The structures of expressions giving causative meaning in the uzbek and english languages

Tadjiyeva, M. (2022). The structures of expressions giving causative meaning in the uzbek and english languages. Результаты научных исследований в условиях пандемии (COVID-19), 1(03), 112–116. извлечено от
Mastura Tadjiyeva, Termez State University

Foreign Languages Faculty



This article deals with the typological category ofcausativization in the material of languages of different systems and different genealogical families. In the Uzbek language grammars and in some scientific works the verbs with the forms of causativization such as “o`qitmoq” – «make/let someone read», “yozdirmoq” – «make/let someone write» are considered to be one of the forms of the category of voice (causative voice). In the English language this linguistic phenomenon is expressed by the combination of the auxiliary verb make/let/get/cause to/+object+infinitive: I make my student read, etc. These auxiliary verbs have lost their lexical meaning and acquired the grammatical meaning of causativization in the mentioned above patterns. In the Uzbek language the affixal morphemes - dir, - tir, - giz, etc are added to the root or the stem of the verb, at the result of which the verb acquires the meaning of causativization

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2. Tell students to read the proverb and copy onto a separate piece of

paper those words they don’t understand.

3. Next to each item they have copied, students write more or less the

‘sort of thing’ they think the item means (they can do this in L1).

4. Only when students have finished writing their guesses may they go

to the dictionary and check out the answers.

5. Verify the answers they have found in full class, and compare these

with their guesses.

6. Show them how their guesses narrowed down the possibilities when

they were looking up the word, thus speeding up the looking-up process and
making it more likely that they would find the right word.

In conclusion we may say that proverbs are the basic textbooks and

rules of the school of life. This should not be forgotten and should be used in
practice. Every child should keep proverbs not only in his mind, but also in
his heart. That is why it is important for us to remember proverbs and
explain their essence. Using proverbs in teaching English can be one of the
effective ways especially in teaching vocabulary as a proverb is usually
recognized by the fixed, often short form and contains frequently used
vocabulary, and therefore is quite easy to memorize.

1. Mieder, W. (1985). Popular views of the proverb. Proverbium, 2, 109-


2. Neuman, S. B., & Dwyer, J. (2009).Missing in action: Vocabulary

instruction in pre-k. The Reading Teacher, 62(5), 384-392.

Mastura Tadjiyeva, a head teacher

Maftuna Turayeva, Student, Termez State University, Foreign Languages




M. Tadjiyeva, M. Turayeva

Abstract: This article deals with the typological category of

causativization in the material of languages of different systems and
different genealogical families. In the Uzbek language grammars and in some
scientific works the verbs with the forms of causativization such as
“o`qitmoq” – «make/let someone read», “yozdirmoq” – «make/let someone
write» are considered to be one of the forms of the category of voice
(causative voice). In the English language this linguistic phenomenon is

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expressed by the combination of the auxiliary verb make/let/get/cause to/
+object+infinitive: I make my student read, etc. These auxiliary verbs have
lost their lexical meaning and acquired the grammatical meaning of
causativization in the mentioned above patterns. In the Uzbek language the
affixal morphemes - dir, - tir, - giz, etc are added to the root or the stem of
the verb, at the result of which the verb acquires the meaning of




causativization, inflected, relative affixes, derivative affixes, root
morphemes, affixal morphemes, syntagmatic and paradigmatic opposition,
factitive causation, permissive causation.

The aim of the article is the contrastive typological study of the linguistic

phenomenon causativization in the languages of different genealogical
families (Uzbek, English that is Turkic and Germanic languages). For the
strict and consecutive analysis of these two languages it is desirable to work
out concrete ways of description. Linguistic theory of the Moscow linguistic
school concerning the form of the word founded by F.F. Fortunatov and
developed by his followers M.N. Peterson, A.A. Reformatskiy, M.V. Panov and
others is placed on the basis of the method for the description of languages
which are both typologically and genealogically different. This method is
used for the contrastive typological analysis of the structures of the Uzbek
and English languages in the field of the definition of the ways of expressing
the meaning of causation. Further development of this method demands the
study of 1) synthetic and analytical forms; 2) the role of fusion and
agglutination; 3) working out the ways of binary opposition which will serve
as the standard for the definition of the means of expressing causation in the
compared in this article languages. This method will be the main criteria for
the analysis of the word structure in the languages of different types. V.N.
Yartseva says that the structure of the word as the language unit is the
measure of language structure and the structural analysis of the word
proceeds from the definition of different morphemes [2, p. 111]. F.F.
Fortunatov says that complex of speech sounds 1) книга “the book” is a
word and complex of speech sounds 2) неправда “lie” is also a word, though
the second one according to the composition, is not simple as being divided
into separate words не “not” and правда “truth”, loses its first lexical
meaning “lie” [2, p.186].

2. Material and Methods
Considering integral character of the word F.F. Fortunatov says that the

issue of the word is the issue of the system of the language [2, p. 186]. The

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notion system is defined as the sum of units where every unit receives its
qualitative description depended on all other units. Always where there is a
system, there should be at least two units and if one of these two units is
omitted the system cannot exist, that is where there is no choice of units,
there is no system [4, p.8]. Systemic analysis of language structure belongs
to the famous scientists B. de Kurtene, F. de Saussure , F.F. Fortunatov [3,
27]. Systemic analysis of language structure is also observed in the study of
Turkic languages. The linguist Kh.G. Nigmatov used systemic method in the
process of analysis of the Uzbek language [5, p. 28]. The follower of the
Moscow linguistic school M.N. Peterson says that for the definition of the
word structure it is reasonable to define whether it enters the binary
opposition: the opposition between paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations
[6, p.30]. The terms

paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations were

introduced in linguistics by Louis Hjelmslev. Method of defining the
structure of the word used by M.N. Peterson is taken as a basis for the
definition of the word structure of the Uzbek and English languages in this

