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Biktimirova, G., Turayev, B. ., & Ochilova, N. (2024). FEATURES OF THE PATHOKINESIS OF ADAPTATION DISORDERS IN MEN WITH MILD FORMS OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE. Modern Science and Research, 3(1), 602–610. Retrieved from https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/science-research/article/view/28834


In cardiovascular pathology, data are presented on the peculiarities of the structure of mental insufficiency, according to which mental disorders of the affective spectrum, manifested by symptoms of anxiety and depression, which can be combined with hypochondriac diseases, are more common. In the genesis of mental adaptation, a connection with stress, personal and psychosocial factors is observed.

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Biktimirova Guzal Ravshanova

Samarkand regional mental health hospital, doctor psychiatrist, Samarkand, Republic of


Turayev Bobir Temirpulotovich

Assistant of the department of psychiatry, medical psychology and narcology, Samarkand State

Medical University, Samarkand, Republic of Uzbekistan

Ochilova Nigina Ulug’bek qizi

Student of group 328 of the medical faculty of Samarkand State Medical University, Samarkand,

Republic of Uzbekistan



In cardiovascular pathology, data are presented on the peculiarities of the

structure of mental insufficiency, according to which mental disorders of the affective spectrum,

manifested by symptoms of anxiety and depression, which can be combined with hypochondriac

diseases, are more common. In the genesis of mental adaptation, a connection with stress, personal

and psychosocial factors is observed.

Key words:

cardiovascular disease, anxiety, depression, mental retardation.




В сердечно-сосудистой патологии представлены данные об

особенностях структуры психической недостаточности, согласно которым чаще

встречаются психические расстройства аффективного спектра, проявляющиеся

симптомами тревоги и депрессии, которые могут сочетаться с ипохондрическими

заболеваниями. В генезисе психической адаптации наблюдается связь со стрессом,

личностными и психосоциальными факторами.

Ключевые слова:

сердечно-сосудистые заболевания, тревога, депрессия,

умственная отсталость.


As noted in our previous publications, the ability of a person to adapt,

including in the case of illness, is associated not only with the functional state of the organism and

its ability to adequately respond to negative factors, but also with a certain complex of individual

psychological characteristics of the individual [1], as well as with methods of processing

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interpersonal relationships. adventures [2]. The importance of the mental adaptation factor in

cardiovascular diseases, as well as the high frequency of its mental deficiency, justify the

emergence of a separate interdisciplinary direction-psychocardiology, which is located at the

intersection of Cardiology, psychology and psychiatry [3].

This work is devoted to a brief review of Scientific Reports on the peculiarities of the

structure of mental deficiency in patients with cardiovascular diseases, which rely on the most

pronounced psychopathological symptoms in common forms of cardiac pathology [4].

Thus, according to epidemiological studies, a reliable relationship was established between

cardiac pathology and depression. There is more information on the relationship between anxiety

and the development of cardiovascular disease in the general population [5].

Anxiety and depressive symptoms in patients with Arterial hypertension and coronary

artery disease and its effect on cardiovascular prognosis have shown that clinically significant

anxiety symptoms are present in 33 and 38%, respectively 30 and 38% of patients with arterial

hypertension and coronary artery disease have depressive symptoms.respectively [6].

Psychopathological symptoms data have been found to be associated with low levels of

education, low income levels, inadequate physical activity, high levels of chronic psycho-

emotional stress, and high-strength acute stresses, lack of social support, and social isolation,

increased blood pressure, which often leads to patients overuse of health resources [7]. In the initial

examination of clinically identified depression, the presence of patients increases the overall risk

of non-fatal and fatal.

Research with colleagues found that 58,5 percent and 19,5 percent of 530 patients with

coronary heart disease had high stress levels, while 82 percent of men and 79 percent of women

had different levels of depression. In 42% of people with coronary heart disease, clinically specific

anxiety is diagnosed. No statistically significant difference in the frequency of depression and

anxiety has been found between men and women. Every fourth patient with coronary artery disease

needs professional correction of disorders in the psychological state [8-11].

According to many other studies conducted in different countries, mental disorder in the

form of depressive mental disorders is a very important risk factor for the formation of coronary

artery disease and a predictor of coronary death [12].

