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Alauatdinova, R. (2023). ABOUT THE SUBJECT AND HISTORY OF PEDAGOGICAL DIAGNOSTICS. Modern Science and Research, 2(7), 445–449. Retrieved from https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/science-research/article/view/22270


In this article, the history of the formation and development of Pedagogical diagnostics. In the social policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, to create harmony between the individual and the society through the realization of national identity, assimilation of national and universal values, to research the abilities, internal capabilities, and unique individual-psychological characteristics of pupils and students, also mentioned about development.

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Alauatdinova Raushan Maxmutovna

Master of Nukus State Pedagogical Institute



In this article, the history of the formation and development of Pedagogical

diagnostics. In the social policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, to create harmony between the
individual and the society through the realization of national identity, assimilation of national and
universal values, to research the abilities, internal capabilities, and unique individual-
psychological characteristics of pupils and students, also mentioned about development.

Key word:

Pedagogical diagnosis, Karlheinz Ingenkamp, knowledge, Misdiagnosis,





В данной статье рассматривается история становления и развития

педагогической диагностики. В социальной политике Республики Узбекистан,
направленной на создание гармонии между личностью и обществом посредством
реализации национальной идентичности, усвоения национальных и общечеловеческих
ценностей, исследования способностей, внутренних возможностей и уникальных
индивидуально-психологических особенностей учащихся и студенток, также упоминается
о развитии.

Ключевое словa:

Педагогический диагноз, Карлхайнц Ингенкамп, знание,

ошибочный диагноз, индивид.

Diagnostics - in Greek: "dia" means "transparent", "gnosiphi" means "knowledge". means)

specific information about the organized object or process serves as a general means of obtaining.

The term "pedagogical diagnosis" was first coined by a German scientist in 1968

Introduced to science by Karlheinz Ingenkamp.

Analysis of the spiritual and educational process in society with the help of pedagogical

diagnostics and the guaranteed results of education are determined. In diagnosis not only the
summarization of the results of education, but also the dynamics of changes in the system are
observed, the existing shortcomings are eliminated.

Pedagogical, serving to optimize the educational process Diagnostics is considered an

integral part of every planned educational process, and the student to constantly monitor how the
material is mastered, educational serves to find a solution to the problem in the process.
Pedagogical difficulties arising in the educational process with the help of diagnostics will be
studied, and ways to eliminate it will be established.

If the importance of diagnosis (diagnosis) from the point of view of the medical field if we

see that the disease, its symptoms and the causes of its origin are correctly identified, as a result of
the treatment, it is possible for the patient to recover. A wrong diagnosis does not only destroy the
action of the doctor, but also the recovery of the patient. can also reduce the possibility. This is
what is said about the health of the div thoughts are just as relevant to mental health. Hence the
diagnosis is an activity that requires high skill and responsibility.

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It is much easier to diagnose the physical development of a person. One for that after

performing a series of exercises, a conclusion can be drawn based on its result.

But it is much more difficult to diagnose mental, spiritual, intellectual and social

development difficult. The methods used for this purpose are still quite complex. it cannot be said
that it will always give the right result. Learning in pedagogical practice pedagogic-psychologists
and teachers are special qualities of personality learn, but depending on these results, to all
components of development they are not always able to make a general assessment.

Determining the result in the process of planned and targeted teaching and upbringing

Necessity created pedagogical diagnostics. Of course, this is in its essence results are determined
by simple pedagogical methods.A number of research scientists (G. Royleke, R. Rollet, K.
Leongard, A. Bass, E.Lichko, A. Shmelev) pedagogical diagnosis-"pedagogical activity". the
process of obtaining information necessary for facilitation.

H. Feger, N. Petillon, V. Bogatskyi "...pedagogical diagnostic psychological separated

from diagnosis" - they put forward the opinion. Development theories of pedagogical diagnostics
can be divided into 3 periods. The first period, based on the views of ancient scholars, continued
until the 21st century the period of advanced research theories. This period can be called a
philosophical-literary period. In this period, to study the problems related to the moral and social
nature of a person the main attention was paid.

