Виды речевой деятельности на примере английского языка

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Давлетярова, Н. (2022). Виды речевой деятельности на примере английского языка. in Library, 22(4), 110–112. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/20691


Маломыслительный процесс имеет выразительную и логическую стороны, эти образования неразрывно связаны с восприятием речи на слух. Орудия восприятия речи на слух хорошо изучены в науке. Первый инструмент, который психологи называют языковой осведомленностью. Он призван вызывать убедительные эмоции.

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Davletyarova N.I.


Tashkent pediatric medical institute


Slightly reasoning process has

expressive and logical aspects, these makings are

indissolubly linked with the perception of speech

by ear. The instruments of speech insight by ear

are well studied in science. The first instrument,

which psychologists call language awareness.

Convinced feelings are meant to rouse.

Keywords: audio text, listening, technology,

knowledge, listening, methods, methodological

rules, activity, goal, understanding, educational


Due to the work of the internal

speech device, the speech motion analyzer works

during the understanding of the audio text. The

level of understanding depends on the repetition

of speech in inner speech. A person repeats what

he hears by imitation. Reveals unfamiliar or dif-

ficult parts of the audio text internally, and the

more repetitions in the language material, the less

repetitions there will be. Therefore, it is recom-

mended to combine spoken language and listen-

ing comprehension.

The comparison may be incorrect based on

the person’s previous experience, feelings and

emotions. The listener’s experience is understood

as a trace created by the organs of hearing and

speech movements in the brain. Recognition by

comparison. The stronger the audio signal, the

more active the recognition mechanism (prefer-

ably called the comparison and cognition mecha-

nism). The exact opposite of what is heard is not

preserved or restored in the brain, but only a trace.

The name of the next mechanism is called anti-

septic. Simply put, it’s better to figure it out in

advance. When this mechanism is activated, it is

possible to know in advance the structure of the

audio text (sentences or word forms) or its con-


Another mechanism is called logical under-

standing of audio text. Understanding, that is,

logical understanding, occurs on the basis of an-

alytical-synthetic practice of brain activity and in

the context of other possibilities. The formation

of these mechanisms develops students’ listening

skills. Listening skills are formed and developed

only by performing the necessary exercises in a

foreign language.


The methodology differentiates

between visual (pictorial) and verbal supports in

teaching listening. Maps, pictures, photographs,

diagrams, terrain plans and other graphic mate-

rials are visualized. Verbal supports can be pre-

sented in the form of keywords, plan, headings,

various questionnaires, allowing the listener to

segment the text in accordance with the proposed

method. It is important to teach schoolchildren to

find landmarks in the audio text itself (intonation-

ally highlighted words, headings and subhead-

ings, words with logical stress, rhetorical ques-

tions, repetitions).

For the fruitful teaching of listening, the cor-

rect answer to the question of the feasibility of

multiple presentation of the same audio text is of

no small importance. Presenting audio text twice

and three times in the classroom is advisable when

setting up for a subsequent retelling or discussion

of the text. Re-listening should be preceded by

the formulation of a new practical task that mo-

bilizes students for a deeper understanding. Both

domestic and foreign methodologists traditional-

ly suggest breaking the work on the text into the

following stages: 1. Pretext. 2. Text. 3. Post-text.

Teaching technology is the science of teaching

technology. Why is the concept of technology in-


In this case, it is emphasized 23 that teach-

ing is carried out on a scientific basis. The teacher

must have a div of knowledge about the forms,

methods, means, content, methods of teaching,

that is, a range of issues related to the controlla-

bility of teaching is touched upon. Special atten-

tion is paid to the diagnostically set goals, which

guarantee the achievement of the result, constant

feedback, and the reproducibility of the training

cycle. The technology of teaching any kind of

speech activity is as follows: familiarization (con-

trol), training (control), application (control). In a

simplified way, teaching listening, following the

three-step scheme presented above, can be repre-

sented as follows:

1. Briefing and pre-assignment.

2. Perception of the audio message.

3. Control of comprehension of audio text.

Materials and methods.

