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Bakhrieva, G. (2023). AGE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. Modern Science and Research, 2(10), 975–981. Retrieved from


This topic discusses the physiological changes that the digestive system undergoes at different stages of human development - such as the transition from infancy to childhood, adolescence to adulthood, and into old age. Emphasis is placed on the digestive system's changing requirements and its adaptations to support the body's nutritional needs across various life stages. Considerations include the changing size and capacity of digestive organs, the production of digestive enzymes, potential digestive disorders, and how dietary habits and lifestyles can significantly impact digestive health.

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Bakhrieva Gulkhayo

TMC Institute in Tashkent


This topic discusses the physiological changes that the digestive system

undergoes at different stages of human development - such as the transition from infancy to
childhood, adolescence to adulthood, and into old age. Emphasis is placed on the digestive
system's changing requirements and its adaptations to support the div's nutritional needs across
various life stages. Considerations include the changing size and capacity of digestive organs, the
production of digestive enzymes, potential digestive disorders, and how dietary habits and
lifestyles can significantly impact digestive health.

Key words

: Digestive System, Developmental Stages, Physiological Changes, Infancy,

Childhood, Adolescence, Adulthood, Old Age, Nutritional Requirements, Digestive Disorders,
Diet, Lifestyle, Digestive Enzymes, Digestive Organs.



В данной теме рассматриваются физиологические изменения,

которые претерпевает пищеварительная система на разных этапах развития человека -
таких как переход от младенчества к детству, от подросткового возраста к взрослой
жизни и к старости. Особое внимание уделяется меняющимся потребностям
пищеварительной системы и ее адаптации для удовлетворения потребностей организма в
питательных веществах на различных этапах жизни. Соображения включают изменение
размера и емкости органов пищеварения, выработку пищеварительных ферментов,
потенциальные расстройства пищеварения, а также то, как пищевые привычки и образ
жизни могут существенно повлиять на здоровье пищеварительной системы.

Ключевые слова:

пищеварительная система, стадии развития, физиологические

изменения, младенчество, детство, подростковый возраст, взрослая жизнь, старость,
потребности в питании, расстройства пищеварения, диета, образ жизни,
пищеварительные ферменты, органы пищеварения.

The human digestive system is an intricate network of organs that performs the vital task

of turning food into the energy necessary for the div to function. It converts food into small,
nutritional, non-toxic materials to be absorbed into the bloodstream and transported throughout
the entire div. The digestive system begins to develop from the moment of birth and continues
to evolve and change throughout various life stages. These age-related changes, ranging from
infancy to elderhood, significantly affect how our div processes and absorbs food.

Infancy is a significant period in the development of the digestive system. In this stage, the

newborn’s variations in food intake, digestive ability, and metabolism provide interesting insights
into the developmental process.

Baby's digestion during infancy

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Initially, babies have an underdeveloped digestive system that progressively improves over

the first few years of life. The stomach and intestines are weak and are not yet producing most of
the enzymes necessary to break down some types of nutrients. For example, newborns produce
very little lactase enzyme, which breaks down lactose in milk. Supplemental lactase may be needed
to prevent problems such as gas, bloating, or diarrhea.

Breast milk or formula is the primary food for infants during the first few months, providing

the necessary nutrients for growth and development. They are easily digestible and contain
essential nutrients like lactose, proteins, and fats needed for growth and development. The proteins
in breast milk are more easily digested than those in cow's milk or soy formulas, reducing the
likelihood of allergies or intestinal issues.

The baby's gut is sterile at birth but is quickly colonized by gut flora, which facilitates the

digestion process and provides defense against pathogenic bacteria. The type and diversity of the
gut bacteria can be influenced by several factors including the method of delivery, diet, and use of

Despite the simplicity of the diet, newborns and infants are often susceptible to digestive

problems. These issues include colic, acid reflux, and constipation. Over time, symptoms of these
conditions generally improve as the infant’s digestive system matures.

In the first year of life, a baby's digestive system grows rapidly, nearly tripling in size. As

the baby grows, the intestines lengthen, increasing the capacity to digest and absorb more complex
food substances. Around the age of six months, infants typically start consuming semi-solid food,
marking the beginning of a transition period known as weaning.

During weaning, the digestive system develops the ability to handle a varied diet. This is a

crucial transition period as it is during this time that the process of chewing and swallowing food
is developed. This period also challenges the immune system, as the introduction of new foods
exposes the child to new antigens. The weaning phase is also a crucial period for the maturation
of gut microbiota, further aiding digestion.

