Трудности в обучении английской орфографии | in Library

Трудности в обучении английской орфографии

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Давлетярова, Н. (2022). Трудности в обучении английской орфографии. in Library, 22(4), 69–72. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/20669


В последние годы роль письма в обучении иностранному язык постепенно увеличивается, и, в некотором смысле, письмо становится резервом в повышении эффективности обучения иностранному языку. Орфографическая грамотность является составной частью общей языковой культуры человека, обеспечивает точность выражения мысли и взаимопонимание при письменном общении, а потому письменная форма литературного языка отличается от устной большей сложностью своей состав. Многие методисты давно пришли к выводу, что орфографическая грамотность учащихся не достигает достаточно высокого уровня. Поэтому учителя ищут причины низкой орфографической грамотности, чтобы принять действенные меры по улучшению ситуации в этом компоненте образования.

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September-october 2022



Difficulties in teaching English spelling

Davletyarova N.I.

Tashkent pediatric medical institute;

department of foreign languages

The relevance of research.

In recent years, the role of writing in teaching a foreign

language has been gradually increasing, and, in a sense, writing is beginning reserve

in increasing the effectiveness of teaching a foreign language. Spelling literacy is an

integral part of the general language culture of a person, it ensures the accuracy of

the expression of thought and mutual understanding in written communication, and

because the written form of the literary language differs from the oral one in greater

complexity in its structure. Many methodologists have long concluded that the

spelling literacy of students does not reach a sufficiently high level.

Therefore, teachers are looking for the causes of low spelling literacy in order to

take effective measures to improve the situation in this component of education.

The purpose of the article

is to highlight the main difficulties that arise when

teaching English spelling and consider exercises to overcome them.

Spelling - spelling or a system of rules for using written characters when writing

specific words. The difficulties of the spelling of modern English lie in the fact that,

as a rule, it is not easy, and sometimes impossible, to write down a word by ear,

using the means that the graphic system of modern English has to display its

phonemic composition in writing.

According to the spelling features, the words of the English language can be

divided into 5 groups. Group I should include words that obey the phonetic writing

principle. For example, English: bed, not, sit. In these words, the number of sounds

and letters coincides, which ensures the rapid establishment of stable grapheme-

phoneme correspondences. In addition, these words are largely close to the spelling

of words in Russian, where one sound, as a rule, corresponds to one letter. It seems

appropriate to include monosyllabic and two-syllable words in which one consonant

sound transmitted by a stable letter combination of consonants to this group.

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For example, English: bench, thus, shut, sock. Although there is no complete

grapheme-phoneme correspondence in these words, they can be classified as light.

The main object of training is a stable combination of consonants.

Group II includes words in which the letter spelled but does not have a sound

equivalent. For example, English: words with an open, conditionally open syllable:

nine, lake, rose.

Group III includes words containing letter combinations that convey one sound, but

themselves consist of different letters. For example, in English: [ə:] is conveyed by

the combinations ir, er, ur.

Group IV includes words containing typical letter combinations of vowels,

consonants, vowels and consonants. It should be noted that the analysis of the school

lexical minimum from the point of view of selected groups shows that in English the

most numerous


is made up of words of IV, V groups.

Mastering the spelling of even simple words causes great difficulties for

schoolchildren at first. To overcome difficulties, students need a long training in

reading and writing in order to firmly master the grapheme-phoneme

correspondences. In order to facilitate the acquisition of reading and writing, at the

very beginning, students write in block letters, and then move on to cursive.

When teaching English, which distinguished by the complexity of grapheme-

phoneme relationships, the school uses print script, in which print and capital letters

are almost the same. Students write in cursive.

The difficulty that students face in mastering English spelling is that in addition to

the existing skills of phonetic writing, other writing skills should be formed. The

skills of mastering a holistic visual image of words, the correct spelling of which

does not correspond to their auditory image, as well as those words, the spelling of

which is not regulated by the rules existing in the English language.

To overcome the interference of already established skills, the teacher, when

teaching the spelling of these words, should use such methods of teaching spelling

in English, which would be aimed at forming the skills of memorizing a holistic

image of a particular word.

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In the practice

of teaching foreign languages, copying with the letter-by-

letter name of words (English “oral spelling”) is used. It differs from the cheating

with spelling pronunciation discussed above in that the word is not read, but is

spelled. Spelling words is especially important when there is "a sharp discrepancy

between the sound and graphic image of words."