The labelled psychophysiological mecha-

nisms of speech perception by ear are named by

some names only for analysis. In speech, they are

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expressed as a whole. As mentioned above, spe-

cial time is devoted to listening comprehension

and specific exercises. The emphasis is on teach-

ing listening skills from the first hour of a foreign

language course to graduation. In addition to the

general requirements for the oral part of the cur-

riculum, there is a list of sentences intended for

listening comprehension only.

note that these are sentences that students

only learn when listening to the teacher. Teach-

ers also know that listening and comprehension

of lexical and grammatical material is learned

through speaking and reading. The teacher’s ex-

emplary speech is very important to the listeners.

It is necessary to follow the methodological rules,

for example, conduct a lesson in a foreign lan-

guage. Reinforcement and repetition through lis-

tening comprehension and reading make this type

of speech activity a learning tool. At the begin-

ning of the lesson, most of the exercises designed

to create an artificial foreign language environ-

ment are performed by listening.

Listening understanding exercises are the

main part and the end of the lesson. Unlike other

types of speaking activity, listening comprehen-

sion is achieved through instructional goals and

tools while teaching a foreign language.

As a goal, practical study means obtaining

information in a foreign language. The content

of all oral and reading topics is assimilated by

ear. The same can be said for listening and un-

derstanding information received during speaking

and reading. Considered as an educational tool, it

is designed to study listening comprehension (vo-

cabulary, grammar, pronunciation units).

It is also recommended to practice listening

to male and female voices, listening to teachers

and others, listening to the speech of young and

old, listening with and without a speaker. In prac-

tice, different approaches to teaching listening

are used. One is to teach language first, and then

speech. According to this methodological idea,

students practice knowledge of words, phrases

and sentences, and then their attention is drawn to

the content of the studied material.

Listening in this way is ineffective, time-con-

suming and therefore unacceptable. According to

the second direction used by teachers, listening

comprehension is directly related to the forma-

tion of speech skills. In the process of teaching

speaking, reading and writing, students learn to

understand what they read by ear, paying special

attention to language material. This method is

more efficient. It is well known that speaking and

listening are two integral parts of speaking. The

lexical and grammatical phenomena used in them

are common. Therefore, when it comes to teach-

ing listening comprehension, it is a good idea to

practice listening while you are learning to speak.


1. Говорун, С,В. (2015) Развитие навыков и умений аудирования у студентов-востоковедов, изуча-

ющих английский язык Санкт-Петербург 12-22.

2. Джонс, А. М. (2013). История английского языка для специального исследования. В Б. Пэлтридж

и С. Старфилд (ред.). Справочник английского языка для специальных целей 5-31 с.

3. Мамадалиев А. М. Дидактические основы языкового обучения студентов педагогического ин-

ститута. - Ташкент: ТДПУ, 1994:23.

4. Общая психология. Под ред. А. В. Петровского. Москва: Просвещение, 1986:463.

5. Столяренко А. М. Психология и педагогика: Учебное пособие для вузов. – Москва: ЮНИТИ –

ДАНА, 2004:423.

6. Olga Tolstykh, Anastasia Khomutova. Developing the communicative competence of the university

teaching staff: an integrated-skill approach, General and Professional Education 2/2012, ISSN 2084-1469:38-43.

7. Aristova, E. A. (2011). The problem of perception of dialect and accent English language students spe-

cialties. Problemy yazykoznaniya i pedagogiki - Linguistics and Pedagogy Bulletin, 5, 114-117.

8. Dictionary of foreign words. - 14th ed., Rev. - Moscow: Rus. yaz., 1987:608.

9. Galskova, N. D., & Gez, N. I. (2007). Theory of teaching foreign languages. Linguodidactics and

methodology (4th ed.). Moscow: Akademiya.

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Давлетярова Н.И.


Ключевые слова:

аудио текст, слушание, технология, знания, аудирование, методы.

