Системно-деятельностный подход в практике обучения иностранным языкам

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Давлетярова, Н. (2022). Системно-деятельностный подход в практике обучения иностранным языкам. in Library, 22(4), 51–54. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/20667


В настоящее время актуальным вопросом обучения является то, каким должен быть урок иностранного языка в современных условиях. Меняются цели и содержание образования, появляются новые средства и технологии обучения, но какие бы реформы ни проводились, урок остается вечной и основной формой обучения. В этой диссертации в основном обсуждается эффективность современных подходов, а также методов углубленного изучения английского языка. Кроме того, эта диссертация иллюстрирует, как использовать новые инновационные технологии в обучении английскому языку. Цель автора - показать значительную роль некоторых современных методов в интенсивном обучении английскому языку.

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In conclusion, it should be noted that distance learning is today



teaching method. Such flexibility in the implementation of the education system
in solving problems that arise in order to prevent them from being beneficial to
all sectors of education, which, in particular, will help students learn foreign
languages easily and successfully.



Anisimov A.M. Work in the distance learning system. Moscow.



Andreev A.V. E-learning practice. Moscow.


System-activity approach in practice of

foreign language teaching

Nazokat Davletyarova

Independent Researcher

Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute

E-mail: Nano_sn55@mail.ru


Nowadays the actual question of teaching is what should be

the lesson of a foreign language in modern conditions. The aims and content of
education are changing, new means and technologies of education appear, but
whatever reforms are implemented, the lesson remains the eternal and main
form of education. This thesis mainly discusses the effectiveness of modern
approaches as well as methods in educating English language thoroughly.
Moreover, this thesis illustrates how to use new innovative technologies in
teaching English. The author


purpose is to show the significant role of some up-

to-date methods in teaching English intensively.

Key words:

distinctive teaching methods, teaching styles, communicative

teaching methods, interactive methods, up-to-date approaches/strategies.

With the advent of advanced technologies, the prominence of education is

surged to effectively consolidate the teaching process. Furthermore, modern
ways of educating English have enhanced in the last twenty years. Nowadays,
everything alters, obviously in teaching the English language. Actually, there is
an enormous variability of strategies of teaching foreign languages to language
learners. It is universally known that each of this educational method is
principally based on a particular vision of comprehension the language or the

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learning process, frequently using specific materials and techniques used in a set
sequence [1].

The procedure of English communicative learning will be more student-

centered, but less time consuming. Therefore, it is promised that the educating
quality will be improved and student`s applied English communication can be
successfully cultivated, meaning that students` conversational capabilities will
be further developed. Language in education would ordinarily create such
naturally acquired language skill, enriching it through the improvement of
literacy into a tool for abstract thought along with the acquisition of academic
knowledge. Language teachers use a wide range of local stories, texts or English
translation of literature in the classroom. The use of language as well as the use
of various accents in listening activities or tests are widely inspired in the English
language classroom. With the procreation of means of communication, such as
smart phones, tablets and computers, it is inclined that textbooks will disappear
in a few years. Additionally, the access to knowledge in terms of adjustment and
movement has dramatically changed. Teaching in language classes concentrates
on encouraging the learners thinking and language content, outcomes within
learning techniques or approaches.

There are important and complicated student

teacher interactions inside

and outside the classroom. In a knowledge-based society as well as to below
remain competitive and employable, teachers are expected to engage in a
continuous professional development or the professional learning activities
from the starting to the end of their careers. As with any other profession,
teachers are also expected to assume a greater responsibility for their own
professional learning, continually developing their knowledge and capabilities.
Having realized the need of the hour: the English teachers convene distinctive
kinds of conferences along with seminars to flourish or create a platform and to
get to find out the upcoming ideologies in the English language teaching and also
to upgrade themselves professionally. It is undoubtedly true that the fifth
capacities, namely reading, writing, speaking, listening and grammar of language
possibilities the efficiency to use grammatical structures with accuracy.

