The Role of the Meta-Subject Approach in the Context of Distance Learning in the Higher Education System

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Khalikberdiyeva, N. (2024). The Role of the Meta-Subject Approach in the Context of Distance Learning in the Higher Education System. Modern Science and Research, 3(1), 1–3. Retrieved from


The article substantiates the need to change the education strategy based on the meta-subject approach, and also reveals the possibilities of the meta-subject approach for any academic subject in distance learning conditions and examines groups of meta-skills. Meta-subject results of students include the universal learning activities they have mastered: cognitive, regulatory and communicative, which ensure mastery of key competencies that form the basis of the ability to learn, and interdisciplinary concepts.

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The Role of the Meta-Subject Approach in the Context of Distance

Learning in the Higher Education System

Nargiza Khalikberdiyeva



Tashkent University of Applied Sciences, Gavhar Str. 1, Tashkent 100149, Uzbekistan


distance learning, meta-subject approach, meta-subject skills, modern education system, methodology.


The article substantiates the need to change the education strategy based on the meta-subject approach, and
also reveals the possibilities of the meta-subject approach for any academic subject in distance learning
conditions and examines groups of meta-skills. Meta-subject results of students include the universal learning
activities they have mastered: cognitive, regulatory and communicative, which ensure mastery of key
competencies that form the basis of the ability to learn, and interdisciplinary concepts.


Distance learning in the educational system of

Uzbekistan began in 2020 and has become that part
of the general education system that provides the
opportunity for continuous learning and self-
development of students during the declared
quarantine period. The attitude towards this format of
education in the country is far from unambiguous [3].

The introduction of distance education, on the one

hand, revealed many problems that arose for all
participants in this process without exception, and on
the other hand, it discovered new opportunities in the
development of the education system. During the
distance learning, unfortunately, not only technical
difficulties of digital learning arose, but also
problems in organizing the educational process, new




associated, for example, with establishing feedback,
monitoring, planning activities, preparing graduates
for the final certification and protecting their final
qualification works (in bachelor's and master's


It is no secret that many distance participants,

having found themselves in new conditions, were

confused or not at all ready for it. In the process of
distance learning, obstacles arose in the application
and use of meta-subject skills in practice. This can
also be explained by the fact that the main efforts of
teachers in new, unusual working conditions were
still aimed primarily at achieving subject-specific
results. For this purpose, reproductive methods were
used, based on reproduction, on the organization of
individual solutions to assigned tasks. As a result, it
was discovered that students need not only
accumulated knowledge, but also the ability to freely
use the acquired knowledge, independently find and
process it, and apply it in practice. After all, the main
markers of distance education, when the format of





independence and self-training of students.

During the period of transition to distance

education in Uzbek universities, it became clear:
distance learning has given an individual character to
education, in which students with different abilities
need to demonstrate independence and self-training
skills, master meta-skills based on working with text
[2]. The discrepancy between the requirements of the
time, the current situation and traditional teaching
methods has led to the need to change the teaching
strategy, using modern activity-based educational
technologies in the educational process. A new

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education strategy that works with advanced
knowledge should be based on a meta-subject
approach, within which students develop meta-
subject learning skills and actions. The nature of the
teacher’s professional activity also changes. The
teacher and students today must be able to integrate
and construct new pedagogical situations, new tasks
aimed at using generalized methods of activity and
creating students’ own results in mastering

Thus, one of the most important tasks of a modern

Uzbek university is to update the significance of
students’ meta-subject skills. Meta-subject skills are
a necessary attribute of students’ mental
independence. It was the lack of independence and
self-training of students that was revealed by the
period of distance education in Uzbek universities.
Today, the formation of meta-subject skills should
become a priority task of university education. It is
still difficult for teachers to imagine a holistic picture
of the implementation of the new approach, so many
questions arise about the essence of the meta-subject
approach, meta-subject, meta-knowledge, meta-
methods, meta-subjects, about ways to ensure the






technologies and methods that contribute to the
formation of meta-subject results and ensure
successful preparation for final certification. Despite
the long history of development of the concept of
“meta-subjectivity”, there is still no single
interpretation of it; different scientific schools
interpret it differently. We adhere to the point of view
of Yu.V. Gromyko, who by meta-subject content of
education understands activities that are not related to
a specific academic subject, on the contrary, ensuring
the learning process within the framework of any
academic subject [1].