During infancy, the digestive abilities improve gradually. By their first birthday, most

babies can eat a considerable variety of foods and their digestion is similar to that of adults,

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although the digestive tract is still developing and maturing. The pancreas does not develop its full
capacity to produce enzymes until after this time, thus the digestion of sugars and starches is not
as efficient as in adults.

Crucial to note is that every baby is unique and develops at their own pace. Some babies

may be able to tolerate new foods and textures earlier than others. However, parents should watch
out for signs of digestive trouble in their babies, such as persistent diarrhea or vomiting, indications
of dehydration, bloody stool, or drastic changes in appetite.

Caring for an infant's digestive health is essential to their overall development and well-

being. There are several considerations to take into account.


Feeding Intervals

: Newborns need to eat every 2-3 hours, including overnight, as their

stomachs can only hold small amounts of milk. Over time, the feeding intervals become longer as
the baby's stomach grows.


Breast Milk vs. Formula

: Breast milk is the optimal form of nutrition for most newborns,

as it contains all the nutrients a baby needs in the first six months of life. It also contains antibodies
that help the baby fight off viruses and bacteria. However, if breastfeeding is not possible, formula
is an efficient alternative. Always talk to your healthcare provider if you're concerned about which
method to use.


Transition to Solid Food

: Around six months of age, infants can start to transition to

consuming semi-solid food. This should be done progressively and with close observation. Starting
with purees of a single ingredient can help parents and caregivers identify any potential food
allergies or intolerances.


Look for Signs of Food Allergies or Intolerance

: Signs of this can include hives, a rash,

difficulty breathing, vomiting, or blood or mucus in the baby's stools. If you notice any of these
signs after introducing a new food, consult a healthcare provider.


Grasp Reflex and Swallowing

: Once a baby is able to hold its head up, sit with some

support, and have lost the tongue-thrust reflex (pushing food out of the mouth), it might be ready
to start with solid foods.


Monitor Bowel Movements

: Infants typically have frequent bowel movements. Changes

in diet will affect the color and consistency of the stool. However, if an infant is not passing stools
as often as usual and appears to be in distress, they could be constipated, and you should consult
with a healthcare provider.



: Infants get most of their hydration from milk. However, once they start taking

in solids, they may require additional fluids, like water, to aid with digestion.


Spitting Up and Reflux

: While it's common for babies to spit up during or after feeding,

if it's accompanied by other symptoms like refusing food, weight loss, gagging, coughing, or
irritability, it may be a sign of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).


Growth and Weight Gain

: Regular growth and weight gain are good indicators that an

infant is digesting and metabolizing nutrients properly. However, poor weight gain might indicate
a problem.

By paying attention to these aspects of a baby's digestion during infancy, parents can ensure

their child is on the right track towards proper digestion and absorption of nutrients. Always
discuss any concerns regarding your baby's digestion with a pediatrician or health care provider.

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In conclusion, the digestive system of a baby during infancy undergoes significant

development. Understanding and respecting the unique timetable of each infant's digestive system
can ensure optimal nutritional support and the least discomfort for the baby.

Digestive system in adolescence

Adolescence is a period of rapid growth and physical changes, including significant

changes in the digestive system. During this period, the adolescent's div requires more nutrients
to support growth, hormonal changes, and increased physical activity. The digestive system has to
adapt to these changing needs.

The organs of the digestive system including the stomach, liver, pancreas, and intestines

undergo considerable growth during adolescence, proportionate to the growth of the overall div.
This increase in organ size also increases their functional capacity.

The stomach’s capacity increases, allowing the adolescent to consume and digest larger

quantities of food. The liver and pancreas also grow and play an essential role in digestion by
secreting enzymes and bile necessary for digestion and absorption of nutrients.

During adolescence, the production of digestive enzymes also increases to effectively break

down a diverse array of foods and absorb the needed nutrients. An increase in stomach acid
production also occurs, aiding in the breakdown of food and killing harmful bacteria that might be

The gastrointestinal tract's motility changes during adolescence as well. The rate at which

food passes through the digestive system increases, meaning adolescents are likely to experience
quicker digestion compared to children.

Adolescence is often the stage of life when more varied and complex diets are introduced.

The digestive system adapts to this by improving its capacity to digest and absorb a large variety
of nutrients. However, poor dietary choices such as the overconsumption of fast foods, high sugar
intake and lack of fiber in the diet can adversely affect the normal functioning of the digestive

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Poor diet, combined with the hormonal change and increased stress often associated with

adolescence, can contribute to various gastrointestinal disorders. These may include irritable bowel
syndrome (IBS), gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and eating disorders which might affect
the digestive system drastically.

Due to the growth spurts and rapid physiological changes, teenagers often have increased

appetites. This could sometimes lead to overeating and consequent obesity if not managed properly
with a balanced diet and physical activity.

