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Primbetov, A., Saidova, F., Yembergenova , U., & Primbetov, A. (2024). REAL TIME LOGO RECOGNITION USING YOLO ON ANDROID. Modern Science and Research, 3(1), 1–5. Retrieved from


Humans can easily detect and identify objects present in an image. The human visual system is fast and accurate and can perform complex tasks like identifying multiple objects and detect obstacles with little conscious thought. For a long time, humans have been trying to make computers understand what is on the images. With the availability of large amounts of data, faster Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)s, and better algorithms, we can now easily train computers to detect and classify multiple objects within an image with high accuracy. The goal of this paper is to implement an object detection model suitable in terms of size and speed to run on an Android device and detect logos in real-time. The proposed approach is based on YOLOv2 (You Only Look Once) state-of-the-art, real-time object detection for logos and this project used the FlickrLogos-32 dataset. The experimental results show that we obtained a final accuracy of 82.3% and a speed of 35 fps (frames per second) on the NVidia GeForce GTX 1070.

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background image



Primbetov Abbaz


, Saidova Fazilat


Primbetov Aziz


, and Yembergenova Ulmira



Tashkent University of Applied Sciences, Gavhar Str. 1, Tashkent 100149, Uzbekistan


Nukus Branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies Named After Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi, 74, A.

Dosnazarov street, Nukus, Uzbekistan,


Object detection, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), You Only Look Once (YOLO), Faster R-CNN
(Region-based Convolutional Neural Networks).


Humans can easily detect and identify objects present in an image. The human visual system is fast and
accurate and can perform complex tasks like identifying multiple objects and detect obstacles with little
conscious thought. For a long time, humans have been trying to make computers understand what is on the
images. With the availability of large amounts of data, faster Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)s, and better
algorithms, we can now easily train computers to detect and classify multiple objects within an image with
high accuracy. The goal of this paper is to implement an object detection model suitable in terms of size and
speed to run on an Android device and detect logos in real-time. The proposed approach is based on YOLOv2
(You Only Look Once) state-of-the-art, real-time object detection for logos and this project used the
FlickrLogos-32 dataset. The experimental results show that we obtained a final accuracy of 82.3% and a speed
of 35 fps (frames per second) on the NVidia GeForce GTX 1070.



A logo is a graphical mark used to identify a

company, organization, product or brand. Logos are

used to represent a company’s name, a particular

product or service and are used heavily vin the
marketing of products and services. Logos have
become an integ

ral part of a company’s videntity and

a well-

recognized logo can increase a company’s

goodwill. A logo usually has a recognizable and
distinctive graphic design, stylized name or unique
symbol for identifying an organization. It is affixed,
included, or printed on all advertising, buildings,
communications, literature, products, stationery,
vehicles, etc. Logo can be seen anywhere in the
surrounding in our vdaily life, such as in the streets,
supermarkets, on the products or services, on
administrative documents, etc. Examples of different

logos are shown in Figure 1. Logo detection is a
challenging object recognition and classification
problem as there is no clear definition of what
constitutes a logo. A logo can be thought of as an
artistic expression of a brand, it can be either a
(stylized) letter or text, a graphical figure or any
combination of these. Furthermore, some logos

Figure 1: Some figures illustrate that logos

appear everywhere in our surrounding.

background image

have a fixed set of colors with known fonts while
others vary a lot in color and specialized unknown
fonts. Additionally, due to the nature of a logo (as
brand identity), there is no guarantee about its context
or placement in an image, in reality logos could
appear on any product, background or advertising
surface. Also, this problem has large intra-class
variations e.g. for a specific brand, there exist various
logos types (old and new Adidas logos, small and big
versions of Nike) and inter-class variations e.g. there
exists logos which belong to different brands but look
similar (see Figure 2).

Figure 2: Logo variations exemplar images
Left variations of brands Adidas. Notice, different

graphical figures. Right variations of brands Chanel -
Gucci, Vodafone, Target, beats, Bebo and Pinterest.
Notice, similar looking logos but belong to different



The problem of logo recognition itself has a

rich research history. In the 1990’s the problem was
mainly explored in information retrieval use-cases.
An image descriptor was generated using affine
transformations and stored in a database for retrieval.
There were also some neural network-based
approaches but the networks were not as deep nor the
results as impressive as recent work.In the 2000’s,
with the advent of SIFT and related approaches better
image descriptors were possible. This method
provides representations and transformations to
image gradients that are invariant to affine
transformations and robust when facing lighting
conditions and clutter. A Recent initiative in logo
recognition uses deep neural networks, which offer
superior performance with end to end pipeline
automation, i.e. from image and logo identification to
recognition. Multiple methods for object detection
using CNNs have been presented this recent year. The
Region-Based Convolutional Neural Network (R-
CNN) is an architecture that locates and classifies
multiple objects by combining a CNN and an external
region proposal method. A region proposal method is
an algorithm that outputs thea set of regions of

interest, typically defined with bounding boxes. A
commonly used region proposal method is Selective
Search. This algorithm proposes regions of interest by
using similarity measures based on color and visual
features. R-CNN method crops and resize each region
of interest and classifies them using a CNN. The
original architecture uses a CNN with five
convolutional layers and two fully connected layers,
although any CNN classifier can be used.Some more
complex methods for object detection include Fast R-
CNN and Faster R-CNN. Fast R-CNN is a method
based on R-CNN in which the full image is processed
by the convolutional layers and then, regions of the
output of the last convolutional layer are cropped and
classified. The network is formed by a set of
convolutional layers, fully-connected layers, an
external region proposal method (typically Selective
Search) and a Region of Interest (RoI) pooling layer.
The RoI pooling layer applies max-pooling to each
region of interest using a grid of a fixed size (typically
7 × 7).