That is why the initial definitions of a person had a much broader meaning. In this

definition, what applies to the human personality is his biology, psychology, behavior, culture,
spirituality, etc. were included. Second period. From the end of the 19th century to the second half
of the 20th century does it include continuation.

That is, during this period, pedagogues develop their personality It is the period that

contributed to learning and research. Because it is During this period, investigations were carried
out to study the human personality in clinical conditions. In particular, in this period, introversion
refers to the individual, that is, his inner self Immerse yourself in your problems and pay attention
to the events around you decrease), extroversion, that is, the environment that surrounds a person,
the mind to the environment focused and preoccupied with it, the loss of attention to oneself), It is
known that excitement is a characteristic of a person with a high level of excitement feelings of
fear and excitement, rigidity in psychological and social situations (inhibition of thinking, i.e.
judgment or thinking once received and the difficult situation of abandoning the method of
movement) inhibition (to the instigators weakening of countermovement), waking state (under the
influence of stimuli such as a high level of excitement and its traces remaining for a certain time).
psychological conditions were studied.

But during this period, the positive feelings of the person, abilities, cultural, spiritual, and

a number of similar qualities diagnosis did not develop. Criticism of a number of scientists who
defined pedagogical diagnostics by K. Klauer under it, expresses the following opinion:
"Pedagogical diagnosis (diagnosis) it is difficult to perform tasks at the same time.

Pedagogical diagnostics from a set of attempts to make an actual pedagogical decision,

verdict consists of Russian scientist V. I. Zverev: "Pedagogical diagnosis is a different pedagogy
situational learning, identification of the diversity of the participants of the educational system it
is a process of knowing the level of abilities3", - puts forward the opinion. Another Russian
scientist, L. Denyakina: » Pedagogical diagnostics is a pedagogue's determining individual-

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qualification qualities in the diagnosis of the educational process, help in the creative development
of the individual, the success of the pedagogical team is an increasing activity. Pedagogical
diagnosis of the effectiveness of the educational process it is used for improvement, content
enrichment and attestation" - he writes. As we can see, the term pedagogical diagnosis today has
many rates are found. Summarize all the descriptions and comment as follows It is possible:
pedagogical diagnosis-pedagogical personality and communication with him to study and analyze
the results of the introductory pedagogical system, is the process of improving efficiency. must
understand the importance of the goal.

The essence of education is different there are theories. Increase education (teachers,

coaches, parents) the most common understanding is that it affects children. Adults in this in
accordance with the ideals, goals, tasks, norms, requirements that he considers correct influence is
taken into account, of course.

This understanding of education is close to reality, however, it is one-sided and reflects

only a certain part of the educational process makes In giving such a definition of education, the
object is focused on the influence of adults on the child considered only as "The main goal of
pedagogical diagnosis is initiative and if it refers to the education of an independent person, it is
to the student gives the role of an active subject in the pedagogic process". So it's continuous
spiritual and moral, intellectual and other qualities of the participants of the educational system
For diagnosis, it is necessary to study advanced pedagogical experience.

Foreign scientists: Ingo Hartmann, Karlheinz Ingenkamp, Linert, Fricke, Luhmann,

Rorschach, Diederich, Heginger, Bachmeir (Germany); Bolsho, Burke, Rollet, Royleke (England);
George Fisher, James Rice, T. Stone (Amenka); A. V. Mudrik, V. D. Semyonova, G. N. Filova,
S. D. Smirnov, I. V. Dubrovina, Y. Langmeyer, G. M. Breslav, L. P. Fridman, I. Rogov (Russia)
issues of pedagogical diagnostics in the educational system researched.

