Информационные технологии обеспечения эффективности и качества юридических услуг

Бекназарова, С., & Джаумитбаева, М. (2022). Информационные технологии обеспечения эффективности и качества юридических услуг. Современные тенденции развития цифровизации в сфере юстиции, 1(1), 65–70. https://doi.org/10.47689/978-9943-7818-1-8-MTDDFJ-2021-pp65-70
Саида Бекназарова, Ташкентский университет информационных технологий имени Мухаммада аль-Хорезми

профессор, доктор технических наук



В статье рассматриваются вопросы развития информационных технологий, которые ускорили процесс коммуникации, изменили подход к систематизации, хранению и поиску документов, рассматриваются применение инструментов из информационной среды, которые помогают юристам быстрее получать необходимые для работы данные, автоматизировать процесс предоставления юридической услуги. Новые технологии в юридической практике в настоящее время являются очень популярными и представляют собой приоритетную важность для развития права в стране. Благодаря их внедрению возможности как физических, так и юридических лиц (в том числе органов государственного и местного управления) расширяются. Технологии в юриспруденции представляют собой систему с актуализированными действиями внешнего проявления, которые основываются на прогнозах, принципах и планах. К ней относят операции должностных лиц, физических лиц, органов, имеющих компетенцию в издании (реализации, толковании, систематизации и т.д.) правовых актов, имеющих нормативную силу. В ходе этих действий используются необходимые ресурсы, правила, средства, способы и приёмы. В настоящее время технологии в правовой сфере становятся менее консервативными и развиваются по следующим направлениям: 1) автоматизируются типовые услуги юристов: благодаря этому граждане могут решать вопросы онлайн без помощи юриста; 2) создаются специальные сайты, где можно зарегистрировать бизнес, задекларировать доходы и подготовить несложные договоры, а также исковые заявления; 3) запускаются интернет-площадки, которые имеют формат каталогов: благодаря им снижается стоимость услуг юристов, так как конкуренция прозрачна. Работа юристов тоже автоматизируется. Это происходит за счёт создаваемых CRM, а также систем документооборота. Это явление распространено во всем мире и в разных направлениях, не только в экономике.

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background image

“Adliya sohasida raqamlashtirishni rivojlantirishning zamonaviy tendensiyalari”

xalqaro konferensiya materiallari (2021-yil 14-dekabr)


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texnika fanlar doktori, professor

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Toshkent davlat yuridik universiteti Ixtisoslashtirilgan filiali



Beknazarova Saida Safibullayevna

Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad

Al-Khwarizmi, professor, doctor of technical science

Jaumitbayeva Mexriban Karamatdin kizi

Specialized branch of Tashkent state law university



Бекназарова Саида Сафибуллаевна

Ташкентский университет информационных технологий имени Мухаммада



Хорезми, профессор, доктор технических наук

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Специализированный филиал Ташкентского государственного юридического






maqolada aloqa jarayonini tezlashtiradigan, hujjatlarni

tizimlashtirish, saqlash va qidirish yondashuvini o‘zgartirgan axborot

texnologiyalarini rivojlantirish masalalari ko‘rib chiqiladi, yuristlarga ish uchun

zarur bo‘lgan ma’lumotlarni tezroq olish, huquqiy xizmatni taqdim etish

jarayonini avtomatlashtirishga yordam beradigan axborot muhitidan vositalarni

qo‘llash ko‘rib chiqiladi. Huquqiy amaliyotda yangi texnologiyalar bugungi kunda

juda mashhur bo‘lib, mamlakatda huquqni rivojlantirish uchun ustuvor

ahamiyatga ega. Ularning joriy etilishi natijasida jismoniy va yuridik shaxslarning

(shu jumladan, davlat va mahalliy boshqaruv organlarining) imkoniyatlari


Huquqshunoslikdagi texnologiyalar prognozlar, prinsiplar va rejalarga

asoslangan tashqi ko‘rinishning dolzarb harakatlariga ega bo‘lgan tizimdir. Bu

normativ kuchga ega bo‘lgan huquqiy hujjatlarni chop etish (amalga oshirish, talqin

qilish, tizimlashtirish va h.k.) vakolatiga ega bo‘lgan mansabdor shaxslar, jismoniy

shaxslar, organlarning operatsiyalarini o‘z ichiga oladi. Ushbu harakatlar davomida

zarur resurslar, qoidalar, vositalar, usullar va texnikalar qo‘llaniladi.

