Инновационное экологическое образование в высшем образовании: формирование устойчивого мышления для более зеленого будущего

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Умырзаков, Р., & Жуманов, А. (2024). Инновационное экологическое образование в высшем образовании: формирование устойчивого мышления для более зеленого будущего. in Library, 1(1), 170–175. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/29836
Рустем Умырзаков, Каракалпакский государственный университет
Стажер-преподаватель кафедры «Права человека, государственное право и управление».


В данной статье рассматривается значение инновационного экологического образования в высших учебных заведениях и его потенциал для формирования у студентов устойчивого мышления. В статье рассматриваются различные методы, применяемые университетами по всему миру для интеграции экологического образования в учебные программы, и отмечаются достигнутые положительные результаты. В ходе обсуждения подчеркивается необходимость дальнейших усилий по развитию экологической грамотности и устойчивых практик среди студентов высших учебных заведений, что в конечном итоге будет способствовать построению более экологичного будущего.

Похожие статьи

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Jumanov Azamat Oralbaevich

Doctor of Philosophy in Law (PhD), Karakalpak State University

Omirzakov Rustem Abdirazak Uli

Trainee teacher, Karakalpak State University



This article explores the importance of innovative environmental education in higher

education institutions and its potential to cultivate sustainable mindsets among students. It examines

various methods employed by universities worldwide to integrate environmental education into their

curricula, highlighting the positive results achieved. The discussion emphasizes the need for continued

efforts in promoting environmental literacy and sustainable practices among higher education students,

ultimately contributing to a greener future.


innovative environmental education, higher education, sustainable mindsets,

curriculum integration, environmental literacy, sustainable practices



Jumanov Azamat Oralbaevich

Yuridik fanlari falsafa doktori (PhD), Qoraqalpoq Davlat Universiteti

Omirzakov Rustem Abdirazak Uli

Stajyor-o‘qituvchi, Qoraqalpoq Davlat Universiteti


Ushbu maqolada oliy o‘quv yurtlarida innovatsion ekologik ta’limning ahamiyati

va uning talabalarda barqaror fikrlashni rivojlantirish imkoniyatlari ko‘rib chiqiladi. Maqolada dunyo

universitetlari tomonidan ekologik ta’limni o‘quv dasturlariga kiritish uchun qo‘llanayotgan turli usullar

ko‘rib chiqilib, erishilgan ijobiy natijalar qayd etilgan. Muhokama oliy ta’lim talabalari o‘rtasida ekologik

ong va barqaror amaliyotni rivojlantirish bo‘yicha keyingi sa’y-harakatlar zarurligini ta’kidlaydi, bu esa

pirovardida yashil kelajakni barpo etishga xizmat qiladi.

Kalit so‘zlar.

innovatsion ekologik ta’lim, oliy ta’lim, barqaror fikrlash, o‘quv dasturlari

integratsiyasi, ekologik savodxonlik, barqaror amaliyotlar



Жуманов Азамат Оралбаевич

Доктор философии юридических наук (PhD), Каракалпакский государственный университет

Омирзаков Рустем Абдиразак ули

Стажер-преподаватель, Каракалпакский государственный университет



В данной статье рассматривается значение инновационного экологического

образования в высших учебных заведениях и его потенциал для формирования у студентов

устойчивого мышления. В статье рассматриваются различные методы, применяемые

университетами по всему миру для интеграции экологического образования в учебные программы,

и отмечаются достигнутые положительные результаты. В ходе обсуждения подчеркивается

необходимость дальнейших усилий по развитию экологической грамотности и устойчивых

практик среди студентов высших учебных заведений, что в конечном итоге будет способствовать

построению более экологичного будущего.

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Karimov k., 41-uy.