By spelling a word, the student mentally reproduces the visual image of the word,

associates it with the sound image, and thereby consciously fixes the spelling of the

word in memory.

However, when copying with letter-by-letter naming of a word, interference

of the name of the letter and its graphic image takes place, which makes it difficult

to master the spelling. For example, the English word “one” is pronounced ‘wan’

and is spelled as follows: ou, en, i:.

The next type of exercises that we provide are copying exercises with the insertion

of missing letters. According to M.V. Ushakov, this is “the most useful technique”

for teaching words that do not obey the rules of spelling. The pass mobilizes the

activity and visual memory of students, draws the attention of the writer to a certain

spelling difficulty.

As in the multiple cheating and cheating with spelling pronunciation discussed

above, in this exercise it is possible to provide a sufficient number of repetitions of

the word being processed, and in addition, when cheating is performed with filling

in the missing spelling in the words of the common root, a hidden contrast of

interfering graphemes occurs. But here you can also take into account the fact that

the language has words whose spelling differs by one or two graphemes, for

example: “father-farther”, “weather-whether”, etc. In order to correctly fill in the

gap in such words, the student must know the meaning of each particular word.

Therefore, in the exercises under consideration, words with a gap must be

accompanied by a translation or given in a sentence so that the meaning of the words

is clear from the context.

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September-october 2022




An important component that makes up the content of teaching

writing is spelling, which is defined as spelling or a system of rules for using written

characters when writing specific words.

Spelling is one of the most problematic moments in teaching writing and it can

hardly be taught 100% all at once. Spelling errors are inevitable, but their number

can and should be reduced to a minimum if certain typological groups of difficulties

are taken into account and the students themselves develop self-control and

correction skills.

The article examined the difficulties faced by students, as well as ways to overcome

them. 5 groups of words were identified, the spelling of which students need to

master. We examined the points of view of various methodologists dealing with the

problem of teaching spelling at school.

Knowledge, and most importantly, the use of these theoretical foundations in the

process of teaching spelling is extremely important for teachers and students. But it

must be borne in mind that it is necessary to teach spelling in close cooperation with

other types of speech activity, within the framework of a single system of teaching

a foreign language.



Tennova N.I. Principles of teaching writing and the main types of spelling exercises: (On the

basis of the French language) / / Foreign. languages at school. - 1949. - No. 3. - S. 16-30.

Plakhotnikov V.M. Teaching the spelling of difficult words in English//Foreign. languages at

school. - 1978. - No. 1. - S. 90-92.

Rogova G. V. et al. Methods of teaching foreign languages in secondary school G. V. Rogova,

F. M. Rabinovich, T. E. Sakharova, - M.: Education, 1991. - 287 sl.

Nazarova L.K. Pronunciation and commenting, their place in teaching spelling // Primary

school. - 1964. - No. 8. - P.55-63.

Ushakov M.V. The study of words that are not checked by the rules in V VIII grades. – M.:

Uchpedgiz, 1960. – 66 p.

1966. - 307 p. Bogoyavlensky D.N. Psychology of mastering spelling. - M.: Enlightenment,


Rozhdestvensky N.S. Teaching spelling in elementary school. A guide for teachers. – M.:

Uchpedgiz, 1960. – 259 p.

Библиографические ссылки

Tennova N.I. Principles of teaching writing and the main types of spelling exercises: (On the basis of the French language) / / Foreign. languages at school. - 1949. - No. 3. - S. 16-30.

Plakhotnikov V.M. Teaching the spelling of difficult words in English//Foreign. languages at school. - 1978. - No. 1. - S. 90-92.

Rogova G. V. et al. Methods of teaching foreign languages in secondary school G. V. Rogova, F. M. Rabinovich, T. E. Sakharova, - M.: Education, 1991. - 287 sl.

Nazarova L.K. Pronunciation and commenting, their place in teaching spelling // Primary school. - 1964. - No. 8. - P.55-63.

Ushakov M.V. The study of words that are not checked by the rules in V VIII grades. – M.: Uchpedgiz, 1960. – 66 p.

1966. - 307 p. Bogoyavlensky D.N. Psychology of mastering spelling. - M.: Enlightenment,

Rozhdestvensky N.S. Teaching spelling in elementary school. A guide for teachers. – M.: Uchpedgiz, 1960. – 259 p.

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