Fast R-CNN also introduces a bounding box

regressor, a layer that outputs a fine-tuned location of
bounding boxes. Faster R-CNN is based on Fast R-
CNN but substitutes the external region proposal
methods by a Region Proposal Network (RPN). RPN
is a neural network that generates regions of interest
using the features of the output of the last
convolutional layer. RPN is formed by a 3 × 3 sliding
window that outputs a set of bounding boxes
(typically 9) with different sizes and aspect ratios and
a fully connected layer that assigns a binary class
(foreground or background) to each bounding box.

Many other object detection algorithms,

including the previous ones described, output several
overlapping bounding boxes. In order to merge them,
the Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS) algorithm is
used. NMS removes a bounding box if it largely
overlaps with another bounding box of the same class
with a higher confidence score. New methods for
object detection based on deep learning are constantly
appearing. Some of them include: Single Shot
Detector (SSD) or You Only Look Once (YOLO) and
YOLOv2. This method typically provides faster
performance than Faster R-CNN but obtains a lower
accuracy. YOLO is a recent, unified CNN based

background image

object detection model, proposed by Joseph et. in
2016. It explores using a single network to predict
both objects' positions and class scores at one time.
The motivation is to reframe the detection problem as
a regression problem, which regresses from the input
image directly to class probabilities and locations.
Benefit from the unified design, YOLO's detection
speed is many times faster than other state-of-the-art
methods .



YOLOv2 is an improved version of

YOLOv1 introduced in (Redmon et al. 2016b). We
applied our project with YOLOv2 because compared
to YOLOv1, YOLOv2 is a more accurate and faster
detection method. However, the development team
also came up with a "tiny" variation which is much
smaller than the original. This tiny model-based
implementation is called Tiny YOLOv2. Tiny
YOLOv2 has 11 layers. Out of these 9 are
convolutional and 2 are fully connected. This is much
smaller than the regular model which is perfect for
android. Figure 3 shows the structure of Fast YOLO.
The tiny version is composed of 9 convolution layers
with leaky relu activations. Observe that after 6
maxpool the 446x446 input image becomes a
13x13xD image

Figure 3: The network of YOLOv2

YOLO divides up the image into a grid of 13

by 13 cells. In object detection, we also have to
predict the location and the shape of an object, not
only classification. Therefore, the output of an object
detection network becomes a little bit complicated. In
our case of YOLOv2, the output is a 3-dimensional
array (or Tensor in TensorFlow). Particularly in
YOLOv2, the shape of output is 13x13xD, where D

varies depending on how many classes of objects we
want to detect (For example D=5 for a single class).
The first 2-dimensional array (13x13) is called grid
cells. So, there are 169 grid cells in total.One grid cell

is ‘responsible’ for detecting 5 bounding boxes, that

is we can detect up to 5 boxes on a grid cell. This
means that the network can detect up to 169 x 5 = 845
boxes at once. This number of bounding boxes a grid
cell can detect is actually the number of Anchor-
Boxes we prepare, and we can change this number to
whatever we want. So, for example, if we want to
detect humans and cars and think that just two
Anchor-Boxes (vertical rectangle for humans, and
horizontal rectangle for cars) are enough to detect
them, then the number 5 above becomes 2. (In the

paper of YOLOv2, this number is denoted as ‘B’).

Figure 4: shows the output of the network for
YOLOv2 looks like this.

Figure 4: The output of the network for YOLOv2

Each grid cell has depth of D. The value of D depends
on the number of classes we want to detect. When we
have C classes of object, D is D=B(5+C) The output
of the network looks like this. There are 13x13 = 169
grid cells in total, and each grid cell can detect up to
B bounding boxes. One bounding box has 5 + C
properties, therefore a grid cell has D = Bx(5+C)
values (this is depth) Tensor=SxSxSx(5+c) In our
case classes number C=30 and B=5

Figure 5: This 13x13 tensor can be considered as a
13x13 grid representing the input image, where each

background image

cell of this tensor will hold the 5 box definitions and
30 class probabilities.