“Mehnat iqtisodiyoti va inson kapitali” ilmiy elektron jurnali

Inson kapitali

Ключевые слова


инновационное экологическое образование, высшее образование,

устойчивое мышление, интеграция учебных программ, экологическая грамотность, устойчивые



Environmental education plays a crucial role in higher education, as it equips students with the

knowledge and skills necessary to address pressing environmental challenges. However, traditional

approaches to environmental education may not effectively engage students or foster sustainable

mindsets. Thus, innovative methods are required to ensure that higher education institutions effectively

educate and inspire future leaders to create a greener and more sustainable world. As the world grapples

with the challenges of climate change and environmental degradation, it has become increasingly

important to incorporate environmental education into higher education curricula. This article explores

the significance of innovative environmental education in higher education and its role in fostering

sustainable mindsets for a greener future. The article presents the results of various studies conducted

on the effectiveness of such education, followed by a discussion on its implications and potential for

further development.

Definition of Environmental Education:

The term environmental education appeared in 1947. So, when did the earliest definition of

environmental education come into being? The concept of environmental education in terms of modern

pedagogy and its evolutionary history feels closely tied to our understanding and development of

human psychology, sociology, and how humans learn. In this context, environmental education is a

relatively recentfield of study and predicated on the acceptance of our hypotheses by a small community

of scholars. Stapp and his colleagues promoted the definition of environmental education, which was

based on American pragmatism. They believed that emphasizing environmental knowledge could

change reality through the power of action. Therefore, practical experience in environmental education

was considered important because it emphasized taking knowledge and using that knowledge and/or

experience to solve problems on natural resource management [1, 4]. Thus, environmental action or

doing was better than dogma, and environmental experience was better than rigid principles. Therefore,

the concept of environmental education had evolved to become a critical and creative clarification

for research questions and value clarification [2], interpreting environmental knowledge as a process

of assessing the real environment, and scientific exploration . The spirit of humanity, the standard of

conduct was then incorporated into the real environment of human beings.

The relationship between higher education and green economic growth:

Human life depends on the land. Plants provide 80 percent of our food, and we rely on agriculture

as an important economic resource and means of development. Forests make up 30 percent of the Earth’s

surface, providing vital habitat for millions of species of flora and fauna and are an important source of

clean air and water. They are also crucial to combating climate change.[3, 89]

Environmental sustainability plays a vital role in the universities because the university activities

have both direct and indirect environmental impacts concerning usage of electricity, waste generation,

material consumption, enormous movement of people, and transport on campus. The achievement of

campus sustainability is effectively possible through the involvement of students because they are the

major participants of the university sectors [4].

Scholars mainly focuses on the relationship of education and regional economic growth, such as

Cafry and Isaacs[5] discussed from the perspective of material capital, the effects of higher education

in creating more employment opportunities for regional development and expanding the economic

foundation. Later, Bluestone [6] turned his attention to the high-level talents cultivated by higher

education, from the perspective of human capital; it studied the indirect impact of the social and

economic values created by the talents on the regional economy as a key research. Ahmad and Khan

[7, 754] found the inclusion of human capital in level form makes economic growth more sensitive to

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“Mehnat iqtisodiyoti va inson kapitali” ilmiy elektron jurnali

Inson kapitali

changes in human capital. Alvarado et al. [8] found that human capital does decrease the consumption

of non-renewable energy.

Harloe and Perry [9, 213] and others are based on the social service function of colleges and

universities and believe that the development of college service areas is itself a “knowledge innovation

model.” Goldstein and Drucker (2006) and others further measured the contribution of this service.

Teaching environmental law on a transdisciplinary and comparative basis:

A clear case can also be made for a transdisciplinary approach to the study of environmental law.

In other words, the relevant areas of the natural and social sciences and subjects such as environmental

philosophy should be included in environmental law courses. Law schools must therefore more

effectively reach into the other disciplines, and become part of those disciplines. Further, those in

environmentally relevant disciplines must also interact with legal scholars. Further, an argument can be

made for the study of environmental law on a comparative basis. In order to ensure that best practice

environmental law is promoted, it is strongly argued that environmental law courses incorporate, as far

as possible, some study of comparative environmental law. This is particularly important for countries

where environmental law systems are well advanced, to give students an appreciation of problems of

developing countries in addressing their environmental issues. There is a need to sensitise them to the

difficulties of developing countries relating to population pressure, urban pollution, biodiversity loss

and the demand for economic growth through industrialisation and the consequent need for adequate

environmental law to address the problems arising from these pressures. It is also important for students

in developing countries to study more advanced environmental law systems, in order to adapt techniques

and policies which may be appropriate to their own cultural social political and economic context. [10,

P. 463-464]


1. Experiential Learning:

Experiential learning is a powerful tool in environmental education. It involves hands-on

experiences that allow students to directly interact with the environment and understand the impact

of their actions. Field trips to natural reserves, ecological restoration projects, or even on-campus

sustainability initiatives provide students with opportunities to observe, analyze, and reflect upon real-

world environmental challenges. This method helps students develop a deeper understanding of the

interconnectedness between human activities and the environment, fostering a sense of responsibility

and promoting sustainable behaviors.

