Mproving the efficiency of treatment of patients with chronic generalized periodontitis with platelet – rich plasma

Алимова, Д., Ешимова, П., Исмаилова, С., & Абдуганиева, Ш. (2023). Mproving the efficiency of treatment of patients with chronic generalized periodontitis with platelet – rich plasma. Актуальные вопросы хирургической стоматологии и дентальной имплантологии, 1(1), 16–18. извлечено от


Inflammatory diseases of the periodontal tissues (IDD) occupy a high position among dental diseases, this is confirmed by the results of the WHO study, which noted that about 98% people in the world suffer from CDD. The success of treatment with conventional methods is extremely low, often there is the transition of acute inflammatory processes into subacute and chronic ones, the recovery processes are difficult, which causes an increasing interest in non-drug methods of treatment. The article presents the analysis of the effectiveness of the modern Plasmolifting method. This is an injection method where the patient's own plasma is used, obtained from the patient's blood, platelet-rich plasma, which accelerates the natural regeneration processes. Compared to other methods, it is non-toxic and is not immunoreactive, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and reduces pain and bleeding of the gums, with its help it becomes possible to reduce the period of restoration of periodontal tissues

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Актуальные вопросы хирургической стоматологии и дентальной имплантологии


Скорость прохождения УЗИ в кости челюсти зависит от формы заболевания. Чем

моложе возраст пациента, тем более выражено снижение скорости прохождения
ультразвука. При одонтогенном остром остите отмечено достоверное снижение скорости
прохождения ультразвука через кость челюсти (до 19%), что свидетельствует о
вовлечении кости челюсти в воспалительный процесс. Снижение скорости прохождения
УЗИ у детей с острым одонтогенным оститом составило 15,8%, у взрослых - 10,7%.

У больных одонтогенным остеомиелитом челюстей во всех возрастных группах

выявлено снижение скорости прохождения - УЗИ у детей на 25,8% и на 24,6% у взрослых.


Ультразвуковая остеометрия является дополнительным первично-

ориентированным методом диагностики, позволяющим оценить изменения костной ткани
в периапикальной зоне и челюсти на ранних стадиях заболеваний, когда патологию
костной ткани не удается установить при рентгенологическом исследовании. По
результатам ультразвуковой остеометрии можно проследить динамику восстановления
костной структуры, прогнозировать течение заболевания.






эхоостеометрию для использования в практической стоматологии.

Список литературы:

1. Азимов М., Ризаев Ж.А., Азимов А.М. К вопросу Классификации одонтогенных

воспалительных заболеваний. ВIСНИК Проблем биологии и медицини. Выпуск 4. Том
1(153) С. 278-282.

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одонтогенных воспалительных заболеваниях “Stomatologiya” Научно-практический
журнал № 3 (80) 2020 С. 38

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5. Рабинович, И.М. Клиническое применение ультразвука при эндодонтическом

лечении / И.М. Рабинович, И.В. Корнетова // Клиническая стоматология. - 2012. - №4. - С.

6. Колдырин С. В., Белоусова М. А., Ермольев С. Н. Оценка минеральной плотности

альвеолярных отделов челюстей методом ультразвуковой остеометрии. Российская
стоматология. 2014;7(1):16-19

7. Мануйлова Э.В., Михальченко В.Ф., Яковлев А.Т. Сравнительная эффективность

лечения деструктивных форм хронического верхушечного периодонтита с применением
кальцийсодержащих препаратов // Современные проблемы науки и образования. - 2013. -
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8. Shomurodov


Features of cytokine balance in gingival fluid at

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Alimova D.M., Eshimova P.B., Ismailova S.S., Abduganieva Sh.Kh.