Academic qualification merely may not assist teachers to grow

professionally, on the other hand, they need to be equipped themselves with the
up-to-date practices. What is more, the educating materials are being used in our
country are nearly made available around the world. There had been so several

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methodologies of teaching English language. In addition to the aspect of
globalization which is inseparable from English teaching is an advancement of
Information and Communication Technology [2]. New directions in English
language educating as interactive approach or strategy of teaching English is
increased because of sustain research by the central board of secondary
education. This approach is also advocated by the Indian Council of School
education. It is known that

to interact

means to communicate which each other

during the interaction. Its means give the information, thoughts unfamiliar to
receiver. In this case, we ought to focus on the below statement:

Interacting approach, it related to the actual use of language [3]. We can

also look through the following instruction: Interactive methods: Brainstorming,
chain drills, think pair and share, Discussion, Debates, Role playing, Project work,
Group work, Aquarium, Microphone It is universally accepted that below
(interactive) teaching styles are



Think pair and share

and so

on. In interactive method some point of views are followed the leader, Test
Tournaments, YouTube, Videos Quizzes, One Word, Opposite Arguments, Total
Physical Response (TPR), Electronic Role Playing, Puzzle pieces. It is undeniably
true that such types of methods are extremely helpful to arrange teaching and
learning processes successfully. For example,


as well as


pair or share

are very crucial for both language learner and teacher. Hence, such

kinds of methods can persuade both of them to reckon logically, to analyze the
thought appropriately, to express the ideas clearly, to assist to criticize or judge
various views autonomously or to adapt the new atmosphere in any conditions,

or else to strengthen language learners’ ability [4].

Taking into everything consideration, it is concluded that above factor the

utilizing interactive ways or methods into educating and learning foreign
languages process is one of the most pivotal solutions to overcome the issue.
Besides that, it is undeniably true that teacher should be skillful and experienced
at not only educating foreign languages, but also organizing the connection
between the lessons and innovative technologies nearly professionally. The
reason for this is that modern approaches and methods are efficient in teaching
English language comprehensively. Of all the variety of its aspects, the most
important, in our opinion, are the issues of teaching vocabulary as a constructive
basis for each linguistic system. It is the vocabulary of any language, being the
building material of the next one, that directly enters the linguistic reality, the

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surrounding world, and the living life of society. It performs important functions
of designating phenomena, facts, and processes of objective reality.



Губанова И.В.

Развитие самообразовательной компетенции

обучающихся в электронной образовательной среде по иностранному


Россия: Кемерово.



Makhamova G.T., Alimov Sh.S., Ziyayev A.I. Innovative pedagogical

technologies in the English language teaching. Tashkent:


Science & Technology


Publishing House.



Rogova G.V. Methods of teaching English. Leningrad:


Publishing House.



Larsen-Freeman D. Techniques and principles in language teaching (2nd

ed.). Oxford: PUP.



Соосаар Н., Замковая Н. Интерактивные методы преподавания


настольная книга преподавателя. Санкт






Егорова Д.И., Григорьева Е.Н.

Развитие умений и навыков






сопровождения учебной деятельности учащихся старших классов.


Чебоксары. –


Milliy mentalitetning maqollarda aks etishi

Gulrux Eshonkulova

1-bosqich tayanch doktorant

Oʻzbekiston davlat jahon tillari universiteti

E-mail: gulroeshonqulova@gmail.com


Xalqning mentaliteti tilda bevosita aks etadi. Til xalqlar

oʻrtasidagi ogʻzaki aloqa vositasi hisoblanadi. Har bir xalqning turmush tarzi, oʻy


kechinmalari va dunyoqarashlarini biz oʻsha mamlakat xalq maqollari orqa


bilib olishimiz mumkin. Mazkur tezisda

maqollar orqali ingliz va oʻzbek xalq

mentalitetitining namoyon boʻlishi qisqacha aks ettirilgan. Maqol materiallari
odamlarning aqliy faoliyati sohasiga kirib borishi misollar orqali koʻrsatilgan.

Kalit soʻzlar:

mentalitet, maqollar, paremiologik qatlam.

Maqollar bizning kundalik hayotimizning ajralmas qismidir. Xalqning koʻp

asrlik tajribasi va donoligini, ulkan ijodiy va ma'naviy salohiyatini ifoda etib, ular

Библиографические ссылки

Губанова И.В. Развитие самообразовательной компетенции обучающихся в электронной образовательной среде по иностранному языку. Россия: Кемерово. – 2020.

Makhamova G.T., Alimov Sh.S., Ziyayev A.I. Innovative pedagogical technologies in the English language teaching. Tashkent: ‘‘Science & Technology’’ Publishing House. – 2018.

Rogova G.V. Methods of teaching English. Leningrad: “Education” Publishing House. –1975.

Larsen-Freeman D. Techniques and principles in language teaching (2nd ed.). Oxford: PUP. – 2003.

Соосаар Н., Замковая Н. Интерактивные методы преподавания: настольная книга преподавателя. Санкт-Петербург. – 2004.

Егорова Д.И., Григорьева Е.Н. Развитие умений и навыков англоязычной письменной речи средствами информационного сопровождения учебной деятельности учащихся старших классов. Россия: Чебоксары. – 2020.

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