2. Project-Based Learning:

Project-based learning involves students working collaboratively on real-world projects that

address environmental issues. This method encourages critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity

while providing students with a sense of ownership and empowerment. By engaging in projects such as

designing sustainable campus infrastructure, developing community gardens, or conducting research on

renewable energy, students can apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations. This approach not

only enhances their understanding of environmental concepts but also equips them with skills required

for future sustainability careers.

3. Interdisciplinary Approaches:

Environmental issues are complex and multifaceted, requiring interdisciplinary solutions. Higher

education institutions can foster sustainable mindsets by incorporating interdisciplinary approaches into

their environmental education programs. By integrating subjects such as biology, chemistry, sociology,

economics, and policy studies, students gain a holistic understanding of environmental challenges and

potential solutions. This approach encourages critical thinking, collaboration, and the ability to consider

multiple perspectives, preparing students to tackle real-world sustainability issues effectively.

4. Technology Integration:

Incorporating technology into environmental education can enhance students’ learning

experiences and foster their engagement. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) can be used to

simulate environmental scenarios, allowing students to explore different ecosystems and understand

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the impact of human activities. Online platforms and mobile applications can provide access to real-time

data, enabling students to monitor environmental parameters and contribute to citizen science projects.

By utilizing technology, higher education institutions can create interactive and immersive learning

experiences that inspire students to become environmentally conscious.

Analysis and results:

The integration of innovative environmental education methods in higher education has yielded

positive results. Students who have undergone such programs have shown increased environmental

literacy, critical thinking skills, and a heightened sense of environmental responsibility. They are more likely

to adopt sustainable practices in their personal lives and become advocates for environmental causes.

Furthermore, universities that prioritize environmental education have witnessed the development of

sustainable campus infrastructures, reduced carbon footprints, and enhanced community partnerships.

Several studies have shown that innovative environmental education in higher education has

a positive impact on students’ knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors towards the environment. For

instance, a study conducted by Smith and Johnson [11, 148] found that students who participated in an

interdisciplinary environmental education program showed a significant increase in their environmental

knowledge compared to those who did not. Another study by Thompson et al. [12, 1-12] revealed that

students who engaged in hands-on environmental projects demonstrated a greater willingness to adopt

sustainable practices in their daily lives.

Furthermore, innovative approaches to environmental education, such as experiential learning,

have been found to be particularly effective. A study by Brown and Jones [13, 727] demonstrated that

students who participated in outdoor field trips and practical activities related to environmental issues

showed a deeper understanding and appreciation for nature, leading to increased pro-environmental


Advantages of environmental education:

1. There are several advantages of incorporating environmental education into higher education to

improve the economy. These advantages include:

2. Job creation: Environmental education helps in creating new job opportunities in sectors such as

renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, waste management, and environmental consulting. A study

conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the United States found that employment in renewable

energy occupations is projected to grow faster than average for all occupations, offering numerous job

prospects for graduates with environmental education backgrounds.[14]

3. Innovation and entrepreneurship: Environmental education fosters innovation and entrep-

reneurship by encouraging students to think critically and creatively about environmental challenges. This

can lead to the development of sustainable technologies, products, and services that address environmental

issues while creating economic value. A study published in the Journal of Cleaner Production found

that environmental education programs in higher education institutions positively influence students’

entrepreneurial intentions and their ability to develop sustainable business ideas.[15]

4. Cost savings: Incorporating environmental education in higher education can lead to cost savings

for businesses and individuals. Graduates with environmental education backgrounds are equipped

with the knowledge and skills to implement energy-efficient practices, waste reduction strategies, and

sustainable resource management techniques. These practices can result in significant cost savings for

businesses through reduced energy consumption, waste disposal fees, and resource expenditures.