Tashkent state dental institute


Inflammatory diseases of the periodontal tissues (IDD) occupy a high position

among dental diseases, this is confirmed by the results of the WHO study, which noted that
about 98% people in the world suffer from CDD. The success of treatment with conventional
methods is extremely low, often there is the transition of acute inflammatory processes into
subacute and chronic ones, the recovery processes are difficult, which causes an increasing

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Международная научная-практическая конференция


interest in non-drug methods of treatment. The article presents the analysis of the effectiveness
of the modern Plasmolifting method. This is an injection method where the patient's own plasma
is used, obtained from the patient's blood, platelet-rich plasma, which accelerates the natural
regeneration processes. Compared to other methods, it is non-toxic and is not immunoreactive,
has an anti-inflammatory effect, and reduces pain and bleeding of the gums, with its help it
becomes possible to reduce the period of restoration of periodontal tissues.

Key words

: platelet-rich plasma, PRP therapy, periodontitis treatment, Plasmolifting.

Among dental diseases, periodontal disease (P), dental caries, and its complications are

considered the most common. The result of an epidemiological survey of people of different ages
in 46 regions of Central Asia (1999) showed that only 13.8% of the surveyed aged 35–44 had a
healthy periodontium, and in the age group of 65 years and older persons with intact
periodontium was practically not observed [1]. The development of periodontal disease is
initiated by a number of local and general factors. RFP may occur under influence of both local
factors (microorganisms, dental plaque, traumatic occlusion, excessive consumption of soft,
processed foods, change in qualitative and quantitative composition of saliva, poor quality
fillings, the presence of orthodontic and orthopedic constructions in the oral cavity, abnormal
attachment of the frenulums of the lips and tongue, anomalies in the location teeth, small
vestibule of the oral cavity, trauma), and the impact of local and general factors (malnutrition,
physical inactivity, somatic pathology, metabolic disorders, immunological, hormonal, vascular
and metabolic changes, hypoxia and chronic intoxication) against the background of changes in
the reactivity of the div. The division into general and local factors is conditional since there is
no general reaction without local influence and the local reaction of the div. The action of
predominantly general factors contributes to the development of generalized forms of
periodontal disease. According to most scientific researchers, the main etiological factor in the
development of inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissue is the bacterial flora of the dental
plaques. However, the state of the protective and adaptive mechanisms of the div plays an
important role in the activation of its damaging effect [2]. The occurrence of periodontitis is
facilitated by such microorganisms as: Porphyromonas gingivalis, Treponema den ticola,
Tannerella forsythensis (Bacteroides forsythus), Fusobacterium spp., and others, they are
considered "marker" microorganisms of periodontitis. Dental plaque is a microbial biofilm that is
firmly attached to the surface of teeth and prostheses. In biofilm microbial associations are
arranged in the form of an extracellular matrix consisting of substances of organic and inorganic
origin. The microbial flora of the dental plaque is very complex, because over 500 different
species of bacteria were found in the dental plaque samples. Biofilm microorganisms are not in a
passive state but in constant interaction. One of the main advantages of biofilm is the stability of
the effects of antimicrobial drugs [3].

The data of the medical examination (primary data) are statistically processed and the

correlation-regression relationship between the studied parameters is determined. Based on the
results obtained, a mathematical model of the problem under study is compiled. This makes it
possible to study the objective and subjective causes of the development of the disease under study.

Periodontitis is a polyetiological disease, despite the introduction into the practice of all

new methods for examining patients with diseases of periodontal tissues, problems with
diagnostics and complex treatment at the present time remain relevant. Among the conservative
methods of treatment of inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues currently, numerous
preparations and their combinations appear. According to the indications, drug therapy is carried
out in combination with physical methods (drug electrophoresis, darsonvalization, fluke
tuorization, light therapy, and ultrasound therapy). Use drugs for local and general effects
(antibacterial drugs: antiseptics, antibiotics, sulfonamides, antifungals, etc.; anti-inflammatory
drugs: non-steroidal series, steroid, enzymes, proteinase inhibitors.; anabolic drugs: vitamins,
hormones, immunostimulants).

