Модернизация продаж автомобилей через интернет-продажи

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Назарова, Р., & Туйчиев, К. (2020). Модернизация продаж автомобилей через интернет-продажи. Экономика И Образование, 1(4), 162–164. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/economy_education/article/view/4525
Рано Назарова, Ташкентский государственный экономический университет

д.э.н., професор

Комилжон Туйчиев, Ташкентский государственный экономический университет




В данной статье изучен мировой рынок автомобилей, рассмотрены плюсы и минусы интернет продаж, также представлены показатели востребованности рынка автомобилей. Авторами определена роль информационных технологий и сети Интернет в процессах экономической глобализации, также раскрыта взаимосвязь между реальной и виртуальной средой и определена роль сети Интернет в этой взаимосвязи как развития глобализации маркетинговой среды. В статье описана история первых онлайн продаж в мире, освещена проблема реализации в Узбекистане, представлены пути решения этих проблем. Авторами были проведены маркетинговые исследования, в статье представлены результаты собственного исследования.

Похожие статьи

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Иқтисодиёт ва таълим / 2020 №




Nazarova Rano Rustamovna -

Doctor of Economics, prof.

Tashkent State University of Economics

Tuychiev Komiljon Lazizovich -

researcher, Tashkent State University of Economics


Ushbu maqolada, jahon avtomobil bozori o'rganilib, onlayn-savdoning ijobiy va salbiy tomonlari ko'rib

chiqilgan, shuningdek, avtomobil bozorida talab ko'rsatkichlari keltirilgan. Mualliflar axborot texnologiyalari va Internetning
iqtisodiy globallashuv jarayonlarida tutgan o'rnini, real va virtual muhitning o'zaro bog'liqligini aniqladilar va ushbu

munosabatdagi Internetning marketing muhitini globallashuvini rivojlantirishdagi rolini aniqladilar. Maqolada dunyodagi
birinchi onlayn-savdo tarixi tasvirlangan, O'zbekistonda ushbu muammoni hal qilish to'g'risida so'z yuritilgan, ushbu
muammolarni hal qilish yo'llari ko'rsatilgan. Maqola mualliflari marketing tadqiqotlarini o'tkazdilar, maqolada o'zlarining
tadqiqotlari natijalari keltirilgan.

Kalit so'zlar:

global avtomobil bozori, raqamlashtirish, raqamli texnologiyalar, Internet, avtomobil sotuvchisi, onlayn

savdo, ilgari ishlatilgan avtomobil bozori, avtomobil kompaniyalari, elektron hujjatlar, investitsiyalar.


В данной статье изучен мировой рынок автомобилей, рассмотрены плюсы и минусы интернет

продаж, также представлены показатели востребованности рынка автомобилей. Авторами определена роль
информационных технологий и сети Интернет в процессах экономической глобализации, также раскрыта

взаимосвязь между реальной и виртуальной средой и определена роль сети Интернет в этой взаимосвязи как
развития глобализации маркетинговой среды


В статье описана история первых онлайн продаж в мире, освещена

проблема реализации в Узбекистане, представлены пути решения этих проблем. Авторами были проведены
маркетинговые исследования, в статье представлены результаты собственного исследования.

Ключевые слова:

Мировой рынок автомобилей, цифровизация, цифровые технологии, интернет,

автодилеры, онлайн-продажи, рынок автомобилей бывшего употребления, автокомпании, электронные
документы, инвестиции.


In this article, the world car market is studied, the pros and cons of online sales are considered, and

indicators of the demand for the car market are also presented. The authors determined the role of information technologies
and the Internet in the processes of economic globalization, also revealed the relationship between the real and virtual
environment and determined the role of the Internet in this relationship as the development of globalization of the marketing
environment. The article describes the history of the first online sales in the world, highlights the problem of implementation in
Uzbekistan, presents ways to solve these problems. The authors carried out marketing research, the article presents the results
of their own research.


Global car market, digitalization, digital technologies, Internet, car dealers, online sales,

previously used

car market, car companies, electronic documents, investments.

Materials and methods:

Currently, the

world is changing and developing very quickly.

With the development of information technolo-
gies and the advent of the Internet, the econo-

mic sphere has not remained untouched. Accor-
dingly, the principle of sales of certain products

has changed. In this case, it is the car market [1,
p. 2].

The mechanism of car sales in the world

has not changed for more than 100 years.

