Конкретизация при переводе текстов с английского на узбекский

Кариева, Ф., & Бакхтияров, М. (2023). Конкретизация при переводе текстов с английского на узбекский. Арабский язык в эпоху глобализации: инновационные подходы и методы обучения, 1(1), 575–579. https://doi.org/10.47689/ATGD:IYOM-vol1-iss1-pp575-579-id28676
Фазилат Кариева, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков
Факультет "Теория и практика перевода", студент 2-го курса из группы TING-2205.
Мукхтор Бакхтияров, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков
Научный руководитель. Кандидат наук по филологии.


Конкретизация или уточнение - один из широко используемых методов перевода. Это связано с тем, что найти точные эквиваленты с одинаковым значением в разных языках может быть сложно или невозможно. В статье рассматриваются различные виды конкретизации в контексте, анализируются их функции при переводе текстов с английского языка на узбекский.

Похожие статьи

background image

“Arab tili globallashuv davrida: innova

tsion yondoshuvlar


o‘qitish metodikasi”

mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman




Fazilat Kariyeva

Uzbekistan State World Languages University, The faculty of "The theory and

practice of translation", A 2


year student from the group TING-2205


Bakhtiyarov Muxtor Yakubovich,

Scientific Advisor. Phd in Philology


Concretization or specification is one of the widely used methods of

translation. This is because finding exact equivalents with the same meaning in

different languages can be difficult or impossible. The articles explores various types

of concretization in the context, and analyzes their functions in translating texts

from English into Uzbek.

Key words:

source text, concretization, abstract words, desemantized words,

transformations, lexical transformation, grammatical replacements, generalizing

words, equivalence.


. Конкретизация или уточнение –

один из широко

используемых методов перевода. Это связано с тем, что найти точные

эквиваленты с одинаковым значением в разных языках может быть сложно

или невозможно. В статье рассматриваются различные виды

конкретизации в контексте, анализируются их функции при переводе

текстов с английского языка на узбекский.

Ключевые слова

: исходный текст, конкретизация, абстрактные












Some groups of lexical units require concretization in translation. This is

due to the difference in the proportion between abstract and desemantized words

on the one hand and concrete words on the other in the Source and Target


Abstract words in English distinctly fall into several groups:


Numerous nouns formed by specific suffixes of abstract meaning. Many

such nouns have no counterparts in the Uzbek language, e.g. ministership,

presidency, electorate, statehood, etc.


Abstract words which have no equivalents in Uzbek, the so-called lacuna,

such as exposure, occupant (unless as a military term).


Generalizing words having equivalents in Uzbek but differing in usage,

e.g. man, woman, creature, person.

background image

“Arab tili globallashuv

davrida: innovatsion yondoshuvlar


o‘qitish metodikasi”

mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman



Words of wide meaning which require concretization in translation,

some words of this group are on the way to becoming desemantized, e.g. place,

piece, stuff, affair, etc.


Words of wide meaning which in fact have become partly deictic signs:

-thing, -div (something, somediv).

Words belonging to the first group require

lexical and grammatical

replacements by words possessing a concrete meaning:

Eng: C.P. Snow resigned from his ministership because he did not like the

way the Labor Government was developing.

Uz: Charlz Snou leyboristlar hukumatining amaldagi siyosatini

yoqtirmagani uchun vazirlik lavozimini tark etdi.

The abstract noun “ministership” is rendered by a concrete noun (post)

with adjective.

Eng: An aging Speaker cannot take the burdens of the presidency (in case

of the president

s and vice-president

s assassination).

Uz: Qarigan ma

ruzachi prezidentlik o


irligini k


tara olmaydi.

The abstract noun “presidency” is rendered by means of a concrete noun

with an adjective as in the preceding example.

Every form of pressure and violence is used by reactionary regimes to

compel a reluctant electorate to go to the polls.

Reactionary regimes use all forms of pressure and violence to force

recalcitrant voters to take part in elections.

Puerto Rico may launch a drive for US statehood.

Perhaps Puerto Rico will start a campaign to become a US state.

The abstract word “statehood” is concret

ized by means of an adverbial

subordinate clause of purpose.

Words of abstract meaning which for some reason or other have no

equivalents in the Uzbek language are translated by some concrete word

determined by the context. Their meaning is usually conveyed with the help of

replacements or additions. It should be borne in mind that in this case the use of
the same parts of speech is of no relevance.

Eng: He was heavily built.

Uz: Uning tanasi o



Lit: U qattiq qurilgan.

The role and the significance of the context is well illustrated by the

following example, the translation of which is determined by the macro context.