Meta-activity is a universal activity that is “supra-

subject”. Meta-activity as a universal way of life for
each person is determined by the level of his mastery
of meta-knowledge and meta-methods, the level of
personal development. By meta-methods we mean
methods by which a person discovers new ways of
solving problems, builds non-stereotypical plans and
programs that allow one to find meaningful ways to
solve problems. Meta-skills are interdisciplinary
(supra-subject) cognitive abilities and skills. These
include theoretical thinking:

information processing skills,

critical thinking,

creative thinking,

regulatory skills,

thinking qualities.

Theorists from different schools are trying to

determine the range of vital skills and competencies
that can ensure not only social adaptation, but also
successful self-realization of a person based on the
formation of life values


These are key competencies that have universal

significance for various types of activities:
generalized ways of solving educational problems,
research, communication and information skills, the
ability to work with different sources of information.
Among them, the Standard highlights the skills

Interact in a group to achieve common goals

and evaluate the results achieved

Choose means of achieving the goal and

apply them in practice

Determine goals and objectives



Analytical meta-subject skills

are the ability to compare

phenomena and facts

highlight the main thing,

compose a whole picture
from individual elements

formulate a general

problem; draw

philosophical, economic,

political, moral and ethical


Educational and informational

meta-subject skills are the

ability to extract information

from various sources

to make plan and select

material on a given topic

write abstracts; excerpt;

draw up tables, diagrams,


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developed in Russian language lessons: analytical,
educational and informational, communicative-
speech and regulatory. Let us briefly describe them.


Informational, cognitive, communicative-speech,

regulatory and analytical - we classify all these skills
as textual skills. Text and text skills are the basis of
communicative competence; all groups of meta-
subject skills are formed on a text basis. We believe
that in the modern education system, especially at a
university, it is important to ensure the general
cultural, personal and cognitive development of a
student, equipping him with important meta-skills,
i.e. the ability to learn.

The meta-subject approach in education ensures,

in our opinion, the integrity of the personal and
cognitive development and self-development of
students, the continuity of all stages of the educational
process, and underlies the organization and regulation
of any student’s activity, regardless of its specific
subject content. Students master universal principles
and general universal cognitive strategies, which
increases the effectiveness of their work. In general,
the meta-subject approach turns learning into a
process of self-development for students and expands
the horizon of their knowledge.



Marinenko O. P. Intensification of teaching the
Russian language to foreign students: results of expert
assessment // Scientific notes of ZabSU. 2022. Vol. 17,
No. 4


2. Ratikova I.N. (2015). Meta-subject approach in
educational practice. Municipal education: innovation
and experiment, (1), 15-17.


3. Khutorskoy A.V. Meta-subject content of education
from the standpoint of human conformity // Bulletin of
the Institute of Human Education. – URL: http://eidos-

Regulatory meta-subject skills are the

ability to formulate the goal of an


plan activities; exercise


carry out self-assessment;

carry out self-correction

Communicative-speech meta-subject

skills are the ability to compose a

coherent statement (oral and written)

comply with language

norms; maintain style in

your own texts;

express your opinion and

give reasons for it; prepare

research papers; retell the

text; lead a discussion


Marinenko O. P. Intensification of teaching the Russian language to foreign students: results of expert assessment // Scientific notes of ZabSU. 2022. Vol. 17, No. 4

2. Ratikova I.N. (2015). Meta-subject approach in educational practice. Municipal education: innovation and experiment, (1), 15-17.

3. Khutorskoy A.V. Meta-subject content of education from the standpoint of human conformity // Bulletin of the Institute of Human Education. – URL:

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