During all this time, dealerships have worked on
the same sales model — the buyer visits several

car dealerships, chooses a car, communicates

with consultants, takes a test drive, and purcha-
ses a car and spends a huge amount of his time.

Car dealers began to look archaic in the eyes of
their target audience.

Virtual commerce is the conduct of tra-

ding activities in global networks, that is, and a

way of directly selling goods and services over
the Internet. Virtual commerce can be called a

form of e-commerce. One of the options for
online trading is creating a virtual store, i.e. a

special site with which you can interactively sell
and buy, place an order for the necessary goods

and services. The most successfully implement-
ted in this way are books, software, computers

and accessories, sound-reproducing equipment.
The main difficulties in creating a virtual store

are associated with the choice of the way to
create it, the following options are possible: [7,

p. 95]

- rent of a ready-made store (for example,

in a ready-made virtual row);

- purchase of "boxed" software;
- independent project development;

- custom development by specialists.
Today, you can buy almost any item on the

Internet - from books to expensive appliances
and premium watches. Big checks are no longer

a surprise. The Internet industry has so taken
root in our daily life that we can no longer live


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Иқтисодиёт ва таълим / 2020 №



without our favorite everyday devices. The new

profitable opportunities that e-Commerce pro-
vides to suppliers and customers can be struc-

tured as follows:

- Global presence or global choice;
- Improving competitiveness;

- Quality of services;
- Meeting the needs of the customer;

- Shortening the product's path to the cus-


- Cost savings.

Buying a car is quite a serious investment

for a person, and they are not ready yet to give
up personal contact with the seller, familiariza-

tion with the purchased product. The profitabi-
lity of the automotive market is as follows (ac-

cording to the World Bank in 2019)[4]:

Cars per 1000 people

* USA: 837 * Brazil: 350
* Australia: 747 * Mexico: 297

* Italy: 695 * Saudi Arabia: 209
* Canada: 670 * Turkey: 199

* Japan: 591 * Iran: 178
* Germany: 589 * South Africa: 174

* Britain: 579 * China: 173

* France: 569 * Indonesia: 87
* Malaysia: 433 * Nigeria: 64

* Russia: 373 * India: 22

In the United States and Europe, some

companies have long specialized in online car
sales. In the United States, this is, for example,

Carvano, in Europe — Aramisauto. However,
online purchases are expensive for customers,

and sellers do not offer convenient alternatives.
In Russia, remote sales were also conducted

before the pandemic. But in individual car dea-
lerships that sold mostly premium cars. Trying

to sell cars over the Internet on the principle of

household goods or clothing in Russia began in
2015. The pioneer was the Chinese company

Lifan, which agreed with the aliexpress platform
to sell and deliver its cars. In 2016, the St.

Petersburg company Carmart launched the first
multi-brand dealership for online car sales in

Russia. On their platform, they offered cars of
the brands Honda, Genesis, Ford, Lifan, Ssang

Yong, UAZ, Hyundai, Mitsubishi, and Suzuki.
Although the dealer managed to achieve a sig-

nificant sales result (30 cars per day), the owner
decided to close the business in early 2018.

But we should not forget that the car is an

inconvenient product for online sales. Buyers do
not have enough virtual car presentations and

remote communication with the dealer to make
a decision. They need the tactile sensation and

sense of security of the transaction. In the milea-
ge market, the main prospects are presumably

in the premium segment, since people who are
interested in it value their time more and are

not ready to spend weeks driving around the car

markets in search of the perfect car. But for the
service to go, sellers need not only to know the

product well, but also to have a detailed digi-
tized diagnostic card and thoroughly check the

car. If after the purchase, the seller's reputation
will suffer if the defects are not stated. In addi-

tion to the above, there is also a problem with
documents. The fact is that not all specialists are

trained to prepare documents online and the
legislation of many countries such as Uzbekistan

does not provide for online registration of re-
levant acquisitions.

Table 1.

Survey of social network users

Yes (%)

No (%)

Is an e-platform effective?



Did you sell your car?



Do you trust auto intermediaries?



Did you buy a car from intermediaries?



Have you ever encountered fraud?



Would you be able to detect fraud without help?



Are you willing to pay for reliable information about the car?





compiled by the author


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Иқтисодиёт ва таълим / 2020 №



At the moment, Uzbekistan already has

online applications for selling products of any
category and for selling cars exclusively. In July

2020, I conducted a marketing study that invol-

ved 31,258 people, 82.3% of them men and
17.7% women. The study showed the following:


Despite the result of online

sales in Russia or CIS countries, based on the

experience of the United States, it is possible to
establish online sales with the same previously

used cars. This only requires clear regulation on
the part of the state in particular internal

authorities and competent legal registration of
documents by employees.