background image

“Adliya sohasida raqamlashtirishni rivojlantirishning zamonaviy tendensiyalari”

xalqaro konferensiya materiallari (2021-yil 14-dekabr)


Bugungi kunda huquqiy sohadagi texnologiyalar kamroq konservativ bo‘lib,

quyidagi yo‘nalishlarda rivojlanmoqda: 1) standart xizmatlar avtomatlashtirish:

fuqarolar yuridik yordamisiz onlayn muammolarni hal qilish mumkin


2) biznesni

ro‘yxatdan o‘tkazish, daromadlarni e’lon qilish va oddiy shartnomalar, shuningdek,

da’vo arizalarini tayyorlash mumkin bo‘lgan maxsus saytlar yaratiladi; 3)


formati mavjud bo‘lgan internet saytlar ishga tushirildi: ular tufayli advokatlar

xizmatlarining narxi kamayadi, chunki raqobat shaffof. Yuristlar ishi ham

avtomatlashtiriladi. Bu CRM tomonidan yaratilgan, shuningdek, ish oqimi tizimlari

bilan bog‘liq. Bu hodisa nafaqat iqtisodiyotda, balki butun dunyoda va turli

yo‘nalishlarda keng tarqalgan.

Kalit so‘zlar:

yuridik xizmatlarning samaradorligi, sifatini ta’minlovchi

axborot texnologiyalari


The article discusses the development of information technologies

that have accelerated the communication process, changed the approach to

systematization, storage and search of documents, considers the use of tools from

the information environment that help lawyers to quickly obtain the data

necessary for work, automate the process of providing legal services. New

technologies in legal practice are currently very popular and are of priority

importance for the development of law in the country. Thanks to their

implementation, the capabilities of both individuals and legal entities (including

state and local government bodies) are expanding. Technologies in law are a

system with actualized actions of external manifestation, which are based on

forecasts, principles and plans. It includes operations of officials, individuals,

bodies that have competence in the publication (implementation, interpretation,

systematization, etc.) of legal acts that have regulatory force. In the course of these

actions, the necessary resources, rules, means, methods and techniques are used.

Currently, technologies in the legal field are becoming less conservative and are

developing in the following areas: 1) standard legal services are automated:

thanks to this, citizens can solve issues online without the help of a lawyer;

2) special websites are created where you can register a business, declare income

and prepare simple contracts, as well as statements of claim; 3)

Internet sites are

launched that have a catalog format: thanks to them, the cost of legal services is

reduced, since competition is transparent. The work of lawyers is also automated.

This is due to the created CRM, as well as document management systems.


information technologies, ensuring the efficiency, quality of legal



в статье рассматриваются вопросы развития

информационных технологий, которые ускорили процесс коммуникации,

изменили подход к систематизации, хранению и поиску документов,

рассматриваются применение инструментов из информационной среды,

которые помогают юристам быстрее получать необходимые для работы

данные, автоматизировать процесс предоставления юридической услуги.

background image

“Adliya sohasida raqamlashtirishni rivojlantirishning zamonaviy tendensiyalari”

xalqaro konferensiya materiallari (2021-yil 14-dekabr)


Новые технологии в юридической практике в настоящее время являются

очень популярными и представляют собой приоритетную важность для

развития права в стране. Благодаря их внедрению возможности как

физических, так и юридических лиц (в том числе органов государственного и

местного управления) расширяются. Технологии в юриспруденции

представляют собой систему с актуализированными действиями внешнего

проявления, которые основываются на прогнозах, принципах и планах. К ней

относят операции должностных лиц, физических лиц, органов, имеющих

компетенцию в издании (реализации, толковании, систематизации и т.д.)