3.The Methods and Approaches
The definition of the ways of expressing causal meaning in the Uzbek

verbs is based on the binary opposition where non causative form of the
verb is opposed to the causative form of the verb. Causative form is
formulated by adding one of causative affixal morphemes - tir, - dir, - ir, -qiz,
- giz, - g`iz, - qaz, - gaz, - kaz, -sat, -ar, - ir to the root or the stem of the verb.
Being added to the root or the stem of the verb these affixal morphemes do
not change the lexical meaning of the verb they are added to; receiving one
of these affixal morphemes the verb acquires additional causal meaning, for
example, the verbs with the additional causative meaning uxlatmoq,
“make/let/cause someone sleep”; o„qitmoq “make/let/cause someone
read” are formed from the verbs uxlamoq “to sleep”, o„qimoq “to read”. So
the verb uxlatmoq, on the one hand is correlated with the verb o„qitmoq, on
the second hand, it is opposed to the non-causative verbs uxlamoq and
o„qimoq. There we have the binary opposition: paradigmatic and
syntagmatic. at the result of this opposition in the causative form of the verb
uxlatmoq two parts are defined: uxla - “sleep” which exist in the
noncausative form uxlamoq and the part - t adds the additional shade of
causation to the main part.

4.Results and Discussion
The verbs with the zero morpheme uxlaØ “sleep” (in Uzbek imperative

form of the verb is expressed by the zero morpheme), o`qi “read” become
non-causative forms only when they are opposed to the causative forms
uxlat and o’qit. Mentioned above verbs 1) uxla “sleep” and o`qi “read” being
opposed to uxladi “slept” – uxlayapti “is sleeping” – uxlaydi “will sleep”; 2)

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o`qi “read” being opposed to o`qidi “read [red]” – o`qiyapti “is reading” –
o`qiydi “will read” are considered to be not non-causative forms, but
imperative forms of the verbs. Without mentioned oppositions we cannot
speak of one or the other form either. Analysing agglutinated languages O.P.







word is defined only on the correlation of the definite word structure with
the other forms of this word or with the other word structures of this class
based on the binary opposition of the form and meaning followed by
function. Only this way we can define the polysemantic feature of Turkic
forms [7, 26-64 pp.].

Opposition of causative/non-causative forms of the verb o`qi o`qit o`qidi

Opposition of imperative and indicative forms of the verb.
It can be given in the following table:




o`qiØ “read”

o`qidi, o`qiydi-
“read”/will read

yozØ “write”

“write/will write”


o`qit “make/let

“made/let read”/“will
make/let read”

yozdir “make/let

write”/“will make/let

Analysis of given above examples shows that imperative form of the

verb correlates with the causative and indicative form of the verb depended
on the position of its usage, where imperative and non-causative are formed
implicitly, that is by the zero morpheme and the zero morpheme is opposed
to the explicit forms of the causative and indicative forms of the verb.

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Analysis of the examples selected from the Uzbek and English References:
shows that the meaning of causation in the Uzbek language is expressed by
the addition of one of special affixal morphemes to the root or the stem of
the verb by agglutination in Uzbek, where non-causative verb is opposed to
the causative with the same lexical meaning and by the combination of ACF
with the notional verb in English, where the latter acquires some shade of
causation, also being able to be opposed to the non-causative form with the
same lexical meaning. Selected examples from Uzbek and English
References: show that the linguistic phenomenon is productive in both
compared languages. Causal meanings of ACF let, make, cause are so alloyed
with the notional verbs and their combination with the latter is so standard
and productive that is gives a chance of considering the existence of the
grammatical category of causation in the structure of the English language

1. Yartseva V.N. Definition of Morphological Types of Languages. – In the

book: Morphological Typology and Problem of Language Classification.
– Leningrad, 1965 (in Russian)

2. Fortunatov F.F. Comparative Linguistics. Moscow, 1899-1900 (in


3. Fortunatov F.F. About the Voice of the Russian Verb. Moscow, 1899

(in Russian)

4. Panov M.V. Modern Russian Language. Phonetics. Moscow, 1978 (in


5. Nigmatov Kh.G. reconstructive Strategy and the Tasks of Uzbek

Linguistics. – In the journal: Uzbek Language and References:. Toshkent,
1987, №

6. Peterson M.N. Modern Russian Language. Moscow, 1929 (in Russian).
7. Sunik O.P. Problems of Agglutinative Languages. – In the book:

Morphological Typology and Problem of Language Classification. Moscow –
Leningrad, 1965 (in Russian).

Библиографические ссылки

Yartseva V.N. Definition of Morphological Types of Languages. - In the book: Morphological Typology and Problem of Language Classification. Moscow

- Leningrad, 1965 (in Russian)

Fortunatov F.F. Comparative Linguistics. Moscow, 1899-1900 (in Russian)

Fortunatov F.F. About the Voice of the Russian Verb. Moscow, 1899 (in Russian)

Panov M.V. Modern Russian Language. Phonetics. Moscow, 1978 (in Russian)

Nigmatov Kh.G. reconstructive Strategy and the Tasks of Uzbek Synchronic

Linguistics. - In the journal: Uzbek Language and References:. Toshkent, 1987, №

Peterson M.N. Modern Russian Language. Moscow, 1929 (in Russian).

Sunik O.P. Problems of Agglutinative Languages. - In the book: Morphological Typology and Problem of Language Classification. Moscow -Leningrad, 1965 (in Russian).

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