Depression spectrum disorders are detected in 40,7% of patients in the first week after acute

myocardial infarction, according to diagnostic criteria, depressive disorders make up a quarter of

the total observation, anxiety-depressive reactions within adaptation disorders-13,9%, organic

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Affective Disorders – 2,8%, dysthymia-1,8%. In the year of observation, the total number of all

identified cases of depressive spectrum disorder increases by 10,2% [13-16].

Depressive spectrum disorders in Cardiological diseases are characterized by

polymorphism and the severity of somatovegetative and psychopathological manifestations, and

significantly complicate the clinical picture of cardiovascular diseases. In cardiovascular diseases,

a stable combination of anxiety, depression, somatovegetative manifestations is detected in the

structure of depressive disorders [17-20].

Believes that depressive and anxiety disorders associated with the development of

cardiovascular disease, as well as masked and aberrant hypochondriac-type diseases, can be

considered as psychosocial risk factors for coronary heart disease in patients. Some hypochondria

disorders (neurotic hypochondria, hypochondria, and "new life" - type development) associated

with adherence to higher treatment may be associated with a positive prognosis [21-28]. The

structure of mental deficiency in patients with cardiovascular diseases is expressed as follows: in

patients with hypertension-anxiety in 41,6% of patients, depressive disorders – in 36,4% of

patients. Anxiety disorders in patients with different forms of atrial fibrillation are found in 39,4%

of cases, depressive disorders in 28,3%. In patients with coronary heart disease, the following

comorbid psychopathological diseases are distinguished: depression in 20,6%, anxiety disorders

in 5,9%, pathocharacterological development (hypochondria masked by "excellent apathy"

phenomena in 4,4%, neurotic hypochondria with cardioneurosis phenomena in 4,4%, "new life"

type in 10,3%, aberrant hypochondria in 29,4%).%) [29-34].

Mental disorders (depression 21,5%, anxiety disorder 6,2%) and pathocharacterological

hypochondria development (masked hypochondria-10,8%, neurotic hypochondria-43,1%, "new

life" type-6,9%, aberrant hypochondria-11,5%) in patients with coronary artery disease. Their

negative prognosis is associated with paranoid and dissocial personality disorders, comorbid

depressive and anxiety disorders, as well as nosogenic development of the individual, such as

masked and aberrant hypochondria [35-40].

The purpose of the study:

Study of the features of the pathokinesis of adaptation disorders

in men with mild forms of cardiovascular disease

Materials and research methods.

The study involved men between the ages of 30 and 60

with non-severe forms of cardiovascular disease: stage I-II hypertension with a level of 1-3 arterial

hypertension, risk of cardiovascular complications no more than 3, lack of circulation no more

than NIA and stable angina PK I-III tension NC no more than NIA without myocardial infarction,

clinical-psychopathological and statistical-mathematical methods were used with a

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Results and their discussion.

2 groups of patients with hypertension and stable tension

angina who suffered from adaptation disorders of the anxiety and/or depressive spectrum were

studied. The first group includes 93 men with hypertension and adaptation disorders, the average

age is 37,75 years, the second group includes 128 men with stable tension angina pectoris, the

average age is 47,16 years.

The group of patients with clinical-psychopathologically stable tension angina was

presented as follows: short - term anxiety reaction - 46 patients (35,94%), long - term anxiety

reaction– 25 patients (19,53%), mixed anxiety-depressive reaction-34 patients (26,56%), short-

term depressive and long-term depression reactions-23 (17,97%).

The group of patients with clinical-psychopathologically stable tension angina was

presented as follows: anxiety reaction - 19 patients (20,43%), long - term anxiety reaction - 15

patients (16,13%), mixed anxiety – depressive reaction-35 patients (37,63%), short-term

depressive and long-term depression reactions-24 (25,81%).

In the process of studying the prevalence of patients with adaptation disorders with a predominance

of depressive symptoms by the leading type of effect, it was found that anxiety effects were

significantly greater in the clinic of depressive adaptation disorders in men with hypertension and

stable tension angina pectoris (66,67% and 73,91%, respectively), significantly less common. sad

(29,17 and 21,74% respectively) and the rarest apathetic (4,16% and 4,35% respectively).

All patients were engaged in medical or non-drug correction of adaptation disorders for 2 weeks.

After two months, all patients with hypertension and stable tension angina who suffered from

adaptation disorders were re-advised.