The input to the network is 416x416x3

image in YOLOv2-tiny. There is no fully connected
layer in it. (Table 1)

Table 1: Details of Network



In our project we used FlickrLogos-32

dataset. The FlickrLogos-32 dataset contains photos
showing brand logos and is meant for the valuation of
multi-class logo recognition as well as logo retrieval
methods on real-world images. Logos of 32 different
logo classes and 6000 negative images were collected
by downloading them from Flickr. The dataset
includes images, ground truth, annotations (bounding
boxes plus binary masks), evaluation scripts and pre
computed visual features. The dataset FlickrLogos-32
contains photos depicting logos and is meant for the
evaluation of multi-class logo detection/recognition
as well as logo retrieval methods on real-world
images. One of the most time-consuming and costly
processes in constructing the Flickrlogos-32 database
is to annotate logo objects from the collected product
images. For each product image,a logo annotator

needsto identify the logo objects, annotate the
bounding box of each logo object, and then tag it with
the corresponding logo class id. Figure 5 shows
examples of logo object

annotation on product


Figure 5: Instruction example of logo object
annotation.The left-hand side is rejected due to too
loose bounding box.



mAP (mean Average Precision) is a popular

metric in measuring the accuracy of object detectors
like YOLO, SSD, etc. Average precision computes
the average precision value for recall value over 0 to
Using this criterium, we calculate the precision/recall
curve. Then we compute a version of the measured

precision/recall curve with precision monotonically,

Figure 6: Show us the result of mean average

precision (mAP)

by setting the precision for recall r to the maximum
precision obtained for any recall r' > r. Finally, we
compute the AP as the area under this curve by
numerical integration. No approximation is involved
since the curve is piecewise constant and finally, we
can calculate mean average precision object
detection(mAP), resulting in a mAP value from 0 to

(Mean average precision) of 82% and it can

track logos very smoothly. In mobile android phones

background image

(Honor 9) we have made the process result as shown
in Figure 12 by conducting a series of experiments,
the quantitative performance measure of logo
detection. Training dark flow and our custom CNN
architecture took an immense amount of time. We
trained our models in batches of 64 in 8 mini-batches.
This allowed us to efficiently train 64 images every

Training on a NVidia GeForce 1070, each

step took 0.5 seconds. This allowed us to train each
model for 2000 epochs, so we can observe the early
stopping point and the weights that gave us the best
accuracies. YOLO’s implementation allowed us to
save our weight files every 10000 steps, so we just let
it continually train overnight so we can scrap the
accuracy in the morning using a script. We have
significant results that show our model works better
with our dataset above with a little less than 2000
epochs. We trained up to 2000 epochs and the
accuracy peaked at epoch 1500. We experimented
with running different learning rates our accuracy
never got any better.

Figure 7. Shows the logo detection through Honor 9.


I have trained the model on the FlickrLogos-32

dataset and experiment results to show that YOLOv2
performs very well in real-time logo detection. By
performing a comprehensive analysis of YOLOv2
over FlickrLogos-32 dataset, we found that the
experiment result showed that we managed to achieve
a final mean average precision (mAP) 82.53% and
30-35 FPS (frames per second) speed on an NVIDIA
GeForce Gtx 1070 and our models performed well at
the detection, with very low false-positive rates
possible for a fairly reasonably. The application runs
smoothly on the current test hardware. However, the
main part of the goal was successfully implemented,
a working application that utilizes a neural network
model for object detection.



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[1] Feh´erv´ari, I., Appalaraju, S. (2019, January). Scalable logo recognition using proxies. In 2019 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) (pp. 715-725). IEEE.

[2] Su, Hang, Xiatian Zhu, and Shaogang Gong. ”Open logo detection challenge.” arXiv preprint arXiv: 1807.01964 (2018).

[3] Oliveira, G., Fraz˜ao, X., Pimentel, A., Ribeiro, B. (2016, July). Automatic graphic logo detection via fast region-based convolutional networks. In 2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (pp. 985-991).IEEE.

[4] Hoi, S. C., Wu, X., Liu, H., Wu, Y., Wang, H., Xue, H., Wu, Q. (2015). Logo-net: Large-scale deep logo detection and brand recognition with deep region-based convolutional networks. arXiv preprint arXiv: 1511.02462.

[5] Shafiee, M. J., Chywl, B., Li, F., Wong, A. (2017). Fast YOLO: A Fast You Only Look Once System for Real-time Embedded Object Detection in Video. arXiv: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.

[6] Feh´erv´ari, Istv´an, and Srikar Appalaraju. ”Scalable logo recognition using proxies.” 2019 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV). IEEE, 2019.

[7] Ren, S., He, K., Girshick, R., Sun, J. (2015). Faster R-CNN: towards real-time object detection with region proposal networks. Neural information processing systems.

[8], S., He, K., Girshick, R., Sun, J. (2015). Faster r-cnn: Towards real-time object detection with region proposal networks. In Advances in neural information processing systems (pp. 91-99).

[9] Le, Viet Phuong. ”Logo detection, recognition and spotting in context by matching local visual features.” PhD diss., Universit´e de La Rochelle, 2015.

[10] Eggert, C., Brehm, S., Winschel, A., Zecha, D. and Lienhart, R., 2017, July. A closer look: Small object detection in faster R-CNN. In 2017 IEEE international conference on multimedia and expo (ICME) (pp. 421-426). IEEE.

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