Eng: Two of the shipwrecked seamen died of exposure.

Uz: Kema halokatga uchragan dengizchilardan ikkitasi halok b



(sovuqdan yoki issiqdan).

Eng: It was a good solid house built to withstand time and exposure.

Uz: Bu vaqt va ob-havo ta

siriga dosh berishga m


ljallangan yaxshi,

mustahkam uy edi.

background image

“Arab tili globallashuv davrida: innova

tsion yondoshuvlar


o‘qitish metodikasi”

mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman


Eng: Willa, the canary, had flown away. But now there was a vigorously

alive little occupant. (D.Eden).

Uz: Kanareyka Villa uchib ketdi, lekin uning


rniga qafasda juda jonli va

har doim quvnoq qush bor edi.

Generalizing words such as man, woman, child, creature etc. which do not

have equivalents in Uzbek but which differ in usage are concretized either by a

proper name, the name of the breed (dog, cat) or some concrete word according

to the context.

Eng: “Anything”, Benjamin said, falling into a highbacked chair across from

the man

s kingly desk.

Uz: Nima b


lganda ham,

dedi Benjamin, Mastersonning ajoyib yozuv

stolining narigi tomonidagi baland tayanchli stulga ch



The replacement of the noun “man” by a proper name is natural as Benjamin

knew Masterson and was in his house.

Eng: “Burn it, man, and who will be the wiser, eh?”

Uz: "Qo


ozni yoq va bu haqida hech kim bilmaydi?!?"

Another group is formed by a large number of words of wide meaning. Their

reference has been widened to such an extent that they have come to be used in a

variety of contexts. This ability to be used in different contexts has, in its turn,

affected their reference: on the one hand, they have developed new lexical-
semantic variants, on the other, their semantic boundaries have become vague

and indefinite. This is due to the fact that their meaning is often contextual. Some

of them move towards desemantization, such as piece, place, thing, affair, stuff,

stunt etc.

Eng: The place was full, and they wandered about looking for a table,

catching odds and ends of conversation as they did so. (A.Christie).

Uz: Restoran gavjum edi; b


sh stol izlab zalni aylanib chiqishdi va

beixtiyor suhbat parchalarini eshitishdi.

Desemantized words form one more group. The word place which is

practically desemantized is translated by the concrete word restaurant.

Eng: We had a quick breakfast and then our oxygen sets on to our backs.

“This oxygen is certainly the stuff”, was my thought. (Edmund Hilary).

Uz: Tez nonushta qildik, keyin kislorod baklarini orqamizga yukladik. "Ha,

biz kislorodsiz qilolmaymiz", deb


yladim men.

Equivalence in this case is achieved by means of both lexical and

grammatical substitutions.

Eng: The point of changing the E.E.C. is to make it stronger.

Uz: Yevropa Iqtisodiy Hamjamiyatining kengayishidan asosiy maqsad uni

mustahkamlashdan iborat.

The desemantized colloquial word "party" is omitted in the translation as it

serves here merely as a prop-word in this following example.

Eng: She (grandmother) was a peppery old party with a will of solid

granite and a hot flaring temper. (Ilka Chase).

background image

“Arab tili globallashuv

davrida: innovatsion yondoshuvlar


o‘qitish metodikasi”

mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman


Uz: Buvim qaysar harakteri bilan achchiq qalampirni eslatar edi.

Such words as piece, thing, div fulfill a double function

lexical and

grammatical; they can be used as lexical units possessing reference or as a

grammatical sign. The noun piece in its lexical

function means “a bit of something”

(a piece of bread); in its grammatical function it concretizes an uncountable noun,

turning it into a countable one (a piece of furniture, a piece of advice, two pieces

of furniture, two pieces of advice).

The words “thing” and “div” have, as a matter of fact, moved from one

morphological class into another; apart from belonging to referential nouns, they

are used as deictic signs or prop-words and in such cases are omitted in

Eng: She took things terribly seriously. (A. Huxley).

Uz: U hamma narsani yuragiga juda yaqin qabul qildi.

In this case the noun “things” is translated by a generalizing word. But there

are also cases when this word requires concretization.

Eng: He came in sight of the lodge, a long, low frowning thing of red brick.


Uz: U qizil


ishtdan qurilgan uzun, pastak, ma

yus binoni k



Special attention should be paid to the translation of verbs of wide meaning,

such as: to come, to go, to turn, to say, to tell, to get, to die and others. They are
rendered either by concrete words suitable to the context or by verb equivalents

used in corresponding collocations.

Eng: So far 65 people have died in floods in Dacca province.