Статья исследует виды аудирования на

примере обучения английскому языку. Ис-

пользуются методы дифференциации между

визуальным и вербальным методами обуче-

ния. Для визуализации используются такие

вспомогательные средства как: карты, диа-

граммы, картинки и т.д. Вербальные средства:

в виде ключевых слов, названий, планов. Та-

кая подача информации усиливает мотивацию

студентов и приводит к положительным ре-


Davletyarova N.I.


Kalit so’zlar


audio matn, eshitish, texnologiya, bilim, tinglash usullari.

Tinglashni muvaffaqiyatli o’rgatish uchun

bir xil audio matnni bir necha marta taqdim etish

imkoniyati haqidagi savolni to’g’ri hal qilish

muhim ahamiyatga ega. Keyinchalik matnni qayta

o’qish yoki muhokama qilishni o’rnatayotganda,

audio matnni darsda ikki va uch marta taqdim etish

tavsiya etiladi. Qayta tinglash oldidan talabalarni

chuqurroq tushunishga safarbar etadigan yangi

amaliy vazifa tuzilishi kerak.

Buranova D.D.



Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute

Reforms in the field of higher education in

the country pose new challenges, applying to the

demand for personnel who have mastered foreign

languages and are able to use new skills and mo-

bility. This puts up with urgent tasks for higher

education, such as good knowledge of English by

specialists of the medical field. The measures tak-

en by the state policy to create a system of higher

education in accordance with the requirements of

international standards have great importance in

training of highly qualified medical personnel.

The demand for personnel who have mastered

foreign languages and are able to use new stan-

dards and methods, as well as cooperation with

foreign partners deserve special attention in mod-

ern labor market. The formation of knowledge

among students of medical universities in English

today is carried out using modern methods and

standards. Based on the programs and other regu-

latory documents regulating the educational pro-

cess of the university, it is advisable to establish

the level of English literacy of the teaching staff,

taking into account the requirements of the gen-

erally recognized international standards of the

Council of Europe “Pan–European competence of

foreign language proficiency: study, teaching and

evaluation” (CEFR-Common European Frame-

work of Reference). According to the require-

ments and criteria for language acquisition, there

are four indicators of the level of proficiency in

a foreign language, namely: listening, speaking,

reading and writing. At the same time, we should

mention the so-called “English for special purpos-

es” (ESP), which implies the use of English in a

special direction and in various fields of science,

that is, professional English. The specifics of the

ESP program is intended for representatives of

various professional fields, the purpose of which

is to focus on mastering foreign languages with

an emphasis not on grammatical aspects of the

language structure, but on mastering the language

itself, from the point of view of specialization and

profession. This direction is especially effective

for representatives of the medical field for their

effective use of the English language in further

improving their professional skills. The Organiza-

tion of teaching English in the specialty subjects

in the universities today, the targeted training of

Библиографические ссылки

Говорун, С,В. (2015) Развитие навыков и умений аудирования у студентов-востоковедов, изучающих английский язык Санкт-Петербург 12-22.

Джонс, А. М. (2013). История английского языка для специального исследования. В Б. Пэлтридж и С. Старфилд (ред.). Справочник английского языка для специальных целей 5-31 с.

Мамадалиев А. М. Дидактические основы языкового обучения студентов педагогического института. - Ташкент: ТДПУ, 1994:23.

Общая психология. Под ред. А. В. Петровского. Москва: Просвещение, 1986:463.

Столяренко А. М. Психология и педагогика: Учебное пособие для вузов. – Москва: ЮНИТИ – ДАНА, 2004:423.

Olga Tolstykh, Anastasia Khomutova. Developing the communicative competence of the university teaching staff: an integrated-skill approach, General and Professional Education 2/2012, ISSN 2084-1469:38-43.

Aristova, E. A. (2011). The problem of perception of dialect and accent English language students specialties. Problemy yazykoznaniya i pedagogiki - Linguistics and Pedagogy Bulletin, 5, 114-117.

Dictionary of foreign words. - 14th ed., Rev. - Moscow: Rus. yaz., 1987:608.

Galskova, N. D., & Gez, N. I. (2007). Theory of teaching foreign languages. Linguodidactics and methodology (4th ed.). Moscow: Akademiya.

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