Cases as an effective method of organizing students' independent research

Mamataliyeva, G. (2022). Cases as an effective method of organizing students’ independent research . Результаты научных исследований в условиях пандемии (COVID-19), 1(06), 76–79. извлечено от
Gulnoza Mamataliyeva, Regional Center for Retraining and Advanced Training of Public Education Workers in Surkhandarya Region

Head of Department of Social-economic Science



This article discusses cases, which are one of the most modern, reproductive and problematic methods, arousing students ’interest in education.

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


Gulnoza Mamataliyeva, Head of Department of Social-economic Science of

Regional Center for Retraining and Advanced Training of Public Education

Workers in Surkhandarya Region



G. Mamataliyeva

Abstract: This article discusses cases, which are one of the most modern,

reproductive and problematic methods, arousing students ’interest in

Keywords: curiosity method, problematic method, independent

research, case, potential solution.

The crisis of stereotypes of scientific paradigms and the transition to a

new type of universal human values influenced the emergence of a new look
at the goals of education and upbringing of modern youth in a higher
educational institution. Today, the main guideline of education is the
formation of a thinking creative person with the ability of self-development
and self-realization. Moreover, education must be continuous, that is, a
person receives it not once, but during his whole life, when education acts
as a process of his constant education-self-education. Modern society needs
a new system of human education throughout his life. With rapid changes in
information environment, people should be able to get a new education from
time to time. In the future, periods of a person’s working activity will
substitute with periods of his retraining [2, p. 394] A significant amount of
work by both domestic and foreign scientists, psychologists, and
philosophers is devoted to the study of the problem of independent work. A
significant contribution to the theory and practice of the development of
students' independent work in the learning process was made by L.M.
Zyubin, M.P. Kashin, M.F. Morozov, L.M. Pimonov, V.K. Buryak, E.Y. Golant,
B.P. Yesipov, M.I. Makhmutov, P.I. Pidkasisty, A.V. Usova, R.M. Mickelson, R.
B. Srody, Yu.K. Babansky, L.G.Vyatkin, L.P. Fedorenko, T.I. Shamovoy, A.I.
Zimney, A.I. Vlasenkova, T.V. Napolnova and other scientists. But it should
be noted that there is still no single interpretation of the concept of
"independent work". One of the reasons for the divergence of opinions in the
definition of this concept is that some authors refer independent work to
teaching methods, others consider it as a form of organizing training
sessions, as a type of training activity, and as a means of education. In our
opinion, the most successful, comprehensively covering various aspects of
independent work seems to be the definition given by E.A. Barinova and L.F.
Bozhenkova, who understand independent work as cognitive activity of
students, which is aimed at acquiring knowledge, skills, and during which

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children learn to observe linguistic phenomena, compare and contrast them,
analyze, generalize, highlight the main thing, reason, draw conclusions, in a
word, master those logical operations that are necessary for the
independent solution of issues raised by life ”[1].

As for research conducted at high schools on the problem of

“independent work”, it is necessary to note the work of such scientists as P.I.
Pidkasisty, S.I. Arkhangelsky, E.Y. Golant, S.I. Zinoviev, A.G. Molibog, R.A.
Nimazov, B.G. Johansen and others. But even these authors lack a unified
interpretation of this concept. On the one hand, independent work is
considered as a type of activity that stimulates activity, independence,
cognitive interest, and as the basis of self-education, an impetus for further
training, and on the other hand, as a system of activities or pedagogical
conditions that provide guidance for students' independent activities.

I would like to dwell on the definition of the concept of “independent

work” given by P.I. Pidkasist, who believes that “independent work in high
school is a specific pedagogical means of organizing and managing
independent activity in the educational process” [4]. From the point of view
of P.I. Pidkasisty, for the organization of students' working activity,
contributing to the formation of the personality of a specialist, “it is
necessary to radically change the very position of the student in the learning
process. Students should turn from a passive, contemplative "absorber" of
scientific information, a diligent performer, a "solver" of standard tasks into
a creative earner of knowledge, a converter of the studied, the main thing of
which is not the sum of knowledge and acquired truths, but the development
of creative intelligence, flexible thinking "[3, 377].

Currently, the case method or situational analysis is one of the most

productive technologies that contributes to the activation of students'
cognitive independence.

But what does the term “situational analysis” mean? Professor of

Sociological Sciences Y.P. Surmin understands the term “situation” as “some
temporary state that can be resolved in various directions”, the term
“analysis” means:

1. mental division of an object into elements, as opposed to synthesis

and scientific research, 2. a specific type of scientific activity, which is built
on the principle of dividing an object into components.