Uz: Ma

lumotlarga k


ra, Dakka provinsiyasida suv toshqini paytida

65 kishi ch


kib ketgan (vafot etgan).

Eng: At the by-election victory went to the labor candidate.

Uz: Muvaqqat saylovda Leyboristlar partiyasi nomzodi


alaba qozondi.

Concretization is often resorted to in the translation of verbs of saying.

Father! she


, “the diamond is gone!”

Are you out of your mind? I





Penelope. “Gone, no one knows how!” (W. Collins).

"Father!" she


, "the diamond is gone."

"Yes, you

re crazy!" I




Penelope. "Disappeared, and no one knows how."

Another verb which has become partially desemntized is the verb “to

involve”. Its concrete lexical meaning, its lexical

-semantic variant is largely

dependent on the context.

Eng: “


’ll tell you what… you are not involved. You are remote.”

(Irwin Show).

Uz: “Sizga nima deyman... bu sizni bezovta qilmaydi, chetga turing."

Concretization is often resorted to in translating the verb “to be” in different

functions. The principle of semantic agreement is to be observed in such cases.

Eng: …first he was terrified, then he was sick, then he was in Paris.

background image

“Arab tili globallashuv davrida: innova

tsion yondoshuvlar


o‘qitish metodikasi”

mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman


Uz:... avvaliga q


rqib ketdi, keyin betob b


ldi, keyin Parijga yetib keldi.

(Jozefina Tey).

In summary it should be noted that concretization can be applied to deliver

the message more clearly and the translator

s task is to specify the unclear parts

of the text. For nouns,


1. Shvaytser A.D. Translation and linguistics.M. 1973.

2. Levitskaya T.R, Fiterman A.M. The problem of Translation on the material

of the contemporary English language. M. 1974

3. Salomov G. Tarjima nazariyasiga kirish. T. 1978.

4. Barkhudarov.1975.





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№ 13


P. 18-21.

6. KomissarovV. N. 2002.Contemporary TranslationStudies.

М.: «EТS»

Publishing House, 406 p.

7. Tirkkonen-

Condit, S. and R. Jääskeläinen (eds) (2000) Tapping and

Mapping the Processes of Translation and Interpreting, Amsterdam and
Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

8. Spivak, G. (1993/2000)

The Politics of Translation

, in G. Spivak Outside

in the Teaching Machine, London and New York: Routledge, reprinted in L. Venuti

(ed.) (2000), pp. 397



Linguistic Transcoding or Cultural Transfer: A Critique of Translation

Theory in Germany

, in S. Bassnett and A. Lefevere (eds) (1990), pp. 79


10. Robinson, D. (1997) Translation and Empire: Postcolonial Theories

Explained, Manchester:

11. St Jerome.


(ed.) (1997a) Western Translation Theory from

Herodotus to Nietzsche, Manchester: St Jerome.

12. Rener, F. (1989) Interpretatio: Language and Translation from Cicero to

Tytler, Amsterdam: Rodopi.

13. Klaudy, K. (1996). Concretization and generalization of meaning in

translation. ResearchGate.

Библиографические ссылки

Shvaytser A.D. Translation and linguistics.M. 1973.

Levitskaya T.R, Fiterman A.M. The problem of Translation on the material of the contemporary English language. M. 1974

Salomov G. Tarjima nazariyasiga kirish. T. 1978.

Barkhudarov.1975. L.S. Language and Translation. (IssuesonGeneralandConcrete Theory of Translation). -M.: International Relations, 240 p

General Linguistic Problems of Translation// Nauka and Sovremennost. № 13-3,-P. 18-21.

KomissarovV. N. 2002.Contemporary Translationstudies. - M.: «ETS» Publishing House, 406 p.

Tirkkonen-Condit, S. and R. Jaaskelainen (eds) (2000) Tapping and Mapping the Processes of Translation and Interpreting, Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Spivak, G. (1993/2000) 'The Politics of Translation', in G. Spivak Outside in the Teaching Machine, London and New York: Routledge, reprinted in L. Venuti (ed.) (2000), pp. 397-416.

'Linguistic Transcoding or Cultural Transfer: A Critique of Translation Theory in Germany’, in S. Bassnett and A. Lefevere (eds) (1990), pp. 79-86

Robinson, D. (1997) Translation and Empire: Postcolonial Theories Explained, Manchester:

St Jerome.------(ed.) (1997a) Western Translation Theory from Herodotus to Nietzsche, Manchester: St Jerome.

Rener, F. (1989) Interpretatio: Language and Translation from Cicero to Tytler, Amsterdam: Rodopi.

Klaudy, K. (1996). Concretization and generalization of meaning in translation. ResearchGate.

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