Methodological Aspects of Increasing the Level of Education of Students at Non-Linguistic Universities

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Akimbekova, K. (2024). Methodological Aspects of Increasing the Level of Education of Students at Non-Linguistic Universities. Modern Science and Research, 3(1), 1–3. Retrieved from


The work reveals methodological provisions that characterize training sessions from the perspective of a holistic approach to education. Using a systematic consideration of the conditions for ensuring the sustainability of the results of the educational process, the need to unify communicative and sociocultural competencies is shown. It is shown that full communication is possible only when the student masters not only the linguistic means of expressing information, but also a system of ideas about the culture, traditions, and realities of the country of the language being studied.

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Methodological Aspects of Increasing the Level of Education of

Students at Non-Linguistic Universities

Khakima Akimbekova




University of Tashkent for Applied Sciences, Gavhar Str. 1, Tashkent 100149, Uzbekistan


holistic approach, intercultural communication, educational process, interactive technology, higher
educational institution.


The work reveals methodological provisions that characterize training sessions from the perspective of a
holistic approach to education. Using a systematic consideration of the conditions for ensuring the
sustainability of the results of the educational process, the need to unify communicative and sociocultural
competencies is shown. It is shown that full communication is possible only when the student masters not
only the linguistic means of expressing information, but also a system of ideas about the culture, traditions,
and realities of the country of the language being studied.


Among the important characteristics of the

modern Russian economy, the relevance of




significantly influence the development of the
country’s economic complex, stands out today.
Traditionally, the effectiveness of education is
characterized by the formation of intangible assets
embodied in production processes, the development
of ideas of fundamental and applied science, etc. This
work raises the question of the stability of the
perception of educational material under external
influences and the possibility of timely methods of
regulation in the educational process [2, 3, 4, 5].

At the primary, secondary and higher school

levels, the requirements for the formation of student
creative thinking are increasing. For example, today
it is required to be able to express one’s opinion about
the material being studied. If a student agrees with the
teacher on everything, he will not become a creative
person [1]. In the context of the transition of all
spheres of society to technologies 4.0 (the fourth
industrial revolution), one of the compromise
solutions in minimizing this contradiction may be the

formation of an information environment that is
adaptive to the dynamics of requirements for the
competencies of graduates. The knowledge bases on
which training courses can be built should in fact
become subsystems in the means of socio-economic
interaction of potential employers, administration of
educational institutions, teachers and students. An
important feature of the information environment is
the creation of not only a powerful knowledge base,
but also effective communication channels. As an
important component of the infrastructure of the
education sector, such an information environment
will be able to facilitate the adoption of timely and
effective management decisions and control over
their implementation, which will increase the
efficiency of the use of educational resources
allocated to the educational institution.

Culture of communication in the organization of

the educational process Today, the quality of training
of specialists (in other words, the quality of
education) is becoming the most important condition
for success in the production sector. As a basic
postulate, we define: the learning process is the
teaching of technology, and the educational process
is the formation of a personality that combines

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professional knowledge and the presence of moral
principles that determine the goal-setting of its


An analysis of the features of applying acquired

knowledge in modern technologies showed the
similarity of techniques and means of their
implementation, regardless of the country of
production. At the same time, the competitiveness of
products from different countries is ensured by the
specific performance characteristics of the products
of these companies. In many ways, such differences
are determined by production culture. Today,
education should be considered not as a “sphere of
educational services”, but as the production of means
of production of an intellectual product [3]. In this
case, the culture of production of material (and non-
material) goods should be formed already at the stage
of education, i.e. during the formation of a cultural
and intellectual personality.

From this perspective, we will understand the

culture of communications as a characteristic of the
interest of the information receiver (for example, a
student) in the perception of the material offered by
any source of information (for example, a teacher). In
a more general form, the culture of communications
manifests itself in the form of a subject’s (person’s)
interest in the positive reaction of the entire
environment (people, nature) to his actions or
statements. Currently, primarily in educational
institutions, the urgent task is to improve the culture
of regular interaction between teacher and student,
between teacher and student, as well as between
teachers or between students. Traditionally, an
object-based paradigm was recommended for
constructing the educational process. She oriented
teachers towards maximizing the amount of material
presented [4]. In accordance with the expressed
understanding of the culture of communications, the
adoption of a subjective paradigm, which poses the
task of maximizing the formation of knowledge by
each student, is relevant today. We will assume that
the information received during the training session is
only an information resource. It will become
knowledge when it is structured according to its
importance for its owner. This approach explains one
of the significant reasons for the differences in the
success of students attending the same classes.