In a number of clinical cases, positive dynamics treatment by conventional methods is short-

term, more often there is only a temporary positive effect, which requires repeated visits by the patient

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Актуальные вопросы хирургической стоматологии и дентальной имплантологии


to specialists of various profiles, which affects his emotional status and quality of life [4]. A number of
authors explain this by the fact that the use of these drugs against the background of impaired
immunobiological reactivity of the organism often contributes to the transition of acute inflammatory
processes into subacute and chronic ones, making it difficult recovery processes

Theoretical foundations of platelet-rich plasma.

The first report on the use of native blood

inwound treatment was obtained in 1876 (Schede, Germany). The doctor noted that those wounds
heal fasterin which some blood was present. In 1898, in the USA, doctors Grafstrom and Elfstrom
for the first timeIn the world, injections of autologous blood in a saline solution were made for
pneumonia and tuberculosis. In 1934, V. F. Voyno-Yasenetsky published "Essays on purulent
surgery", where hisobservations during the chipping of purulent-inflammatoryfoci with the blood of
the patient himself, he laid the foundation for such a direction of medicine as autohemotherapy.
Autologous blood has been used in the treatment of boils and carbuncles. A new stage in the
development of regenerativemedicine was the creation and use of injectionforms of platelet
autoplasma developedin 2003 by Russian scientists: Professor Renat Rashitovich Akhmerov and
Ph.D. Roman Feliksovich Zarudiy. Then it wasthe original name of the technique was proposed —
PlasmoliftingТМ [5, 6]. Autoplasma enriched with platelets is currently widely used in various
sections of the field of medicine: appliedin surgery, dentistry, traumatology and orthopedics,sports
medicine, cosmetology and dermatology,andcombustiology.

Platelet autoplasma modulates and regulates the function of primary, secondary, and tertiary

factors of growth, affecting all stages of regeneration simultaneously. During plasmolifting, local
stimulation occurs in regenerative processes in tissues in a number of dental procedures. Its task is to
achieve not only the removal of the inflammatory process of the periodontium, but also to start the
process of natural restoration of the color, shape, and structure of the gum tissue, and prevent bone
loss. (Mazloyeva V. G., Mazloyeva M. G., Khetagurov S. K., 1999).

The Plasmolifting technique is simple, and effective, not requiring high costs. As a result

of the inclusion of platelet autoplasma in complex therapy, it becomes possible to reduce the
treatment time and achieve stability of the result obtained for a longer period.


Аскаров М.А., Азимов А.М., Азимов И.М.

Ташкентский государственный стоматологический институт


В структуре стоматологических заболеваний пациенты с одонтогенными

кистами челюстей занимают важное место. Радикулярные кисты составляют 94-96% среди
одонтогенных кист челюстей, выявляющихся у взрослых. Наиболее частая локализация
радикулярных кист на верхней челюсти, реже – на нижней [1,3,5]. Несмотря на современные
консервативные методики лечения, нуждаемость в хирургическом лечении одонтогенных кист
не уменьшается. Основным хирургическим методом лечения одонтогенных кист челюстей
является операция цистэктомия, реже – цистотомия [2,4,5].

Цель исследования:

Обосновать ценность использования декомпрессионного

метода лечения радикулярных кист.

Материалы и методы:

6 больным с диагнозом «Радикулярная киста», была

проведена компьютерная томография челюстно-лицевой области. По результатам
исследования был выявлен очаг деструкции костной ткани в боковом отделе нижней
челюсти в области 36, 37, 38. Под местной инфильтрационной анестезией Sol. Articaini
1:100000 - 1,5мл проведен вертикальный разрез мягких тканей в проекции апекса
дистального корня 3.6 зуба длиной 0,5 см. Проведено скелетирование компактной
пластинки фронтального отдела нижней челюсти.

Визуальных изменений костной ткани не выявлено (узуры, деформации). При помощи

шаровидной фрезы проведено вскрытие костной полости. Диаметр трепанационного
отверстия составил 0,5 см. Из полости кости под давлением эвакуировано около 5 мл

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