According to Y.P. Surmin “case method represents the second kind of

analysis, which forms its own special and unique content of analytical
activity. This method involves connecting to itself the diverse types of
analytical activities applicable to understanding the situation. The richer the
arsenal of analytical methods used in it is, the greater its learning
opportunities will be [5, p. 52-53]. Its essence lies in the fact that students
are offered to comprehend the real life situation, the description of which

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simultaneously not only reflects some kind of practical problem, but also
actualizes a certain set of knowledge that needs to be learned when solving
this problem. In addition, the problem does not have unambiguous
solutions. Learning through analysis is a complex process. At the first stage,
students are introduced to the text of the case. This is done a few days before
its discussion. Typically, the preparation time is determined by the volume
and complexity of the case.

If it is small, its discussion is embedded in the educational process, and

students get acquainted with it in the classroom. It is crucial in this case that
the theoretical course which the case is based on is read and worked out by
students. At the second stage, it is planned to organize a discussion, that is,
formulating questions for the students, focusing their attention on the
discussion of the case, and including them in the discussion. At the same
time, case questions are usually prepared in advance and offered to students
along with the case. At the beginning of the lesson, they determine the
content of the discussion, introduce students to the questions of the case.

The third stage is to manage the discussion. It involves the activation of

technical participants who are not involved in the discussion, and the
containment of overly active ones who concentrate all attention on
themselves. In addition to this personal aspect of management, one can
highlight its problematic aspect, which consists in highlighting those or
other issues and concentrating on them the attention of the participants in
the discussion. An important aspect of the managerial activity of the teacher
is the management of the emotions of the participants.

Evaluation of participants occurs at the fourth stage and is carried out

in two ways. The first involves counting the active manifestations of
participants and their fixation on a special form, and the second is focused
on assessing the content of speeches of individual participants. The fifth
stage involves summing up the discussion, analyzing the progress and
evaluating the participants.

The student's work with the case falls into two phases. The first phase

is not a classroom work, the purpose of which is to prepare yourself for the
second phase - the classroom analysis of the case. In this case, the case acts
as a somewhat atypical homework assignment for the student to complete.
Its initial stage involves the allocation of the main essential content and its
non-essential aspects, which do not unmask the main features of the
problem situation. At this stage students are forced to conduct an
independent search for ways to solve the problem, that is a formation of a
creative attitude to educational material, independent skills and deductive

The second phase involves the presentation of the results of the analysis

of the case and its components. At this stage, such qualities as will,

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


conviction, purposefulness, dignity and many others are formed. In addition,
they develop public communication skills and their own image. This is a
necessary condition for the successful activity of a specialist in modern
society. From all of the above, we can conclude that the case method is a
truly effective means of enhancing the independent work of university
students, has significant functionality, meets the needs of the revolution in
education. At the same time, it differs not only in the educational effect
associated with obtaining professional knowledge and skills, but also in
influencing the socialization of students and the formation of their personal

1. Zimnyaa I.A. Pedagogical psychology. - Rostov: Publishing house

"Fenix", 2017. P. 341.

2. Pedagogical technology: a training manual / under total Edition of V.S.

Kukushin. – Series "Teacher Education". - Rostov Publishing Center “Mart”,
2017.- p 320.

3. Problems of students' independent work activities. Materials of All-

Union seminar meetings. - Perm: Publishing house of PSU, 2012.

4. Situational analysis, or the Anatomy of the Case method / Edition of

Surmin Y.P., Doctor of Sociology sciences, Professor - Kiev: Center for
Innovation and Development, 20162. – p 86.

A. Sh. Nurmamatov, D.I. Khuzhamberdieva - Senior teachers, Regional
Center for the Training and Continuing Education of Public Education

Workers in Surkhandarya Region


A. Sh. Nurmamatov, D.I. Khuzhamberdieva

Аnnotation. The author of the article describes that in the features of

psychology, memory is one of the foundatations of the mechanism that is
related directly to cognitive processes and ensures the effectiveness of other
processes, its peculiarities, types, laws of its development: strong
impressions, paying special attention to such laws as braking. Empirically,
features of memory were studied in school students, the results obtained
were analyzed psychologically, conclusions were given, and practical
recommendations on strengthening memory were given at the end of the

Keywords: knowledge, memory, memorial principals: knowing,

interests, background knowledge, remembering, impressive.

Библиографические ссылки

Zimnyaa LA. Pedagogical psychology. - Rostov: Publishing house "Fenix", 2017. P. 341.

Pedagogical technology: a training manual / under total Edition of V.S. Kukushin. - Series "Teacher Education". - Rostov Publishing Center “Mart”, 2017,-p 320.

Problems of students' independent work activities. Materials of AllUnion seminar meetings. - Perm: Publishing house of PSU, 2012.

Situational analysis, or the Anatomy of the Case method / Edition of Surmin Y.P., Doctor of Sociology sciences, Professor - Kiev: Center for Innovation and Development, 20162. - p 86.

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