Conducting a catamnestic study revealed the following characteristics of the pathokinesis

of adaptation disorders:

1) rapid and complete decline (in most cases)under the influence of a situation that has changed

positively due to self-correction or adequate timely therapy;

2) the re-development of psychopathological symptoms by the "cliché" type when new traumatic

tools appeared, which contributed to a long-lasting course, accompanied not only by an expansion

of the spectrum of clinical manifestations, but also by a tendency to stabilize phenomenological

complexity and adaptation disorders;

3) changes in adaptation disorders with the formation of neurotic, affective, endogenous or

addictive mental disorders.

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In this study, 81,63% of adaptation disorders occurred without transformation, 9,19% had

neurotic manifestations, 4,08% were addictive (alcohol dependence), and 5,10% were


With the predominance of depressive symptomatology, adaptation disorders became

33,85% cases (of which 18,46% went to subclinical 1 episode with endogenous manifestation,

15,39% to initial manifestation of depressive episode). Adaptation disorders with mixed anxiety-

depressive symptoms in 17,71% of cases (of which subclinical Part 1 endogenous manifestation

and initial manifestation of depressive episode 3,13%, panic disorder and general anxiety disorder

2,08%, agoraphobia with panic disorder 1,04% and Addiction Disorder 4,17%).

Adaptive disorders in which anxiety symptoms prevail have become 11,28% of cases

(panic disorder and general anxiety disorder – 0,75% each, specific isolated phobias - 1.50%,

agoraphobia with panic disorder – 2,26% and addiction disorders – 6,02%).

Thus, with the predominance of depressive symptomatology, ra subclinical to 1 episode

with endogenous manifestations and the initial manifestation of a depressive episode, with the

predominance of anxious symptomatology - with anxiety-phobic and other annoying, as well as

addictive diseases and with a mixture - to all of the above.

The highest level of transformation of adaptation disorders was observed in adaptation

disorders with a predominance of depressive symptoms-33.85% of cases, the lowest - in adaptation

disorders with a predominance of anxiety symptoms – 11,28% of cases, mixed anxiety-adaptation

disorders with depressive symptoms occupied an intermediate position in 17,71% of cases.cases.

In the course of the study, prognostically unfavorable signs were identified in terms of

changing adaptation disorders: the predominance of sad and indifferent influence in depressive

reactions, the long duration of adaptation disorders, the characteristics of sensitive and

asthenoneurotic premorbid signs, the loss of direct correlation of the dynamics of emergence and

manifestation of a psychotraumatic situation and (in neurotic manifestations, the state changes

depending on the change of - does not depend on them), the patient's passivity in dealing with

current situations.

In addition, according to the results of a catamnestic study, more than half of patients with

cardiovascular disease in Group 1 recorded a stable retention of the results of the treatment of

cardiovascular diseases (86 people-58,11%), in 2 subgroups – 38,36 % (28 people), in 3

subgroups-20,55% (28 people).


Thus, as a result of the study, the peculiarities of the pathokinesis of

adaptation disorders were identified, as well as prognostically unfavorable signs in terms of

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changing adaptation disorders that allow to increase the quality of assistance provided to this

contingent of patients.

The structure of psychopathological diseases in patients with Arterial hypertension is

characterized by a combination of diseases of neurotic and neurosis-like Origin. Analysis of the

structure of the syndrome indicates the presence of depressive (55,8%), anxiety (15,8%),

hypochondria (12,5%), hysterics (10,8%) and obsessive-phobic (5%) syndromes.

Summarizing the features of the structure of mental insufficiency in cardiovascular

diseases, it can be noted that patients often have mental disorders of the affective spectrum,

manifested by symptoms of anxiety and depression, which can be combined with hypochondria.

In the genesis of mental adaptation, a connection with stress, personal and psychosocial factors is




Asanova R. et al. Features of the treatment of patients with mental disorders and

cardiovascular pathology //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 545-



Begbudiyev M. et al. Integration of psychiatric care into primary care //Science and

innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 551-557.


Bo’Riyev B. et al. Features of clinical and psychopathological examination of young

children //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 558-563.


Hamidullayevna X. D., Temirpulotovich T. B., Sherboyevich H. B. Features of the use of

social networks by people with schizophrenia //Journal of healthcare and life-science

research. – 2024. – Т. 3. – №. 1. – С. 52-58.


Pogosov A. et al. Rational choice of pharmacotherapy for senile dementia //Science and

innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 230-235.