In recent years, the opinion has been gro-

wing in Uzbek business circles and government

structures that in order to increase the
competitiveness of domestic companies and

Uzbekistan as a whole, it is necessary to actively

improve the information and technological base
of our country. Large investment Internet pro-

jects are being created, state programs for the
development of e-commerce are being imple-

mented, laws necessary in this area are being
adopted. However, most of the country's e-

commerce systems have not yet received proper
development. Many basic elements of the net-

work infrastructure are at the implementation
stage, without which the implementation of e-

business is significantly difficult, ineffective and
has a high degree of risk. In this regard, the

authors express the hope that the study will be
useful in solving a number of issues in the field

of Internet marketing and e-commerce, will

contribute to more effective integration of
Uzbekistan into the global market and will cont-

ribute to increasing the competitiveness of do-
mestic business [6, p.125]

The Internet plays an important role in

the process of economic globalization, as it ex-

pands opportunities for companies from all over

the world to access information, financial,
industrial and labor resources, greatly simplifies

global communications and logistics, allows to

reduce costs, as well as to go to any national and
global markets. At the same time, the analysis of

the development of marketing concepts showed
that, along with economic globalization, there is

another global trend - the formation of a special
attitude towards each consumer. The develop-

ment of marketing is moving along the path of
transforming marketing for the consumer socie-

ty into individual marketing, as well as along the
path of increasing the duration of interaction -

from single exchanges of values and information
to the continuity of the communication process

with customers.

The practical implementation of this di-

rection of marketing development becomes pos-

sible thanks, on the one hand, to continuous
improvement and the ever wider distribution of

information systems and the WWW service,
which introduces new, more cost-effective, fast

and flexible means for implementing relation-
ship marketing and individualized customer ser-

vice, and on the other hand, the emergence and
the development of new production technolo-

gies that allow us to manufacture products tailo-
red to the individual preferences of each client.

Thus, the development of economic globaliza-
tion and localization is manifested in the form of

the emergence of new opportunities for expan-
ding sales markets and, at the same time, addi-

tional requirements to meet the individual ne-

eds of buyers. In order to remain competitive in
these conditions, international companies sho-

uld apply new technologies and the Internet in
their activities.


1. Malakhova Yu. (2017). Competitive strategies of foreign TNCs in the Russian automobile market.// International

student scientific Bulletin. #2. Page 20

2. PwC: Global digital operations survey 2018 www.pwc.ru
3. PwC: Tomorrow of the automotive industry 2018. Pp. 14-15 www.pwc.ru
4. World Bank – www.worldbank.org
5. Remote trade Market in the B2C segment in Russia (Electronic resource) / access Mode:


6. Remote trading or online trading. Legal features-2011. Legal adviser
7. Поликарпов А.Н. Глобализация бизнеса и интернет – маркетинга . Диссертация. Москва 2017, - 225 стр
8. Афонина С.В. Виртуальная торговля . Диссертация. Москва 2017, - 228 стр
9. Имери В. Как сделать бизнес в Internet/ В. Имери. - Киев: Издательство "Диалектика", 1998.
10. Балабанов И.Т. Электронная коммерция/ И.Т. Балабанов. - СПб.: Питер, 2001


Библиографические ссылки

Malakhova Yu. (2017). Competitive strategies of foreign TNCs in the Russian automobile market.// International student scientific Bulletin. #2. Page 20

PwC: Global digital operations survey 2018 www.pwc.ru

PwC: Tomorrow of the automotive industry 2018. Pp. 14-15 www.pwc.ru

World Bank – www.worldbank.org

Remote trade Market in the B2C segment in Russia (Electronic resource) / access Mode: http://www.aup.ru/news/2010/06/11/3949.html

Remote trading or online trading. Legal features-2011. Legal adviser

Поликарпов А.Н. Глобализация бизнеса и интернет – маркетинга . Диссертация. Москва 2017, - 225 стр

Афонина С.В. Виртуальная торговля . Диссертация. Москва 2017, - 228 стр

Имери В. Как сделать бизнес в Internet/ В. Имери. - Киев: Издательство "Диалектика", 1998.

Балабанов И.Т. Электронная коммерция/ И.Т. Балабанов. - СПб.: Питер, 2001

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