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Umarov, S. (2024). IMPROVING THE SYSTEM FOR DEVELOPING SOCIO-CULTURAL COMPETENCIES IN STUDENTS. Modern Science and Research, 3(1), 1–3. Retrieved from


This article discusses the improvement of the system for developing socio-cultural competencies among students. Moreover, the main approaches to the implementation of the competency-based approach in the conditions of modern education are revealed based on the ideas of scientific teachers and methodologists on the content of education; The structure of competence is considered through the characteristics of value, cognitive, behavioral components and their main content on the educational process.

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Umarova Saniya



Tashkent University of Applied Sciences, Gavhar Str. 1, Tashkent 100149, Uzbekistan


socio-cultural competence, students, educational system, formation, modern education.


This article discusses the improvement of the system for developing socio-cultural competencies among
students. Moreover, the main approaches to the implementation of the competency-based approach in the
conditions of modern education are revealed based on the ideas of scientific teachers and methodologists on
the content of education; The structure of competence is considered through the characteristics of value,
cognitive, behavioral components and their main content on the educational process.


Currently, society is going through a difficult

stage of reassessment of social and moral standards
of life. This process is complex, often accompanied
by a deformation of value orientations, a serious
distortion of sociocultural competencies, ideas about
the prestige of education, professionalism, and

Each generation builds its own model of life - a

sociocultural space consisting of certain meanings of
leading concepts, a system of symbols, a system of
values, sociocultural competencies and norms. It is in
this space that the identification of the individual as a
social subject and professional occurs. We call the
density and coverage of culturally significant
meanings in the activities and relationships of people
sociocultural space. It is characterized by the
saturation of any social object with sociocultural
competence and semantic content in terms of its
compliance with the culture of a given society.

In the context of the rapidly gaining momentum

of the process of global integration, new requirements
are being put forward for the individual, the main
asset of which should be a common culture and
universal human values, the ability and desire to
independently improve in their activities and
participate in the formation of sociocultural

However, current sociocultural processes are so

dynamic that their identification, and even more
detailed consideration, requires the development of
new views on the study of sociocultural


Competence and competency are relatively new

concepts, and therefore necessitate specification and
clarification. In recent years, a large number of works
have appeared in the scientific literature containing
various definitions of competence. The range of these
definitions is so wide and sometimes contradictory
that we can safely say that modern science faces
challenges related to the definition, identification and
justification of competencies (basic, key, supra-
subject, subject-specific and others) and their
structure, development of approaches to their
assessment as a result of education.

So, N.F. Efremova, adhering to the synergetic

approach, notes: “Competencies are generalized and

deeply formed qualities of a person, her ability to
most universally use and apply acquired knowledge

and skills”; “a set of knowledge, skills and abilities

that allow a subject to adapt to changing conditions,

... the ability to act and survive in given conditions”






“competence” includes knowledge, abilities, skills, as

well as methods and techniques for their

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implementation in activities, in communication, and
personal development (self-

development)” [1].

According to A.V. Khutorskoy, competence is a

set of interrelated personality qualities (knowledge,
abilities, skills, methods of activity), specified in
relation to a certain range of objects, processes, and
necessary to act in a qualitatively productive manner
in relation to them. The researcher has determined a
list of key educational competencies based on the
main goals of general education, the structural
representation of social experience and the personal
experience of the student, allowing him to master
social experience, gain life skills and practical
activities in society. The author identifies seven key
educational competencies: value-semantic, general







improvement competence [2].

According to V.A. Bolotova, V.V. Serikov’s

nature of competence is a consequence of the

individual’s self

-development, his not so much

technological as personal growth, a consequence of
self-organization and generalization of activity and
personal experience. Competence is a way of
existence of knowledge, skills, education, promoting
personal self-

realization, finding a student’s place in

the world, as a result of which education appears as
highly motivated and, in the true sense, personality-
oriented, ensuring the demand for personal potential,
recognition of the individual by others and awareness
of his own importance [1].

In the conditions of the sociocultural space, all the

above definitions emphasize the activity-based
approach to competencies. However, let us turn to the
analysis of the essence of the value approach. Thus,
the French philosopher M. Dufresne in his, as he

called, “inventory description of natural categories”

identified three classes of values: goods aimed at
possession - pleasant, useful and beautiful; benefits
addressed to knowledge - true; goods addressed to
respect - sacred, humane, fair.