правовых актов, имеющих нормативную силу. В ходе этих действий

используются необходимые ресурсы, правила, средства, способы и приёмы. В

настоящее время технологии в правовой сфере становятся менее

консервативными и развиваются по следующим направлениям:


автоматизируются типовые услуги юристов: благодаря этому граждане

могут решать вопросы онлайн без помощи юриста; 2)


специальные сайты, где можно зарегистрировать бизнес, задекларировать

доходы и подготовить несложные договоры, а также исковые заявления;


запускаются интернет


площадки, которые имеют формат каталогов:

благодаря им снижается стоимость услуг юристов, так как конкуренция

прозрачна. Работа юристов тоже автоматизируется. Это происходит за

счёт создаваемых


, а также систем документооборота. Это явление

распространено во всем мире и в разных направлениях, не только в экономике.

Ключевые слова:

информационные технологии, обеспечивающие

эффективность, качество юридических услуг



The development of information technologies has accelerated the

communication process, changed the approach to systematization, storage and

search of documents. There are programs for fast online messaging. It is no

longer necessary to study the documents in material form, digital copies are

available. These and other innovations have influenced the legal sphere. The use

of tools from the information environment has helped lawyers get the data they

need to work faster. Narrow-profile training materials have become available.

You no longer need to waste time searching for the latest edition of the

necessary regulatory legal act, to have it before your eyes in print until the next

edition. Thanks to information developments, lawyers were able to devote more

time to their main tasks. Technologies have made it possible to automate many

processes related to document management. The use of information technology

in law, the work of lawyers has been optimized as much as possible by reference

and automate

d systems [1].

Reference legal systems is a computer database created for informational

support of the work of lawyers and specialists of related professions. The database

includes: regulatory legal acts, judicial practice, article-by-article comments,

professional legal journals, legal literature. The elements are linked by cross-

background image

“Adliya sohasida raqamlashtirishni rivojlantirishning zamonaviy tendensiyalari”

xalqaro konferensiya materiallari (2021-yil 14-dekabr)


references, version histories, and search. The introduction of this information

product made it possible to make available the latest editions of regulatory legal

acts around the clock from anywhere.

Earlier systematization of documents took a lot of time to search for sources

in an already sorted data array. This often led to loss of information, false

conclusions and errors. Automated information systems for lawyers are

responsible for storing, ensuring effective search and transmission of information

on relevant requests. Access to AIS, unlike help systems, is limited. The system

contains classified information about search activities, special examinations and is

used exclusively for official purposes. The introduction of AIS allowed employees to

reduce the time for interaction with different structural divisions and receive the

necessary information on time [2].

The information industry has introduced various electronic devices into

human life. Their use is designed for a wide range of consumers and does not

depend on their profession. In the legal field, some devices have become

indispensable. Actively used: photo and video cameras, DVRs, microphones,

voice recorders. With the help of these devices, information that is evidentiary in

nature is recorded on electronic media. Videoconferencing allows you not to call

the participants of the process to the courtroom at the judicial stages of the

consideration of cases, when physical presence is not necessary. Also, a personal

meeting of a lawyer with a client is not always mandatory. Messengers help to

give advice at a convenient time. There are entire communities on social

networks where professionals answer the audience’s legal questi

ons [3].


New technologies in legal practice are currently very popular and are of

priority importance for the development of law in the country. Thanks to their

implementation, the capabilities of both individuals and legal entities (including

state and local government bodies) are expanding.

Technologies in law are a system with actualized actions of external

manifestation, which are based on forecasts, principles and plans. It includes

operations of officials, individuals, bodies that have competence in the

publication (implementation, interpretation, systematization, etc.) of legal acts

that have regulatory force. In the course of these actions, the necessary

resources, rules, means, methods and techniques are used.

Currently, technologies in the legal field are becoming less conservative

and are developing in the following areas: 1. standard legal services are

automated: thanks to this, citizens can solve issues online without the help of a

lawyer; 2. special websites are created where you can

register a business,

declare income and prepare simple contracts, as well as statements of claim;

3. Internet sites are launched that have a catalog format: thanks to them, the cost

of legal services is reduced, since competition is transparent. The work of

lawyers is also automated. This is due to the created CRM, as well as document

management systems [4].