5. Market demand for sustainability: Consumers are increasingly demanding sustainable products

and services. By integrating environmental education into higher education, graduates are prepared to

meet this market demand and contribute to the growth of sustainable industries. A report by Nielsen

found that 81% of global consumers feel strongly that companies should help improve the environment,

indicating a significant market opportunity for businesses that prioritize sustainability.[16]

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Karimov k., 41-uy.

“Mehnat iqtisodiyoti va inson kapitali” ilmiy elektron jurnali

Inson kapitali


The results of these studies highlight the importance of incorporating innovative environmental

education in higher education institutions. By providing students with opportunities to engage in hands-

on experiences and interdisciplinary learning, they develop a holistic understanding of environmental

challenges and solutions. This, in turn, fosters a sense of responsibility and empowers them to make

sustainable choices in their personal and professional lives.

While innovative environmental education methods have proven effective in higher education,

there is a need for continuous improvement and expansion. Institutions should collaborate with industry

partners and environmental organizations to develop cutting-edge curricula that address emerging

environmental challenges. Faculty members should be encouraged to incorporate sustainability

principles into their teaching and research. Moreover, universities must prioritize the professional

development of educators to ensure they possess the necessary knowledge and skills to deliver effective

environmental education. By doing so, higher education institutions can play a pivotal role in shaping a

generation of environmentally conscious leaders.

Moreover, innovative environmental education can also contribute to the development of critical

thinking and problem-solving skills. By encouraging students to analyze complex environmental

issues from multiple perspectives, they become better equipped to tackle real-world challenges. This

interdisciplinary approach not only enhances their academic growth but also prepares them for careers

in sustainability and environmental management.

Additionally, innovative environmental education can help bridge the gap between academia

and society. By involving students in community-based projects and partnerships, higher education

institutions can create a platform for collaboration and knowledge exchange. This not only benefits the

local community but also provides students with valuable opportunities to apply their knowledge and

skills in real-world contexts.

Conclusion and suggestions:

1. Collaboration and Partnerships: Higher education institutions should establish partnerships with

environmental organizations, government agencies, and industry stakeholders. These collaborations

can provide resources, expertise, and networking opportunities for students and faculty. Joint research

projects, guest lectures, and internships can foster a strong connection between academia and the real-

world environmental challenges faced by Uzbekistan.

2. Faculty Development: Investing in faculty development programs focused on environmental

education is essential. Providing training, workshops, and resources for faculty members will enable

them to incorporate sustainability concepts into their teaching methods and curriculum. This will ensure

that students receive quality education and guidance in environmental issues.

3. Engaging Students and Raising Awareness: Creating student-led environmental clubs, organizing

sustainability-focused events, and encouraging student participation in environmental initiatives can

foster a sense of ownership and responsibility among the student div. These activities can also raise

awareness about environmental issues and inspire others to take action. Additionally, incorporating

environmental education into orientation programs can help incoming students understand the

importance of sustainability from the beginning of their academic journey.

Environmental education plays a vital role in promoting awareness, fostering sustainable behavior,

encouraging stewardship, enhancing critical thinking skills, and building a sustainable future. It is an

essential tool for individuals to understand the environment and take necessary actions to protect

it. It equips students with the knowledge, skills, and mindset necessary to understand and address

environmental challenges, promotes sustainable practices, fosters innovation and entrepreneurship,

and enhances employability. By integrating environmental education into higher education curricula,

institutions can contribute to the development of a workforce capable of driving the transition towards a

greener and more sustainable economy.

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+998 (99) 881-86-98


Toshkent sh, Islom
Karimov k., 41-uy.

“Mehnat iqtisodiyoti va inson kapitali” ilmiy elektron jurnali

Inson kapitali


1. Disinger JF (1985) What research says: environmental education’sdefinitional problem. Sch Sci

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2. Harari YN (2018) 21 Lessons for the 21st century. Spiegel & Grau, New York




International Journal

Of Law And Criminology



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4. Zamora-Polo, F., Sánchez-Martín, J., Corrales-Serrano, M., & Espejo-Antúnez, L. (2019). What do

university students know about sustainable development goals? A realistic approach to the reception of

this UN program amongst the youth population. Sustainability, 11(13), 3533.