Based on this situation, the importance of not only

teaching special training courses is determined, but
also the purposeful formation of an understanding of
the importance of the proposed material. This means
that the formation of students’ ideology, determined
by the study of the humanities, is no less important

than the study of natural sciences or exact sciences.
Another important property of the culture of
communication between participants in training
sessions is its impact on the stability of the knowledge
generated. Increased attention to interpersonal
relationships in an educational institution determines
the directions in the formation of a methodology for
organizing the educational process, based not only on
ensuring the novelty of educational material, but also
on intensifying the creative activity of students, on
developing their ability to think in terms of the
proposed educational course. In this regard, as the
third property of a culture of communication between
participants in training sessions, we will highlight the
possibility of a synergetic effect in realizing the
creative potential of students (and teachers).

According to the conclusions of this work [2], a

necessary condition for the formation of a synergetic
effect is the similarity in the understanding of each
participant in the educational process of the
importance of existing and generated information
resources; a sufficient condition is the similarity of
interests of these participants. Important factors
influencing the interaction between subjects of the
educational process in this work include the
formation of a social partnership mechanism [5]. In
modern conditions of economic development in
developed countries, competition and economic
freedom of entrepreneurs are combined in a certain
way, as well as the active role of the state in the
redistribution of income in favor of the social sphere.
And although the degree of government intervention
in the economy varies, all of these countries have
social security systems, programs to help the
unemployed, including their retraining, etc. The
implementation of the principle of social partnership
is one of the most important aspects of the
organization of a social market economy, which has
a significant impact on the conditions for the
sustainability of the education system. In this work,
we believe that the concept of social interaction
includes ideology, as well as forms and methods of
coordinating the interests of partners (primarily the
state, employers, trade unions and employees of
educational institutions) to ensure their constructive
interaction. In this case, the number of social partners
should include educational structures. In the course of
synchronizing their interests and developing a
common solution to a pressing problem, each of them
can gain significant benefits.

In practice, the harmony of such interaction is

determined by the following:

1) Provision of grants by enterprises to

educational institutions for research, development of

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new technologies for self-organization and self-
development of personal and professional qualities of
future specialists, etc. in the areas of activity of these
enterprises, which, in turn, financially stimulates
cooperation participants to conduct further scientific
research and reduces the financial burden of the state.

2) Creation of uniform and new state standards,












participation of scientists from a certain field.

3) Direct participation of industry specialists in

the formation of training programs for narrow
specialists with the provision of the necessary
practical skills to minimize the adaptation period at
specialized enterprises.

4) Assistance of enterprises and educational

institutions in the formation and organization of
special general education programs as the basis for
further professional growth of a specialist


The results of such interactions for employers can


high personal and professional efficiency of


reduction of costs for retraining and

additional training of personnel;

achieving a dynamic balance between the

demand for qualified personnel and supply from the
vocational education system;

reduction of costs for personnel reproduction

due to a decrease in staff turnover;

planned filling of workplaces and efficient

use of equipment.

For educational institutions, such interaction with

production can lead to an expansion of the material
and technical base and an increase in the
attractiveness of educational institutions due to an
improvement in the quality of training of specialists
and an increase in their demand in developing areas
of the economy.



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the science of managing the transfer of knowledge //
Informatization of science and education. 2021. No. 4.


Sharipov T.B. Methodological features of ensuring the
reliability of technologies for providing services by a
commercial company // Economic strategies. 2021.
No. 11. pp. 100–109.


Kulikova N.G. Modern education: philosophy of crisis. Kemerovo: Practice, 2021.

Rasulova B.S. (2022) Intellectualization as a factor in the development of the education system // Bulletin of Science and Education. No. 2. pp. 127–131.

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Yurkevich E.V., Sekerin V.D. Logistics of education - the science of managing the transfer of knowledge // Informatization of science and education. 2021. No. 4.

Sharipov T.B. Methodological features of ensuring the reliability of technologies for providing services by a commercial company // Economic strategies. 2021. No. 11. pp. 100–109.

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