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“Adliya sohasida raqamlashtirishni rivojlantirishning zamonaviy tendensiyalari”

xalqaro konferensiya materiallari (2021-yil 14-dekabr)



This phenomenon is widespread all over the world and in different

directions, not only in the economy.

The blockchain, which is currently popular and developing, is having an

increasing impact on the field of jurisprudence. It operates in conjunction with

distributed registry technology. A blockchain is a chain consisting of blocks

arranged sequentially and continuously according to certain rules. This chain

carries information of various types and nature. Blockchain has an impact on

three categories: Lawyers. Law.

Legal services. The following legal services fall heavily under the influence

of blockchain: Legal Information Systems. Blockchain simplifies access to them.

Legal infrastructure. Computer, as well as computing law. It is common in the

automation and computerization of decision-making processes, as well as legal

regulation. It is worth noting that the blockchain in the field of law is just

beginning its development and experts believe that in the future lawyers will

need to improve skills that relate to new technologies. Law firms will not be able

to exist without the introduction of blockchain and automation systems in them.

Efficiency and quality of legal technology: among the quality parameters of

modern regulatory legal acts, it is customary to distinguish the following:

regulating reality in its real manifestation, existing conditions of life of society of

various kinds (economic, spiritual, political, national, social, religious and

others). In addition, they should assess the prospects for development. They

must be scientifically substantiated, reasoned and reliable. Their presentation

should also be impeccable, that is, concise and understandable. All law-making

decisions must be prepared quickly and reflect the needs that have matured in

the regulated sphere at various levels. Regulatory legal acts should be stable, not

contain errors, gaps, collisions, etc.


The scientific direction has not spared legal technologies, which are

constantly developing. According to the theory, legal activity is impossible

without new technologies aimed at the formation of the stability of the legal

system, necessary for the promulgation of regulatory legal acts of various types

(both federal and at the level of the subjects of the country). They are accepted

using certain technologies, tools, techniques, principles and rules. However, this

concept contradicts itself in some points, since sustainability is conservatism.

This theory assumes that development should be stable. To ensure this

principle, it is necessary to observe the consistency of planning documents on

goals, activities, priorities, as well as other resources. However, the mechanisms

needed to support the results, as well as the evaluation of the system of

legislative actions. This reduces the effectiveness of strategic planning, and does

not properly contribute to development [4].

Information technologies, legal aspects have become available to a wide

mass of the population – students of specialized specialties, ordinary citizens,

employees of related professions. Employees of the legal profile optimized the

performance of everyday tasks and were able to concentrate not on the routine

search for the necessary documents, but on important and urgent matters.

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“Adliya sohasida raqamlashtirishni rivojlantirishning zamonaviy tendensiyalari”

xalqaro konferensiya materiallari (2021-yil 14-dekabr)





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Latyshev D.S. A brief overview of information technologies used in legal

activity // Innovative Science.

– 2017. – No. 10. – PP. 14–17. Masyuk M.A. Analysis and

visualization of interrelations of normative legal documents in reference legal systems

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Rak I.P. Information technologies in the activities of law enforcement

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Библиографические ссылки

Bulgakova E. V., Bulgakov V.G. Storage of video archives of data on dynamic signs of a person intended for solving criminalistic tasks // Legal Informatics. – 2013. – No. 4. – PP. 28–31.

Drapezo R.G., Sergeev O.D., Zharikov E.V., Lyashchenko I.V., Bydantsev N.A.A brief overview of IT technologies used in legal activity // Bulletin of KemGU. – 2013. – № 3 (55). – PP. 306–312.

Latyshev D.S. A brief overview of information technologies used in legal activity // Innovative Science. – 2017. – No. 10. – PP. 14–17. Masyuk M.A. Analysis and visualization of interrelations of normative legal documents in reference legal systems // Siberian Journal of Science and Technology. – 2011. – № 2 (35). – PP. 40–45.

Rak I.P. Information technologies in the activities of law enforcement agencies // Innovative science. – 2016. – № 2-3 (14). – PP. 132–135.

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