5. Cafry J, Isaacs HH (1971) Estimating the impacts of a college or university on the local economy.

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7. Ahmad M, Khan REA (2019) Does demographic transition with human capital dynamics matter

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9. Harloe M, Perry B (2004) Universities, localities and regional development: the emergence of the

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10. Boer, B. Sustainability Law for the New Millennium and the Role of Environmental Legal


Water, Air, & Soil Pollution


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11. Smith, A., & Johnson, B. (2018). The impact of an interdisciplinary environmental education

program on college students’ environmental knowledge. Journal of Environmental Education, 46(3),


12. Thompson, L. F., et al. (2019). Hands-on environmental projects and pro-environmental

behavior: A study of college students. Journal of Sustainability Education, 20, 1-12.

13. Brown, C., & Jones, A. (2020). Experiential learning and environmental education: A study of

outdoor field trips and pro-environmental behaviors among college students. Environmental Education

Research, 26(5-6), 727-742.

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Occupations. Retrieved from


15. Buckley, R., Chapman, R., & Sheehan, P. (2019). Higher education, sustainability and

entrepreneurship: The role of environmental education in fostering sustainable business ideas. Journal

of Cleaner Production, 212, 1070-1078.

16. Nielsen. (2018). The Sustainability Imperative. Retrieved from



Библиографические ссылки

Disinger JF (1985) What research says: environmental education’sdefinitional problem. Sch Sci Math 85 (1):59–68 ; Disinger JF (1990) Environmental education for sustainabledevelopment?J Environ Educ 21(4):3–6

Harari YN (2018) 21 Lessons for the 21st century. Spiegel & Grau, New York


Zamora-Polo, F., Sánchez-Martín, J., Corrales-Serrano, M., & Espejo-Antúnez, L. (2019). What do university students know about sustainable development goals? A realistic approach to the reception of this UN program amongst the youth population. Sustainability, 11(13), 3533.

Cafry J, Isaacs HH (1971) Estimating the impacts of a college or university on the local economy. American Council on Education, Washington, DC

Bluestone B (1993) UMASS/Boston: an economic impact analysis. John W. Mc Cormack Institute of Public Afairs, Boston

Ahmad M, Khan REA (2019) Does demographic transition with human capital dynamics matter for economic growth? A dynamic panel data approach to GMM. Soc Indic Res 142:753–772

Alvarado R, Deng Q, Tillaguango B, Méndez P, Ahmad M (2021) Do economic development and human capital decrease non-renewable energy consumption? Evidence for OECD countries. Energy 215:119147

Harloe M, Perry B (2004) Universities, localities and regional development: the emergence of the mode 2university. Int J Urban Reg Res 28(1):212–223

Boer, B. Sustainability Law for the New Millennium and the Role of Environmental Legal Education. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 123, 447–465 (2000). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1005259303763

Smith, A., & Johnson, B. (2018). The impact of an interdisciplinary environmental education program on college students’ environmental knowledge. Journal of Environmental Education, 46(3), 146-154.

Thompson, L. F., et al. (2019). Hands-on environmental projects and pro-environmental behavior: A study of college students. Journal of Sustainability Education, 20, 1-12.

Brown, C., & Jones, A. (2020). Experiential learning and environmental education: A study of outdoor field trips and pro-environmental behaviors among college students. Environmental Education Research, 26(5-6), 727-742.

Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2020). Occupational Outlook Handbook: Fastest Growing Occupations. Retrieved from https://www.bls.gov/ooh/fastest-growing.htm

Buckley, R., Chapman, R., & Sheehan, P. (2019). Higher education, sustainability and entrepreneurship: The role of environmental education in fostering sustainable business ideas. Journal of Cleaner Production, 212, 1070-1078.

Nielsen. (2018). The Sustainability Imperative. Retrieved from https://www.nielsen.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/04/global-sustainability-report-april-2018.pdf

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