coconstructed - the listener can respond to the speaker, either by

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speaking or by way of div language or facial expression, and the speaker can therefore

adapt their speech to accommodate the listener.

Actually, productive skills are considered very important in both learning and

teaching. Speaking and writing skills are called productive skills. They are crucial as they

give students the opportunity to practice real-life activities in the classroom. These two

skills can be used to check how much the learners have learned. Teaching writing is

important because written communication is a basic life skill. Students may need to take

notes, fill in forms, and write letters, reports, stories etc. Many need to fill in detailed

questionnaires relating to health, education and employment. Sufficient ability of writing

skill gives one the confidence and marks his expertise on a particular language.

Speaking is probably the language skill that most language learners wish to perfect

as soon as possible. Speaking is more frequently used than writing. The main

role of spoken language is to socialize individuals. On the contrary to writing, spoken

language is produced and processed in real time, the speaker and hearer have limited time

to plan and produce what they want to say and understand what they hear. Speech is

generally used in face-to-face conversations. Spoken language is supported by div

language such as gestures or facial expressions.

There are numerous

types of speaking activities

such as:


Pictures Stories:

Picture stories can be used with all students, particularly those with

limited literacy skills. Learners can interpret a story based on a picture sequences.

Students work collaboratively to put the story in the correct order. Once they have done

so, they stand in a circle and tell the story.


Information-gap Activities:

Informational-gap activities are often used to practice

specific language points and they are also ideal for general fluency practice. The teacher

giving assignment to gap information in the picture, gives clue or key word.



Finding connections among other students is a concept of groupings. In

creating groups, teacher and learners need to negotiate what they will discuss.


Mingle Activities:

A mingle activity involves learners mingling around and gathering

information from other students in the class on a given topic. Mingle activities have the

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benefit of maximizing student participation for learners at all levels.


Discussion Activities:

Any learners can take part in discussion activities, it can be

about current events, cultural issue, education, work, or anything that is relevant to

learners’ lives.

When presenting tasks, teachers should tell learners about the language function

to be produced in the task and the real context(s) in which it usually occurs. They should

be provided with opportunities for interactive practice and build upon previous

instruction as necessary Teachers should also be careful not to overload a speaking lesson

with other new material such as numerous vocabulary or grammatical structures. This

can distract learners from the primary speaking goals of the lesson.

Moreover, there are some aspects of effective writing too. Before looking at how

to teach writing skills, aspects of effective writing can be considered. Correctness and

accuracy are needed in the following areas.



Grammar is important for writing. However, when we speak we are more

likely to use simple grammar and it’s easier to get away with incorrect sentences. In

writing every grammar error stands out, which is why it is especially important to know

the rules.



: Being able to choose the most accurate words to express your thoughts

in writing is the key to being understood.



: There are few spelling rules in English, and the connection between how a

word is spelt and how it is pronounced is less clear-cut than in many other languages. Our

students need to learn the spelling of each word.



This helps us understand written text the way intonation helps us

understand another person's speech.

Here are the elements of a successful writing lesson. So in order to make the

learning as easy as possible and to make learners successful, confident and willing to

write the teacher should provide the students with:

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It means that students have to be given clear and logical instruction what

the teacher wants them to do and to be clear about the topic details.



If students need any specific language they should be given it before the

activity so they will not be stuck.



Teachers need to be able to suggest ideas to help students when they do not

know how to start or continue. “One of the skills of a good writing teacher is to be able

to throw out suggestions without crowding out the individual students with too much

oppressive detail.” (Harmer, 2004) Experiencing the preceding stages of writing will

make the students write clearer. The process approach views writing as the activity of

linguistic skills and writing development as an unconscious process that occurs when the


As a universal medium of communication English has become the only language

for the world citizen in this advanced world of Information technology. For a long time

communicative method is followed at schools and colleges that aims at developing four

skills reading, writing, listening and speaking. Proper planning, implementation and

monitoring can make it possible to achieve students' language proficiency in four skills

simultaneously. It also facilitates the students in learning the exercises of writing skill.

To conclude, teaching productive skills as speaking and writing require the

teacher’s hard work. It is necessary to get information about strategies of teaching

productive skills in order to teach them step by step. Language acquisition works better

if teachers are well informed about the theoretical background teaching productive skills

and can exploit them in the classroom perfectly.



Атажанова С.Р., Сабурязова М., Хажиев У.С. Problems and strategies of

teaching English productive skills // Техника. Технологии. Инженерия. 2017. №

3.1. С. 8-10.


Rybold G. Speaking, Listening and Understanding: Debate for Non-Native-

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English Speakers. International Debate Education Association, 2006. 180 p.


Atazhanova S.R., Saburyazova M., Hazhiev U.S. Problems and strategies of

teaching English productive skills // Technique. Technologies. Engineering. 2017.

№ 3.1. P. 8-10.


Yuneva S.A. Descovering the world with the English language. Speaking.

Preparing for The Unified State exam. M.: Intellekt-Centr, 2013. 168 p.


Хакимбаева, Озода Каландаровна. "Картина мира и языковая

ментальность." Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social

sciences 2.Special Issue 20 (2022): 740-745.


Ziyatova, N., Nurmuhamedova, N., & Xakimbayeva, O. K. (2022, July). INGLIZ




In Международная


академических наук (Vol. 1, No. 24, pp. 39-42).

Библиографические ссылки

Атажанова С.Р., Сабурязова М., Хажиев У.С. Problems and strategies of teaching English productive skills //Техника. Технологии. Инженерия. 2017. № 3.1. С. 8-10.

Rybold G. Speaking, Listening and Understanding: Debate for Non-Native-English Speakers. International Debate Education Association, 2006. 180 p.

Atazhanova S.R., Saburyazova M., Hazhiev U.S. Problems and strategies of teaching English productive skills // Technique. Technologies. Engineering. 2017. №3.1. P. 8-10.

Yuneva S.A. Descovering the world with the English language. Speaking. Preparing for The Unified State exam. M.: Intellekt-Centr, 2013. 168 p.

Хакимбаева, Озода Каландаровна. "Картина мира и языковая ментальность." Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences 2.Special Issue 20 (2022): 740-745.

Ziyatova, N., Nurmuhamedova, N., & Xakimbayeva, О. K. (2022, July). INGLIZ VA O’ZBEK TILLARIDA IBORALI QO’SHMA SO’ZLAR YASALISHIDA METONIMIYANING O’RNI. In Международная конференция академических наук (Vol. 1, No. 24, pp. 39-42).

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