Pogosov S. et al. Gnostic disorders and their compensation in neuropsychological

syndrome of vascular cognitive disorders in old age //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т.

2. – №. D12. – С. 258-264.


Pogosov S. et al. Prevention of adolescent drug abuse and prevention of yatrogenia during

prophylaxis //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 392-397.


Prostyakova N. et al. Sadness and loss reactions as a risk of forming a relationship together

//Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 252-257.

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Rotanov A. et al. Comparative effectiveness of treatment of somatoform diseases in

psychotherapeutic practice //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 267-



Rotanov A. et al. Social, socio-cultural and behavioral risk factors for the spread of hiv

infection //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D11. – С. 49-55.


Rotanov A. et al. Suicide and epidemiology and risk factors in oncological diseases

//Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 398-403.


Sedenkov V. et al. Clinical and socio-demographic characteristics of elderly patients with

suicide attempts //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 273-277.


Sedenkov V. et al. Modern methods of diagnosing depressive disorders in neurotic and

affective disorders //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 361-366.


Sedenkova M. et al. Basic principles of organizing gerontopsychiatric assistance and their

advantages //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D11. – С. 63-69.


Sedenkova M. et al. Features of primary and secondary cognitive functions characteristic

of dementia with delirium //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D11. – С. 56-62.


Sharapova D., Shernazarov F., Turayev B. Prevalence of mental disorders in children and

adolescents with cancer and methods of their treatment //Science and innovation. – 2023.

– Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 373-378.


Sharapova D., Shernazarov F., Turayev B. Social characteristics of patients with

schizophrenia for a long time in combination with exogenous-organic diseases of the brain

//Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 284-289.


Shcherboevich K. B., Khabibullayevich S. S., Temirpulotovich T. B. Experimental

psychological diagnosis of early childhood autism //Journal of education, ethics and value.

– 2024. – Т. 3. – №. 1. – С. 48-56.


Solovyova Y. et al. Protective-adaptive complexes with codependency //Science and

innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D11. – С. 70-75.


Spirkina M. et al. Integrated approach to correcting neurocognitive defects in

schizophrenia //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D11. – С. 76-81.


Sultanov S. et al. Changes in alcohol behavior during the covid-19 pandemic and beyond

//Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 302-309.


Sultanov S. et al. The impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the mental state of people with

alcohol addiction syndrome //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 296-


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Temirpulotovich T. B. et al. Functional features of the central nervous system important

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organic genesis diseases similar to neurosis //Amaliy va tibbiyot fanlari ilmiy jurnali. –

2024. – Т. 3. – №. 1. – С. 85-91.


Turaev Bobir Temirpulatovich. “Clinical manifestations of anxiety depressions with

endogenous genesis”. Iqro jurnali, vol. 1, no. 2, Feb. 2023, pp. 45-54,


Turgunboyev Anvar Uzokboyevich, Turaev Bobir Temirpulatovich, Kholmurodova

Hulkar Holierovna 2023. Clinical and psychological analysis of the risk of second

admission of patients with psychoses of the schizophrenia spectrum to a psychiatric

hospital. Iqro jurnali. 2, 2 (Apr. 2023), 380–387.


Uskov A. et al. Psychological peculiarities of social adaptation in paranoid schizophrenia

//Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 379-384.


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of negative diseases in late schizophrenia //Modern Science and Research. – 2024. – Т. 3.

– №. 1. – С. 428-436.


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Asanova R. et al. Features of the treatment of patients with mental disorders and cardiovascular pathology //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 545-550.

Begbudiyev M. et al. Integration of psychiatric care into primary care //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 551-557.

Bo’Riyev B. et al. Features of clinical and psychopathological examination of young children //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 558-563.

Hamidullayevna X. D., Temirpulotovich T. B., Sherboyevich H. B. Features of the use of social networks by people with schizophrenia //Journal of healthcare and life-science research. – 2024. – Т. 3. – №. 1. – С. 52-58.

Pogosov A. et al. Rational choice of pharmacotherapy for senile dementia //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 230-235.

Pogosov S. et al. Gnostic disorders and their compensation in neuropsychological syndrome of vascular cognitive disorders in old age //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 258-264.

Pogosov S. et al. Prevention of adolescent drug abuse and prevention of yatrogenia during prophylaxis //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 392-397.

Prostyakova N. et al. Sadness and loss reactions as a risk of forming a relationship together //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 252-257.