The formation of views on pedagogical diagnostics in Uzbekistan.
The development of pedagogical diagnostics in the 20th century. Pedagogical in

Uzbekistan diagnostics is one of the new fields of science with its own history. in 1991 of
pedagogical diagnostics after our country gained independence wide opportunities were created
for its development. Educational work in our society intellectual development of young people in
the organization, increasing their intellectual potential, they have love for the Motherland, national
pride, communication etiquette, Uzbek and so on as high as understanding and honoring world
culture, art, and national monuments great attention was paid to the formation of human virtues.

Especially 1997 Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education" and Personnel After

the adoption of the National program of training, pedagogical diagnosis and education it is
important in increasing the efficiency of the educational process, in evaluating the quality of
education is taking a leading place in solving educational tasks. Scientists of our republic: E.
Ghaziyev, G'. Shoumarov, M. Kuronov, 0. Torayeva, R. MavlonovaO. Musurmonova's spiritual
image of youth formation, development and national independence in the consciousness of every
member of the society study of issues of inculcating ideas, creating ideological immunity and their
scientific and practical schools to find solutions to these problems managed to create.

Today, Professor E. Ghaziyev's "Student in the higher education system diagnosing mental

abilities of my student", M. Kuronov's "To the mind of YOUTH such as inculcating ideas of
national independence and creating ideological immunity The pedagogy of our society is making

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good use of the methodology.Uzbek scientists - B. Kadirov, O. Hasanboyeva, Sh. A. Abdullayeva,
K. Determining the professional competence of Zaripov, Qurbaniyozova teachers, Diagnosing the
level of upbringing of the young person, whether there is a behavioral defect correcting, adolescent
and adolescent students should choose a profession conducted scientific research on the issues of
orientation and special methods managed to create and the science of pedagogical diagnostics in
Uzbekistan contributed to its formation as Today, B. Kadirov's "Talents and abilities of students
diagnosis", O. Hasanboyeva's "Little school-age student Diagnosing abilities", K. Zaripov's
"Professional readiness of my teacher diagnosis", SH.A. Abdullayeva's "The level of upbringing
of your adolescent methods of diagnosis and correction of behavioral defects is implemented in
the continuous education system and gives effective results.

Uzbek scientists - R.H. Djurayev, J.G'. Yoldoshev, B. Khodjayev, Diagnosing the

professional activity of the heads of D. Roziyeva's educational institutions, conducting scientific
research on the issues of monitoring the quality of education they went Economic and social
changes taking place in our country, formation of the economy in an innovative direction, to the
world economy integration of quality education, which is one of the urgent issues before the
educational system sets the task of implementation and training of quality specialists. Of the
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, adopted on August 15, 2017 "Five priorities for the
development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021 Strategy of Actions in the direction of
the new content in the country the task of creating a continuous education system was set, with
new content in its composition and the formation of an essentially innovative educational system
as the main direction was determined.

These are not only management problems, but also subjects of the educational process

improvement of technologies of innovative organization of activities, due to diagnosis defines the
tasks of doing and learning. So, it is innovative in the education system One of the first steps in
organizing the process is to be an innovative teacher diagnosing readiness for the pedagogical
process, setting goals, planning, etc is to provide learning of forecasting processes. This condition
is a pedagogic diagnosis (self-diagnosis), parents, pedagogues diagnose the student div by;
resources, authorized specialists and research carried out by methodologists of education
departments also covers directions.

The meaning of the concepts of "activity" and "activity" in the development of a person

incomparable. Great people work tirelessly to achieve excellence in their fields those who did. A
person can achieve high results with his effort and activity, it is necessary to work on oneself in
order to realize abilities and talents. Thus, it is pedagogical in the rational organization of the
educational process diagnosis:

- firstly, facilitating the process of individual education;
- secondly, based on the demand of the society, the results of education in advance provide

prediction, determination of effectiveness;

- thirdly, to correctly choose a specific educational direction and specialty will help.



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