Also, some unhealthy dietary behaviors often start during adolescence. These include

skipping meals, especially breakfast, which can cause disruptions in the digestive system leading
to conditions like gastroparesis, resulting in feelings of fullness, bloating, and overall discomfort.

Adolescence is a critical period of physical and mental development, and optimal nutrition

is essential for healthy growth. Here are some important aspects to pay attention to when it comes
to digestion during this stage:


Balanced Diet

: Adolescents often have increased appetites due to growth spurts and higher

energy expenditure. It's crucial that they consume a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean
proteins, and whole grains to provide necessary nutrients and aid digestion.



: Adequate hydration plays a key role in digestion. It helps to break down food,

absorb nutrients, and ease the passage of waste through the digestive system. Adolescents should
be encouraged to drink plenty of fluids, mainly water.


Meal Schedule

: Regular eating habits are crucial for maintaining a healthy digestion.

Skipping meals, especially breakfast, can disrupt the digestive rhythm and lead to problems like
acid reflux or constipation.


Eating Disorders

: Anorexia, bulimia, and binge-eating are serious eating disorders that

may emerge during adolescence, triggering severe digestive problems and nutrient deficiencies.
It's crucial to be aware of sudden changes in eating patterns.


Portion Control

: Overeating can strain the digestive system and lead to obesity. Gradual

increases in portion sizes and the frequency of meals can better align with the adolescent’s growing
appetite and metabolic needs.


Processed Foods

: In a phase characterized by increased independence and socializing,

adolescents might be drawn to fast foods and processed snacks. These foods can be difficult to
digest and lead to issues like constipation, obesity, and other health problems.


Alcohol and Drug Use

: Adolescence is a vulnerable period when some individuals may

experiment with alcohol and drugs. These substances can damage the digestive system, interfere
with nutrient absorption, and lead to health problems.


Physical Activity

: Regular physical activity helps maintain a healthy digestive system by

promoting regular bowel movements and reducing the time food spends in the large intestine,
minimizing the absorption of water and preventing constipation.



: Adolescence can be a period of high stress due to academic pressures and social

changes. Chronic stress can affect digestion, leading to symptoms such as heartburn, stomach
aches, or changes in bowel habits.

Above all, fostering a supportive environment where adolescents feel comfortable

discussing any digestion-related concerns can aid in identifying potential issues early and seeking

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appropriate care. It's crucial to involve a medical professional if there are persistent digestive
problems or significant changes in eating behaviors.

In conclusion, while the human digestive system is fully formed by adolescence, it still

undergoes considerable changes to accommodate the specific needs of this life stage. Favoring
healthy eating practices and an active lifestyle during this phase can ensure the optimal functioning
of the digestive system and establish an excellent foundation for long-term health in adulthood. It
is crucial for parents, caregivers, and adolescents themselves to understand these changes to
navigate this critical period effectively.In adulthood, the digestive system is fully formed and
capable of digesting a variety of foods and absorbing nutrients effectively. However, unhealthy
lifestyle habits, stress, and certain medications can compromise its optimal functioning and cause
various digestive disorders. Adult bodies also start losing muscle in the digestive tract which can
lead to slower transit of food in the digestive system, resulting in constipation.

Upon reaching the elderly stage, the div starts showing signs of wear and tear. Age-related

changes in the aging digestive system include reduced production of digestive juices, a decrease
in liver size, and a decrease in the rate at which the digestive system operates. People of advanced
age may also develop poor dentition which could affect mastication and hence digestion and
absorption of nutrients. Aging may cause loss of strength and tone of the muscular walls of the gut
leading to conditions like gastroesophageal reflux disease and constipation. Moreover, the
metabolism slows down, leading to less nutrient absorption and changes in bowel habits.

The alterations in the gut microbiota composition, commonly observed in the elderly, have

been associated with decreased overall health and well-being, including decreased immune system
functioning, increased susceptibility to infection and chronic inflammation. All these factors
contribute to the increased prevalence of gastrointestinal diseases among the elderly population.

In conclusion, the age characteristics of the digestive system highlight that it is constantly

evolving, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle becomes increasingly crucial as we age. Knowledge
and awareness of these changes can help in maintaining and improving gut health at all stages of
life, from infancy to old age. It's crucial to support the digestive system with a balanced diet,
regular physical activity, sufficient hydration, and proper stress management. It is also essential to
monitor any unusual or persistent digestive symptoms and seek prompt medical attention, as
changes in the digestive organs could serve as an indicator of underlying health issues.



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Holliday, M. A. (1990). Body composition and energy needs during growth. Human growth: a comprehensive treatise. New York, NY: Plenum Press.

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