Rotanov A. et al. Comparative effectiveness of treatment of somatoform diseases in psychotherapeutic practice //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 267-272.

Rotanov A. et al. Social, socio-cultural and behavioral risk factors for the spread of hiv infection //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D11. – С. 49-55.

Rotanov A. et al. Suicide and epidemiology and risk factors in oncological diseases //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 398-403.

Sedenkov V. et al. Clinical and socio-demographic characteristics of elderly patients with suicide attempts //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 273-277.

Sedenkov V. et al. Modern methods of diagnosing depressive disorders in neurotic and affective disorders //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 361-366.

Sedenkova M. et al. Basic principles of organizing gerontopsychiatric assistance and their advantages //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D11. – С. 63-69.

Sedenkova M. et al. Features of primary and secondary cognitive functions characteristic of dementia with delirium //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D11. – С. 56-62.

Sharapova D., Shernazarov F., Turayev B. Prevalence of mental disorders in children and adolescents with cancer and methods of their treatment //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 373-378.

Sharapova D., Shernazarov F., Turayev B. Social characteristics of patients with schizophrenia for a long time in combination with exogenous-organic diseases of the brain //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 284-289.

Shcherboevich K. B., Khabibullayevich S. S., Temirpulotovich T. B. Experimental psychological diagnosis of early childhood autism //Journal of education, ethics and value. – 2024. – Т. 3. – №. 1. – С. 48-56.

Solovyova Y. et al. Protective-adaptive complexes with codependency //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D11. – С. 70-75.

Spirkina M. et al. Integrated approach to correcting neurocognitive defects in schizophrenia //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D11. – С. 76-81.

Sultanov S. et al. Changes in alcohol behavior during the covid-19 pandemic and beyond //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 302-309.

Sultanov S. et al. The impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the mental state of people with alcohol addiction syndrome //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 296-301.

Temirpulotovich T. B. et al. Functional features of the central nervous system important diagnostic aspects of the formation of psychocorrectional work with children with residual-organic genesis diseases similar to neurosis //Amaliy va tibbiyot fanlari ilmiy jurnali. – 2024. – Т. 3. – №. 1. – С. 85-91.

Turaev Bobir Temirpulatovich. “Clinical manifestations of anxiety depressions with endogenous genesis”. Iqro jurnali, vol. 1, no. 2, Feb. 2023, pp. 45-54,

Turgunboyev Anvar Uzokboyevich, Turaev Bobir Temirpulatovich, Kholmurodova Hulkar Holierovna 2023. Clinical and psychological analysis of the risk of second admission of patients with psychoses of the schizophrenia spectrum to a psychiatric hospital. Iqro jurnali. 2, 2 (Apr. 2023), 380–387.

Uskov A. et al. Psychological peculiarities of social adaptation in paranoid schizophrenia //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D12. – С. 379-384.

Usmanovich O. U. et al. Detection of adrenaline and stress conditions in patients using psychoactive substances with hiv infection //CUTTING EDGESCIENCE. – 2020. – С. 42.

Usmanovich O. U., Temirpulotovich T. B., Ulug'bek O. N. Characteristic features of the personality development of a child who is often sick //Journal of education, ethics and value. – 2024. – Т. 3. – №. 1. – С. 64-70.

Utayeva N., Sharapova D., Bobir T. Psychopathological and neuropsychological features of negative diseases in late schizophrenia //Modern Science and Research. – 2024. – Т. 3. – №. 1. – С. 428-436.

Viktorova N. et al. Opportunities for comprehensive psychometric assessment of anxiety states in late-age dementia //Science and innovation. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. D11. – С. 90-96.

Xabibullayevich S. S., Temirpulotovich T. B., Sherboyevich H. B. Clinical-psychopathological and pathopsychological analysis of depressive disorders in late life //Amaliy va tibbiyot fanlari ilmiy jurnali. – 2024. – Т. 3. – №. 1. – С. 78-84.

Очилов У. У. и др. Диагностические особенности у пациентов с эндогенными психическими заболеваниями //Проблемы современной науки и образования. – 2020. – №. 10 (155). – С. 50-52.

Очилов У. У. и др. Клинические особенности психопатического поведения у подростков с психическими расстройствами //Вестник науки и образования. – 2020. – №. 23-3 (101). – С. 71-74.

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