O.G. Drobinsky and V.P. Tugarins divide values

into two groups: life values: life, health, joy of life,
communication with people, etc. and cultural values

material: equipment, housing, food, clothing, etc.,

socio-political: public order, peace, security,
freedom, equality, humanity, spiritual: education,
science, art [3]. However, it should be noted that
values are created by society in the process of its
development, and they also determine the
development of this society, and the life of society
begins to depend more and more on the values it
produces. Thus, value orientations are guidelines for
human activity that encourage the fulfillment of

socially significant goals and are based on the
formation of thinking and worldview.

Values are found in society, since values are the

social existence of an object, phenomenon, etc.
Therefore, the process of revaluation of values occurs
constantly, along with the development of society and
the individual. The value approach allows us to
highlight the inner side of the relationship between
the individual and society, to see the personal aspect

of the student’s orientation towards values and

sociocultural competence.

In the definition of A.Yu. Polenova sociocultural

competence is defined as the ability of an individual
to act consciously and productively in a situation of
uncertainty. Positively solve vital problems of
society, subjectively comprehending the possibilities
of response behavior options for everyone, entering
into social interaction with it, accepting various forms
of cultural self-expression and creativity of positively
oriented social groups and individuals as they master
social space [3].





competence from the position of a value approach and

emphasizes “sociocultural competence is manifested

in activity and is organically connected with value
attitudes towards activity, personal interest in this

ty” [2].

In his research, M. S. Kagan noted that the

cataclysms that occurred in the twentieth century
showed that only the organization of joint actions of
people could allow the survival of the human race. In
addition, it is for this reason that today new systems
of values are beginning to crystallize, with a new
hierarchy of their interactions and a new dominant.
The highest place in this hierarchy should be
occupied by existential values, which, in turn,
determine meaning and life positions [3].

Based on the views of T.V. Borovikova, A.Yu.

Polenova, M.S. Kagan let us formulate a definition of
sociocultural competence. Sociocultural competence,
in our opinion, is the integration of knowledge,
abilities, skills that contribute to the self-realization
of student in determining the meaning and life
positions that ensure the formation of the moral
stability of the individual: to withstand life's trials in
the conditions of their development of the
sociocultural space. Sociocultural competence is
defined as the ability and readiness to implement
knowledge, abilities, skills, and practical experience
in real conditions of professional activity.

The focus of the learning process on the

development of sociocultural competence of students,
improvement of their self-educational activities, as
well as the development of general culture should be

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considered today as a general education strategy
(value-semantic, value-statutory, value-oriented
competencies). Sociocultural competence acts as the
goal and result of preparing a student for sociocultural
interaction with society.

Modern sociocultural conditions actualize the

need to educate modern students with sociocultural
competencies and a system of value relations towards
their homeland, its spiritual identity. Modern youth
have changed their attitude towards such values as
national culture, public recognition, honor,
interesting work, a sense of national pride, social
equality, hard work, a sense of duty, internationalism,
collectivism, etc., inherent in the Soviet period. The
system of sociocultural competence, like any other
system, successfully develops and functions only
under certain conditions.


Thus, under these conditions we consider ways

and means of interaction between a set of measures
in the educational process aimed at developing
sociocultural competence. Having examined the
modern sociocultural conditions in which the

development of students’ competencies is carried
out and, having identified the factors that
determine this process, we came to a number of
conclusions related to taking into account the
identified circumstances in the development of

students’ competencies:

- development of students’ competencies in the

educational process is determined by the socio-
cultural conditions and factors that have developed
in society;

- education of sociocultural competencies of

students must correspond to the “spirit” of the new

millennium, which is characterized by humanity’s
awareness of the need for unity and the
development of a single value consciousness,
which due to the threats that have emerged for
humanity in the new millennium. In this regard,
the priority should be: instilling in students a
value-based attitude towards humanity, man, the
Fatherland, home, nature; nurturing the ability to
cooperate and dialogue.

Scientists emphasize the instability of the

modern social world, which has largely weakened
the traditions of modern Uzbek patriotic education.
However, it is precisely in patriotism that pride is

always expressed in one’s ancestors, in the history

of one’s country, nation, and people. It is he who
expresses the national spirit, the readiness to
overcome the obstacles that history places before
the people and society.

Thus, the main task in the formation of

sociocultural competence of students remains the
formation of the moral stability of the individual:

to withstand life’s trials in the conditions of their
development of the sociocultural space.



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